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Tracking Oswald Part 4 in Canada
The show was discontinued in the USA. Has not been shown since part 2.

We have a correspondent in Canada who has been taping it and reviewing it.

This part 4 might be the worst yet.
Quote:Jim DiEugenio;120089]The show was discontinued in the USA. Has not been shown since part 2.

We have a correspondent in Canada who has been taping it and reviewing it.

This part 4 might be the worst yet.


"Frank has dabbled with writing all of his life including songwriting, journalism, a book of humor, comedy bits for radio, and placing articles with several magazines. His interest in the JFK assassination was piqued in 2004 when he discovered BlackOp Radio. He is currently adapting one of his short stories into a novel. The story called "A Player Cheats The House" is loosely based on the JFK case."

My advice, stick with songwriting, journalism, a book of humor and comedy bits. You can't go wrong there. Trust me, there's nothing based loosely on the assassination.
Sorry Jim, am I missing some thing? This seems to be about Cuba not Canada?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
I must be missing the same thing, Canada is found nowhere in Oswald's travel in this publication 1-4.

Also, this poster said,

"Arnaldo M. Fernandez is a former lecturer (1997-2003) of Philosophy and History of Law at the University of Havana. He earned a Masters Degree in Journalism and taught Interpretative Journalism (2005-2010) at the Koubek Center, U. Miami. He has published a book (in Spanish) about the death of Cuban patriot José Marti (Miami, Cuban New Press, 2005). Regarding JFK research, he focuses on the Cuban connection in order to debunk the "Castro did it" and "Castro knew it" theses."

Not all of this is true, I agree with him about debunking the Castro did it BS. But, Luis Posada did provide me at a meeting with Frank Castro at the Doral Country Club where we all met a document that Fidel Castro did learn of the assassination before it happened, thus is why Luis said Castro was not involved, hard to believe he said that when more than 90 percent of the Cuban population believes Castro did it.

This guy is on the right track. 👐 clapping

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