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Coup Underway in Turkey
David Guyatt Wrote:
Drew Phipps Wrote:This cited tweet might be a hoax. see:

One of the posters in that thread:

Quote:"Entire website in OP is fake. Contact is listed as:
Lorem Ipsum Press is licensed by Bionetwork Ltd. Our office is located within the company's building.

Address: Lorem 15 Str., 4844, Ipsum, State, UK
Phone: +30-2106019311

There is no Ipsum State, UK. Lorem Ipsum refers to a random text generator. "

Here's Brzezinki's page:

This tweet doesn't appear on that page. Of course, it might have been removed by someone with the power to do that, but it seems unlikely that the US government would succeed in making a sustained effort to muffle such a respected elder statesman.

I think Engdahl has been taken for a ride.

I think you're right, Drew, Engdahl has been stitched up. Lorem Ipsum Press is said to be owned by Bionetwork Ltd (sounds like a Brit outfit to me) HERE, which has an address in Athens, Greece (HERE). As we can see there are several faux businesses that have that address - including what appears to be off-the-shelf blogs (see HERE).

In addition to the fake Brzezinski tweet that is linked in his article, Engdahl also linked to another article, supposedly by Fr. Alexander Karloutsos, which is now showing as "unpublished" due to it being also a fake (see HERE).

Interesting the words "Lorem Ipsum" derive from a scrambled Latin text by Cicero "with words altered, added and removed to make it nonsensical, improper latin" (HERE). Significantly, I think, the words lorem ipsum are translated as "pain itself". Also significantly, the same two words are used in the printing trade as 'filler text" which is erroneously known as "Greek copy" (HERE) ---- hence obviously the address in Athens.

Also very interesting, for me anyway, is the fact that the words lorem ipsum are an abbreviation of the longer De finibus bonorum et malorum meaning literally "On the ends of good and evil" by, as I mentioned earlier, Cicero (HERE). There are a number of possible occult angles that might be inferred here...

In conclusion, I think it highly likely that Engdahl was designedly set up and was made aware of the links he used in his article (probably via a trusted source either possibly unwittingly) in order to damage his credibility. Were I to point fingers on who was responsible it would certainly be aiming towards elements of the intelligence community - the message about "pain itself" being of relevance here, in this case... ego pain.

Those double-firsts in Classics put to some use by the Charlatans, no doubt. Of course, the CIA farms out the rat-fucking of US citizens to their Five-Eyes minions on a fairly regular basis, so no change here.

But what rich tribute to Engdahl.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:
Drew Phipps Wrote:This cited tweet might be a hoax. see:

One of the posters in that thread:

Quote:"Entire website in OP is fake. Contact is listed as:
Lorem Ipsum Press is licensed by Bionetwork Ltd. Our office is located within the company's building.

Address: Lorem 15 Str., 4844, Ipsum, State, UK
Phone: +30-2106019311

There is no Ipsum State, UK. Lorem Ipsum refers to a random text generator. "

Here's Brzezinki's page:

This tweet doesn't appear on that page. Of course, it might have been removed by someone with the power to do that, but it seems unlikely that the US government would succeed in making a sustained effort to muffle such a respected elder statesman.

I think Engdahl has been taken for a ride.

I think you're right, Drew, Engdahl has been stitched up. Lorem Ipsum Press is said to be owned by Bionetwork Ltd (sounds like a Brit outfit to me) HERE, which has an address in Athens, Greece (HERE). As we can see there are several faux businesses that have that address - including what appears to be off-the-shelf blogs (see HERE).

In addition to the fake Brzezinski tweet that is linked in his article, Engdahl also linked to another article, supposedly by Fr. Alexander Karloutsos, which is now showing as "unpublished" due to it being also a fake (see HERE).

Interesting the words "Lorem Ipsum" derive from a scrambled Latin text by Cicero "with words altered, added and removed to make it nonsensical, improper latin" (HERE). Significantly, I think, the words lorem ipsum are translated as "pain itself". Also significantly, the same two words are used in the printing trade as 'filler text" which is erroneously known as "Greek copy" (HERE) ---- hence obviously the address in Athens.

Also very interesting, for me anyway, is the fact that the words lorem ipsum are an abbreviation of the longer De finibus bonorum et malorum meaning literally "On the ends of good and evil" by, as I mentioned earlier, Cicero (HERE). There are a number of possible occult angles that might be inferred here...

In conclusion, I think it highly likely that Engdahl was designedly set up and was made aware of the links he used in his article (probably via a trusted source either possibly unwittingly) in order to damage his credibility. Were I to point fingers on who was responsible it would certainly be aiming towards elements of the intelligence community - the message about "pain itself" being of relevance here, in this case... ego pain.

Those double-firsts in Classics put to some use by the Charlatans, no doubt. Of course, the CIA farms out the rat-fucking of US citizens to their Five-Eyes minions on a fairly regular basis, so no change here.

But what rich tribute to Engdahl.

Yep, we're of one mind on this too. Caution! Children at play: Those Oxbridge classicists having an awfully fun time screwing Engdah for "friends" Fuller & mates using a Greek cutout invention. That'll teach him.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Turkey the new strategic doctrine

by Thierry Meyssan

Translation Pete Kimberley


Denouncing the interpretation of the military coup d'état in Turkey as a manoeuvre by the United States against Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Thierry Meyssan proposes a larger view which integrates the prior resignation of Ahmet Davutoğlu and the re-establishing of commercial relations with Israël, Iran and Russia. Thereafter, he anticipates what the new Turkish strategy will probably be.

Quote:Many erroneous interpretations have been developed concerning the evolution of Turkey over the last three months, particularly since the resignation of Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu (22 May) and the attempted military coup d'état (15 July).

The false coup d'état

First of all, let's get rid of the absurdities proffered about the coup d'état. All authors agree on two points :
- The coup was organised with the participation of the United States from the NATO base at Incirlik, and supported by the Air Force, which is controlled by the multinational Lockheed Martin.
- It was designed to fail, as attested by the absence of any initiative against the leaders of the régime and its party, as well as against the Presidential palace, which is the strategic base of power. Besides which, some of the putschists were in league with President Erdoğan, since two rebel aircraft escorted the President when he returned to Istanbul.

Consequently, only two interpretations are possible:
- Either the United States was addressing a warning to President ErdoÄŸan in order to make him more amenable, in which case, they failed.
- Or the United States and President Erdoğan plotted the coup d'état together, in order to purge the country of all opposition.

We are bound to note, however, that despite appearences and the official declarations, this purge serves the common interests of the United States and President ErdoÄŸan.

Indeed, Turkey is today the godfather of the world's Muslim Brotherhood, and also their armed branch, in other words, international jihadism. From this position, on behalf of Washington, it continues to pull the strings of the «Syrian rebels», as well as Daesh. Unfortunately, this position is incompatible with membership in NATO.

First of all, Washington thought it could solve the problem by changing the Turkish President. The CIA therefore supported the transformation of the HDP (the Peoples' Democratic Party, representing the minorities, mainly Kurds), but this party lost the elections of November 2015, which were massively faked by the AKP [1]. Washington then accepted to maintain ErdoÄŸan, but decided to cancel Turkey's NATO membership.

The Atlantic Alliance was created, just after the Second World War, at the demand of the West European power elites, who feared being ejected more or less democratically by the Communists, on the «1948 Czechoslovak coup d'état» model. The Alliance was transformed during the Cold War into a war machine against the Soviet Union, and therefore needed weapons in vast quantities. This is why it allowed Turkey to enter NATO in 1952. Turkey proved to be indispensable during the Korean War, and later during the missile crisis. However, after the collapse of the USSR, the Alliance was not dismantled, but transformed in 1999 into a unipolar world police force (New Strategic Concept). Since that time, all NATO armies have been adapted qualitatively for this new function the end of conscription and the purchase of high-technology equipment. Consequently, the presence of Turkey in NATO, which was necessary in 1952, is today worthless.

Although the Alliance holds a summit conference of its heads of state every two years, Washington has called for an exceptional meeting in July 2017 in Brussels. Turkey will then be excluded so that Washington will be able to deny any responsability for international terrorism.

Let's note that the AKP regularly accuses the army in general of collaborating with the United States. It produced a fictional film about Gladio, the CIA/NATO secret service, and convicted more than 200 superior officers for plotting against the state (the Ergenekon trial) [2]. However, these convictions were later cancelled and the officers freed. In reality, they had attempted to create relations with the Chinese Army, therefore distancing themselves from the Pentagon. They are, of course, accused today of being members of the putsch.

The only objection that can be laid against the interpretation of a complicity between Washington and Erdoğan is the future of Hizmet, the movement of Fehtullah Gülen. This man is indispensable to the CIA in Africa, the Balkans and Central Asia but today, he has lost his Turkish financing. We shall see in the next few months what alternative Washington has planned for.

Let us point out that Gülen has no connection with the coup d'état, since he belongs to another school of Islam, while all the putschists are Kemalists.

The sacking of the Prime Minister

Let's now look at the resignation of Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, which occurred two months before the coup d'état.

After having taught political science in Malaysia, he published, in 2001, his Stratejik Derinlik : Türkiye'nin Uluslararası Konumu (Strategic Depth). Basing himself on the theses of Dimitri Kitsikis, he commended a form of neo-Ottomanism which would confer regional power to Turkey. According to him, the creation of a new Turko-Mongol Empire had to be achieved in two movements. First of all, by restoring diplomatic relations with its neighbours («zero problem with neighbours»), and then by promoting Islam in the neighbouring states in order to unify them. He entered the cabinet of Prime Minister Erdoğan in 2003, and became his diplomatic advisor until 2009. During this period, he implemented the first phase of his programme, and managed effectively to solve all the neighbourhood problems inherited from the Ottoman period (but not the Armenian question dating from the Young Turks, nor the Cypriot question bequeathed by Henry Kissinger). Named as Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2009, he completed this first phase by negotiating the Syria-Turkey-Iran Common Market, then moved on to the second phase of his project. After the Erdoğan-Peres clash in Davos (end of 2009), he organised the «Gaza Freedom Flottilla» to support Hamas, and entered into direct conflict with Israël, who pirated the Mavi Marmara, which was flying the Turkish flag. Then he supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya and participated in the overthrow of the Jamahiriya (2011). Finally, he once again supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, this time against the secular Republic. We are obliged to note that this policy failed, and has led Turkey into a dead end

During the second phase of the Davutoğlu project, Ankara found itself once again in conflict with every one of its neighbours, with the exception of Azerbaïdjan («zero neighbours without problems»). This is why, last May, President Erdoğan decided to change his strategy, and replaced Davutoğlu with Binali Yıldırım. The goal is still to found a new Turko-Mongol Empire, but this time by attempting to first unify Turkey, then expand its model to its neighbours.

Yıldırım is a godfather of the Turkish mafia which has been looking after the financing of the AKP since its inception. He has established corrupt relations with most of the main Turkish businesses, and is today purging those who once resisted him.

Turkey's new strategic doctrine has already led Ankara to re-establish good relations, at least commercial relations, with several of its neighbours.

At the end of June, in Rome, Turkey signed an agreement with Israël which restored their diplomatic relations. High-level exchanges with Iran have maintained intense economic links, despite the war in Syria. Apart from that, out of public sight, consultations are multiplying about the Kurdish question. Finally, President Erdoğan has presented his excuses to his Russian counterpart concerning the Sukhoï which Turkey shot down, and last week, the economic flow between the two countries was resumed.

The coming evolution

Four questions still have to be examined:

- Support for the jihadists at the frontier with Golan

At the end of 2014, the blue helmets of the UNDOF withdrew from the No Man's Land instituted by Resolution 338, and have been replaced by Al-Qaïda, with the support of Tsahal. I revealed the existence of an agreement between Moscow and Washington to force Tel-Aviv to cease offering support to these terrorists and to accept the return of the UNO [3]. It may be imagined that Ankara could take over, but in the absence of a communications corridor from Turkey to Southern Syria, this is impossible. Meanwhile, the British have organised the change of the name of Al-Qaïda in Syria («rebranding»), probably in an attempt to ensure that the process will drag on.

- Support for the jihadists in East Aleppo

The intervention by Jeffrey Feltman to place the humanitarian corridors under UN control attests to the fact that the siege by the Syrian Arab Army is efficient. And yet Western propaganda pretends that it has been broken. After the closing of the communications route from the frontier, Turkey can only remain in East Aleppo with the support of the population. It will therefore have to accept this fact quickly.

- Support for the jihadists in Al-Raqqa and Mossoul

Only the population of Al-Anbar (Iraq) is exclusively Sunnite and favourable to the jihadists. Turkey will therefore have to fight against Daesh in Al-Raqqa, but continue to support it in Mossoul. Finally, the maintenance of an Islamic Emirate in Al-Anbar is the only way for Washington to sever the «silk road» while still pretending to support peace in Syria.

- The Kurdish question

The project of the AKP, supported by Paris and endorsed by Washington, is to create a Kurdish state outside of Turkey, and to expel the Kurds of the PKK. Over these last few years, it has been agreed to install this new «Kurdistan» in the North of Syria, in an Arab-Christian zone, after having emptied it of its historical inhabitants. This project is supported by certain members of the PKK who are hoping for a state of their own, anywhere at all, without worrying about finding themselves in a situation as illegitimate as that of Israël in Palestine after the Nakba. In the next few months, the Kurds will thus have to clarify their position. Until now, they have been the allies of anyone fighting Daesh, which enabled them to liberate the Arab town of Manbij and to consider it as the embryo of their new state. They will now have to split into two camps, pro-US and pro-Russian. It will then be possible to evaluate the feasability of a «Kurdistan» on non-Kurdish territory.

Ultimately, when all these questions have been resolved, and the dictatorship installed, Turkey will once again attempt to expand its model to its neighbours, probably beginning with those who have closed cowardly eyes on their methods.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Starting in about 5 minutes, CSPAN is hosting some sort of bipartisan expert talk show about US/Turkey relations.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
The fruit of Erdogan's pivot to Russia:


Russia to sign Turkish Stream deal in October

MOSCOW - Reuters

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[Image: n_103790_1.jpg]

Russia plans to sign an agreement with Turkey next month on the implementation of the Turkish Stream gas export pipeline project, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak was quoted as saying on Sept. 10.

"The inter-governmental agreement and road map are currently being reconciled; the process of agreeing on the final text is underway. We plan to proceed to the signing in October," Novak said, according to Russian news agency RIA.

Talks on the project were halted last year after Turkey shot down a Russian air force jet and Russia retaliated with trade sanctions but since then Moscow and Ankara have made significant progress to mend relations.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan said in August at a joint news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin that building the gas pipeline quickly was a priority.

Russian state gas producer Gazprom, the project operator, said on Sept. 7 it had received first regulatory approvals from Turkey, allowing the project to move into implementation phase.

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Israel Shamir: Only Russian Special Forces Can Save Erdogan

Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard

Original here:


Quote:The Americans and their friends in Turkey want to get rid of Erdogan. This week the American journal "Newsweek" published an article of a leading "neo*con" (as they call the vehemently anti-*Russian and pro-*Israeli American right who are also enemies of Trump) Michael Rubin, in which he predicts the imminent and inevitable death of the Turkish President at the hands of conspirators. A new coup will occur on the 10th of November, and it is at this time that Erdogan will certainly meet his end, say the newspapers. Erdogan sees the friendship with Russia and a union with Putin as his only chance to survive and to remain whole, says Mehmet.

The Americans want to divide Syria and Turkey, to create a large Kurdish state out of the pieces of Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. Erdogan prevents this, actively fights against the Kurdish rebels in Syria, insists on Turkish participation in the operation to liberate Mosul instead of the salute to Washington, and executing its will." Erdogan is the only supporter of the alliance with Russia in the Turkish leadership," says Mehmet. "If he is killed Turkey will immediately pivot to America." Almost all of the opposition represented in Parliament are set up as pro-*American the effect of many years of NATO membership.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:Israel Shamir: Only Russian Special Forces Can Save Erdogan

Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard

Original here:


Quote:The Americans and their friends in Turkey want to get rid of Erdogan. This week the American journal "Newsweek" published an article of a leading "neo*con" (as they call the vehemently anti-*Russian and pro-*Israeli American right who are also enemies of Trump) Michael Rubin, in which he predicts the imminent and inevitable death of the Turkish President at the hands of conspirators. A new coup will occur on the 10th of November, and it is at this time that Erdogan will certainly meet his end, say the newspapers. Erdogan sees the friendship with Russia and a union with Putin as his only chance to survive and to remain whole, says Mehmet.

The Americans want to divide Syria and Turkey, to create a large Kurdish state out of the pieces of Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. Erdogan prevents this, actively fights against the Kurdish rebels in Syria, insists on Turkish participation in the operation to liberate Mosul instead of the salute to Washington, and executing its will." Erdogan is the only supporter of the alliance with Russia in the Turkish leadership," says Mehmet. "If he is killed Turkey will immediately pivot to America." Almost all of the opposition represented in Parliament are set up as pro-*American the effect of many years of NATO membership.

Whether this happens or not remains to be seen, but it makes perfect sense for the US to eliminate Erdogan asap, given the Russian and Syrian ever tightening death grip on Aleppo. From all accounts, if and when Aleppo falls to Assad's forces, the war in Syria is effectively over for the US (although I wonder if this will be the case?). Time will tell I guess.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
The below is the original Newsweek article about the impending demise of Erdogan that Sir Herbert referenced above:



ErdoÄŸan wouldn't survive a third attempt to overthrow him.




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Eight Surprising Facts About Recep Tayyip Erdogan

This article first appeared on the American Enterprise Institute site.
It has now been almost three months since the failed coup in Turkey.
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The events of July 15 were predictable, but they nevertheless mark a watershed in modern Turkish history. Still, it would be a mistake to view the coup as a single event.

[Image: 1014erdogancoup01.JPG]Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan in New York City on September 19. Michael Rubin writes that Erdogan wouldn't survive a third attempt to overthrow him. BRENDAN MCDERMID/REUTERS Turkey actually experienced two coups, but it will be the third and coming coup that could be the most violent and might very well cost Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan his life.
The first coup was the bungled and clumsy putsch attempt on the evening of July 15 2016. While Erdogan declared the failed putsch "a gift from God" because it offered an excuse to purge enemies real and imagined, the genesis of the initial coup remains murky.
Erdogan fingered followers of former ally-turned-rival Fethullah Gülen, whom Erdogan designated the Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO). The proof Erdogan presented, both in the Turkish press and to the U.S. government, substituted suspicion and circumstantial evidence for proof.
Dani Rodrik, a Harvard University professor and son-in-law of a prominent Turkish general, outlined the most coherent argument about how and why Gülen's followers might have been involved. Rodrik makes a persuasive case, but caution is nevertheless needed both because information he omits might sway outcomes and because to draw conclusions upon the logic of cui bono assumes foresight always triumphs over unintended consequences as events unfold.
My own read is that while some Gülen followers participated and may even have had foreknowledge, they were joined by some among the Kemalist officer corps as well. There is ample evidence that not everyone in the Turkish intelligence serviceand even within elite Justice and Development Party circles had clean hands.
The Gülenists simply made useful scapegoats for the ills that followed. Whoever was ultimately behind the coupand, unlike with past coups in Turkey, this remains unclearwhat is certain is that Erdogan had learned of the plot hours before it unfolded.
The second coup was Erdogan's autogolpe. This has actually been more destructive to Turkey's fabric and democracy than the initial events of July 15. In the September 2016 issue of Commentary, I explored both Erdogan's intellectual upbringing and his end game.
Suffice to say, it is not pretty. But Erdogan's intellectual upbringing and Machiavellian political savvy have all led to this point.
What few talk about openly but certainly have started whispering about privately, is a third possible coup on the horizon.
While Erdogan shed his long alliance with Gülen in 2013, the Turkish leader has not been without allies. Here, the case of Sedat Peker is interesting. An ultra-nationalist, Peker is reputed and widely reported to be Turkey's most powerful mafioso. He was arrested during the course of Ergenekon plot and sentenced to several years in prison, but was among the first released even before the evidence backing the case was exposed as fraudulent.
Peker's controversial background never stopped Erdogan from associating and cooperating with him, however. Gülenists may have a broader network, but Peker's connections are reportedly just as powerful.
And while Erdogan once used Gülen's network to do his dirty work, it is just as possible that Peker and others like former True Path Party (DYP) official Mehmet Ağar (who also has a checkered past but has cultivated close relations with Erdogan) may now believe that they are using Erdogan to do their own dirty work.
After all, as Erdogan targets Gülenists, ethnic Kurds, liberals, feminists and the political opposition, he is eliminating not only his own enemies but also those of Peker and his closest allies.
Soon the key question will need an answer: If neither Erdogan nor some of the more shadowy figures of the Turkish mafia and deep state can tolerate competition, what happens when Erdogan and the Turkish mafia are the only powers remaining? If there is a showdown, will it be violent?
The downside of consolidating power to the extreme Erdogan has is the vacuum that develops when he is removed. Erdogan has taken a deeply polarized Turkey and put it in a pressure-cooker. With normal political competition no long available as an outlet for pressure, deadly political violence become more likely.
The nature of the deep state is that it reaches across political and ethnic factions, as the 1996 Susurluk scandal demonstrated. If Erdogan is assassinatedand there will be attemptsthe remaining Turkish deep state will be most able to fill the vacuum.
Generally speaking, Peker and his fellow-travelers are not likely to put their ambition or ideology aside. Even if Peker would never want to hold the formal reins of state, he has enough connections to veteran Turkish politicians to place a figurehead in the presidential palace.
Erdogan may believe he is sultan but, in reality, he may already be dead man walking.

Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. A former Pentagon official, his major research areas are the Middle East, Turkey, Iran and diplomacy.


I imagine that one event that triggered Rubin's Newsweek article (dated 15th October 2016) is the brief report below about closer military and intelligence ties between Putin and Erdogan following their meeting in Istanbul last Monday (10th October 2016) as reported below.

Turkey, a critical regional NATO member, publicly aligning closer to Russia in military and intelligence matters must be viewed with great concern in Washington and Brussels.



Russia and Turkey discussed joint military and intelligence efforts in Syria.




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Eight Surprising Facts About Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have agreed to increase cooperation in intelligence and military operations, the BBC's Russian service reports.
The two leaders have moved closer in recent months as their respective relationships with the West have soured for different reasons. Russia and Turkey's involvement in the Syrian conflict has also increased the demand for contact between the two, after much of the last year saw a collapse in bilateral relations due to Turkey's downing of a Russian jet in November.
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Putin arrived in Istanbul for much friendlier talks with Erdogan Monday, during which they agreed to join efforts in their Syrian operations, though did not specify in what way.

[Image: erdogan-and-putin.jpg]Russia's President Vladimir Putin ® and Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan review a guard of honor during a welcoming ceremony at the Presidential Palace in Ankara, Turkey, December 1, 2014. The two met in Istanbul, Turkey, Monday in a bid to build closer military cooperation. UMIT BEKTAS/REUTERS "Our respective departments will discuss (cooperation), in particular, through the military, intelligence on the line, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, establish contact and as a result develop a strategy," Erdogan said.
Erdogan's increasingly close relationship with Putin has troubled his NATO allies, although Germany has expressed confidence that this contact will not affect Turkey's resolve in NATO.
The two countries also struck a long-awaited agreement on the Turkish stream pipeline, pumping gas across the Black Sea towards Turkey.

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Looking for a scape-goat

by Thierry Meyssan

22 OCTOBER 2016



We now dispose of verified information about what really happened on 15 July in Turkey these data oblige us to revise our initial judgement.

First of all, it transpired that handing Turkey the management of the jihadist hordes after the attack which wounded Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan was not without problems - indeed, while Bandar was an obedient intermediary, ErdoÄŸan pursued his own strategy for the creation of the 17th Turko-Mongol empire, which led him to use the jihadists independently of his mission.

Besides this, the United States could not avoid levying sanctions against President ErdoÄŸan for aligning his country economically with Russia while he was still a military member of NATO.

Finally, with the crisis in the world power structure, President ErdoÄŸan became the ideal scape-goat for the US to extricate itself from the Syrian crisis.

From the US point of view, the problem is not Turkey, which is an indispensable regional ally, nor Hakan Fidan's MIT (secret services) which organises the world jihadist movement, but Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan himself.

Consequently, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) first of all attempted, in August 2013, to instigate a colour revolution by organising demonstrations at Gezi Park in Istanbul. Either the plan failed, or the US changed its mind.

The decision was taken to overthrow the Islamists of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) by vote. The CIA had organised the transformation of the People's Democratic Party (HDP) into a true party of the minorities, and also prepared an alliance between it and the Socialists of the Republican People's Party (CHP). The HDP adopted a wide-open programme for the defence of ethnic minorities (Kurds) and social minorities (feminists, homosexuals), and included an ecological chapter. The CHP was reorganised for two reasons to mask the over-representation of the Alevis in the party, and with a view to promoting the candidacy of the ex-President of the Supreme Court. However, while the AKP lost the elections in July 2015, it proved impossible to execute the alliance between the CHP and the HDP. As a result, a new round of general elections was held in November 2015, but they were brutally rigged by Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan.

Washington therefore decided to physically eliminate Mr. Erdoğan. Three assassination attempts occurred between November 2015 and July 2016. Contrary to what has been reported, the operation of 15 July 2016 was not an attempted coup d'état, but an attempt to eliminate Recep Tayyip Erdoğan alone. The CIA used Turko-US industrial and military connections in order to recruit a small team within the Air Force to execute the President during his holidays. However, this team was betrayed by Islamist officers, (who represent almost a quarter of army personnel), and the President was warned an hour before the arrival of the commando. He was then transferred under the protection of a loyalist military escort. Aware of the foreseeable consequences of their failure, the conspirators launched a coup d'état without any preparation, and while the streets of Istanbul were still full of people. Obviously enough, they failed. The repression which followed was not aimed only at arresting the authors of the attempted assassination, nor even the soldiers who rallied to the improvised coup d'état, but all pro-United States activists first of all the secular Kemalists, then the Islamists of Fethullah Gülen. In total, more than 70,000 people were tried, and the ordinary prisoners of civil law had to be liberated to make room to incarcerate the pro-US prisoners.

President ErdoÄŸan's megalomania, his insane white palace, his rigging of the elections, and his all-round repression make him the ideal scape-goat for the errors committed in Syria. However, his resistance to a colour revolution and four assassination attempts suggest that it will not be possible to get rid of him so quickly.

Highlighted paragraph: Much more plausible
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:Looking for a scape-goat

by Thierry Meyssan

22 OCTOBER 2016



We now dispose of verified information about what really happened on 15 July in Turkey these data oblige us to revise our initial judgement.

First of all, it transpired that handing Turkey the management of the jihadist hordes after the attack which wounded Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan was not without problems - indeed, while Bandar was an obedient intermediary, ErdoÄŸan pursued his own strategy for the creation of the 17th Turko-Mongol empire, which led him to use the jihadists independently of his mission.

Besides this, the United States could not avoid levying sanctions against President ErdoÄŸan for aligning his country economically with Russia while he was still a military member of NATO.

Finally, with the crisis in the world power structure, President ErdoÄŸan became the ideal scape-goat for the US to extricate itself from the Syrian crisis.

From the US point of view, the problem is not Turkey, which is an indispensable regional ally, nor Hakan Fidan's MIT (secret services) which organises the world jihadist movement, but Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan himself.

Consequently, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) first of all attempted, in August 2013, to instigate a colour revolution by organising demonstrations at Gezi Park in Istanbul. Either the plan failed, or the US changed its mind.

The decision was taken to overthrow the Islamists of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) by vote. The CIA had organised the transformation of the People's Democratic Party (HDP) into a true party of the minorities, and also prepared an alliance between it and the Socialists of the Republican People's Party (CHP). The HDP adopted a wide-open programme for the defence of ethnic minorities (Kurds) and social minorities (feminists, homosexuals), and included an ecological chapter. The CHP was reorganised for two reasons to mask the over-representation of the Alevis in the party, and with a view to promoting the candidacy of the ex-President of the Supreme Court. However, while the AKP lost the elections in July 2015, it proved impossible to execute the alliance between the CHP and the HDP. As a result, a new round of general elections was held in November 2015, but they were brutally rigged by Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan.

Washington therefore decided to physically eliminate Mr. Erdoğan. Three assassination attempts occurred between November 2015 and July 2016. Contrary to what has been reported, the operation of 15 July 2016 was not an attempted coup d'état, but an attempt to eliminate Recep Tayyip Erdoğan alone. The CIA used Turko-US industrial and military connections in order to recruit a small team within the Air Force to execute the President during his holidays. However, this team was betrayed by Islamist officers, (who represent almost a quarter of army personnel), and the President was warned an hour before the arrival of the commando. He was then transferred under the protection of a loyalist military escort. Aware of the foreseeable consequences of their failure, the conspirators launched a coup d'état without any preparation, and while the streets of Istanbul were still full of people. Obviously enough, they failed. The repression which followed was not aimed only at arresting the authors of the attempted assassination, nor even the soldiers who rallied to the improvised coup d'état, but all pro-United States activists first of all the secular Kemalists, then the Islamists of Fethullah Gülen. In total, more than 70,000 people were tried, and the ordinary prisoners of civil law had to be liberated to make room to incarcerate the pro-US prisoners.

President ErdoÄŸan's megalomania, his insane white palace, his rigging of the elections, and his all-round repression make him the ideal scape-goat for the errors committed in Syria. However, his resistance to a colour revolution and four assassination attempts suggest that it will not be possible to get rid of him so quickly.

Highlighted paragraph: Much more plausible

Blimey Tooth, you beat me to it by 5 minutes!!!

This modifies Thierry Meyysan's earlier analysis in which he opined that the US weren't behind the coup. His change of heart now means that all of those independent journo's who have looked at the matter are in agreement.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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