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TRIPLE TERROR ATTACK: What’s Behind the Events in France, Tunisia and Kuwait?
Via 21st Century Wire:

Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire

The triple terror attacks seen in France, Tunisia and Kuwait appear to mark another set of tragic events. However, when you peel back the media hysteria, all three of the alleged ISIS related incidents raise quite a bit of suspicion …

The Mask of Security' The Research and Intervention Brigades, (BRI) seizing a suspect after an apparent attack on French factory near Lyon in southeastern France. (Photo link

The French Connection

The French BRI, who are are an elite law enforcement unit of the French Ministry of the Interior, have been known to monitor suspects prior to a crime taking place. This echoes a similar investigative tactic in the US, as the FBI has often been linked to a person or persons before an alleged attack through lengthy surveillance protocols.

A primary example of this was the series of events that unfolded in Garland, Texas recently.

Back in May, the anti-Islamic media personality Pamela Geller, who is the president of the well-funded organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, organized a Prophet Mohammed drawing contest in Garland, Texas. The event allegedly became a target of two ISIS inspired' shooters. However, it was quickly revealed that the FBI had known at least one of the apparent shooters well before the seemingly orchestrated attack.

As we previously outlined here at 21WIRE, Elton Simpson, one of perpetrators listed in the Garland fiasco, had been under the watchful eye of the FBI for nearly a decade and was in close contact with an undercover informant during that time.

Fast forward to the recent attack in France…

French Prosecutor Francois Molins, said that security services were well aware of the suspect charged in an apparent beheading and gas canister explosion at the American owned Air Products factory in France. An early report from CNN, exposed the ties between the French security services and the alleged suspect, Yassin Salhi, as the Mayor of a town close by had easily been able identify the suspect charged in the apparent attack:

"Raymond Feyssaguet, the mayor of the nearby town of Villefontaine, identified the suspect as Yassin Salhi.

The suspect has three children and has been married for 10 years, Molins said. He does not have a police record, but in 2006 he was put on the terrorist watch list and "he continued to attract the attention of the intelligence services, particularly with regard to the Lyon region."

Whether it's the BRI, FBI or any other alphabet agency, a clear pattern has emerged, one linking intelligence services to suspected criminals before an alleged attack has been carried out.

Cleanup Crew?' The Imperial Marhaba hotel staff are seen cleaning up blood without any protective gear. Note that the rest of the grounds look untouched. (Photo link

Tension Rises in Tunis

As 21 WIRE has noted a number of times, many so-called terror events' involve individuals being monitored by security services prior to an alleged act taking place. In fact, very often those being watched by authorities, depict all the tell-tale signs of a patsy or an informant, working either with law enforcement or some intelligence agency. Historically, government operators have often made use of low-life criminals, and mentally disturbed individuals.

Back in late March, the apparent attack on the Bardo Museum in Tunisia was also not without some questionable', albeit, all too familiar activity taking place prior to the museum shooting.

An Important fact: The shooting at the Bardo Museum, happened while the Tunisian Parliament was in session proposing "new terror measures."

IMAGE: Twitter Terror' Here we have an image of the hostages said to be held during the Bardo Museum attack. (Photo link

Tunisian security services knew' at least one terrorist suspect and claim he was under some level of surveillance prior to the attack (like the Paris shootings and some many others), as mentioned by global media outlets, including this excerpt from a CNN report at the time:

"Earlier Thursday, Tunisian Prime Minister Habib Essid identified two suspects, Yassine Labidiand Saber Khachnaou, in an interview with French radio station RTL. It's not clear if those two men were the pair killed at the museum by Tunisian security forces, or if it's possible they're the same people as those identified using new names in ISIS' audio statement.

Labidi was "known to the security services, he was flagged and monitored," Essid said. But he added the man wasn't known or being followed for anything special."

There have been many terror attacks propagandized by mass media and authorities only to have the incident connected in some way to security operations.

Is this what happened at the Imperial Marhaba Hotel or was it something else?

Posing with Guns' suspected Tunisian resort shooter Seifeddine Rezgui (Photo link

Sousse Resort Shooting

A single gunman, 24 year-old Seifeddine Rezgui, was named in the Sousse beach resort attack this past Friday. He is said to have opened fire on tourists at the beach before entering the luxury hotel. All told, the suspected gunman Rezgui, apparently killed 39 people before being shot by police.

Authorities state that at least 15 of the victims were British, with other victims being listed from Tunisia, Germany, Belgium , France and Russia.

The Daily News reports:

"Rezgui was a good student from a stable family who enjoyed partying and break-dancing, according to officials. He was a Tunisian native who became radicalized without ever leaving his homeland. Rezgui was from a small village in northwestern Tunisia and had never traveled abroad."

Continuing the report underscores the lack of credible information linking Rezgui to any terror group:

"He was a good student and always attending class," said Prime Minister Habib Essid at a Saturday news conference. "Our investigations show he didn't reveal any signs of extremism, or ties to terrorists. He wasn't even on a watch list."

While Rezgui is said to have no direct connection to terror, Tunisia's resorts were targeted nearly 30 years ago, as Germany's Spiegel reports.

Curiously before the attack, authorities acknowledge that new heightened security measures were put in place for the summer, as Tunisia was already working on new ant-terror measures back in March, during the Bardo Museum attack.

Broadcast Fear' We're told the image above is the suspected resort gunman calmly walking on the beach among onlookers. (Photo link

We need to also consider eyewitness testimony at the crime scene, as initial reports state that a second shooter was apprehended according to the news outlet Tunisia-live. Additionally, an eyewitness report claims that a "group of terrorists" came ashore by boat, firing while still at sea. Confusingly, another witness observed the following at the scene :

"They shot the first line of people on the beach and then turned the boat and left."

In a Guardian news release we learn more about the apparent attack:

"A tweet from the Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack and gave his jihadi pseudonym of Abu Yahya al-Qayrawani, which referred to the town, an ancient centre of Islamic learning, where he was studying for his degree, according to the Site intelligence group. He had taken out a Tunisian passport in 2013, but had never used it, an official said."

As the Guardian report continues, we see that not everyone close to Rezgui believes he was completely responsible for the attack:

"He was good, good, good!" said a neighbour and family friend, Monia Riahi, 50, standing with her daughters at the entrance to her house. "I've known him since he was small. He was never in trouble with anyone ever. Maybe he was brainwashed or something." She added how sorry she was for the dead.

Although ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, SITE Intelligence Group quickly confirmed' the claims via social media.

As we've discussed many times here at 21WIRE, the intelligence monitoring group SITE, has ties to both the CIA and Israeli intelligence. Over the years ethical concerns about the group have been raised and according to the group's founder, Rita Katz they've managed to the release terror related material linked to ISIS prior to the militant group itself.

The attack at the Tunisia resort is similar to a seemingly staged double attack' said to have taken place outside the Corinthia hotel in Tripoli in early January. According to SITE, an ISIS linked terror group called Tripoli Province had claimed credit for the attacks at the luxury hotel.

It's important to consider that Tunisia has also been in trade talk negotiations with the European Union, as new talks are set for October.

Kuwait Mosque Attack' The scene at Imam Sadiq Mosque in Kuwait City after a suicide bomber killed 25 Shiite worshippers. (Photo link

The attack in Kuwait underlines the growing problem of what ISIS, manufactured or not. Additionally, the recent attack in Kuwait is just more evidence of the nightmare cascading throughout the Middle East in recent years. The public will most likely see a ramp up of this kind of violence as the West is looking for a larger coalition to invade Iraq and Syria.

It's no coincidence that these attacks happened around the 10 year anniversary of London's 7/7 bombing.

What will come next in the global theater play of security and terror?
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,

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