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Our Starting Point -- The Basic Truth
Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence -- untainted and otherwise -- in the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy who does not conclude that JFK was killed by criminal conspirators is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.

Conspiracy in the case of President Kennedy's assassination has been proven. It is fact and not open to serious, informed, honorable, reasonable doubt.

There is not a scintilla of legitimate evidence to support the wholly discredited non-conspiratorial lone gunman theory concocted and defended by the government of the United States of America.

There is not a scintilla of legitimate evidence to support the wholly discredited theory that Lee Harvey Oswald ever discharged a firearm within a mile of President Kennedy.

There is plentiful irrefutable evidence to prove that Lee Harvey Oswald was framed, or, as he said so eloquently under the utmost duress, "patsied" as the assassin of JFK.

The "how" of the JFK assassination has been determined to the degree of metaphysical certitude: The death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy came about as the direct consequence of a criminal conspiracy.

We now must answer, with equal certainty, the "who" and "why" assassination-related questions.

Ultimately, we are about attaining full truth and effecting justice in the unsolved conspiratorial homicide of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Such are the foundations and goals of this section of the Deep Politics Forum.

Charles Drago
Totally agreed CD!!

For those who can make it, this appears to be a terrific conference:


Making Sense of the Sixties

A National Symposium on the Assassinations and Political Legacies of
Martin Luther King Jr., Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy

*Oct. 3-5, 2008*
Power Center Ballroom
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA

Forty years after the assassinations of civil rights leader Martin
Luther King Jr. and presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy, and 45 years
after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, questions still
abound about both the circumstances and impact of their murders.

Were these shootings really just the acts of lone gunmen, as the history
books have so long advocated? Or are there clues in these crimes that
might yet prove what so many seem to believe -- that James Earl Ray,
Sirhan Bishara Sirhan and Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone?

On the cusp of another historic presidential election, voters and
historians alike ponder why these men died, what they might have become,
and what their political legacies are today.

From matters of ballistics and trajectories to questions of conspiracy
and cover-up, these three cases present fascinating and important topics
for students of all ages and disciplines.

Following up on its historic 2003 conference on the JFK assassination,
The Cyril H. Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law this fall is
convening many of the top experts on the JFK, RFK and MLK cases for
three days of presentations and panel discussions.


*Gary L. Aguilar, M.D.*
Head, Division of Ophthalmology, Saint Francis Memorial Hospital, San
Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, University of California, San Francisco
Assistant Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Stanford University
Medical Center

*The Honorable Joe Brown*
Host, /Judge Joe Brown/
Former State Criminal Court Judge, Shelby County, TN (presided over
James Earl Ray appeals)

*Ted Charach*
Writer/Director, /The Second Gun/

*Roger Bruce Feinman, J.D.*
Independent JFK Assassination Researcher
Former Attorney and CBS News Production Assistant

*Isaac Farris, Jr.*
CEO, The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change
Nephew, Martin Luther King, Jr.

*Robert J. Groden*
Author, /High Treason/ and /The Killing of the President/
Former Staff Photographic Consultant, U.S. House Select Committee on

*Godfrey Isaac, Esq.*
Former Counsel to Sirhan Sirhan

*The Honorable Robert J. Joling, J.D.*
Fellow and Past President, American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Founder and Former Chair, Forensic Science Foundation
Co-author, /An Open & Shut Case/

*Robert Blair Kaiser*
Author, /R.F.K. Must Die!/ /Chasing the Mystery of the Robert Kennedy

*William Matson Law*
Co-producer, /RFK/

*Henry C. Lee, Ph.D.*
Chief Emeritus, Connecticut Department of Public Safety, Division of
Scientific Services

*James H. Lesar, Esq.*
Freedom of Information Act Attorney, Washington, D.C.
President, Assassination Archives and Research Center
Former Counsel to James Earl Ray

*Joan Mellen, Ph.D.*
Author, /Jim Garrison: His Life and Times,,The Early Years/ and /A
Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK
Wel well well...up and running. I wish I could go to this seminar in PA.

Does anyone plan to do to Dallas this year? I have not seen the topics or speakers yet, but it being the 45th anniversary it should have some good ones. Soon there will be no more witnesses who were then alive as adults.

Kudos to Myra and Magda for all this work!! And CD's Rules of Engagement!

With gratitude,

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