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Extremely strange passenger cancellations on 9-11-01
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Joseph McBride Wrote:American Airlines Flight 77 took off from Dulles
on the morning of 9/11 supposedly headed to LA. My research indicated
it probably went down in the woods outside of Ashland, Kentucky -- which
was approximately the last known location when the plane's transponder went out of contact
with flight control. The local sheriff's office was called to send out a small plane
to look for the crash site of a large airliner in the woods near Ashland. This was reported in the local paper. Then we didn't hear any more.

I'd love to hear more about your 9/11 research, Joseph.

Some years back I checked the map for where the plane went off the radar
and saw that the nearest town was Ashland, Kentucky. So I Googled for the
Ashland paper and, sure enough, found a story from the next edition of the paper
following the 9/11 incidents that the local sheriff's office had been asked on the morning of 9/11
to send a small plane up to look for a large passenger plane that supposedly had
crashed in the woods. I should have made a copy of that story, because
it has vanished from the web. There was no further report that I could find in the Ashland paper.
Some people in Ashland must know what happened there. This incident tends to be supported by
Richard Clarke's account and other accounts that a large passenger plane was believed
to be down in that area. It was not until mid-afternoon that the story
was officially discounted. There is no credible evidence the plane hit the Pentagon.
(There are also those strange reports, seemingly well-documented, about the plane possibly landing
in Cleveland and the passengers being removed from it there.)

I also did a fair amount of searching about the disposition of the
bodies of the alleged Flight 77 victims, especially Barbara Olson. I found
that those bodies supposedly were not released to the families until
that December, a long time to wait. Olson supposedly was buried in Wisconsin.
I checked the Dover Air Force Base website and found a press release from shortly
after 9/11 that listed the number of bodies it reported processed
from the Pentagon. That number, curiously enough, was the exact number of the
persons reported killed in the Pentagon but did not include the number of
the passengers aboard the plane, even though the press had reported those
bodies were also processed at Dover. That Dover AFB press release remained
online for some time. Unfortunately, I also did not make a copy of it, and
now it is gone.

Another strange fact is that in his eulogy for Barbara Olson at the Cathedral of St. Thomas
More Cathedral in Arlington, Va., on Sept. 15, 2001, Father Franklyn McAfee
said this:

"We believe that Barbara Olson is alive, not just in our hearts and in our memories, but actually alive, fully conscious and aware. Now. We know this because Christ is risen from the dead. And if it isn't true, if Barbara is really gone and gone forever, if you will never see her smile again, or hear her laughter, then this is all playacting. And I had better go and get another job. Because there is an empty tomb in Jerusalem, our hearts, though mourning, are full today. We will see Barbara again. Death cannot win against life. Christians are those who, in the midst of December, believe in Spring."

"[A]ctually alive, fully conscious and aware"? If not, "then this is all playacting"?,32258
The Kentucky incident is referred to in the History Commons Timeline:

Soon After 9:09 a.m. September 11, 2001: Mistaken Report of Flight 77 Crash Causes Confusion

[Image: edit.png]

When Indianapolis flight control reported the loss of contact with Flight 77 to the FAA's Great Lakes Regional Operations Center (see 9:09 a.m. September 11, 2001), an employee at an FAA flight service station (which particular one is unspecified) picks up on the communication and mistakenly calls the Ashland, Kentucky police to report a confirmed crash. Indianapolis controllers had noted the last known position of Flight 77 as being near the Ohio-Kentucky border, so this becomes part of the employee's report. Indianapolis Center personnel, suspecting that Flight 77 may have crashed, subsequently contact the same police office, requesting information on any crashes. (An FAA report describes them contacting the West Virginia State Police at about 9:15 a.m. Ashland, though in Kentucky, is only a few miles out of West Virginia, so this may be referring the same incident.) Using the flight service station report as an actual accident, the police mistakenly confirm the crash, even though it never actually happened. A state helicopter is even dispatched to the plane's last known coordinates, but there is nothing there. Time is lost in all the confusion. [FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, 9/17/2001 [Image: pdfbw.png]; FRENI, 2003, PP. 29] It is not until about 9:20 a.m., when Indianapolis Center learns there are other hijacked aircraft in the system (see (9:20 a.m.-9:21 a.m.) September 11, 2001), that it will start to doubt its initial assumption that Flight 77 crashed. [9/11 COMMISSION, 8/26/2004, PP. 32] However, the report of a downed plane persists. Shortly before 10 a.m., Dale Watson, counterterrorism chief at the FBI, will say to counterterrorism "tsar" Richard Clarke over a video teleconference, "We have a report of a large jet crashed in Kentucky, near the Ohio line." [CLARKE, 2004, PP. 13] According to USA Today, "The reports are so serious that [FAA Administrator Jane] Garvey notifies the White House that there has been another crash. Only later does she learn the reports are erroneous." [USA TODAY, 8/13/2002]


I've been all over the place about what happened at the Pentagon, but I'm now pretty convinced that a large plane that looked like an airliner did crash into it, though it was probably remotely piloted, since no human could fly it that way. Certainly not Hani Hanjour. And there may have been some pre-planted explosives to help increase the destruction. It's the simplest explanation, since like the WTC there were thousands of witnesses in the area. You'd want them to see something that looks like an airliner, not a cruise missile or something else.

I still can't accept an airliner crashing into the Pentagon because the massive engines would not have fit into the hole in the Pentagon wall.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:I still can't accept an airliner crashing into the Pentagon because the massive engines would not have fit into the hole in the Pentagon wall.

This article was pretty convincing to me:

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