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"Respect" for the clothing evidence?
Hi Cliff

Think about this scenario. Let's say JFK was shot in the neck (or the back) with a high tech paralyzing dart and, BEFORE anyone has a chance to finish him off with a bullet, Jackie pulls him over onto the seat,

Since JFK only showed reaction to throat trauma for 2 seconds prior to seizing up paralyzed, why would Jackie think he was being fired upon?

She testified that he had a "quizzical" look on his face, indicating that neither of them knew what was going on.

or he ducks for cover, or he falls over,

He's paralyzed, remember?

or, God forbid, Greer did what he was supposed to do, and put the pedal to the metal and got everyone the hell out of Dodge.

Because there was a sound like a firecracker?

So, now you have JFK paralyzed in the back of the limo on the way to Parkland. Even if the dart magically dissolves in JFK's neck, you still have a hole in his neck and a paralyzed President.

You still have a hole in the neck but the paralysis is temporary.

None of the above can be explained away with a lone nut armed with a Carcano.

It was supposed to be explained away as an attack from Fidel Castro, the lone nut bit was hastily improvised.

Don't you think any of this might be a bit risky?

Not at all risky. Scorpions paralyze their prey first. Same logic applied here, more than likely.
Albert Doyle Wrote:We need to form a referendum and exhume Kennedy's body. I don't know how much viable flesh is left but an analysis of the alleged trajectory would show no damage of the vertebrae.

No, we don't need to dig up JFK.

The bullet holes in the clothes correspond to the T3 back wound

How is it that so many people can spend most of their lives wearing clothing and yet be completely unaware of how their clothing moves?
Cliff Varnell Wrote:A five year old could demonstrate the location of the back wound.

And yet one of the leading lights of the JFK Assassination Critical Community, Mr. Jim D., brags about not citing the physical evidence in this murder.

Go figure.

Who did Len Osanic hire to explain the back wound in his "50 Reasons for 50 Years" series?

Pat Speer, who puts the back wound at T1 citing the same talking points as David Von Pein.

Gaeton Fonzi rolls in his grave...
Quote:We all know how you are wedded to it. That includes me. Thanks for that contribution.


Charles Barkley once said that the more basketball beat writers watch the pro game of basketball the less they understand it.

Obsessed with Ozzie and the headwound/s, the more "we" study the JFK case the less "we" understand it.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:No, we don't need to dig up JFK.

The bullet holes in the clothes correspond to the T3 back wound

How is it that so many people can spend most of their lives wearing clothing and yet be completely unaware of how their clothing moves?

I have a similar fixation with the brain evidence.

Let's dig up JFK anyway.

Hey Cliff, look! There's an elephant hanging over a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy!

Albert Doyle Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:No, we don't need to dig up JFK.

The bullet holes in the clothes correspond to the T3 back wound

How is it that so many people can spend most of their lives wearing clothing and yet be completely unaware of how their clothing moves?

I have a similar fixation with the brain evidence.

Let's dig up JFK anyway.

Hey Cliff, look! There's an elephant hanging over a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy!


Digging up JFK might satisfy several hundred JFK head wound/s obsessives.

But the FBI reference to "apparent" pre-autopsy surgery to the top of the head means we can't know for sure how many times JFK was struck in the head even if he were exhumed.

How many head shots? One? Two? Three?

What a colossal rabbit hole!

The evidence of the low back wound and the throat entrance are far more clear-cut.

The shot in the back didn't transit.

The frontal throat shot didn't transit.

No bullets were recovered from those locations during the autopsy.

Those are the root facts of the murder of JFK.

A study of the head wound/s is a study of the cover-up.

A study of Oswald is a study of the cover-up.

A study of the back/throat wounds is a study of the murder itself.

It is a common assumption that the people who handled Oswald were the same people who actually murdered JFK -- which over-looks the possibility Oswald's various handlers were themselves groomed for potential patsy-hood.

What happened to the bullets that hit JFK's back and throat?

There seems to be an entire generation of JFK Critical Researchers awfully reluctant to address that crucial question...
Quote:What happened to the bullets that hit JFK's back and throat?

There seems to be an entire generation of JFK Critical Researchers awfully reluctant to address that crucial question...


The bullets were taken by involved personnel and made to disappear...

During the autopsy the Belmont writes Tolson that the SS had one of the bullets that hit JFK and "the other is lodged behind the President's ear and we are arranging to get both of those"
2 bullets

O'Connor describes the removal of a bullet from the the intercostal muscles
3rd bullet

Headshot - one possibly two
4th bullet

Connally bullet - at least one, probably left in the limo or highly fragmented - possibly two
5th bullet

Bullet in the grass by manhole cover
6th bullet

Parkland Bullet - pointed
7th bullet

Obviously some of these may be the same bullet in two diff places... but to assume that we'd have evidence of more than 3 bullets or different bullets when every other item of evidence in this case has been tampered with is naive in my opinion.

The assassination left little or no evidence while the conspiracy left a mountain. That there is even a question as to where bullets entered the President is one of the sickening aspects of the case...
Amazing that we cannot know for sure...

But the Evidence is the Conspiracy, not the means of explaining the assassination.

Keep up the great work Cliff...
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David Josephs Wrote:
Quote:What happened to the bullets that hit JFK's back and throat?

There seems to be an entire generation of JFK Critical Researchers awfully reluctant to address that crucial question...


The bullets were taken by involved personnel and made to disappear...

During the autopsy the Belmont writes Tolson that the SS had one of the bullets that hit JFK and "the other is lodged behind the President's ear and we are arranging to get both of those"
2 bullets

O'Connor describes the removal of a bullet from the the intercostal muscles
3rd bullet

Headshot - one possibly two
4th bullet

Connally bullet - at least one, probably left in the limo or highly fragmented - possibly two
5th bullet

Bullet in the grass by manhole cover
6th bullet

Parkland Bullet - pointed
7th bullet

Obviously some of these may be the same bullet in two diff places... but to assume that we'd have evidence of more than 3 bullets or different bullets when every other item of evidence in this case has been tampered with is naive in my opinion.

The assassination left little or no evidence while the conspiracy left a mountain. That there is even a question as to where bullets entered the President is one of the sickening aspects of the case...
Amazing that we cannot know for sure...

But the Evidence is the Conspiracy, not the means of explaining the assassination.

Keep up the great work Cliff...

Jerrol Custer, the x-ray tech at Bethesda the night of the autopsy, testified many years later that the organs of the chest had been removed prior to him x-raying the chest. As I do not believe a bullet with a muzzle velocity of 2200 fps could only penetrate soft tissue a mere inch at that range, the "missing" back bullet was likely a frangible bullet that disintegrated into dust halfway through JFK's right lung.
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
Assuming every shot was at 2200fps is quite an assumption... no?

You are aware of the type of weapon and caliber? You are sure no Sabots were used? An underpowered round?

We can't know any of this so you stating a certain velocity is pure speculation... The locations on the other hand can be corroborated.
The mess at Bethesda can be corroborated. The wholesale alteration of evidence can be corroborated.

Evidence was added and removed. Kinda hard to bleive Dino's 6-8 shots and only think we could find 1 bullet (provided by Rowley to Johnson) and some fragments

Stick with facts and evidence Cliff... these are real people claiming to have seen real bullets and saying so at their own risk. They were outside the conspiracy, not part of it.
Belmont to Tolson after speaking with the SS - why mention an extra bullet if there wasn't one?

Are you truly of the opinion that we actually have authenticated assassination related evidence from which to come to our conclusions?
Everything that happens once the casket closes and Kellerman takes the body to AF-1 requires corroboration and authentication.
And in every case this process proves fruitless. What they SAID happened and what the Evidence shows are mutually exclusive.

In the REAL world, many more than 3 shots were fired
In the REAL world, those bullets were made to disappear, like the actual photographs and xrays, like the brain, like so much of this case.....

"Never believe anything the government says until it has been officially denied"

Look at the evidence in this light... (in the strangest of places if you look at it right)

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David Josephs Wrote:Cliff

The bullets were taken by involved personnel and made to disappear...

One of two plausible scenarios indicated in the historical record.

Hi-tech weaponry and dissolving rounds would be the other plausible scenario.

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