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Shenon's Crap Detector

The ghost of Arlen Specter walks among us.

You will see what I mean by that when you read through it.
CIA was framing Oswald in Mexico to set him up for the planned assassination 7 weeks later.
Five Minor Details Super-Sleuth Shenon Should Investigate:

1. With all those cameras and backup cameras in front of the Soviet and Cuban offices, how come the CIA couldn't produce one single photo of anyone remotely resembling "Lee Harvey Oswald?"

2. Since Hoover told LBJ within hours of the assassination that Oswald's telephone voice was being impersonated in Mexico City, does that mean Castro himself was making the calls to confuse serious reporters like Shenon?

3. Various stories coming from MC are COMPLETELY BELIEVABLE, such as Oswald getting a big bag of money from a "Negro with red hair" and Oswald shouting to the rooftops that he hates Kennedy and will kill him. And, of course, the fact that the CIA doesn't notice this and inform the Secret Service is just the sort minor mistake "buffs" always use to stir up distrust of the Official Investigations.

4. Even government cover-up artists couldn't seem to get Oswald to and from Mexico City without the use of magic bullets... I mean carpets.

5. That the physical evidence for MC doesn't match the official narrative is just another one of those cute anecdotes "buffs" use to confuse serious reporters like Shenon.

There's nothing to see here, folks, just move on. But don't forget: If you REALLY want to move, you can always work in a top-secret U.S. facility, and then "defect" to America's arch-enemy promising to tell them everything, and then come home without prosecution, and then DEFECT AGAIN to the same arch-enemy via another arch-enemy. It's a good thing we have reporters like Shenon who can explain that this is all Castro's fault!

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996
Newman showed Angleton's CounterIntelligence Internal Affairs office was deliberately suppressing Oswald's 201 file in order to consciously keep him from triggering automatic red flags that would have sent his file to departments that would have put him on serious radars. Otepka took the initiative and tried to look in to Oswald's file. His safe was broken in to, Oswald file stolen, and he himself was then demoted.

On Amazon, like many denier books, Shenon receives many 5 star reviews from people who don't have the knowledge to realize what he's doing.


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