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Orlando, Fla. (home of giant theme parks) has 2 high profile murders in under 24 hours
A FOIA request for the telephone call that Mateen reportedly made declaring allegiance to various Islamic groups has been denied.
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
Several of the hostage survivors who heard him speak to them reported that he said he was doing what he was doing because the USA was bombing and attacking his country [Afghanistan]; the police/authorities say in the 911 call [which we haven't heard and I'd not hold my breath waiting to hear it...] he mentioned 'allegiance' to several radical groups - some of which are enemies and currently fighting one another. This makes me really wonder if he actually said this on the 911 call or even ever made such a call - or really understood the principles/ideals/positions of the groups mentioned [or the authorities didn't when they invented the conversation]. the arrest of the second wife/widow is also strange. Police say she is very cooperative and said she tried her best to stop him from doing the shooting. They also now hint she may have driven him to the shooting. The story is very strange, at best - and when you throw in the many patrons who had seen him there before and the gay apps he was supposed to have had on his computer/phone it is really a strange event and I don't think we're getting the true story by any means.....just like with most of the mass shootings.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Since there now seems to be an actual criminal case in the works, there is now some legal reason to delay/prevent its release. But of course the fact that there was a 911 call was a matter of public record from practically the beginning of the case, I can't see why the government would seek to prevent its disclosure. The 911 call has not ever been said to concern the second wife's involvement. At any rate the defense team will get it. Look for gag orders.

Speaking of gag orders, the courts today removed the Waco shootout gag order that has prevented both State and defense attorneys from disclosing information about the Waco shootout on May 17, 2015, in which nine people died. Not a single person has yet been indicted. I have heard that four people died from wounds consistent with police issue firearms. You will likely see news stories in the near future about this event.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Drew Phipps Wrote:Ok so this eyewitness guy heard Mateen tell someone there were four shooters, with 2 suicide vests, and snipers waiting to kill the police when they arrived. All that was lies. There were no suicide vests, even on Mateen. There were no snipers. As far as we know.

Mateen's one sided telephone conversation hearsay evidence simply isn't credible evidence of a conspiracy. For one thing, we know Mateen told lies about Daesh. He lied to his father about being gay; but not apparently, to the ex-wife. For another thing, why wouldn't one lone wolf with multiple hostages pretend to have confederates in order to maintain crowd control? How do we even know for sure that Mateen was actually talking to a real person during this part of the incident? He didn't mention snipers or bombs during his 911 call. He didn't mention that stuff when he called the TV station.

I think the guy just got tired of waiting for the cops to come gun him down, so he started making phony threatening calls to keep his hostages quiet and to make sure the cops were armed and ready.

You might well be right Drew. The two "flags" that suggest something deeper still may be in play, are his father's connection to the CIA and ISI, and his own connection with the security company that had its own roots in the CIA and a host of prior dirty tricks. Perhaps these connections really are coincidental, but I doubt it. Also, I find it complicated about the ISIS thing. Let's face it, it's an awful and bloody outfit, but that didn't stop the US government from nurturing and arming it and directing it to fight it's wars for it - and, in fact, creating it. John McCain used to speak to "these guys" every day, he said. In other words, ISIS is the best enemy money can buy.

We've been here before. Many times. So it is quite understandable to look deeper and with a cynical eye. Gladio operations in Europe during the cold war have shown the way. Here in the UK, the use of former SAS types to leave bombs, and to indiscriminately shoot people in the street and blame those events on the IRA were yet another series of false flag operations. In almost all the major terrorist events I can think of (off the top of my head), the perpetrators were later shown to have had connections or been subject to earlier recruitment efforts by the domestic intelligence and security agencies.

Just saw this which is apposite:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8437&stc=1]

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The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
From 21st Century Wire:


Father of Orlando Shooter is Long-time CIA Asset

21st Century Wire says…
The Orlando Shooting. Many things are just not right with this story, including the father of the alleged shooter Omar Mateen, an Afghan-American, Seddique Mateen, who is closely linked to some of the most powerful leaders and agencies in Washington DC.
Below is a photo of Omar's father after a meeting at the US State Dept. in Washington DC where he met with "officials", but oddly, no log of his visit is available in the public record.
[Image: orlando-seddique-Mateen.jpg]
Image Credit:
The alleged shooter's father played an absolute key role in setting up the entire "hate crime" narrative by inserting this quote into the MSM machine during the immediate aftermath of the sensationalized media event. Seddique Mateen said:
"We were in Downtown Miami, Bayside, people were playing music, and he saw two men kissing each other in front of his wife and kid and he got very angry. They were kissing each other and touching each other and he said, Look at that. In front of my son they are doing that.' And they we were in the men's bathroom and men were kissing each other."
For the media, and every other political leader in the US, this was now classified as a "hate crime", and so… case closed. In other words, a simple story line with real traction was now baked firmly into this event about a homophobic, "ISIS-inspired," crazed lone gunman' who went postal' in a Orlando gay nightclub, and coincidentally, on the eve of an international Gay Pride celebration day.
Then came the first twist. Just 24 hours later, we learn from a report in the Orlando Sentinel that the alleged shooter Omar Mateen was in fact a frequent visitor for years at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando."It was definitely him. He'd come in for years, and people knew him," one customer said. Another Pulse customer, Kevin West, even stated on record that he had been talking with Mateen for up to one year on a gay-chat mobile app. So, based on this updated information, this could not have been a "hate crime" because Omar Mateen was most likely gay himself, albeit in the closet.Likewise, this change in the story would also nullify much of the identity politics rhetoric currently being spun around this incident like this statement released by Hillary Clinton within hours of the main event:
.[Image: 1-Hillary-shooting-695x1024.jpg]
If it wasn't strange enough to discover that the alleged shooter, Omar Mateen, worked as a contractor for the US Department of Homeland Security, then we learned that the elder Mateen is also standing to run for President of Afghanistan and is allied with the Taliban leadership an absolutely ideal profile for a Washington-managed, CIA controlled-opposition political candidate.Seddique states: "I order national army, national police and intelligence department to immediately imprison Karzai, Ashraf Ghani, Zalmay Khalilzad, Atmar, and Sayyaf.""They are against our countrymen, and against our homeland," he added.
[Image: Orlando-Shooter-Father-Taliban.png]
Image Credit:
[Image: ed-royce_seddique-mateen_facebook-seddique-mateen.jpg]
Afghanistan's prospective "Revolutionary President" Seddique Mateen here with Republican Congressman and warhawk Ed Royce who happens to be Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

FACT: The father of this shooter is very well-connected. Too well-connected for this event's narrative to considered normal.' Watch this recent UK Column News episode that explains the vast CIA, ISI, and Al-Qaeda connections of both the shooter and his father too.
[Image: 1-Orlando-Shooting-False-Flag.jpg]
(Graphic: UK Column)
The shooters father is just one in a larger cast of dubious characters connected to this highly unlikely but absolutely polarizing event in Florida.
More on the father from Mad Cow…
Daniel Hopsicker[URL=""]
Mad Cow Productions[/URL]

The father of the man who slaughtered 50 people in the Orlando nightclub shooting Saturday night is a longtime CIA asset, whose TV show receives funding from the Voice of America -Dari.
Pictured below is Seddique Mateen with California Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.
[Image: Seddique-Mateen-and-Dana-Rohrbacher.jpg]
Rohrabacher (R-CA) was initially elected to Congress in 1988, with the fundraising help of friend Oliver North. Rohrabacher's decades-long involvement in "all things Afghan" eventually earned him the nickname "Gunga Dana." Today he chairs the United States House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats.
This morning President Obama called him a "home-grown" terrorist. In a series of phone interviews Monday morning, Donald Trump responded that "there's something going on" with the President's reaction to the Orlando shooting.
I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
"It's like calling Blackwater XE"
Orlando shooter Omar Mateen's father said his son was not motivated by Islamist radical ideology, but in a Facebook video posted early Monday he said, "God himself will punish those involved in homosexuality."
My own suspicion was first awakened on Monday morning when U.S. news outlets uniformly reported that the father's TV show aired on a "U.S.-based Afghan satellite channel."
[Image: Seddique-Mateen.jpeg]
That sort of circumlocution is typical when something is being hidden which the corporate media prefers we not ask questions about.

The name of the nameless Afghan satellite channel, Payam Afghan, is said to be widely-known in Southwest Asia as a CIA-Pakistani ISI construct, as this picture from Flicker shows.
The identification of shooter Omar Mateen also involved deception. He was said to work for a security company called G4S, which few have ever heard of. However, "G4S" is merely a re-branded "Wackenhut Corporation," a name with a storied reputation for scandal in the U.S. and around the world.
Rohrabacher has stated that he sees radical Islam as the source of a major terrorist threat to the U.S. Calls to his office today to request comment on whether he views CIA assets relocated in the U.S. as a terrorist threat have not been returned.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Dad worked for Homeland Security. How curious.

And despite being interviewed three times by the FBI for terrorist connections, Mateen was still allowed to buy guns, including a fully automatic machine-gun.

From ZeroHedge:


Orlando Killer Worked For Company Transporting Illegal Immigrants Inside US; Was Interviewed By FBI 3 Times

[Image: picture-5.jpg]
by Tyler Durden - Jun 13, 2016 5:30 AM


In a surprising discovery, the Palm Beach Post first reported that according to state records, Orlando shooter Omar Mateen - who as we reported earlier was licensed as a security guard and also holds a firearms license - was employed by the US subsidiary of G4S plc, a British multinational security services company, whose US-headquarters are located in Jupiter, Fla, and which also happens to be the world's largest security company by revenue.
[Image: omar-mateen-newsletter_1.jpg]
Shortly thereafter, G4S confirmed that Omar Mateen has worked for the company since 2007. This is the statement released from G4S:

"We are shocked and saddened by the tragic event that occurred at the Orlando nightclub. We can confirm that Omar Mateen had been employed with G4S since September 10, 2007. We are cooperating fully with all law enforcement authorities, including the FBI, as they conduct their investigation. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the friends, families and people affected by this unspeakable tragedy."
In other words, Mateen who according to preliminary reports, had been on a terrorist watchlist, and who still managed to obtain weapons thanks to his various licenses and permits just last week, was employed by one of the world's largest security companies, where he may have had extensive clearances well above his pay grade, not to mention access to sophisticated military weapons and equipment.
But where it gets more disturbing is that as Judicial Watch reported several days ago, in a post titled, "DHS Quietly Moving, Releasing Vanloads Of Illegal Aliens Away From Border", border patrol sources said that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was quietly transporting illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to Phoenix and releasing them without proper processing or issuing court appearance documents. As a reminder, the government classifies them as Other Than Mexican (OTM) and this week around 35 were transferred 116 miles north from Tucson to a Phoenix bus station where they went their separate way. Judicial Watch was present when one of the white vans carrying a group of OTMs arrived at the Phoenix Greyhound station on Buckeye Road.
And this is where the Mateen-G4S link emerges: as JW reported previously, a security company contracted by the U.S. government is driving the OTMs from the Border Patrol's Tucson Sector where they were in custody to Phoenix, sources said. The firm is the abovementioned G4S, the world's leading security solutions group with operations in more than 100 countries and 610,000 employees. G4S has more than 50,000 employees in the U.S. and its domestic headquarters is in Jupiter, Florida.
Judicial Watch noted that it had filed a number of public records requests to get more information involving the arrangement between G4S and the government, specifically the transport of illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to other parts of the country. The photo below shows the uniformed G4S guard that transported the OTMs this week from Tucson to Phoenix.
[Image: 20160606_DHS1.jpg]
Outraged Border Patrol agents and supervisors on the front lines say illegal immigrants are being released in droves because there's no room to keep them in detention. "They're telling us to put them on a bus and let them go," said one law enforcement official in Arizona. "Just move those bodies across the country." Officially, DHS denies this is occurring and in fact earlier this year U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske blasted Border Patrol union officials for denouncing this dangerous catch-and-release policy. Kerlikowske's scolding came in response to the congressional testimony of Bandon Judd, chief of the National Border Patrol Council, the labor union that represents line agents. Judd told lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee that illegal immigrants without serious criminal convictions can be released immediately and disappear into the shadows. Kerlikowske shot back, telling a separate congressional committee: "I would not stand by if the Border Patrol was releasing people without going through all of the formalities.
* * *
Meanwhile, the Hill reported that Mateen's employment, and gun licenses, were untouched even though the FBI confirmed it had interviewed the 29-year-old three times before the shooting took place early Sunday morning. An official said that the FBI first became aware of the suspect, Omar Mateen, 29, in 2013 when he made "inflammatory comments to coworkers alleging possible terrorist ties."
In the course of that investigation, Mateen was interviewed twice, but the FBI was unable to verify the substance of his comments.
Then, one year later, in 2014 the FBI conducted an investigation into possible ties between Mateen and an American suicide bomber. The FBI conducted another investigation, which included an interview with Mateen, but determined that the contact did not constitute a threat at that time. Which may be an overstatement: the FBI's 2014 probe allegedly found that the Orlando shooter had "minimal" contact with Florida al-Nusra fighter Moner Abusalha who blew himself up in Syria.
In 2015, after Moner Abusalha became the first American suicide bomber in Syria, the FBI investigated Omar Mateen's connection to Abu-Salha. Abu-Salha went to the Middle East, trained, and returned to the Treasure Coast, specifically Vero and fort Pierce, to recruit. The FBI says he didn't recruit anyone, but it's possible he did have contact with Mateen.
The FBI said it is looking into any and all connections, both domestic and international to the shooting. It appears to have found nothing despite it all being laid out in front of its face.
The agent at Sunday afternoon's press briefing also confirmed reports that the shooter called 911 before the massacre, and said his remarks had general connections to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terror group. The content of those calls is now federal evidence.
* * *
It gets even more bizarre: despite his chequered history and his numerous FBI encounters, the Orlando Police just reported that he had managed to purchase firearms in just this past week.
A Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives spokesperson confirmed that Mateen legally purchased 2 firearms a handgun and a long gun, "within the past few days."
* * *
Armed with all this information, the big question, now that it has emerged that Mateen worked for the same company that has been tasked - under questionable circumstances - to transport illegals into the US, is whether or not this individual who swore allegiance to ISIS moments before the worst mass shooting and who was also employed by G4S for almost a decade, and who had been interviewed by the FBI three times and yet still managed to buy guns just last week, was also tasked in any way in facilitating the transport of illegal immigrants across the border, and if so, whether he helped other like-minded radical islamists enter the country.
We are confident all these questions will be addressed by the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the government, and that the media - liberal or otherwise - will promptly follow up on these key questions.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Well worth watching for all the associated FBI, CIA, US government, MI6 and terrorist links.

From UK Column News:

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Mmmm, said Alice - it gets curiouser and curiouser:

Quote:A man named Luis Burbano claims to be an eyewitness in the club and was interviewed by several media outlets, including ABC News' George Stephanopoulos.

It turns out eyewitness Luis Burbano is a professional actor. He has a profile on IMDb . Below are side-by-side comparison of Luis Burbano in the ABC interview (left) and Luis Burbano on IMDb. It's the same man.
[Image: luis-burbano-2.jpg?w=1000&h=550]You would think that in the media interviews about the Orlando shooting, Burbano would take the opportunity to give his career a boost by identifying himself as a professional actor, but he didn't.
IMDb lists 5 acting credits under Burbano's "Filmography," the most recent one being his role as a "club patron" in a 2015 video called "Spirit of Orlando: Shooting Up". You can't make this up!
Here's a screenshot I took from IMDb:
[Image: luis-burbano.jpg?w=1000&h=490]
IMDb describes "Spirit of Orlando: Shooting Up" as a 5-minute music video, dated September 25, 2015, in which Burbano stars as a "club patron," with other actors playing the parts of the boss and employees of PharmaCorp Inc. LLC.

Extracxted from HERE
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
I don't have time to write a longer piece right now but I believe the Grimmie shooting a day or two earlier deserves closer attention.

The killer, Kevin Loibl, conveniently dead, is described as a 'deranged fan' of a young woman who was one of the most social-media active figures imaginable. Christina Grimmie started out with her own YouTube channel, where she conversed with fans, added her own Facebook and Snapchat and Twitter and Instagram pages, would regularly give YouTube updates to her channel followers, joked about how her concerts ran overtime as she liked to chat to crowd members between songs, and went out of her way to greet fans after the show with open arms. Her entire fan base was built upon social media. Then, early reports of her murder have commentary from the cops stating that her killer had 'almost no social media presence', a funny thing for a chap who was obsessed with a socially-media active singer.

Since the lack of a social media presence was incongruous, more recent stories now try to beef up an online presence for him. The head line here reads 'Did Christina Grimmie's killer post disturbing messages online detailing his obsession with the star before shooting her?'

The article may as well have been made up at the typewriter, as it quotes an unnamed 'social media user' who sparked concern from several unnamed other people when that first user posted about an unnamed celebrity on an unnamed site at an indeterminate time. Two sentences in the article note there's "no evidence" linking the posts to the killer, and then reiterates that there's "nothing to suggest" there's a link, but the headline of the article poses the question anyway. Other recent articles state that Loibl had a 'history of violence', and then note an incident where police found inconclusive evidence linking him to a violent attack on a partner and declined to press charges.

To my mind, the key link between the Grimmie shooting and the later Pulse nightclub shooting - beyond their proximate locales - is the similarly young/left-wing/ socially-media active/LGBT-identifying folk who are now mourning the various deaths and who have been given a new reason to feel repelled at gun violence. I'd suspect that if you found a cross-section of those folk and asked who (if anyone) they were planning to vote for, a majority would have said Bernie Sanders. With Sanders leaving the campaign, the deep-state folk who wanted to prevent any votes from either going absent or going to Trump in the electorates that they couldn't rig would be glad of a spur to see those voters move towards Clinton. A day or two after the shootings, Hillary Clinton makes expansive comments on the theme of gun control, giving her another cudgel to beat over the head of the NRA-supporting Trump. I doubt Clinton was the mastermind of anything above, but the deep state operatives and backers who wish to see her pushing their programs would find the events useful.

Grimmie's initial YouTube username was 'Zeldaxlove64', a reference to the Nintendo LEGEND OF ZELDA games (and the Nintendo 64 console beloved by fans) which releases a new entry in the series perhaps twice a decade. A vast number of Grimmie's fans, particularly on YouTube, are openly fans of the series. Grimmie was killed three days before a much-anticipated new entry in the Zelda series was to be announced. In the opening seconds of this video launching the latest Zelda game, Nintendo USA head Reggie Fils-Aime offers condolences to the victims of both shootings before noting that Grimmie had been scheduled to attend the premiere unveiling of the game in person this week as a fan, compouding the sense of tragedy for her fan base.

The Grimmie shooting was intended to make a targeted section of young and left-wing voters feel anguished over gun violence, so that the Pulse nightclub murders that immediately followed would be that much more horrific and appalling. The promimate locale was probably a result of controllers and operatives compartmentalising the operation to avoid mishaps.

About two days after I thought of the above, a random Google search turns up an article blaming Clinton's background campaigners for both shootings, posted on the trash tabloid conspiracy Sorcha Faal site.

I take that as a means of tarring the notion by linking it to crap and sending researchers down blind alleys. There's probably a useful link or two on the page, but it's buried in unsubstantiated commentary that I'm sure carefully mixes truth with fiction.
Now there are only four film credits under his name. The Orlando reference has been removed. Or it was never there.

i dug up the video. He's not even in the video. It has nothing to do with shooting or even Orlando. Like so many bizarre conspiracy claims it goes nowhere.

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