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Your thoughts, or constructive criticism
Your constructive criticism in a friendly manner vs an opposition would be greatly appreciated. It's no secret I've been working day and night updating my first book to reflect everything I know about my father. To paint a picture, so the reader may conjure in their own opinion as to what's really going on in my father's life.

Below, is a brief synopsis of his story, this is where I'm asking for your criticisms, would you continue reading this material as I lay everything out on the table?

A Man Without A Country, is based on a true story. It's a story about a man whose love for his country turned towards bitterness when he lost his citizenship. He would do anything to reenter the country he once lived in and loved, to the point of devoting his life services to their military, which had stripped him of his citizenship for joining the French Foreign Legion. The hardships he faced in returning to America were unbearable, and in the end, he turned over a new leaf by turning on the very same government he found guilty of committing treasonous acts. This man, a man without a country, would later die, killed by the very same government that stripped him of his citizenship, as propaganda government cables ushered out information on him as being untrustworthy, an opportunist, and a liar. But, the records will show that he loved his country more than anything else, and only God was before her, he died as being a true American patriot whose identity was merely stripped by definition. He impersonated a Military Officer, a United States Army Lieutenant, a Hialeah Police Officer, and agents of the CIA, FBI and U.S. Customs. He stole classified documents out of Homestead Air Force Base, medical supplies out of United States Coast Guard, index cards from U.S Customs and photographs from the CIA. He visited other military bases abroad. He was involved in Watergate, and he exposes the ultimate reason for Watergate. He was the sixth burglar no one had ever known. He was sent to Israel in order for them to retrieve the information he possessed, and then, perhaps, would be killed there too.

This was during the time the HSCA was conducting their hearings. My father was going to testify in 1977. There is proof of the company, the [CIA] knowing that my father was leaving for Israel ahead of time, as they notified the FAA, Airport Security, and U.S Customs. So, how was my father able to slip through? The whole event was to set him up and intercept my father's contents as he traveled over foreign airspace, but he didn't take his briefcase with him on the trip to Israel. So, how did the United States Government lose track of Edwin Kaiser after he departed the plane in Israel? Did the government really lose track of my father? Or, was Edwin in Israel for a purpose? Could my father been ordered to go to Israel by someone from the United States for government debriefing? Did someone from the United States government corroborate with a colonel in the Israeli Defense Force in Nablus, and plot the Prime Minister's assassination? Kaiser was sent to Israel in a plot to assassinate the Prime Minister in 1976. It didn't happen, Kaiser was caught for tapping wires. Israel's Prime Minister would later be assassinated by someone else. They wanted to intercept my father's contents, they were going to pass him off to the Israeli government as a pasty, a foreign assassin recruited by Muslims for war.

You'll read about this and more in my father's letters. The United States Government threw everything they had at my father, and still, they weren't able to retrieve what could have very well damaged the CIA for good. My father wasn't a cop, CIA, FBI or a U.S. Customs Agent. He wasn't a Lieutenant in the United States Army. He was none of those things, he impersonated all of them. Edwin either created his own identity and credentials while infiltrating these companies, or he was recruited early on by the company, and later became a high ranking mole. He was hand saluted by army personnel. He signed paperwork as "Lieutenant Keyser," an Officer in the United States Army, for the release of medical supplies from the United States Coast Guard for anti-Castro groups. He "borrowed"classified documents from Homestead Air Force Base, index cards from U.S. Customs, tapes and photos from the CIA, and entertained a group of Cuban exiles at Puerto Rico Air Force Base. No one would touch him, not even the United States Government because of the information Edwin Kaiser possessed. He was the world's most dangerous man alive, and the only way to have stopped him, was to kill him. This narrative is of David versus Goliath, one man against the entire government. This is my father's story, and it is a real one.
^Edited for accuracy. Information is backed by evidence.
Scott, I had meant to read and respond to this earlier. It's a very interesting story, and hopefully I will get around to reading the second edition of your book.

Did your father go to Israel in 1977 or 1976? The plot to kill Rabin was in 1976? He resigned in April 1977. The Entebbe raid happened in July 1976, so Rabin was riding high from that. I was just wondering if you knew who wanted to kill him and why.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Scott, I had meant to read and respond to this earlier. It's a very interesting story, and hopefully I will get around to reading the second edition of your book.

Did your father go to Israel in 1977 or 1976? The plot to kill Rabin was in 1976? He resigned in April 1977. The Entebbe raid happened in July 1976, so Rabin was riding high from that. I was just wondering if you knew who wanted to kill him and why.

Who wanted him dead? I don't know. It's interesting to read what my father says in his letter to my mother and us (his children.) My father says, "I have a want for war." My mother and I both know that what my father is saying, he was sent to Israel to start a war.

Just after our house was broken into, whoever did it thought they stole everything belonging to my father, some of my father's belongings was stored in my mother's hope chest, they didn't get everything, thank the Lord for that.

My father was going to be passed off by the United States as an assassin recruited by Muslims for war. He was sent to Israel in 1976. A year later he would be killed in the United States. I would advise everyone NOT to read my first book, there is a lot of missing information. I made sure that in my update, everything is covered.

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