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Thoughts on the JFK matter:
Not sure if anyone wants this stuff on this forum, but here it is... FWIW... Perhaps Dawn would care to comment.

Posted on another Forum:

"... Hello Tosh: I hope I am not diverting this thread, but you have converted me on 2 subjects recently, the possible South Knoll shooter and that DCM is "Gator" and not part of the Assassination team. Wondering if
you can help connect a few loose puzzle pieces.
There have been many groups suspected to have involvement in the JFK assassination: CIA, Cubans, Military, Right-Wing, Mafia, and you posted a suspician that LBJ/MacWallace are involved. I assume that your ABORT team got its instructions from the CIA, but did you have any indication of who was sponsoring, or directing, the assassination team ?

[COLOR="Red"]XXXXX: I'll do my best. As I have said, I was never at the level, or in the loop to really know the planning stages of the Abort Team and how or who put it together. However, the following are my thoughts and calculated assumptions based on the connections I had from from the JM/WAVE, Miami Station and the Pentagon in Washington D.C., at the time.

I believe a group operating out of the Pentagon intercepted Intel information from south Florida concerning a hit to be made on the President around November 17 th. The Special Group (not the 5412th) working MI, then took this information and started their own independent investigations. This was not a CIA, per say team or investigation; nor did the CIA dispatch this team. At the last minute they (Military Intell, Pentagon) put together a "specialized", top secret.., (undercover) team to be dispatched to Dallas. The Secret Service knew of this team but did not work with them, because they (MI) did not have enough information to support their evidence.

Also, the DoJ did undermine this intelligence which came from two Cubans who were planning to fire a Bazooka at Air Force One, at West Palm Beach, Florida while the President was visiting there in early November. (Somewhere there is a document from Hoover on this) I believe this was the start of the suspicion that the Cubans were behind the assassination, however, I see that as speculations. I too, at one point over the years, thought the Mob and the Cubans were up to their necks in the planning to assassinate Kennedy. I felt that elements of the CIA used the Mafia as they had previously used to kill Castro were involved in the assassination of JFK. After the assassination, I WAS TOLD, my Friend Roselli always took exceptions with my thinking on this and told some that that was all wrong and I of all people should know this.

Many years later, a Texas researcher from Austin Texas, by the name of Jay Harrison, made contact with me.. ( I had known Jay since the early fifties when he was with the DPD as an investigator concerning the "Minute Men", and other groups that operated in and around Dallas and Fort Worth. We started to look into information he had obtained in reference to LBJ and Mac Wallace and the golf course near Austin and the murder there in reference to someone connected to LBJ. Jay also showed me many documents which indicated that LBJ COULD have been involved, however no direct proof..., more like preponderance of various evidence. In time I became convinced that LBJ and the Texas, 'Good ole, Boys' network, either directly or indirectly, were involved in some way in the assassination of Kennedy.

A few years ago before Jay died of cancer, he called me to Austin and showed me a fingerprint card, of which he said was the palm and fingerprint of Mc Wallace and was found on a box in the,'snipers position' in the TSBD. I was very cautious on this and told Jay so. I checked with some sources in the DPD of which I had a contact and was told that there was something to Jay's information, but they could not prove the authenticity of the find. A few years later, or perhaps as early as one year later, that information appeared in a book. Jay had been working with the author in secret for a few years. I was told this sometime later just before Jay died.

"... but did you have any indication of who was sponsoring, or directing, the assassination team ?..".

Shortly after the assassination I had real problems with that. I thought first the Cubans did it..., then the Mob did it, then an independent group working inside MI and CIA did it. It was not until some years later, that I came to the firm conclusions that the TEXANS were involved up to their necks in the assassination, including J Edgar Hoover, the political interest in Texas, to protect LBJ and his associations before Washington and to stop him from being thrown off the ticket and investigations into his activities in behalf of Texas Special Interest.

I hope this may shed some light as to my views on the subject. XXXX, I do appreciate your interest and wish you the best. Tosh

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