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Jim DiEugenio Wrote:TB: R B Cutler knew MF for a long time and in fact used to stay at the Ferrell house on his occasional visits to Dallas. In our discussions, he always felt MF was an asset and was not to be trusted.

​Wow, that is something I did not know, and Cutler never revealed it to me.

I know many who felt/feel this to be so. On a personal level she obviously was interested in the case, but equally interested from what I recall in who was researching what; who had what information or papers/interviews; who knew who and who thought what; etc. She would allow some to visit and get information - others of equal research status [IMHO] she would not allow to visit and/or refuse their requests for information. That was, of course, her personal prerogative - but it does make one wonder what her motive was, and if she was working for some entity as a kind of innocent looking clearing house of information on the researchers and state of research as much as the research in and of itself.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Let's keep it real, reacting to the actual details? I demonstrated in my first post in this thread (" Feeling left out? ") that Peter Dale Scott is bestowing thanks, presumably for access to MFF research materials, but in this as many as fourteen years old document, the gatekeeper(s) exhibits a vague description of who would be worthy of access. It also covers the state of the storage of the physical MFF archive. The
source, John Kirsch, is a former Fort Worth newspaper reporter of eight years, with a prior journalism resume in Des Moines.....
Document image below from John Kirsch's page at link above, following these, recent, rather defensive comments from Larry Hancock.:


Posted 26 June 2015 - 01:21 PM
Well I know that lots of folks love as many conspiracies as possible but since I'm directly associated with Rex Bradford and the MFF I would answer that you can trust it - based on my personal experience. Rex has done an immense job of putting Mary's documents on line and the bulk of her physical and non-documented materials have been transferred to Baylor University and its archives for physical access. Rex has increasingly worked with the ARRC to put additional material online beyond Mary's documents and on line access to a range of material none of us dreamed of back over a decade ago. For those who want to go back to where it was when I started, with individual requests to NARA and waits of months and years plus hundreds of dollars in duplicate page copy expenses - have at it. For those with doubts, have you ever thought of actually communicating directly with Rex and asking questions? The one problem that we have is that there are now generations of unredactions in documents so I know from personal experience that you can find more extant versions of individual documents than were available to Mary. In fact Stu Wexler and I have found that if you request the same document three or four times you may get increasingly more content....not sure how that works but we have certainly seen it. Heck, maybe that's a conspiracy too....perhaps its all part of a grand plot to discredit Judyth.....that must be it....

Larry replies to a post by Dawn....:
Posted 26 June 2015 - 07:52 PM

I've certainly heard enough to know that there were issues around Mary - and that she was accused of building files on researchers. I also know she would "assign" projects, one I recall was getting a couple of folks to go to Mexico City to research the address on the "Hunt letter". I came in relatively late, I do know a few of my subjects that she was very interested in and wanted to discuss but I never got anything more than encouragement. I also recall Harrison Livingston's book which cast her and several of the Dallas researchers in a negative light and really came down hard on Mary for keeping track of researchers. Given my history with both Harry and Mary I'm pretty comfortable with giving that round to Mary...grin.

Anyway, I suppose anyone who has been into this as deeply and as long as Mary was is bound to pick up a good deal of baggage and for that matter make some mistakes, I know I have. I'll confine myself to commenting on the MFF which I did see jell early on as Ollie Curme was actually acquiring the material from Mary. I've worked with Rex since then (and longer, back to when HTML and pdfs were both new and exciting) so I do have a pretty good picture of that part of the story....and I was the one who first linked Ben and Rex up on what ultimately was the hard copy transfer of materials to Baylor. All part of my document geekishness I suppose..
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7378&stc=1]

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Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
BTW, Larry posted much in support and praise of the MFF in two month old thread I quoted from, in my last post. I would have appreciated his disclosure that he was on file as
a director of the MFF..... but maybe he forgot, or assumed those who need to know of his affiliation, already know.

[PDF]August 19, 2015 at 11:15 PM ET EIN: 04-3565424 - GuideStar


GuideStar Report Generated For: MARY FERRELL FOUNDATION INC. Report Generated ... Officer, Director, Key Employee and Highest Paid. Employee Data ...
.pdf page 14:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7379&stc=1]'s great....we know.... you told us!

About the Mary Ferrell Foundation
Testimonials .....
"The full resources of the Mary Ferrell site are nothing less than indispensable. If you have an interest in Cold War-era history and want to work from facts, from original sources - then there is simply no comparable alternative. You will be far better served by this collection of real documents than by the morass of information (and misinformation) found on the Internet and even in many books. If you are serious, you need to be using this resource."

- Larry Hancock, author "Someone Would Have Talked" .........

.pdf page 4 :
Robert Chapman

........Robert oversaw new research being offered, particularly regarding document releases by the ARRB in his tenure as
Editor of "Assassination Chronicles" published by JFK Lancer
and shared his finds liberally. He also spent years with writers
helping with their research, offering his knowledge and
encouraging their writing. Robert was a crucial negotiator
in the purchase of Mary Ferrell's collection by businessman
Ollie Curme and oversaw the creation of millions of pages of
JFK assassination documents now online as the Mary Ferrell
Foundation. In 1997, Robert was awarded the JFK Lancer
"New Frontier" Award, which is "In appreciation for your
contribution of new evidence and furthering the study of the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy."


Rex Bradford - Posted 26 April 2007

Charles and anyone else who's interested:

Sorry, I haven't been on the forum much in the last couple of weeks, and so didn't notice that the Mary Ferrell Foundation has been discussed. Hopefully the following information will be of use here:

* The Mary Ferrell Foundation is a 501©3 non-profit foundation. As has been alluded to, Oliver Curme is President of the Foundation and has been a principal financial sponsor. The Foundation is also funded by private donations (you can donate over the website yourself, and I encourage it), individual memberships at $39.95 per year (affords the ability to conduct searches - NO documents are withheld from free browsing), campus-wide institutional memberships, and sales of republished books. Lona Therrien is the Executive Director, and I am responsible for the document and multimedia collections and the writing which appears in "starting points" and other areas of the site.

* Mary Ferrell's archives are in possession of the foundation. Some of her voluminous holdings, including her well-known "name database" and her chronologies, are online on the website. We have also scanned hundreds of her books and made them available for limited fair-use searching. The vast bulk of what she had was newspaper clippings and magazine issues - these are problematic for us to put online due to copyright issues. I am still going through some of the other materials for inclusion on the website, and expect to put up more from time to time.

* The Mary Ferrell Foundation is not meant to be Mary-centric to the exclusion of other resources. I am also Vice-President of the Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC) - Jim Lesar is the President - and have over the past several months been giving priority to putting up collections of CIA records from the AARC. These are much more "current" (less redacted) than the much smaller set of such records in Mary's collection. Shortly we will begin processing and putting online the AARC's FBI collection, which I also view as a high-priority project. Thus given limited resources we have put the most important of Mary's materials online so far. Some of what remains will be put online over time. Some of it may never be, given copyright issues or simply not having enough value (she had literally thousands of books on peripheral topics such as Chinese Communism, Soviet history, and more).

* I met Mary on two or three occasions in Dallas, and do not care to weigh in on the "Mary as govt agent" theory, other than to note that the famous list which appeared in Regicide and other places is in fact the list of subscribers to the organization of retired intelligence officers, created by David Phillips. If I had been involved in the case back then, I might have subscribed as well, to see what Phillips et al were up to.

* I am happy to take suggestions as to what materials people find of interest and would like to see on the MFF website. Unfortunately many of the records remain "trapped in public" at the National Archives - it is expensive, time-consuming, and backbreaking to scan or photocopy records there. I know from having personally liberated about 15,000 pages from NARA. The HSCA Numbered Files, for instance, is an important 300,000 page collection which exists nowhere else.

I'm happy to discuss the Mary Ferrell Foundation further though I may decline to answer questions about individuals associated with the Foundation our of respect for their privacy, and knowing that such discussions will not in the end be useful to anyone. I personally think the MFF website speaks for itself, and again I'm happy to work to make it more useful still to the members of this forum.

For people who don't know me, I am also the creator of the History Matters website (, and operate the AARC's website as well (

Thanks for your time.

Rex Bradford

Ok, Mr. Bradford, I get it. There is a man who has showered seven figures, according to IRS non-profit org filings, on at least one researcher and family, and six figures on another, and at one time in this new
century, it was reported that the MF physical archive was stored in two sealed containers on his Massachusetts property, and then Baylor U. was selected by some process to participate as custodian of some of the MF archive. Is there a petition process similar to FOIA to prod more transparency? For instance, was Lifton actually paid not to write?

I hope you can appreciate why I my enthusiasm for is.....tepid. As Jim Di touched on earlier, why do all the listed, affiliated sites seem so well and narrowly connected?

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Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
Certainly applaud the noble mission of the , and wish all concerned parties well with such a meaningful undertaking. Perhaps the organization will issue a direct challenge, and subsequently identify, all presidential and/or congressional political-candidates from sea-to-shining-sea moving forward to Election 2016, who actually pledge support of releasing the files in their entirety.

The public has a right to know where their candidate stands on this issue (whether s/he is running for a seat in the House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate or for POTUS). Moving along now to Mr. Scully's astute observations, we have to be careful not to convey even the appearance of a cliqu′ish dynamic (there are many stakeholders interested in securing a sense of justice for President Kennedy, so no harm in promoting a sense of inclusion...they've had a 50 year head-start, so we have to be united in our efforts to just make up for loss ground/time. It's way past time to put this fairytale about a lone gunman to rest).

Best wishes to the team.
Magda Hassan Wrote:I think CD did, briefly. With GME. Shortly before Mary's death. It was an, ahem, interesting story. Might come up in a search.

I recall seeing something to that effect on that forum before we went on out FAB vacation. I will go over there and check. And that link also had stuff about the huge Lifton "loan"/gift. Some of us have long known about the REAL Mary and I have long harbored suspicions about Lifton as well. After the farce of HSCA I gave up the belief that this government will ever admit the truth about JFK. Certainly the JFK Act was a wonderful thing and produced much terrific research, but it seems only a small portion of the world populace has a clue. The media is to blame for that.
Tom Bowden Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:There is quite a bit that is puzzling about much of this. Not to mention, ahem, there is something about Mary.
R B Cutler knew MF for a long time and in fact used to stay at the Ferrell house on his occasional visits to Dallas. In our discussions, he always felt MF was an asset and was not to be trusted. I have had recent conversations with Jimmy and his sister. They have not been satisfied with the Archive arrangement. Especially their response to Jimmy's cancer expenses. I have noticed the archives does not contain information on certain influential families in Dallas.

Tom, seeing as how you are talking to Jimmy ask him about the time Mary sent him to NOLA to try to sabotage Garrison, and other such delights. I heard his stories directly from him many times when we were all up at J Harrison's.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:TB: R B Cutler knew MF for a long time and in fact used to stay at the Ferrell house on his occasional visits to Dallas. In our discussions, he always felt MF was an asset and was not to be trusted.

​Wow, that is something I did not know, and Cutler never revealed it to me.

I knew Cutler a very long time ago back in MA and he was probably playing it smart to keep his (correct) opinions to himself. Our own Joe McBride figured her out as well. He goes into detail in his book.
RB and I talked almost daily for over ten years. He sent me many confidential reports, which are not represented at Baylor. He knew and I came to know that many people resented his money. It amazed me how close the things he presented resembled John Judge's opinion but they were never close friends. It was disconcerting at times in the museum to see those that would never enter our doors. RB shared with me his list of loans or as he began to call them "grants" to those who did not like him. He always commented "Read every book because there will be a nugget of truth in the bad ones and a wealth of information in the best." I miss him for the Gentleman that he was and for him believing his conclusions were correct and putting his money where his mouth was. We had our disagreements in private.

Mary Farrell was in our discussions many times. He went to great lengths to determine what she did not include in her papers, which formed the basis for his opinion.

I will be in Dallas in about two weeks and hopefully will spend time with Jimmy and his friends.
Ahimsa….may you live in a world of non-forcefulness.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:I think CD did, briefly. With GME. Shortly before Mary's death. It was an, ahem, interesting story. Might come up in a search.

I recall seeing something to that effect on that forum before we went on out FAB vacation. I will go over there and check. And that link also had stuff about the huge Lifton "loan"/gift. Some of us have long known about the REAL Mary and I have long harbored suspicions about Lifton as well. After the farce of HSCA I gave up the belief that this government will ever admit the truth about JFK. Certainly the JFK Act was a wonderful thing and produced much terrific research, but it seems only a small portion of the world populace has a clue. The media is to blame for that.

.....and Lifton, the $150,000 giftee, is at it again, just yesterday pontificating that Oswald in Mexico City is a fact.

This is priceless.: (especially considering that Miss Priss and her first cousin, David C Davenport of CIA bottled up Marina from the time she was handed off to them by Declan and Kat Ford until fifteen years later.)
Quote:...... Priscilla's story versus Mosby's Story

Two other things are worth noting (and keep in mind that Priscilla McMillan was deposed as a Warren Commission witness, whereas Aline Mosby was not. In the case of Mosby, there is simply a WC exhibit, of the text of her notes, and draft that she wrote, just after the assassination). But no testimony--which I have always found weird.

(a) The Priscilla Johnson story and the Aline Mosby story are almost line by line similar. So--essentially--Oswald said the same thing to both of these reporters just days apart. And so I have never understood why so much suspicion is focused on Priscilla Johnson (McMillan) --for having once attempted to join the CIA, or whatever the details are--when a nearly identical story was published by Aline Mosby, and no one raises an eyebrow. My point is that Priscilla--imho--has come in for a lot of unjustified criticism and suspicion. As far as I'm concerned, its entirely unwarranted. But. . please do read on, because there's plenty of questions that can be raised about Aline Mosby, and they are potentially far more important.


I'd sure like to have someone explain that to me.

5/25/13; 1:20 PM PDT
Los Angeles, California

Is Lifton "just lazy," too? Where is the book he was gifted six figures to allegedly author?
Nov 21, 2013
You met Marina in 1964, but your book wasn't published until 1977. What took so long?

Well, it's just the way I work. I guess I'm lazy. I was living in different places because I got married. I was very much into civil rights in Atlanta and the South. But mostly I just work slowly. ....

[Image: 66d703daf.png]
Priscilla McMillan (left) and Marina Oswald (right) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 1964.

Thursday, November 21, 2013,[/URL]Marina Oswald (left), widow of Lee Harvey Oswald, with friend Jerre Hastings (center) and Priscilla Johnson McMillan. McMillan befriended Oswald after the assassination of JFK.

SUBJECT: Garrison Group Meeting No. 2 - 26 September 1967
3. Rocca felt that McCone should be briefed, and perhaps also Hoover and Clifford. Executive Director said we should be prepared in the near future to bring the Director up to date and present him with alternative action. .....

The plaintiff in the 1965 article image below is referring to the man in the middle in the photo above, Jerome Hasty, spouse of presidential advisor Clark M. Clifford's aunt, Marguerite Bowman McAdams :

Did Jerome and David gain experience bottling up Marina before moving on to Ms. McAdams, a first cousing of presidential advisor Clark M. Clifford?

Miss Me Adams, who is not represented by an attorney in the suit relates in the complaint that she had come to Santa Fe to visit her mother, Mrs. Marguerite McAdams Hasty, and her mother's husband, Jerome Hasty, and David Davenport, a friend of Hasty, induced her to consult Dr. Roscnbaum. As a result, she claims, the sheriff of Sazita Fc County, Perez Roybal, arrested her without a warrant and she was transported lo the-State Hospital at Las- Vegas, where she \vas incaceratcd from July 28, 1965 to August 15, J.%5.

[Image: PriscillaDavenportHastyLawsuit1967_1of2.jpg]

Priscilla certainly changed her tune!

Secrets of Newsweek's Osborn Elliott & Hugh Aynesworth, & of Priscilla Johnson
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7533&stc=1]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7534&stc=1]

Marina Oswald Biography Is Brutally . - Google News
Marina's editors and her agent, Perry Knowlton, won't allow Marina to discuss the book in any way without their permission for at least a year after its publication.

Without Reservations: From Harlem to the End of the Santa ...
Samuel B. Ballen - 2001 - ‎Snippet view
From Harlem to the End of the Santa Fe Trail Samuel B. Ballen ... Ethel and I were invited to dinner at the home of Dave Davenport who also had Priscilla McMillan, his cousin, as a guest. ... David Davenport was a former CIA man who had become disenchanted and was now semi-retired to his youthful locus of Santa Fe.

Quote: On a U.S. Census form enumerated on May 18, 1940 in New Trier Township, Cook County, IL : [Image: PriscillaHastyMcAdams1940CensusNewTrierILL.jpg]

On April 26, 1940, Jerome A Hastings was a 29 year old man who was born in Wisconsin and was employed as a buyer at a country club. His education level was C2, two years of college. Hastings' annual income was just over $300. In 1935 his residence was in Flemington, NJ.

On May 18, Jerome Hasty was a 29 year old man who was born in Wisconsin and was employed as a officer at a country club. His education level was C1, one year of college. Hasty's annual income was just over $600. In 1935 his residence was in Carmel-by-the-Sea, CAL.

26 years later, Jerome Allen Hasty files a notice of legal change of name from Hasty to Hastings:
[Image: PriscillaDavenportHastyToHastingsNameCha...100366.jpg]
Jerome Hasty is apparently married to the woman he had boarded with on May 18, 1940.:

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Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
That is really funny about Lifton not seeing any difference between PJM and Aline Mosby.

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