Myra Bronstein
Has anyone read "Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal"/The Torbitt Document, by William Torbitt? If so, what do you think of it?
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Peter L posted this a few months back. It is probably in the JFK section. As Peter says it misses the mark on some things but is spot on on others. Definitely worth a read for its own sake and to compare the progress of research over the years.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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Magda Hassan Wrote:Peter L posted this a few months back. It is probably in the JFK section. As Peter says it misses the mark on some things but is spot on on others. Definitely worth a read for its own sake and to compare the progress of research over the years.
Its well worth the short read. Just be ready to dismiss things that we now know can be dismissed out of hand. A couple of early and corrent paths pointed-out however. For its time, quite an ambitious attempt. Unknown is where he got most of his information, and some was likely disinformation from the usual disinformation entities. A few bullseyes and some gutter-balls. Interesting none the less.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
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TheTorbitt Document (aka Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal) is a subject worthy of study and discussion by students of the deep political structures. A book needs to be written, but it would be a shame to start at square one.
There is a topic on the JFK Research Forum that contains some of the basic leads. That is the best place to start that I know of.
I would be happy to post more if there is any interest.
Ron Williams
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Quote:I would be happy to post more if there is any interest.
Yes please Ron.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Myra Bronstein
Ron Williams Wrote:TheTorbitt Document (aka Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal) is a subject worthy of study and discussion by students of the deep political structures. A book needs to be written, but it would be a shame to start at square one.
There is a topic on the JFK Research Forum that contains some of the basic leads. That is the best place to start that I know of.
I would be happy to post more if there is any interest.
Ron Williams
YES, please Ron. PLEASE--yes.
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In my opinion the Torbitt Document is a sophisticated exercise in disinformation and misdirection* that grew out of the Garrison investigation or as part of the “get Garrison” operation.
1970: The Torbitt Document surfaces in the JFK research community as an unpublished manuscript.
The “author” reportedly was a Texas Lawyer, David Copeland, who claimed that he got the information from two government agents.
Mae Brussell had it early on and circulated copies.
1996: “Torbitt” was packaged and published by Kenn Thomas as NASA, NAZIS & JFK: The Torbitt Document & the Kennedy Assassination (Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois).
Early 2001: There was a valuable “Torbitt” discussion on the JFK Research Forum by some very knowledgeable researchers.
Feb 5, 2008: Latest version of “The Torbitt Document, What is it, and Where Did it Come From?” posted on the JFK Research Forum by Ron Williams.
Torbitt sources that need “mining:”
“‘JFK’ AND CLAY SHAW: Credible evidence connects the CIA’s Shaw to Oswald," by Ralph Schoenman, Santa Barbara News-Press, Sunday, January 12, 1992.
The Bertrand Russell papers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.
Anything written on Mortimer Louis Bloomfield by Robert Charles-Dunne. For example, posts on the Education Forum.
Anything written on “Torbitt” in Lobster mag.
Old posts from “alt” Newsgroups on "Torbitt" by JFK researcher Jim Hargrove.
* - the following is my conclusion to the most recent Torbitt topic on the JFK Research Forum:
…So what is Torbitt? A well intended but seriously flawed document? Smart-ass CIA stuff? A Rosetta Stone to the JFK Case? My best guess is that it is a classic piece of disinformation, disinformation in the sense as that discussed in the works of Lloyd Miller and Lyndon LaRouche. And I strongly believe an important key to understanding this type of “secret document” and others like it is contained in Lloyd Miller’s Project journal and in his A-Albionic Book Catalog.
[COLOR="Blue"]From the A-Albionic Book Catalog:
The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allen Poe…
This classic mystery story shows clearly a little known principle of deception: A secret is best hidden by placing it in plain sight, but by adding calculated misdirection that prevents its proper appreciation by the onlooker! …While preoccupied by the search for and analysis of secret documents, always supplied abundantly by the conspiracy itself, the conspiracy researcher overlooks the obvious…[/COLOR]
Also from a section of the catalog entitled "The Lure and Hook of Secret Documents:"
The Lure (and Hook?) of Secret Documents: For too many of its advocates and detractors, the truth or falsity of ruling class/conspiracy theories rests on the literal truth or falsity of a number of secret documents that have been reprinted and distributed by various interested parties. Partisans claim to see spreading such documents as a benevolent service to humanity (or their anointed collective) that will finally overthrow the evil power of the "conspiracy" as they conceive it. Detractors see such projects as thinly veiled revolutionary propaganda designed by a would be elite to undermine faith in existing institutions and/or pave the way to totalitarian seizure of power. Objectively speaking, however, it is impossible to over-estimate the power this genrè achieves via "exposing" the purported motives of an "enemy" and thereby intensifying the cohesion of the "victim" social organism whether for good or evil.
From “The Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elites” by Lyndon LaRouche (The Campaigner, May-June 1978):
The cleverest way, psychologically, in which to hide a secret is to divert the investigator down a tiring trail toward a false discovery. His own efforts convince him either that he has found a secret through great energy and cleverness on his own part, or, if the secret he seeks appears still to barely elude his grasp, he values all the more his continued course of misdirection. That is the lesson which can be learned from Edgar Allan Poe’s fictional case of The Purloined Letter.
Ron Williams
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19-04-2009, 07:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 19-04-2009, 07:41 PM by Peter Lemkin.)
I'll re-read it and take into consideration your thesis. My first thought is it [your thesis] is not in any way out of the realm of possibility, but if it is disinfo, it is very well done disinfo [which our opponents are very capable of and have done before and since], as there are some kernels of truth and true leads toward real actors and actions NOT in the official version. Wheels within wheels within wheels within wheels........ It has never been something I took very seriously, but seemed like a curiosity of the early research. The fact it was so poorly written and the 'author' used a false name was always a turn-off.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Myra Bronstein
Ron Williams Wrote:In my opinion the Torbitt Document is a sophisticated exercise in disinformation and misdirection* that grew out of the Garrison investigation or as part of the “get Garrison” operation.
Thanks very much Ron.
One name that comes up in the Torbitt Document is Defense Intelligence Agency head Lt. General Joseph F. Carroll. The document never makes specific accusations; it just mentions him repeatedly and emphasizes how connected he was.
Any opinion on whether or not this name is a red herring or a legit lead?
Myra Bronstein
I guess it's the central premise of the Torbitt Document. And since Jim Garrison focused so heavily on Permindex it's of interest. But is it muddying the Permindex waters or clearing them up?
"I. Permindex and Its Five Subsidiaries
When Jim Garrison, the New Orleans District Attorney, began to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy, he took the position that regardless of who was behind the assassination, the American people could take the truth, should have the facts, and that the right of the American people to know superseded an damage that might be done to the image of the United States by the revelation of respected government leaders' involvement in the crime.
Chief Justice Warren and other members of the Commission charged to investigate the assassination took another position: that is, to reveal the assassination scheme would do great harm and damage to the image of the United States in the eyes of the world, and therefore, it would be to the best interests of the Nation that their findings be as were reported by them.
Enough evidence has now been uncovered by the Warren Commission, other investigative agencies here and in Europe, and Jim Garrison to reveal an almost total working knowledge of how the assassination was carried out and by whom.
The killing of President Kennedy was planned and supervised by Division Five of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a relatively small department within the FBI whose usual duties are espionage and counter-espionage activities.
Actually, Division Five acted dually with the Defense Intelligence Agency which was acting on behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon. Directly under the two-pronged leadership of Division Five and the DIA was the Control Group, their highly secret policy agency - the Defense Industrial Security Command.
The Defense Industrial Security Command has always been kept secret because it acts, in addition to its two official control organizations, on behalf of NASA, the Atomic Energy Commission, the U.S. Information Agency, and the arms, equipment, ammunition, munitions and related miscellaneous supply manufacturing corporations contracting with NASA, the AEC, USIA, and the Pentagon. One can readily observe that DISC is not compatible with an open Democracy and the U.S. Constitution. Consequently, the top secret arms manufacturers' police agency has been kept from the knowledge of even most U.S. officials and Congressmen.
The Defense Industrial Security Command had its beginnings when J. Edgar Hoover in the early 1930's organized the police force of the fledgling Tennessee Valley Authority at the request of David Lillienthal. The police force covered the entire TVA from Knoxville, Tennessee through Huntsville and Florence, Alabama into Kentucky and back through the eastern portion of Tennessee into southern Kentucky. This was one of the first federal agencies with a separate police force. This force grew and Lillienthal took it forward to cover the Atomic Energy Commission, thus tying it into the Army Intelligence Service.
L.M. Bloomfield, a Montreal, CANADA lawyer bearing the reputation as a sex deviate, the direct supervisor of all contractual agents with J. Edgar Hoover's Division Five, was the top co-ordinator for the network planning the execution. A Swiss corporation, Permindex, was used to head five front organizations responsible for furnishing personnel and supervisors to carry out assigned duties. The five groups under Permindex and their supervisors were:
1. The Czarist Russian, Eastern European and Middle East exile organization called SOLIDARISTS, headed by Ferenc Nagy, ex-Hungarian Premier, and John DeMenil, Russian exile from Houston, Texas, a close friend and supporter of Lyndon Johnson for over thirty years.
2. A section of the AMERICAN COUNCIL OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES headed by H.L. Hunt of Dallas, Texas.
3. A Cuban exile group called FREE CUBA COMMITTEE headed by Carlos Prio Socarras, ex-Cuban President.
4. An organization of United States, Caribbean, and Havana, Cuba gamblers called the Syndicate headed by Clifford Jones, ex-Lieutenant Governor of Nevada and Democratic National Committeeman, and Bobby Baker of Washington, D.C. This group worked closely with a Mafia family headed by Joe Bonnano.
5. The SECURITY DIVISION of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) headed by Wernher Von Braun, head of the German Nazi rocket program from 1932 through 1945. Headquarters for this group was the DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL SECURITY COMMAND at Muscle Shoals Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio.
The Defense Industrial Security Command is the police and espionage agency for the U.S. munitions makers. DISC was organized by J. Edgar Hoover; William Sullivan, his chief assistant, is in direct command. We shall later examine the involvement of a large number of the DISC agents including Clay Shaw, Guy Bannister, David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby and others with Permindex's Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada in charge."