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Israel and Saudia Arabia BFF
God bless the whistle blowers.
As has been long suspected and observed the relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia is very cosy.
From the wonderful Sharmine Narwani:
Quote:BREAKING: Israelis leak names of Saudi military officers trained in Israel under secret joint ops program.
Several take-aways from this: 1) Saudi Arabia has formalized military relations with Israel. 2) Saudi Arabia is definitively no longer part of the Arab fold. 3) Riyadh has no legitimacy for participating in or mediating Palestine-Israel peace talks 4) Wahhabism can and must be equated with zionism, both are exclusivist, racist ideologies at their core. 5) Saudi Arabia and Israel must cease to exist.

Quote:Alwaght- Saudi Arabia and Israeli Regime have signed a memorandum of understanding in 2014 on joint military cooperation in Red Sea, a senior military official linked to social-democratic and Zionist political party, Meretz, revealed.
Based on the secret documents, the memo concluded to Saudi Arabia and Israeli regime management on Bab el-Mandeb Strait, the Gulf of Aden and the Suez Canal and the Red Sea littoral countries as well, the veteranstoday website reported.
According to revelation, Israeli regime accepted to train Saudi officers at Polonium naval base in northern Israeli port city of Haifa in 2015.
Tel Aviv and Ankara aim to improve regional security and stability and combating terrorist groups in the Red Sea, the website cited Israeli whistleblower as saying.
The Israeli military source also revealed that the formation of a joint operation staff by Israel and Saudi Arabia in Tiran Island was among the secret MoU's provisions.
Colonel David Salami from Israel and Major-general Ahmed bin Saleh Al-Zahrani from Saudi Arabia were appointed as the joint commander of the Navy.
Once an unforgivable taboo among Arab and Muslims, Relation with Israeli, who has occupied their first Qibla i.e. Quds, is turning into an ordinary measure, at least for their leaders.
From time to time, reports are circulated about secret meetings between by Saudi, Qatari, Turkish … leader with their once arch-foe, Israeli regime.
Expert familiar with regional development, however, believe that news leaks of this kind are calculatingly, as Israeli as well as some Muslim leaders look on the one had to appraise public opinion's reaction to reconciliation with Israel and on the other hand to increase the bar for what instigates Muslim populations' action.
Late on February 2016, a report circulated saying Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir accompanied by the Saudi intelligence chief Khaled al-Hamidan made a secret visit to Israel during the past few days.
The visit was reportedly meant to discuss joint Israeli-Saudi military operations against Syria and Lebanon. During the clandestine visit, Adel al-Jubeir met with officials of the Israeli regime's spy agency Mossad.
However, the Israeli-based Meretz's member also published a list of senior Saudi officers who took part in Israelis' training course in Haifa:
Command School and specialized courses: nine officers and 1 graduate.
[TD] number
[TD] Name
[TD] Code
[TD] Rank
[TD] the period
[TD] 1
[TD] محمد بن عبدالله الزهراني
[TD] 12166
[TD] Colonel
[TD] Staff War
[TD] 2
[TD] محمد بن عبدالله محمد الربيعة
[TD] 12620
[TD] Lieutenant Colonel
[TD] Command course
[TD] 3
[TD] وليد بن عبدالرحمن العبيدي
[TD] 16153
[TD] Colonel
[TD] Command course
[TD] 4
[TD] معيض بن هادي القحطاني
[TD] 17453
[TD] Colonel engineering
[TD] Advanced
[TD] 5
[TD] بندر بن معتاد جزاء المطيري
[TD] 4625
[TD] Major
[TD] Special
[TD] 6
[TD] عبدالعيز بن عبدالله الناصر
[TD] 4701
[TD] Major
[TD] Advanced
[TD] 7
[TD] سعيد بن علي الأحمري
[TD] 22301
[TD] Captain
[TD] Special
[TD] 8
[TD] حمود بن طريخم الشمري
[TD] 23580
[TD] First lieutenant
[TD] Special
[TD] 9
[TD] خالد بن حمود الحربي
[TD] 23259
[TD] First lieutenant
[TD] Special
[TD] 10
[TD] بندر بن سهيل العتيبي
[TD] 34053
[TD] Senior master sergeant
[TD] Special

Navy including (87) high-ranking officers in advanced and specialized courses in sailing
Number Name Rank code
1 ثامر بن ماجد العاصي الهذال Colonel 7224
2 يزيد بن منصور عبدالله العمرو Colonel 7230
3 محمد بن مشعل عبدالله المشعلي Colonel 7233
4 محمد بن حسن محمد البارقي Colonel 7594
5 محمد بن عبدالعزيز سعد الشدي Colonel 7596
6 محمد بن علي عبدالرحمن الشهري Colonel 7603
7 محمد بن نغلي محمد المطيبري Colonel 7601
8 معتز بن مساعد محمد الحنطي Colonel 7599
9 هذال بن حسين حسن الحصيني Colonel 7608
10 نايف بن عبدالمحسن حسن البليهد Colonel 7604
11 محمد بن حمد عبدالرحمن السعدان Colonel 7595
13 وليد بن ردام صحين العصلب Colonel 7597
14 ظافر بن سعود بطي الشهراني Colonel 7606
15 محمد بن إبراهيم محمد اليحيي Colonel 7600
16 معاذ بن عبدالله سعود المرعبة Colonel 7598
17 سليمان بن حمد فهد العنقري Colonel 7602
18 عبدالمحسن بن محمد الصيخان Colonel 7607
19 علي بن صالح ابراهيم الخميس Colonel 62012688
20 عبدالعزيز بن عبدالهادي الجعيدي Colonel 62012693
21 سعود بن محمد سعد الربيعي Colonel 62012697
22 خالد بن عبداله عبدالرحمن الحمدان Colonel 62012879
23 عبدالله بن محمد عبدالعزيز الزامل Colonel 62015772
24 غيث بن عمر عبدالعزيز الصعب Colonel 62015761
25 زياد بن محمد ضيف الله العمري Colonel 62015759
26 حسن بن أحمد حسين العثمان Colonel 62015776
27 بسام بن سعد عبدالعزيز اليحيان Colonel 62015770
28 سلمان بن عبدالله العصيمي Colonel 62015767
29 خالد بن محمد الحميدي Colonel 62015767
30 عبدالله بن منصور عبدالله العمرو Colonel 62015760
31 فهد بن عبدالرحيم عبدالولي الشيخ Colonel 62015760
32 مهند بن عبدالله محمد الهويمل Colonel 62015764
33 وليد بن حمد محمد بن دريهم Colonel 62015773
34 محمد بن حماد مبارك العنزي Colonel 62015774
34 عبدالرحمن بن محمد السديس Colonel 62015769
35 عبدالرحمن بن محمد السديس Colonel 62015769
36 فراس بن عبدالله صالح الثنيان Colonel 62015763
37 خالد بن مشاري خالد الدعجاني Colonel 62015778
38 عبدالله بن حمد سليمان الرميح Colonel 62015765
39 سلطان بن ماجد السبيعي Colonel 62015716
40 محمد بن علي أحمد الشهري Colonel 62016742
41 طارق بن محمد صالح الأحيدب Colonel 62016739
42 عمر بن مسفر مستور الشمراني Colonel 62016742
43 معتؤ بن عايض سعد العسيري Colonel 62016743
44 محمد بن عبدالرحمن الراشد Colonel 62016744
45 أحمد بن عبدالله محمد المشرف Colonel 62016738
46 حمود بن عبدالله حمود الشريف Colonel 62016752
47 تركي بن خالد محمد بوجليع Colonel 62016727
48 مالك بن عبدالله عبدالرحمن المشوح Colonel 62016741
49 سويلم بن عبدالعزيز محمد السويلمي Colonel 62016729
50 أحمد بن إبراهيم أحمد السويد Colonel 62016729
51 مشاري بن حمد بن راجح الراجح Colonel 62015775
52 محمد بن أحمد جابر البلوي Major 62015762
53 سالم بن منيف سالم القحطاني Major 62015771
54 محمد بن عبدالله محمد سلمة Major 62017029
55 عبدالرحمن بن عبدالله اللطيف Major 62017013
56 نواف بن سعد حمد البصري Major 62017001
57 عبدالله بن سعد عبدالله المحمود Major 62017017
58 مهاب بن محمد عوده الجهني Major 62017009
59 راكان بن سعود محمد علي Major 62017032
60 عبد الاله بن سعد محمد العجاجي Major 62017038
61 سلطان بن محمد سلطان الفراوي Major 62016990
62 عبدالله بن ناصر عيد الهدباء Major 62016956
63 فيصل بن غشام مناحي القحطاني Major 62016984
64 عبدالله بن مساعد عبدالله الصغير Major 62017008
65 عبدالله بن حسن مسفر العصيمي Major 62019900
66 عبدالعزيز بن عبدالرحمن مشيط Major 62019901
67 مهند بن فوزان عبدالله المشرف Major 62019902
68 مهند بن خالد علي الحمدان Major 62019903
69 أحمد بن محمد عامر عسيري Major 62019906
70 محمد بن صالح صلاح المطيري Major 62019905
71 يزيد بن عبدالرحمن محمد الحصين captain 62019906
72 صفوان بن ناصر صالح البليهد captain 62019207
73 جاسر بن ناصر محمد العساف captain 62019908
74 مؤيد بن سعيد محمد الزايدي captain 62019909
75 ثامر بن محمج ناجي الدغيش captain 62019910
76 عبدالكريم بن محمد سلطان الفراوي captain 62022026
77 أسامة بن محمد ناصر الشعيبي captain 62022027
78 عبدالعزيز بن محم البريكيت captain 62022028
79 طلال بن مسفر سعد القحطاني captain 62022029
80 مشعل بن سلطان عبدالعزيز السلطان captain 62022031
81 خالد بن محمد إبراهيم أل حرشان captain 62022031
82 سعود بن فيصل غازي المطيري captain 62022032
83 محمد بن فهد عايض الزهراني First lieutenant 62022033
84 عبدالعزيز بن محمد السديس First lieutenant 62022034
85 محمد بن عبدالله محمد السكيت First lieutenant 62022036

Army, including : 10 military officers participating in specialized and advanced courses.
number name Rank
1 بدر بن عبدالرحمن عبدالعزيز العقلاء 73029 Major-general
2 بندر بن خلف حمود البلوي 73033 Major-general
3 راكان بن ثامر معيكل العجمي 73073 Brigadier-general
4 عبدالرحمن بن حسين غازي الجودي 73151 Brigadier-general
5 عبدالله بن سلطان ناصر اليعيش 73209 Brigadier-general
6 فارس بن مترك صهيب الدوسري 73255 Colonel
7 محمد بن إبراهيم عبدالجبار الحميدي 73306 Colonel
8 عبدالله بن رشيد عبدالعزيز الشلاش 73204 Colonel
9 محمد بن عبدالله سعيد القحطاني 73329 Major
10 علي بن سعيد مصلح القحطاني 73500 Major
Air Force, including: 2 persons in specialized airborne periods.
number name Rank
1 عبدالعزيز بن محماس المطيري 6825 Airborne officer
2 مشاري بن صالح المالكي 6842 Airborne officer
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Is Israel forming an alliance with Egypt and Saudi Arabia?
Egypt's April 9 announcement of the transfer of two islands, Tiran and Sanafir, to Saudi Arabian sovereignty came as a complete surprise to many in the Middle East. The only country that was not surprised was Israel. A top-level official in Jerusalem told Al-Monitor on April 12 that Israel had been privy to the secret negotiations. Israel had given its approval to the process and did not ask to reopen the peace agreement with Egypt, even though the agreement dictates that any territorial change or transfer of Egyptian sovereignty of lands that Israel gave back to other hands constitutes a violation of the treaty.

Summary⎙ Print Israel estimates that strengthening Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and maintaining a dialogue with Saudi Arabia are key elements for the region's stability.
Author Ben CaspitPosted April 13, 2016
TranslatorSandy Bloom
Talks between Saudi Arabia and Egypt on the transfer of these islands have been going on for years, with Israel firmly opposing the move. The fact that the transfer has now earned Israeli support reflects the depth of the shared interests between the three sides: Cairo, Riyadh and Jerusalem although the Egyptians and Saudis prefer the label "Tel Aviv."

This is a real geostrategic and diplomatic drama. Former Shin Bet chief Knesset member Avi Dichter of the Likud Party said on April 12 in an interview with the Israeli Kol Yisrael radio station that this step is one of the most important, dramatic diplomatic occurrences that have taken place between two Arab countries in the Middle East. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya'alon, in a small pre-Passover celebratory toast with military reporters, updated and confirmed that Israel had, indeed, agreed to the course of action and had even received a written document, signed by all sides. The document confirmed Israel's continued freedom of navigation in the Strait of Tiran, in which the two strategic islands are situated; the Strait of Tiran led to the important Israeli port city of Eilat. In addition, Ya'alon noted that the Americans had been partnered to the negotiations and are also signatories on the agreement. Thus, Ya'alon said, Israel had received all the requisite guarantees.

According to a senior security official, who spoke to Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, Ya'alon emphasized to his associates that security cooperation between Israel and Egypt had reached an all-time high. The security systems of the two countries share the same interests. Egyptians, for instance, help Israel contain and cordon off Hamas in Gaza.

The recent move the transfer of the two islands to Saudi Arabia reveals part of the dialogue that has been developing between Israel and its Sunni neighbors. A highly placed Israeli security official, who spoke to Al-Monitor anonymously, added some details: Israel's relationships in the region are deep and important. The moderate Arab countries have not forgotten the Ottoman period, and are very worried about the growing strength and enlargement of the two non-Arab empires of the past: Iran and Turkey. On this background, many regional players realize that Israel is not the problem, but the solution. Israel's dialogue with the large, important Sunni countries remains mainly under the radar, but it deepens all the time and it bears fruit.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's action has aroused sharp public criticism in Egypt. The president's opponents argue that under the Egyptian Constitution he has no authority to give up Egyptian territory, but Sisi rightly warded off this criticism: These islands originally belonged to Saudi Arabia, which transferred them to Egypt in 1950 as part of the effort to strangle Israel from the south, and prevent the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) from taking control of them. Israel embarked on two wars (the Sinai War in 1956 and the Six Day War in 1967) for navigation rights in the Red Sea. It took over these islands twice, but then returned them to Egypt both times. Now events have come full circle, and the Egyptians are returning the islands to their original owner, Saudi Arabia. This is a goodwill gesture from Sisi to King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, after the Saudis committed themselves to the economic solvency of the Egyptian regime for the next five years. The Saudis are making massive investments in Egypt and providing financial support to save the Egyptian economy from collapse.

There is another aspect to the Egyptian transfer of the islands to Saudi Arabia: In the past, several proposals were raised regarding regional land swaps, with the goal of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The framework is, in principle, simple: Egypt would enlarge Gaza southward and allow the Gaza Strip's Palestinians more open space and breathing room. In exchange for this territory, Egypt would receive from Israel a narrow strip the length of the borderline between the two countries, the Israeli Negev desert region from Egyptian Sinai. The Palestinians, in contrast, would transfer the West Bank settlement blocs to Israel. Jordan could also join such an initiative; it could contribute territories of its own and receive others in exchange. To date, this approach was categorically disqualified by the Egyptians in the Hosni Mubarak era. Now that it seems that territorial transfer has become a viable possibility under the new conditions of the Middle East, the idea of Israeli-Egyptian territorial swaps are also reopened; in the past, these land swap possibilities fired the imaginations of many in the region. In his day, former head of Israel's National Security Council Maj. Gen. Giora Eiland led a regional initiative on the subject. But he was stymied by Egypt.

Still, not everything is coming up roses. There are no simple equations in the Middle East, and this holds true in this case. In Israel there are those who are concerned about the growing Saudi Arabian influence in Egypt. This is reflected in the founding of Saudi-inspired Islamic madrassas (religious Islamic schools), and Saudi-type Sunni radicalization in Egypt. But these pessimists are the minority. "It is important for Sisi to strengthen and survive, he is the key to the stability of the entire region," said a diplomatic source in Jerusalem who spoke to Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity.

In light of America distancing itself from the region and the cold shoulder that Egypt has received from Washington in recent years, Saudi assistance and Israeli support to Egypt are viewed as critical to Sisi's continued grip on the regime. And to complicate the situation even more, we can add the reconciliation attempts between Israel and Turkey; these have continued for many long months in marathon negotiations between the sides.

A highly placed Israeli official told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity that the Egyptians don't want to see the Turks in the Gaza Strip, and are strongly opposed to a rapprochement between Jerusalem and Ankara. This is the reason, according to the source, that the reconciliation agreement has not yet been completed, and that there are gaps between the sides. In the current state of affairs, it is possible that the Turks and Israelis will accept the fact that they can't come to a full agreement, and will settle for a partial rapprochement: an exchange of ambassadors, limited warming of relations and nothing more. Israel is sitting on the thorns of a dilemma: between its desire to normalize relations with Turkey, which could also facilitate the signing of an agreement to supply natural gas from Israel to Turkey, following discoveries in recent years of natural gas reserve off the Israeli coast; and its desire to promote the emerging Israeli-Sunni understandings that are becoming a strategic cornerstone in Israel's national security.
There is also Wayne Madsen's 2014 book, which I haven't read yet:

This book, for the first time, suggests that both Israel and Saudi Arabia were intimately involved in planning and carrying out the 9/11 attack on the United States. Both countries, while seemingly enemies, have been longtime secret allies. They share a number of common enemies, including Iran, Shi'a Islam, pan-Arab nationalism, Hezbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood. Their intelligence chiefs often meet and conspire in utmost secrecy. The Saudis and Israelis had the motive and the means to cooperate in launching a "false flag" terrorist attack on the United States in order to plunge America into endless conflicts to bolster the positions of Israel and Saudi Arabia. This book tells that story.
Panama Papers Data Leak : King of Saudi Arabia sponsored Netanyahu's campaign

By Zen Adra -

[Image: saudi-king.jpg]

Isaac Herzog, member of the Knesset and Chairman of the Israeli Labor party, revealed that Saudi king Salman bin Abdulaziz financed the election campaign of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
"In March 2015, King Salman has deposited eighty million dollars to support Netanyahu's campaign via a Syrian-Spanish person named Mohamed Eyad Kayali. The money was deposited to a company's account in British Virgin Islands owned by Teddy Sagi, an Israeli billionaire and businessman, who has allocated the money to fund the campaign Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu", Herzog cited a leaked Panama Paper.
Related Panama Papers can be found in the following links:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Wow Magda! You would expect that to make headlines in Israel (don't know if the Saudis have a press?) and maybe rioting in both countries.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Apparently, Israel is getting ready to annex Area C in the West Bank -- that is most of it.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Drew Phipps Wrote:Wow Magda! You would expect that to make headlines in Israel (don't know if the Saudis have a press?) and maybe rioting in both countries.

You'd think so wouldn't you?

While the King will have his own reasons to bank roll Netanyau's brand of insanity, probably military co-operation, I also find it interesting that Benny is accepting money from him. For me this indicates there is not enough support to raise the money with in Israel and more importantly the diaspora is not sending the money to him. The money from the diaspora has been getting less and less generally over the years indicating less and less support for Israel in general just a hard core of Zionists. And it's been getting less and less because of governments like Netanyahu whose policies Diaspora Jews cannot relate to nor support. This will only further alienate any support from them.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Drew Phipps Wrote:Wow Magda! You would expect that to make headlines in Israel (don't know if the Saudis have a press?) and maybe rioting in both countries.

You'd think so wouldn't you?

While the King will have his own reasons to bank roll Netanyau's brand of insanity, probably military co-operation, I also find it interesting that Benny is accepting money from him. For me this indicates there is not enough support to raise the money with in Israel and more importantly the diaspora is not sending the money to him. The money from the diaspora has been getting less and less generally over the years indicating less and less support for Israel in general just a hard core of Zionists. And it's been getting less and less because of governments like Netanyahu whose policies Diaspora Jews cannot relate to nor support. This will only further alienate any support from them.

Yes, the need to take money from the Saudis is very revealing.
Quote:Yes, the need to take money from the Saudis is very revealing.

Maybe Bibi's wife Sara needs a little extra shopping money or the house needs a new roof.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

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