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Proof the fatal shot came from somewhere else other then the rear
Scott Kaiser Wrote:At 486 frames @18.3 per frame that's nearly 27.5 seconds of film, and if the car was traveling at 11-12mph nearly 186ft every 8 frames that would be 11,300ft total, that means the car would have had to travel a total of 3,766.5 yards, and there's no way the zfilm captured that much film.

From the actual POV, there is no way the limo traveled at 11mph throughout this sequence.

I did a speed analysis to figure how Hill could reach the limo so quickly... At 11mph he's have to hit the ground at world class speed to make it and even then, the limo would have traveled much farther before he catches it than is shown.

Change the speed to 2-3 mph and a 1-2 second delay between 313 and 375 and you will begin to see what actually happened.

The most important supressed data is the one showing the FBI and SS knew there was a shot further down Elm as early as 11-27, and what they did to hide that fact.

Give me another week or two and I will be publishing the WCD298 paper.... It'll all be in there
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
11 MPH = 16 FPS

16 fps * 27.5 sec = 440 feet.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
More proof the [fatal] shot came from somewhere other than the rear, reaction upon impact, at z220 Kennedy is already hit in the throat, the frames are 18.3 frames per second, at z220-222 Connally begins to react to a gunshot and is slightly turning to his right as if he is reacting, at z223 you can clearly see Kennedy's hands go up. At z234 both hands are up to Kennedy's throat, at z248 both of Connally's hands are in view, he hasn't been shot yet, at z263 both hands of Connally are in perfect view as he has made a complete turn as he's looking directly at the president. At z265 is even a better view of both of Connally's hands. He wasn't shot yet, remember he was shot in his wrist. At z268 the same, at z275 you can see Connally is still looking at the president completely facing him with both his hand up. At z300 Connally reacts to getting hit. At z313 Kennedy is hit at z340 Connally reacts again to getting hit and ducks, this is when he gets hit in the back. This corresponds with Connally's testimony that he was not hit with the second bullet.

I'm sorry at z333 Connally starts to duck down at z309 Connally's hands are still up, he gets hit in the back at z315.
Correcting the facts, only the facts, and nothing but the facts

Connally starts to duck right around z333. Kennedy was hit with the fatal shot at z313, Connally was hit at z278, then hit again at z315, he then begins to go down at 333. I believe that Connally was first shot in his wrist, you can clearly see that at z313 at z315 when the projectile exited the rear top of Kennedy's head you can see Kennedy's hair rapidly lift from his sculp. At z273 both of Connally's hands are right in front of him. At z278 Connally's wrist is hit and not in the film, it's 18.3 frames per second, the difference between z273 and z278 is five frames, that's .03 hundredth of a second, it was than his wrist gets hit under magnification, and after Kennedy's throat shot, then he's shot again in the back and thigh at z315, at z333 he begins to duck after getting hit.

how many witnesses said they heard the line of shots to be in this order, bang... bang-bang.

I'll patiently wait till someone debunks these findings with facts.
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Correcting the facts, only the facts, and nothing but the facts

Connally starts to duck right around z333. Kennedy was hit with the fatal shot at z313, Connally was hit at z278, then hit again at z315, he then begins to go down at 333. I believe that Connally was first shot in his wrist, you can clearly see that at z313 at z315 when the projectile exited the rear top of Kennedy's head you can see Kennedy's hair rapidly lift from his sculp. At z273 both of Connally's hands are right in front of him. At z278 Connally's wrist is hit and not in the film, it's 18.3 frames per second, the difference between z273 and z278 is five frames, that's .03 hundredth of a second, it was than his wrist gets hit under magnification, and after Kennedy's throat shot, then he's shot again in the back and thigh at z315, at z333 he begins to duck after getting hit.

how many witnesses said they heard the line of shots to be in this order, bang... bang-bang.

I'll patiently wait till someone debunks these findings with facts.

You will come to find Scott that none of what you said above are corroborated "FACTS" at all, but the results of analysis of horribly altered evidence.

What you see in those films and photos is a ghost of what really happened.

How many statements and accounts of the evidence are complete piles of BS when we scratch the surface?

3 shots was an FBI myth that becmae accepted legend and Fact... there were well more than 3 shots fired.

I posted the proof a few posts above... both the FBI and Secret Service concluded that a shot was fired 35-40 feet further down Elm.

The West survey corroborates this and is the reason subsequent versions remove this last shot
It is also why the Zfilm analysis stops prior to this shot.

This is CE875 with CE884's legend inset.

4+65 is 35 feet from station 5+00 and 65 feet from station 4+00

A shot "4 feet from the impact of the third shot" puts that at either 4+96 or 5+04... 31 to 39 feet further down Elm.

This is not even begining to discuss how the FBI/SS elevations for the shots conflict with the WCR conclusions offered.

THESE are Facts Scott... not some assumption you make from looking at the Zfilm.... When you reach the understanding that so much was cut from those films including the limo stop, Chaney's actions and all other actions within the distance between z313 and the overpass, The SS agents leaving the Queen Mary... etc... when you see this you can begin to ask questions that address what actually happened... My "Evidence IS the Conspiracy" series addresses the evidence for what it is...

I am not refuting the back flap or shots from the front or mutiple shots... just that using the Zfilm as a difinitive account of what happened will leave many of the actual details out.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7648&stc=1]

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.jpg   CE884 and CE875 conflict.jpg (Size: 100.83 KB / Downloads: 27)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Well said, Mr. Joseph, three shots is what was merely settled upon. An actual account would given credence to why so many witnesses describe shots coming bunched together as oppose to in 2.3 sec intervals (FBI determination of bolt action sequencing on a Mannlicher-Carcano). Those charged with investigating this matter couldn't count higher than three otherwise there'd be little choice but to include multiple shooters, which IMHO lay in ambush to murder an unarmed democratically elected representative of the people.
Alan Ford Wrote:Well said, Mr. Joseph, three shots is what was merely settled upon. An actual account would given credence to why so many witnesses describe shots coming bunched together as oppose to in 2.3 sec intervals (FBI determination of bolt action sequencing on a Mannlicher-Carcano). Those charged with investigating this matter couldn't count higher than three otherwise there'd be little choice but to include multiple shooters, which IMHO lay in ambush to murder an unarmed democratically elected representative of the people.

Thanks Alan....

In fact, most who analyzed the film stated it was not possible for the bullet that went thru JC's torso was the same as the bullet the destroyed his wrist.

April22, 1964


FROM: Melvin A. Eisenberg

SUBJECT: Conference of April 21, 1964, to determinewhich
frames in the Zapruder movies show theimpact of
the first and second bullets.


On Tuesday, April 21, 1964, a conferencewas held to determine
whichframes in the Zapruder film portray the instants at which the
firstand second bullets struck.


Ina discussion after the conference, Drs. Light and Dolce
expressedthemselves as being very strongly of the opinion that
Connallyhad been hit by two different bullets, principally on the
groundthat the bullet recovered from Connally's stretcher could not
havebroken his radius without having suffered more distortion. Dr.
Oliverwithheld a conclusion until he has had the opportunity to make
tests on animal tissue and bone with the actualrifle.

I like how the following can include "Other possibilities" for the shots... and they too are confused how LIFE placed the first two shots.

We have shots possible at 190, 206, 213, 242, 264 & 313... with no analysis of anything past 313.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7663&stc=1]

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.jpg   NPIC shot locations.jpg (Size: 470.66 KB / Downloads: 18)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
and, of course, Mr. Joseph, both physicians (Dr's Light and Dolce) were right in their keen analysis; however, once again anything contrary to what officialdom cannot account for within their tight script is simply suppressed, ignored or in extreme cases hidden away from public view/consumption altogether. At least this generation isn't burying their heads in the sand and ignoring the obvious.

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