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Explosions in Brussels
Wouldn't happen at a wind farm.

On the day of the bombs I saw they had closed and evacuated every one from the nuclear power plant. I wonder if this is actually the original story?

In any case very worrying.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Drew Phipps Wrote:Belgian nuclear guard shot and security access badge stolen: media
Barbara Lewis, Philip Blenkinsop and Mark Potter
Mar 26th 2016 9:10AM

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Two days after bomb attacks at Brussels airport and on a packed metro killed 31 people and injured hundreds, a security guard who worked at a Belgian nuclear plant was murdered and his pass was stolen, Belgian media reported on Saturday. The French language Derniere Heure (DH) newspaper reported the security guard's badge was de-activated as soon as it was discovered he had been shot dead in the Charleroi region of Belgium and his badge stolen.

A police spokeswoman said she could not comment because an investigation was ongoing.

In a nation on high alert following this week's attacks, the report stokes fears about the possibility militants are seeking to get hold of nuclear material or planning to attack a nuclear site. On Thursday, DH had reported the suicide bombers who blew themselves up on Tuesday originally considered targeting a nuclear site, but a series of arrests of suspect militants forced them to speed up their plans and instead switch focus to the Belgian capital.

Late last year, investigators found a video tracking the movements of a man linked to the country's nuclear industry during a search of a flat as part of investigations into the Islamist militant attack on Paris on Nov. 13 that killed 130 people. The video, lasting several hours, showed footage of the entrance to a home in northern Belgium and the arrival and departure of the director of Belgium's nuclear research program.

I have NO idea which version is true...but this is also on the internet in several versions....

Quote:The murder of a security guard at a nuclear research center located near the Belgian city of Charleroi two days after Brussels attack is not linked to any terrorist activity, prosecutor says dispelling earlier media reports.

The Charleroi prosecutor's office in charge of the case "formally denied" any link between the murder of Didier Prospero, a security guard from the G4S international security firm, who worked at the National Institute of radioelements (IRE ELiT) in the town of Fleurus not far from Charleroi, and any planned terror attack, the Belga news agency reported, citing the Charleroi prosecutor.
The prosecutor also denied earlier media reports that Prospero's access badge was stolen, Belga reports.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

The Brussels Attacks and those All Important Concentric Circles of Lies

Posted on March 24, 2016 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
Oh what a tangled web we weave…
The official version of the Brussels attacks has changed so much from yesterday morning, it's hardly even the same story.
One thing that strikes me as beyond odd is the fact that of the 31 people who were supposedly killed in the attacks, only a total of 3 have been identified from both locations. They are Olivier Delespesse, Leopold Hecht and Adelma Marina Tapia Ruiz.
CNN mentioned this live on the air this morning and when they said it, they explained the reason they hadn't been identified was because the bombs did so much damage to their bodies, identification was "difficult".
Did they not carry identification to airports in Brussels?
Plus, the CNN article only mentions three people who have been reported as missing.
Another thing I've noticed in the new airport aftermath video supposedly shot by cab driver Francisco Izquierdo, is a distinct lack of bodies in the terminal right after the explosion. CNN once again covered this glaring problem by suggesting they were all "buried under the ceiling tiles".
There was the heart rending image of the little child standing there crying by herself in the middle of debris with people standing around behind her doing nothing to help her. CNN said "her mother lay motionless" but I didn't see her mother lying anywhere.
And why weren't those people nearby comforting the toddler? Human instinct would have made anyone go straight to that kid to help her in a situation like that, I don't care if their own legs were blown off. So why was she standing there crying by herself?
And for that matter, what kind of animal is Francisco Izquierdo to simply pan over the injured crying baby and then continued on to record more carnage rather than helping the child? Izquierdo should be beaten in the streets by an angry mob. Your f-in video is more important than helping and comforting that small baby in that nightmare situation? Put your stupid phone down and HELP THE CRYING BABY YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD!
After Francisco pans over the baby standing there crying in the rubble, he literally TURNS HIS BACK ON HER to continue filming more debris.
The fact that he didn't do what ANY HUMAN BEING WOULD DO IN THAT SITUATION leaves me wondering about the legitimacy of not only his "aftermath" video, but also this event as a whole. It's a GLARING mistake, seemingly made by an overly ambitious film-maker looking for the max "hearts and minds" effect and not one made by a cab-driver who probably has children and grandchildren who would NEVER do something that inhuman in real life.
Alright, now that I got that out of my system, lets move forward and document some of the catastrophic changes to the official story.
When Brothers Aren't Brothers and Pictures Aren't Pictures
First of all, the brothers that we were told are shown in the now iconic image from the airport aren't really the brothers and the third guy in the fishing hat isn't who we were told he was, he's now one of the brothers, that guy is still "at large" and unidentified, and the third guy, the bomb-maker, wasn't arrested as it was widely reported yesterday, he blew himself up which is highly unusual for a bomb-maker in situations like this. Kind of a waste of talent, or so the MSM says.
Okay. You got all of that? Just in case you missed it, CNN has updated the article I quoted yesterday to reflect all the changes to the story. Either that or they replaced it altogether with the same IP location as the first article. Right down the old memory hole it goes.
[Image: 160322153424-brussels-attack-suspects-exlarge-169.jpg]The brothers who aren't really the brothers and the bomb-maker who isn't really the bomb-maker

"Police yesterday released images of the three men pushing trolleys in the airport shortly before the explosions went off. The two brothers were seen wearing gloves on their left hands only, while the third man was dressed in white and wearing a hat." City AM
The identification of the two brothers, Khalid and Brahim el-Bakraoui, as the men on the left in the photo was first made by Belgium's state broadcaster RTBF . I have a question: since there are no images of the bombers from the Metro attack, how did RTBF identify the other brother as part of this group if in fact, the man on the far left isn't Khalid but rather bomb-maker Najim Laachroui, as the story now goes?
Here's an interesting change in the story from the Independent:
"Both were originally reported to have died in the departures terminal but new Belgian reports alleged that Brahim killed himself at the airport, while Khalid was on the Metro." March 24th, Independent article
""Both were originally reported to have died in the departures terminal but updated Belgian reports alleged that Brahim killed himself at the airport on the Metro." March 23rd, The sameIndependent article
The implication there being the brothers were both at the airport and that Khalid died in the airport departure terminal when he blew himself up and his brother made it down to the Metro station after the bombings and killed himself down there.
If you take into consideration the first story of them both dying in the departure terminal, that's three versions of the story in less than 24 hours.
Speaking of dramatic changes to the story, you might recall, Najim Laachroui was supposed to have been arrested by Belgium authorities yesterday morning but now, he's one of the suicide bombers, the one they supposedly thought was Khalid el-Bakraoui, who blew himself up in the terminal.
Laachroui had been identified as the man in the fishing hat on the right of the image. But now, he's the guy on the other side and no one knows who "fishing hat guy" really is.
"The third man seen wheeling heavy bags into the airport, wearing a goatee, spectacles and fishing hat was named by intelligence sources to local media as Najim Laachraoui, 24, a suspected Isil commander who made the suicide bombs used in the Paris outrage in November. " Telegraph Mar. 23
"Najim Laachroui, who was only tentatively named this morning, has been arrested in the Belgian capital, according to Belgian newspaper DH." City AM Mar. 23
City AM has posted a revision of their original story:
"Belgian newspaper DH had reported this morning that Najim Laachroui, who was only tentatively named hours before, had been arrested in the Belgian capital.
However DH is now reporting that it was a different individual. Police have declined to comment throughout the morning, but will hold a press conference today." City AM
Yesterday I suggested that the third guy in the photo, the one who supposedly escaped without harm, was the Belgian asset handler who brought the brothers to the airport to serve as the patsies in this event. If that was indeed Najim Laachroui who build the bombs and brought the brothers to the location as per his instructions, then it would make sense for authorities to have him reported as "dead" as opposed to have to go through the hassle of a needlessly embarrassing trial.
Of course, that raises the question: what did authorities do with Najim after his reported arrest? Did they tie up some loose ends by killing him? Or did they simply export him down to Syria to keep doing his thing? After all, as every MSM source says, bomb-makers are a commodity in this business, right?
And What About Their Lack of Terrorism Backgrounds?
We were first told that these two el-Bakraoui brothers had extensive criminal backgrounds but nothing on the radar when it came to terrorism. That story is also sliding down the memory hole thanks to a revelation from Turkish officials which cast a rather ominous light on Belgium.
"They are brothers Khalid and Brahim El Bakraoui, both of whom were known to police, but for organized crime, not for acts of terrorism, state broadcaster RTBF reported." CNN
That was the first version of the story and the one which would have held up, were it not for the Turks.
"At a news conference Wednesday, Van Leeuw said Ibrahim El Bakraoui was the man at the center of the surveillance image. An official in the Turkish president's office said El Bakraoui was caught at the Syrian-Turkish border in June and deported to the Netherlands, the AP reported.
The official corrected Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who earlier said El Bakraoui was deported to Belgium. The official noted that Turkey warned both Dutch and Belgian authorities that El Bakraoui was a "foreign terrorist fighter," the AP said. Dutch officials later let him go free because Belgian officials could not establish ties to terrorism." CNBC
Dutch and Belgian officials let the guy go free because they could not establish ties to terrorism. Really?
These two countries send more "moderate" terrorists to the Obama Syrian Regime Change project than any other nation short of Saudi Arabia and we are supposed to believe they let him go when he failed to get past Turkish authorities because he had no ties to terrorism? Do you think they should have asked the Turks why they detained Ibrahim and returned him to the Netherlands on suspicion of terrorist intent before they turned him loose? That might have been a good idea, huh?
After all, his brother Khalid was wanted by Interpol under suspicion of being a terrorist. And who issued the request for the Interpol "red notice" on Khalid? Belgium.
[Image: interpol.jpg?w=468&h=400]
So Ibrahim El Bakraoui was shipped back from Turkey after trying to get into Syria so he could commit some "moderate" terrorism on behalf of the regime change operation and Brussels had filed for an Interpol "red notice" on Khalid on the charge of "terrorism" some time ago…
… and yeah, according to the first version of the official story, the brothers had no previous ties to terrorism.
All Those "Concentric Circles" and Not a Straight Line Between Them
With all these changes to the official story, the MSM pundits and talking heads are doing Olympic-grade mental gymnastics in order to avoid coming to what I consider to be the obvious conclusions.
I even heard one on CNN talking about all the "concentric circles" of terrorism cells that are confusing law enforcement and investigators in the aftermath of both the Paris and the Brussels attacks.
It's not confusing. It's quite obvious if you don't refuse to see what's right in front of you. These guys were assets, probably sent into Syria to help with the regime change operations, definitely let off the hook for previous crimes, and made an offer to get into Syria in order to help our "moderates" destabilize the country making it ready for regime change. That's how we do it.
That explains why Belgium let them off the hook when Turkey sent them back and explains why they were able to travel around freely in Brussels long after everyone knew what they were. And, it makes sense that they would try their best to keep that fact from the general population after the attacks in the airport and subway.
With respect to Najim Laachroui, who was widely reported as being arrested by Belgium authorities, it also makes sense they would jump as many hoops as possible to avoid a messy trial with the guy and change the official story to make him out to be a dead terrorist rather than a live bomb-maker. Whether they went ahead and killed him or not is anyone's guess. But I think it's clear after all of this effort to remake the official story, the guy did leave the airport after dropping off the assets and he did turn himself into authorities after a picture of him was published in the national press. I guess he feared for his life. Ironic, huh.
I wonder if the brothers were under the impression they were being shipped out back to Syria for some more fun and games. I wonder if Najim was supposed to go with them, but had to return to the cab for something he "forgot" and he detonated the explosives while the brothers stood there waiting for him.

There are all sorts of possibilities here. Hard too say what really happened. One thing is for sure though: the first and second official stories aren't accurate now that we have the third. Who knows what the next version will bring.


Is the Latest "ISIS Attack" Another False Flag? Paul Craig Roberts

March 25, 2016 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | [Image: print.gif] Print This Article

Is the Latest "ISIS Attack" Another False Flag?
Paul Craig Roberts
I have not looked into the latest attack blamed on ISIS, this time in Belgium, and I am not going to investigate it. The explanation was set in stone by the initial reporting, and any skepticism that is expressed is disregarded as conspiracy theory. I have seen reports that the bombs were in the ceilings and that the initial film released by authorities was in fact film from several years ago of the Chechnya attack on a Russian airport. If these reports are correct, they raise questions about the official set-in-stone story.
But the questions won't be asked.
If the various bombings are false flag attacks, the governments will get away with them, because the attacks blamed on Muslim terrorists fit every agenda that is out there. Government agendas for more war, military spending, and police state measures are served. But so also are the agendas of those who want to limit immigration, those who want to blame the bombings on blowback from Western imperialism, those such as the Russian government who desire a united front against terrorism, and those who use the bombings to stress the innate goodness of the West, which attracts hatred because of its goodness. Washington likes the bombings because they keep Europeans scared and the governments under Washington's thumb.
Anyone who raises real questions is set upon by every group for whom the bombings blamed on ISIS are a blessing to their agenda.
Just as we hear today that ISIS bombed an airport or whatever, we heard throughout the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s that this or that communist group, such as the Red Brigades, the Red Army Faction or Baader-Meinhof gang had bombed a train station. In truth these bombings were the work of Operation Gladio, a conspiracy of the CIA and European intelligence services against the European peoples. The conspiracy was revealed by the Italian government and culminated in an extensive investigation in which intelligence operatives testified that they focused on killing woman and children because it had the greatest impact in discrediting the communists on whom the attacks were blamed. European communist parties in Italy and France were growing in electoral success, and Washington wanted the communists discredited. That is what the bombings achieved.
So today when you hear the presstitutes report that ISIS bombed this and that, all you really know is that this is the government's claim and that governments made similar claims in the post-WWII 20th century when Washington regarded it as imperative to discredit European communist parties.
Western governments have always found it easy to hoodwink their populations, and it is just as easy today.
March 26, 2016, A Report from Warsaw, Poland:
Dear Dr Roberts,
With the reference to your article on the Bruxelles attacks, I was impatiently waiting for your comments during the recent days. As you indicated the RT immediately found that the 2011 Domodedovo airport attacks film was used by the media to depict the attack in Bruxelles. Also, no images of dead corpses were shown.
But let me report a bizarre thing from Poland. One, the right-wing PM immediately declared that there will be no refugees accepted in Poland, and it seems the authorities were waiting for such an event. Two, it came out the right-wing government, which has majority in the Sejm (Polish parliament), forced a draft of an extreme anti-terrorism bill, which grants virtually unlimited power to the secret police, the ABW, allows it and other security agencies to put anyone under surveillance without a court approval. It also grants the secret police access to all IT systems within Poland, and, most oddly, forces the registration of pre-paid telephone SIM cards, which were always accessible in Poland for a fee of just 5 PLN (ca. US$1.25) at any kiosk, supermarket or gas station without any need to provide your ID and/or address. To make matters worse, the draft did not explain what the "terrorist threat" means, which allows broad interpretation by the authorities and the imposition of martial law. It seems the draft was prepared well before the Bruxelles events because of its complicated character.
All these lead to a conclusion that the Bruxelles attacks were staged. RT also reported that an Israeli security company was responsible was Bruxelles airport security, which adds more doubts.

The Belgian government some weeks ago hired an Israeli security firm to inspect security arrangements at the Zaventem airport of Brussels. The security experts, who were asked for advice on improvements, submitted initial recommendations for urgent upgrades. However those improvements had not been installed by Tuesday, March 22, when Islamist terrorists hit the airport's departure hall with exploding suitcases, claiming more than 30 deaths and injuring scores of victims..
The Israeli firm was not alone in underlining the urgency of security upgrades at Zaventem airport in recent weeks. On Feb. 29, European Union security agencies called for an immediate overhaul of the security measures at Belgian airports and borders, which were wide open to access by terrorists and lacked the tools for inspecting passengers on arrival and departure.

The aviation and general security services firm ICTS handles security operations at Brussels airport, the scene of a bomb attack yesterday morning. ICTS was established in 1982 by former members of Shin Bet, Israel's internal security agency and El Al airline security agents, and has a major presence around the world in airport security including operations in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Japan and Russia. ICTS uses the security system employed in Israel, whereby passengers are profiled to assess the degree to which they pose a potential threat on the basis of a number of indicators, including age, name, origin and behavior during questioning. Chairman of the Supervisory Board at ICTS is Menachem J. Atzmon. Atzmon is a former Likud party member who was indicted and convicted in 1996 in a fraud and embezzlement case relating to the misappropriation of funds raised by charities. Atzmon is also the CEO of the port authority of Rostock in Germany. This will not, however, be the first time that ICTS has come under scrutiny for possible security lapses leading to a Muslim terror attack'. [Image: farouk_10-150x150.jpg]The young knicker bomber. Groomed, sheep-dipped and expended, to bring terror' to your doorstep.

As the provider of security services to Amsterdam's Schiphol airport and United Airlines and US Airways, the firm's security system was criticized for somehow allowing erstwhile underwear bomber', Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to "slip through" and board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 to Detroit with explosive materials on Christmas day 2009. The Christmas knicker bomber, as he came to be known, was not your usual disgruntled Arab or lowly Muslim acolyte. He was the son of Nigerian banking mogul and former Nigerian government minister Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, one of the richest men in Africa. We're talking one of the African colonial elite here, an African version of the British old boy's network While in London, his son, the knicker bomber lived in a ₤4 million apartment in Mansfield Street, in the city's West End. He also enjoyed access to visas for several different countries, including the US. [Image: Haskells-150x150.jpg]Detroit attorney Kurt Haskell and his wife Lori

Unlike most alleged Muslim terrorists who usually bring their passports to the scene of their suicide attacks' (and often leave them there for police to find) Abdulmutallab apparently arrived at Schipol airport to board his flight to the US with a one way ticket, no luggage and without a passport. Now usually this would have spelled a premature end to his planned attack, but according to Detroit attorney and eyewitness to events at Schipol, Kurt Haskell, Abdulmutallab benefited from the help of a sharply dressed Indian man who was able to escort the youngster to the boarding gate where he told the attendant that Abdulmutallab had no passport but should be allowed on the flight anyway. When the sharply dressed man was told that he would have to speak to the security manager, he did so and successfully planted the knicker bomber on the plane. Now this requires some serious string pulling, and all the hoopla in the press at the time about whether or not the security system worked was just hubris, because if the knicker bomber appeared at the gate without a passport, it is unlikely that he went through the normal process up to that point, including check-in which requires passengers to show their passports. In all probability, Abdulmutallab was escorted as a VIP' to the gate by the sharply dressed man. So how do two suspicious looking dudes, at least one of them without a passport and carrying bomb materials, get to the gate in an airport and then onto the flight? The answer is they don't, unless they have some friends among the people running the security controls at the airport. In this case, ICTS.
Within a few months of the underwear attack, the US State Department admittedthat it had known about Mutallab's intentions for some time and had not revoked his entry visa to the USA because they, effectively, wanted to see what he would do.
"Revocation action would've disclosed what they were doing," Kennedy said in testimony before the House Committee on Homeland Security. Allowing Adbulmutallab to keep the visa increased chances federal investigators would be able to get closer to apprehending the terror network he is accused of working with, "rather than simply knocking out one soldier in that effort."
[Image: Richard_reid_1-150x150.jpg]Richard Reid, hapless dupe.

But ICTS' security faux pas' don't end there. In December 2001, they somehow managed to let deranged shoe bomber Richard Reid, onto his Miami-bound flight in Paris, and this was after ICTS had cleared Reid through security at Amsterdam airport on a flight to Tel Aviv in July 2001 for what was apparently an all-expenses paid week-long trip to the Israeli city. What precisely he did there remains a mystery. Reid later said that ICTS/El Al had failed to detect that he had explosives in his shoes on the flight to Tel Aviv, an amazing revelation considering the Israeli airline's tight security and the fact that, six months later, they were responsible for letting him board the Miami-bound flight with the very same type of shoe bomb'. Israel had not informed British, American, or any other security agency of their concerns about Reid. Reid's aunt, Claudette Lewis who raised Reid in south London, was quoted as saying she believed her nephew had been "brainwashed". ICTS also somehow missed several of the alleged 9/11 hijackers who allegedly flew out of Boston's Logan airport on September 11th 2001. ICTS also handled security for London's bus network during the July 7, 2005, suicide' bomb attacks. In fact, two of its subsidiaries, ICTS UK and ICTS Europe Systems, are based at Tavistock House, Tavistock Square in London, scene of the London Stagecoach bus bombing that day.
That's quite a record, all in all. And we have to wonder how many terror attacks could have been prevented, how many innocent lives saved, how much further we might be today from a burgeoning police state, if outfits like ICTS and those that support them had not allowed so many unlikely and hapless Muslim terrorists' to "slip through".
Of all the authoritarian leaders' that benefit from the insecurity created by Muslim terrorism', the political elite of the state of Israel benefit the most. And of all the people who suffer from terrorist attacks, people of Muslim faith suffer by far the most. Israel, a country created on stolen Palestinian land and surrounded by Muslims, requires the continued threat of Islamic terrorism' to justify its existence. In pushing this insane agenda so far, by encouraging Europe and the West' to adopt Israeli attitudes towards Palestinians, it seems that the conditions are being created whereby the events of Nazi Germany may well repeat, only this time with Muslims in the position of the Jews.

International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS)

Posted on March 25, 2016 by Michael Ruark

The aviation and general security services firm ICTS handles security operations at Brussels airport, the scene of a bomb attack on March 22, 2016. Established in 1988, ICTS Belgium operates from its principal office in Brussels, with operational centres at Brussels Airport and Redu. ICTS Belgium specialises in the provision of security services to airports, airlines, corporate, private and public sector clients.
On April 10, 2014: ICTS Belgium was re-awarded the contract for the provision of document checking services for Air Transat at Brussels Airport. The contract will see the ICTS team check the validity of travel documents and visas at check-in and again at the gates prior to boarding of the aircraft.
ICTS International and its two subsidiaries, ISEC and PI, provide security services to the Schiphol airport, United Airlines and US Airways.
ICTS took over passenger screening and security at the Boston and Newark airports when ICTS acquired Huntleigh USA in 1999. United Flight 175 and American Flight 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated from Boston's Logan Airport, while United Flight 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport.
Huntleigh, along with two other foreign security companies, was granted congressional protection in 2002 and will not be called to account for its actions in any U.S. court.
An act of Congress transferred all 9/11 wrongful death suits to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, presided over by Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein. He has presided over almost all the 9/11 court cases. The 9-11 wrongful death and personal injury cases against American Air Lines (AA) or UAL or any of the foreign security companies, namely Argenbright Security (British), Globe Aviation Services Corp. (Swedish) and Huntleigh USA Corp. (Israeli) are being handled Hellerstein.
In the case of at least one of these security defendants, Huntleigh, there would seem to be a conflict of interest for the judge because the airline security company who is responsible for the shocking security lapses at both the Boston and Newark airports on 9-11 is a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS) headed by men with clear ties to Israel's military intelligence agency, Mossad.
Judge Hellerstein's son is Joseph Hellerstein. Joseph Hellerstein worked for an Israeli law firm. That Israeli law firm represented a company called B.O.S., Better On-Line Solutions. One of the guys on the board of directors is a Israeli man who was formerly the chairman of the Board of Directors of ICTS. His family has a majority ownership stake in ICTS they own more than 50% of the company.
ICTS currently has contracts with Delta Airlines at Paris Charles deGaulle, Gatwick in London, Continental out of Milan and Barcelona, and 100 other airlines operating out of 50 European airports in 12 countries and the firm employs some 5000 personnel. Many of the firm's officers are ex-Mossad and Shin Bet officers.
ICTS handled security for London's bus network during the July 7, 2005, suicide' bomb attacks. The European ICTS centre is at: ICTS (UK) Limited, 1st Floor, South Block, Tavistock House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9TW this just happens to be exactly where the Number 30 bus blew up on July 7th; and just happens to be facing the Woburn hotel in Tavistock Square, where the original Zionist movement is said to have started.
ICTS allowed underwear bomber', Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to "slip through" and board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 to Detroit with explosive materials on Christmas day 2009. ICTS cleared shoe bomber Richard Reid, through security at Amsterdam airport in December 2001.
ICTS International N.V. is a Dutch firm that develops products and provides consulting and personnel services in the field of aviation and general security. It was established in 1982, by former members of the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security agency, and El Al airline security agents.
Executive Officers of ICTS International include Menachem J. Atzmon (Chairman of the Supervisory Board since 2004), Ran Langer (Managing Director since 2004), and Alon Raich (CFO since 2008). Atzmon holds controlling shares, owning more than 60% of ICTS International through a family trust.
Mr. Menachem J. Atzmon, CPA (Israel) is active in international business and in numerous ventures. He is a controlling shareholder in ICTS International N.V. and was appointed as its Chairman of the Board in 2004, after having served as a Member of the Board for several years. As of 1995, Mr. Atzmon is serving as a Director of Spencer Corporation Ltd., an investment company. Since 1996 he is the Managing Director of Albermale Investment Ltd. and Kent Investment Holding Ltd. Since January 1998 he has served as CEO of Port of Rostock.
The former Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, has a long history of involvement in Israeli financial crimes, was indicted on charges of aggravated fraud, falsifying corporate documents, and violations of the tax code and Party Funding Law from crimes committed when he was the party treasurer for the Likud party in 1988. The Likud fundraising scandal culminated in the March 1996 with the conviction of three Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon, Olmert's co-treasurer. As the party treasurer, Olmert was indicted in the Likud crimes but received special treatment and was acquitted. During the 1970s Olmert had worked in the law firm owned by another Atzmon, Uzi Atzmon.
Ran Langer's appointment as a Joint Managing Director of ICTS International N.V. in 2004 followed a six year period at Joint Seehafen Rostock Umschlagsgesellschaft mbH.
Previously, Mr. Langer served as the General Manager of ICTS International N.V. Activities and Operations in Germany for a decade, during which he expanded the company's operations in this country. Before joining ICTS International N.V., Ran Langer filled a variety of roles in El Al Israel Airlines' security operation, mainly in Germany, the UK, including Department Head responsible for El AL European and African stations.
Alon Raich is a CPA (Israel), joined ICTS in September 2005 as Financial Controller and was appointed as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of ICTS International N.V during November 2008. Before joining ICTS, Mr Raich worked in PwC Israel Kesselman and Kesselman during the years 2001-2005. Mr Raich holds a BA degree in eonomics and accounting and an MA degree in law from the Bar Ilan University in Israel.
ICTS provides nationwide coverage from operational centres in England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
More operational centres are added every year to support new and expanding business.
Didcot, Oxfordshire
As part of the ICTS Europe Group, ICTS has sister operations in:
Czech Repuplic
Netherlands (CTSN/Holkema)
ICTS Europe also enjoys working partnerships in:
South Africa
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS)

Posted on March 25, 2016 by Michael Ruark

The aviation and general security services firm ICTS handles security operations at Brussels airport, the scene of a bomb attack on March 22, 2016. Established in 1988, ICTS Belgium operates from its principal office in Brussels, with operational centres at Brussels Airport and Redu. ICTS Belgium specialises in the provision of security services to airports, airlines, corporate, private and public sector clients.
On April 10, 2014: ICTS Belgium was re-awarded the contract for the provision of document checking services for Air Transat at Brussels Airport. The contract will see the ICTS team check the validity of travel documents and visas at check-in and again at the gates prior to boarding of the aircraft.
ICTS International and its two subsidiaries, ISEC and PI, provide security services to the Schiphol airport, United Airlines and US Airways.
ICTS took over passenger screening and security at the Boston and Newark airports when ICTS acquired Huntleigh USA in 1999. United Flight 175 and American Flight 11, which allegedly struck the twin towers, both originated from Boston's Logan Airport, while United Flight 93, which purportedly crashed in Pennsylvania, departed from the Newark airport.
Huntleigh, along with two other foreign security companies, was granted congressional protection in 2002 and will not be called to account for its actions in any U.S. court.
An act of Congress transferred all 9/11 wrongful death suits to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, presided over by Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein. He has presided over almost all the 9/11 court cases. The 9-11 wrongful death and personal injury cases against American Air Lines (AA) or UAL or any of the foreign security companies, namely Argenbright Security (British), Globe Aviation Services Corp. (Swedish) and Huntleigh USA Corp. (Israeli) are being handled Hellerstein.
In the case of at least one of these security defendants, Huntleigh, there would seem to be a conflict of interest for the judge because the airline security company who is responsible for the shocking security lapses at both the Boston and Newark airports on 9-11 is a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS) headed by men with clear ties to Israel's military intelligence agency, Mossad.
Judge Hellerstein's son is Joseph Hellerstein. Joseph Hellerstein worked for an Israeli law firm. That Israeli law firm represented a company called B.O.S., Better On-Line Solutions. One of the guys on the board of directors is a Israeli man who was formerly the chairman of the Board of Directors of ICTS. His family has a majority ownership stake in ICTS they own more than 50% of the company.
ICTS currently has contracts with Delta Airlines at Paris Charles deGaulle, Gatwick in London, Continental out of Milan and Barcelona, and 100 other airlines operating out of 50 European airports in 12 countries and the firm employs some 5000 personnel. Many of the firm's officers are ex-Mossad and Shin Bet officers.
ICTS handled security for London's bus network during the July 7, 2005, suicide' bomb attacks. The European ICTS centre is at: ICTS (UK) Limited, 1st Floor, South Block, Tavistock House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9TW this just happens to be exactly where the Number 30 bus blew up on July 7th; and just happens to be facing the Woburn hotel in Tavistock Square, where the original Zionist movement is said to have started.
ICTS allowed underwear bomber', Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to "slip through" and board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 to Detroit with explosive materials on Christmas day 2009. ICTS cleared shoe bomber Richard Reid, through security at Amsterdam airport in December 2001.
ICTS International N.V. is a Dutch firm that develops products and provides consulting and personnel services in the field of aviation and general security. It was established in 1982, by former members of the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security agency, and El Al airline security agents.
Executive Officers of ICTS International include Menachem J. Atzmon (Chairman of the Supervisory Board since 2004), Ran Langer (Managing Director since 2004), and Alon Raich (CFO since 2008). Atzmon holds controlling shares, owning more than 60% of ICTS International through a family trust.
Mr. Menachem J. Atzmon, CPA (Israel) is active in international business and in numerous ventures. He is a controlling shareholder in ICTS International N.V. and was appointed as its Chairman of the Board in 2004, after having served as a Member of the Board for several years. As of 1995, Mr. Atzmon is serving as a Director of Spencer Corporation Ltd., an investment company. Since 1996 he is the Managing Director of Albermale Investment Ltd. and Kent Investment Holding Ltd. Since January 1998 he has served as CEO of Port of Rostock.
The former Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, has a long history of involvement in Israeli financial crimes, was indicted on charges of aggravated fraud, falsifying corporate documents, and violations of the tax code and Party Funding Law from crimes committed when he was the party treasurer for the Likud party in 1988. The Likud fundraising scandal culminated in the March 1996 with the conviction of three Likudniks, including Menahem Atzmon, Olmert's co-treasurer. As the party treasurer, Olmert was indicted in the Likud crimes but received special treatment and was acquitted. During the 1970s Olmert had worked in the law firm owned by another Atzmon, Uzi Atzmon.
Ran Langer's appointment as a Joint Managing Director of ICTS International N.V. in 2004 followed a six year period at Joint Seehafen Rostock Umschlagsgesellschaft mbH.
Previously, Mr. Langer served as the General Manager of ICTS International N.V. Activities and Operations in Germany for a decade, during which he expanded the company's operations in this country. Before joining ICTS International N.V., Ran Langer filled a variety of roles in El Al Israel Airlines' security operation, mainly in Germany, the UK, including Department Head responsible for El AL European and African stations.
Alon Raich is a CPA (Israel), joined ICTS in September 2005 as Financial Controller and was appointed as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of ICTS International N.V during November 2008. Before joining ICTS, Mr Raich worked in PwC Israel Kesselman and Kesselman during the years 2001-2005. Mr Raich holds a BA degree in eonomics and accounting and an MA degree in law from the Bar Ilan University in Israel.
ICTS provides nationwide coverage from operational centres in England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
More operational centres are added every year to support new and expanding business.
Didcot, Oxfordshire
As part of the ICTS Europe Group, ICTS has sister operations in:
Czech Repuplic
Netherlands (CTSN/Holkema)
ICTS Europe also enjoys working partnerships in:
South Africa

What a nice Vitae they have. Coincidental, of course. Obviously.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Acolyte like I've been daily checking Voltaire for Thierry Meyssan's take on the Brussels terrorist attacks - if only because I regard Meyssan as having, by far, the best insights and sources relating to Syria and general middle eastern matters.

Well, he has now published an article and careful reading rewards those in search of the probable real reasons behind this events. And in view of what he says, I still regard Sibek Edmonds Gladio B option to be the responsible party.

I have taken Meyssan's link under footnote 4 and translated from Turkish to Googlish at the end of this post. Ditto his footnote 2 link --- both are well worth reading.


The motive for the attacks in Paris and Brussels

by Thierry Meyssan
We don't yet know who ordered the attacks in Paris and Brussels. Several potential leads have been mentioned, but only the hypothesis of an operation decided by Turkey has any serious backing. Thierry Meyssan describes the secret conflict which, for the last five years, has haunted the relations between the Europan Union, France and Turkey.

[Image: 190905-1-9-002c5.jpg]In 2011, Alain Juppe for France and Ahmet Davutoğlu for Turkey secretly agreed to implement the creation of a pseudo-Kurdistan and a Sunnistan straddling the borders between Iraq and Syria (this was to be Daesh's job) in order to create a destination for the exile of the Turkish Kurds. Their project was supported by Israël and the United Kingdom.It is too early to name with any certainty the sponsor of the attacks which struck Paris on the 13th November 2015, and Brussels on the 22nd March 2016. However, for the moment, only the elements which we are about to reveal offer a reasonable explanation.

* * *

Just after the death of the founder of Turkish Islamism, Necmettin Erbakan, and at the beginning of the «Arab Spring», the Erdoğan government concluded a secret agreement with France. According to a diplomat who has studied the document, it stipulated the conditions for the participation of Turkey in the wars against Libya (which had just started) and against Syria (which was to follow). France, represented by its Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alain Juppé, agreed in particular to deal with the «Kurdish question» without «compromising the integrity of Turkish territory» - a convoluted formula which signified that a pseudo-Kurdistan would be created elsewhere, to which the members of the PKK would be exiled. This project for ethnic cleansing, which is not new, had until that time been evoked only in Israëli military literature describing the new state between Syria and Iraq.[Image: 190905-2-9-6815f.jpg]On the 31 st October 2014, François Hollande accompanies Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the steps of the Elysée. Another guest had just left discretely by the back door, Kurdish leader Salih Muslim. On the 31st October 2014, President François Hollande took the opportunity of an official visit by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Paris to organise a secret meeting, at the Elysée, with the co-President of the Syrian Kurds, Salih Muslim. Betraying the Turkish Kurds and their leader Abdullah Öcalan, Salih Muslim agreed to become the President of this pseudo-Kurdistan which was to be created on the occasion of the overthrow of democratically elected President Bachar el-Assad.This was during the battle of Kobane. For several months, the Syrian Kurds had been defending the city against Daesh. Their victory over the jihadists was to shake up the political chessboard anyone who really wanted to fight the jihadists had to ally themselves with the Kurds. However, the Syrian Kurds only obtained their nationality at the beginning of the war until then, they had been Turkish political refugees in Syria, chased from their country during the repression of the 1980's. At that time, the member states of NATO considered the PKK, the main Kurdish formation in Turkey, as a terrorist organisation. But from then on, they would distinguish between the 'bad' Turkish PKK and the 'good' Syrian YPG, despite the fact that these two organisations are closely related.[Image: 190905-3-9-f89a8.jpg]After the battle of Kobane, François Hollande changed sides and expressed his support for the Kurds, when he received a delegation of the YPG at the Elysée, on the 8th February 2015 .A dramatic turn of events - on the 8th February 2015, France changed its previous position. Officially this time, François Hollande received at the Elysée the co-President of the Syrian Kurds (loyal to Öcalan), Asya Abdullah, and Commander Nesrin Abdullah in camouflage uniform. Salih Muslim was absent from this meeting.Recep Tayyip Erdoğan reacted by ordering an attack by Daesh, in Suruç, against a pro-Kurd demonstration, on the 20th July2015. Using Western anti-terrorist rhetoric, he declared war this time against Daesh and the Kurds, but used military means only against the Kurds. By doing so, he put an end to the cease-fire and re-started the civil war in his own country. Unable to create a pseudo-Kurdistan in Syria, he provoked the exodus of Kurds to Europe.On the 3rd September 2015, the publication of a photograph of a drowned Kurdish child marked the start of a huge wave of migration from Turkey to the European Union, mainly to Germany. During the first weeks, the German leaders were delighted with this massive influx of new workers, badly needed by their heavy industry, while the media expressed their compassion for the refugees who were fleeing the Syrian dictatorship. Furthermore, on the 29th September, the French and German leaders hijacked the empathy for the migrants in order to study the possibility of financing the continuation of the war by giving 3 billion Euros to Turkey a gift which was presented to public opinion as humanitarian aid for the refugees.At the end of September 2015, Russia began its military operation against jihadists of all stripes, and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was compelled to watch the progressive failure of his project. He therefore ordered Salih Muslim to launch an operation for the forced Kurdisation of Northern Syria. The Kurdish brigades expelled the Arab and Assyrian teachers from their schools and replaced them with Kurdish teachers. The Syrians revolted and reached out to the Russians, who found a way to calm the situation, not without evoking a possible ulterior federalisation of Syria. There was no reaction from France.On the 13th November, Turkey, exasperated by François Hollande's about-turns, took France hostage and ordered the attacks in Paris, causing 130 dead and 413 wounded.I wrote at that time - «Successive French governments have formed alliances with states whose values are opposed to those of the Republic. They have progressively opted for waging secret wars for these states, before changing their minds. President Hollande, and in particular his Head of Staff, General Benoit Puga, his Minister for Foreign Affairs, Laurent Fabius and his predecessor Alain Juppé, are today the object of blackmail from which they can only escape by revealing the mess into which they have dragged their country.» [1].Terrorised, Paris hastily resorted to the Juppé plan of 2011. With London, they caused the adoption, on the 20th November, of Resolution 2249 by the Security Council. Under cover of the fight against Daesh, the Resolution was intended to justify the conquest of Northern Syria in order to create, at last, the pseudo-Kurdistan to which Recep Tayyip Erdoğan could expel «his» Kurds. But the United States and Russia had the text altered in such a way that France and the United Kingdom would not be able to intervene without being invited by Syria - a situation which raises echoes of the failed colonial operation of 1956, in which Franco-British troops attempted to occupy the Suez Canal with the support of Israël and Turkey, but had to withdraw under the glares of the United States and the USSR.During the five and a half months of the Russian intervention in Syria, Turko-Russian relations continually worsened. The attack against the Metrojet Flight 9268 in the Sinaï, Vladimir Putin's accusations at the G20 summit in Antalya, the destruction of the Sukhoï-24 and Russian sanctions against Turkey, the publication of the aerial photographs of the interminable line of tanker-trucks carrying oil stolen by Daeash through Turkey, etc. After having considered declaring war on Turkey, Russia finally decided on the subtler plan of supporting the PKK against the Erdoğan administration. Sergeï Lavrov managed to convince his US partner to profit from the coming destabilisation of Turkey by organising the overthrow of the dictator Erdoğan. The Turkish régime, which feels threatened by both Russia and the USA, is attempting to find allies. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu went to Tehran on the 5th March, while the Iranian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mohammad Javad Zarif, visited Ankara on the 18th March. But the Islamic Republic has no intention of causing trouble with the two great powers.On the 14th March, Vladimir Putin announced the withdrawal of Russian bombers, at which point the pseudo-Kurdistan project once again became possible. But Moscow and Washington were one step ahead they began to deliver, indirectly, weapons to the PKK.Unfortunately, this time it was the European Union which no longer wanted to hear about the colonisation of Northern Syria. The majority of EU member states have followed the foreign policy imposed by Paris for the last five years, with a remarkable absence of success. In order to signal their annoyance, several states, including Belgium, offered political asylum to leaders of the Turkish Kurds. They expressed their anger during the EU-Turkey summit of the 17th and 18th March, during which they were obliged to adopt definitively the subsidy of 3 billion Euros per year to Ankara.On that occasion, I denounced the behaviour of the European elite, who, blinded by their anti-Syrian obsession, were reproducing the same error that was committed in 1938. At that time, obsessed by their anti-communism, they supported Chancellor Hitler during the annexation of Austria and the Sudeten crisis (Munich agreements), without realising that they were arming the enemy which was about to strike them [2].During the EU-Turkey summit, and therefore independently of any decisions which were taken there, President Erdoğan gave a televised speech on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the battle of Çanakkale («the battle of the Dardanelles» the victory of the Ottoman Empire over the allies) and in remembrance of the victims of the attack perpetrated in Ankara a few days earlier. He declared -«There is no reason that the bomb which exploded in Ankara might not explode in Brussels or another European city (…) Here I am appealing to all states who open their arms and who, directly or indirectly, support terrorist organisations. You are feeding a serpent in your bed. and this serpent that you are feeding may bite you at any moment. Perhaps looking at these bombs which explode in Turkey on your television screens means nothing to you but when the bombs begin exploding in your cities, you will certainly understand what we are feeling. But then it will be too late. Stop supporting these activities which you would never tolerate in your own countries, except when they are aimed at Turkey. » [3].Four days later, the attacks occurred in Brussels, causing 34 dead and 260 wounded. and so that we would not think it was a coincidence, but a deliberate act, on the following day the Turkish Press rejoiced at the punishment inflicted upon Belgium [4].Since President Erdoğan re-started the civil war, it has cost 3,500 lives in Turkey.

LINK to footnote 2. Link to Googlish translation of footnote 2 re Turkish Star newspaper story
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Brussels attacks 'suspect' Faycal Cheffou freed due to lack of evidence

Mar 28th 2016 11:04AM

Arrested Thursday night outside the prosecutors office, police sources saying Cheffou was the "man in the hat" seen in airport surveillance footage, charged with a terror offense, then released for lack of evidence Monday afternoon. A new plea for assistance identifying the "man in the hat" was issued by Belgium police Monday morning.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Drew Phipps Wrote:If you happen to be a fan of Harry Dean's theory, that the Church of Latter Day Saints is, in fact, the secret government, or in control of the US government by infiltration somehow, here's an interesting coincidental fact for you to consider:

"American injured in Brussels bombings also survived Boston and Paris attacks

Mar 23rd 2016 2:30PM

Nineteen-year-old Mason Wells from Utah was just a few feet away from a bombing at the Belgian Zaventem airport on Tuesday. Wells suffered burns and serious heel damage in the attacks that killed at least 31 people and injured dozens of others. But this is not the first time the Mormon missionary has faced attacks.

In 2013, Wells was near the finish line at the Boston Marathon to support his mother, when a bomb exploded just a block away from him, killing three and injuring dozens more. He was also in Paris during the attacks in November, but was in a different part of the city from where the attacks took place. "This is his third terrorist attack," his father Chad Wells told ABC News. "This is the third time that sadly in our society that we have a connection to a bomb blast. We live in a dangerous world and not everyone is kind and loving."

"I think the Boston experience helped him to stay calm," his father said. "I think any of us would be seriously shaken, but I think he's someone who could handle this better than anybody. He's the kind of young man to somehow turn this into a positive," Bishop Scott Bond of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Sandy, Utah, told The New York Daily News. Wells was one of three Mormon missionaries hurt in the attacks."

Mason would have been about 16 at the time of the Boston Marathon attack.

Yea, I saw that on the news....BBC was making a joke of it....thought it was just a very strange coincidence. I say, 'what are the odds?' - something like one in ten trillion or more. The Mormon's are pretty spooky, in all senses of the term. NSA's new ultimate data storage center is right 'there' now too...and their numbers in the intelligence agencies has always been way higher than their % in the population.

Khashoggi built the LDS Triad Center in Utah, and money was allegedly funneled into the Iran-contra operation. Then there was Romney at Bain Capital, also intimately connected to Iran-contra.

There seems to be a good deal of evidence to suggest that the CIA does use Mormon missionaries, just as they use other Christian missionaries.

Also some overlap with CNP / Singlaub / Moonie clique:

Quote:Dr. W. Cleon Skousen -[1913-2006] CNP Board of Governors 1982, member 1984, 1988; website 57; Mormon; President of the Freeman Institute which later changed to The National Center for Constitutional Studies 58; began as a messenger in the FBI (1935), "served 16 years in J. Edgar Hoover's FBI, as a Special Agent, an assistant to Mr. Hoover, and Director of Communications during the waning years of the gangster era and WWII." resigned 1951. 58b former FBI agent (16 yrs), was the number 3 man in the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover; Police Chief of Salt Lake City, Utah ; editor of the nations leading police magazine, "Law And Order."; author of books and tapes including 'Treasures of the Book Of Mormon"; retired professor Brigham Young University, professor in the Religion Department 1967-78, taught the Book of Mormon at Brigham Young University for many years; associated with the America Committee to Free Cuba and Americans for Law and Order. 59 Descendant of Freemason Benjamin Franklin; Verity Publishing, Inc. was founded in April of 1993 to publish his books and tapes. 60 ;

Former American Security Council Field Director-the Council produced sixty-five half-hour television programs called "Freedom University of the Air" hosted by Skousen. 61
"...authored The Naked Communist, which became a classic in Birchist circles. In 1971 Skousen opened the Freemen Institute, a Mormon-staffed political think tank that worked closely with the [John] Birch Society through the latter's affiliated Western Goals Foundation. Headed by U.S. Representative and John Birch Society national chair Larry McDonald, Western Goals was publicly exposed in the 1980's as an illegal intelligence gathering operation." 62
"On February 17th, [2000] W. Cleon Skousen formally endorsed Alan Keyes for President of the United States. Skousen, founder of the National Center for Constitutional Studies and a renowned authority on America's founding documents, issued the following statement: "I have come to the conclusion that, of all the presidential candidates still in the running from both parties, Alan Keyes is the only one the Founding Fathers would have endorsed...." 63
Skousen was directed to start the Institute by former President of the Mormon Church, David O. McKay. In 1989 the name was changed to the National Center for Constitutional Studies. The goal is to bring in the religious and political kingdom of God under the Mormon prophet."3 Skousen spoke at the "God and Freedom Banquet" which was held in honor of Sun Myung Moon to welcome him home from prison. Cleon Skousen spoke very highly of Moon and said that God had sent "Rev." Moon to our country with a revelation and a message.
"The Mormon/moonie coalition involves the Freeman Institute's cooperation in a new global anticommunist crusade with CAUSA International, a Moonie front organization. Also involved in CAUSA are members of CARP (another of Moon's dozens of front groups), whose business cards read 'Pioneering New Leadership for the New Age.' The Mormon Church has a great deal in common with the Unification Church."
"CAUSA is of particular interest because its amazing ecumenism has brought together Moonies, Mormons, top military, scientific, and political figures, and the Christian Right in close cooperation to fight 'Communism.' Accompanied by leaders from his Freeman Institute, Dr. Skousen has been prominent at CAUSA Conferences. So have well-known anticommunist crusaders...The Unification Church hopes to install Sun Myung Moon as world ruler; the Mormon Church holds the same ambition for its 'Prophet, Seer and Revelator'; and Christians await the return of Jesus Christ to establish His kingdom."
"Much like Joseph Smith, Sun Myung Moon claims to have visited by angels, Moses, Buddha and Jesus. Jesus allegedly gave Moon at age 16 the same assignment that Joseph Smith's 'God' from Kolob had already given him at the same age: to 'restore' true Christianity, beginning in the United States, and eventually to take over the entire world. Although the main characters are different, the basic Unification Church scenario, including blind obedience by members is much the same as Mormonism's. Reminiscent of Joseph Smith, Sun Myung Moon says: 'I am your brain. Every people or every organization that goes against the Unification Church will gradually come down and die.'"

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