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Warren Commission Executive Session of 22 Jan 1964
I'd be interested if Intel 'worked' her and her brother to adopt this stand in order to counter what they did to their father. Making good party members out of them as a hedge against Bogg's most-likely 'Hit List' murder.


Dr. Nick Begich Talks About The FBI's Involvement In The Murders Of His Father Congressman Nick Begich & Congressman Hale Boggs

FBI Fabrication Of Telexes Used To Contradict Earlier Telexes Obtained By Role Call Magazine Which Prove The FBI Knew The Whereabouts Of Congressman Hale Boggs Downed AircraftEditor's Note: After this author posts the following article, several months later, a Website which contains information on the original Role Call attainment of three telexes it procured from the U.S. Freedom Of Information Act, posts an update in regard to "new information" which claims to discredits the original three telexes.
The Website also contains a "new" statement from Cokie Roberts, the youngest daughter of Congressman Hale Boggs, claiming that Boggs was not unhappy with the Warren Commission Report, and that he did not believe that there was a conspiracy within the U.S. federal government in which to murder John F. Kennedy.
Cokie Roberts' statement is a blatant lie. The released White House tapes contain a recording between Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford describing how Boggs had openly criticized the FBI while speaking on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, for bugging several members of Congress (including Boggs himself). The conversation between Nixon and Ford in regard to Boggs, leaves one with the impression that they are very concerned that Boggs is going to go public with his concerns over the Warren Commission's being a complete fraud, which would prompt the American people to call for a new investigation into the murder of John F. Kennedy.
The "new telexes" (which conveniently showed up after this author posted the following article in regard to my concerns that Hale Boggs was murdered as the result of a criminal conspiracy between the CIA, FBI and Nixon White House) could very well be total fabrications, which are being used to discredit the earlier accurate telexes regarding the FBI's intent to sabotage the search for Boggs' plane.
Moreover, the fact that J. Edgar Hoover would die under mysterious circumstances only months after Boggs' plane disappeared, only makes the situation more conspiratorial. As does the fact that a young Bill Clinton is said to have driven Boggs to the airport on the day that Boggs disappeared.
Has the FBI ever manufactured evidence in the past? Yes, and frequently, as the Bureau did regarding the 1996 missile destruction of TWA Flight 800, after it was accidentally shot down by the U.S. Navy during a training exercise off the coast of Long Island.
Could the FBI have manufactured the recent telexes which it claims discredit the earlier telexes? Absolutely!

Did The Nixon White House Order The MurdersOf Congressmen Hale Boggs And Nick BegichWritten by James F. Marino"On 22nd April 1971, the House Majority Leader Hale Boggs (Democrat, Louisiana) stated in front of the US House Of Representatives: 'I had heard before, as each of you have heard, of various episodes relating to Members of the House and Senate. The episodes are too many, occurring too frequently, to be ignored or disregarded. Today, as we in the Congress undertake to recover and restore the people's liberty, we find that it is ourselves who are under surveillance, ourselves who are prisoners of the power which our silence permitted to come into being. Mr Speaker, 1984 is closer than we think.'"

Congressional Record -- House, April 22, 1971, p. 11564 - 11565

FBI Telex Proves That Hale Boggs' Plane Was FoundBut FBI Conceals Telex From American Public
Was The NSA's Signals Intelligence Technology Involved?
From the above interview, Dr. Begich is clearly familiar with the following Nixon White House tape of April 6, 1971, which contains a conversation between President Richard Nixon and Majority leader Gerald Ford. Nixon is heard telling Ford that he does not trust Hale Boggs, and that something is going to have to be done about it.

The main concern that Nixon had was that Congressman Boggs had accused J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI of illegally wiretapping himself, and several other members of Congress, who at the time suspected that there was a conspiracy to murder President John F. Kennedy, and openly expressed their concerns that the Warren Commission was a fraud.

Boggs had also stated that Hoover had created a Gestapo in the FBI that had no respect for the privacy of American citizens, and that Hoover should be forced to retire, and the FBI be either abolished or completely restructured.

Five months later, Boggs, Begich, Begich's aide and the pilot of the Cessna 310 which they were flying on en route from Anchorage to Juneau Alaska, disappeared.

However, the story does not end there. While the American people were told that this plane was never found, the fact is that not only was the plane found, * specialized technology was used to locate survivors who were walking in the desolate region where the plane had gone down.

This means that the pilot was able to either crash land the plane, or land it safely, in which all four men may have initially survived the ordeal, only to be left to die.

Clearly this isn't just the instance of a plane being lost, but a major scandal involving the orchestrated murders of two U.S. Congressmen, by the Nixon White House and FBI.

In the above interview, Nick Begich refers to the following three page telex which shows that the FBI knew that there were survivors walking on the ground near the Cessna 310, however, when forced to divulge the classified search technology involved, the FBI refused to do so.

The search was called off, and the occupants of the plane were left to die in the Alaskan wilderness, when the FBI could have admitted to the classified technology in order to verify the credibility of the finding, and the Coast Guard would have then moved in to rescue the survivors of this aircraft.

The following is the censored FBI telex which was obtained in 1992 by the Washington publication, Roll Call - through the U.S. Freedom Of Information Act. This telex proves that Boggs' plane had been found and that there were at least two survivors. The FBI has since attempted to claim that the telex is fraudulent. However, given the FBI's history of pathological deception, torture and murder, no one who is familiar with this gestapo's criminal history would ever believe a word the FBI utters. Especially, when the Bureau is attempting to cover up its own crimes, as it is doing here.

FBI Telex 1

FBI Telex 2

FBI Telex 3

Dr. Begich states that the FBI was attempting to conceal classified technology at the time the U.S. Coast Guard requested how the location of the survivors was determined.Specifically, that spy satellite development had reached the point were these satellites could literally be used to read the license plate from an automobile while orbiting tens of thousands of miles above the ground.

While this is indeed true, it is this author's opinion, that the same type of Signals Intelligence technology which the National Security Agency has been using since the early 1980s, in which to electronically EMF fingerprint the American people, was earlier used in an experimental stage during the 1970s.

And that the NSA used its signals intelligence technology, quite likely its *Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, in order to locate Congressmen Boggs and Begich via their brains' own unique EMF emissions.

The men should have been easy enough to locate out in the midst of the Alaskan wilderness, since their own unique EMF fields would be easy enough to distinguish from their rural surroundings.

*See John St. Clair Akwei VS The National Security Agency In Reference To the NSA's Signals Intelligence Domestic Spying In America & Its SIGNIT EMF Scanning Network

The NSA's use of this covert spy technology would also explain why the FBI refused to divulge to the Coast Guard rescue team, the type of technology involved in locating the men.

Technology so secret, that the NSA will not even admit to its existence in the present day, even though according to NSA whistle blower, John St. Clair Akwei, all American citizens are unwittingly subjected to the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.
A blatant violation of their 4Th, 5Th and 6Th Amendments.

Moreover, the reader should remember that in 1972, planes did not carry the emergency transmitters that they do today. In fact, it was as the direct result of Boggs' plane being lost, that the FAA would mandate new legislation to require that in the future all planes carry these tracking devices.

What is obvious enough here is that Boggs and Begich could not be controlled or bought off by the White House or the FBI, and were consequently targeted for elimination.
It is also interesting to note that a young Bill Clinton had been chosen to drive Hale Boggs to the airport on the day that Boggs' plane would later be reported as missing.

The families of these murder victims, as well as the American people, have the right to know that foul play was involved in the disappearance of Hale Boggs, Nick Begich Sr., Begich's aide, and the plane's pilot; all four of whom did not die by accident, but were instead, murdered as part of a criminal conspiracy orchestrated by the Nixon White House and the Hoover FBI. A conspiracy which was fomented for the specific purpose of ridding themselves of two politicians who could not be corrupted.

These types of plausibly deniable murders have always characterized the political realm in Washington D.C., as well the military-intelligence complex, whose history of justifying murders based on their need for power and profit, defines them as the war profiteers they are.

- James F. Marino

See: Nixon - Ford conversation regarding their concerns that Hale Boggs had become a threat to the White House and the FBI. As is typical of the way that the U.S. Federal Government attacks the character of any whistle blower, Nixon is heard stating to Ford that Boggs must be "on the sauce," to which Ford replies that Boggs is either an alcoholic or delusional from taking prescription medication. In all likelihood, the White House or the FBI leaked this information to the media in order to defame Boggs.

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
see also
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
That's a new one, that satellites in orbit can identify the brain's electromagnetic field. Not only detect it, but locate it and apparently distinguish it from other brains. And could do so back in the 70's.

That darn Cerebro. My TV satellite can't even find my TV sometimes, and it pretty much doesn't walk around much.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
All they would really need is simple heat detection technology to confirm survivors were walking around. Well within technology of the day and enhanced by a frozen glacier background.
Drew Phipps Wrote:That's a new one, that satellites in orbit can identify the brain's electromagnetic field. Not only detect it, but locate it and apparently distinguish it from other brains. And could do so back in the 70's.

That darn Cerebro. My TV satellite can't even find my TV sometimes, and it pretty much doesn't walk around much.

That part is the writers own speculation and IMHO not available then, if now. The more interesting part are the apparent FBI docs stating they were found; replaced by other documents discrediting the first....something we know well in the Dallas case. How they were found [the exact technology] may not be knowable, but detection of humans in a snow/icefield would be well within the capabilities of the technology of the time. That Clinton drove him just before he disappeared is chilling indeed.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
What Ms Roberts is reacting to is the unspeakable...
Um. Clinton drove him to AN airport, earlier in that journey, not the last airport Boggs visited. IIRC they stopped somewhere else in Alaska first, and probably had to stop once to refuel to get to Alaska.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Good evening gentlemen,

I'll 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] Mr. Lemkin's sensible sentiments that the author may be stretching the reach of technological prowess ca. 1970's; however, given the Bureau's track record (think noting whatever they wish to note upon official documents in spite of being told something altogether different by multiple witnesses; think light meter as oppose to what it really was, think, etc.,), it's not frivolous to believe they would also be less than forthcoming on the initial sighting of at least a couple fellow human beings merely trying to survive in challenging conditions (brrr), add an intense dose of shock to the overall equation/dire circumstances and, well, suffice it to say their experience wasn't fitting for individuals who cared, essentially dared, to place their fellow countryman above the intrusions of the rising police state.

Speaking of courage that paralleled that of Mr. Boggs, in the following two links, courtesy of the good folks over at, we see evidence of two United States Senators, fellow members of the Warren Commission with the aforementioned Hale Boggs, who also took exception to the emerging national security state, which relies less upon truth, democracy, integrity, and justice than with dictating their own self-serving interests, even if a lie here and there has to be told to forcibly push their agenda forward…

Part 1 --à

Part 2 --à

In the above links, courtesy of even more exemplary research by the late Harold Weisberg (RIP), we learn how these men were duped into attaching their signatures to a nefarious plot anyway...what a bunch of lying treasonous cowards.

*Sidebar: Does anyone know if Cokie Roberts and her mother are on speaking terms, that's assuming the mother is still alive (just interesting that one says Hale Boggs was in total agreement with the Warren Commission findings, while the other, while fulfilling the balance of his congressional term, said he hated (her words, not mine) attaching his signature to the Warren Commission findings.

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