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Where the heck is Albert Doyle?
I haven't seen any posts from Albert Doyle for a couple of months. What is the official explanation for this? I want to hear from the moderators. Please provide specific details and reasons.

I've been a member of this forum about 6 months and it's been plain to me all along that this is Jim DiEugenio's turf. His sycophants abound here, and that is not always a healthy situation. With loyalty comes a loss of intellectual independence- a loss of the critical thinking skills so necessary for constructive debate. A loyalist becomes no better than a bully when his leader makes mistakes in judgment. And then this here Athenian democracy degenerates into a high-school clique- whose bigshots metamorphose into a modern-day Warren Commission. Bigshots who in reality are just a pack of nobodies, making monumental decisions that will affect the future of all 7 nonresearchers who read these forums, for about 20 seconds anyways.

It's also plain to me that Jim DiEugenio does not like Albert Doyle. My opinion is that this has plenty to do with Doyle's apparent suspension. It sure looks to me that the moderators here, acting as Jim's underlings, gave Doyle the boot to keep Jim happy. This is particularly distressing as DiEugenio has drifted closer to the Murphyite propagandists, and this circumstance has increased his friction with Doyle.

My personal opinion is that Doyle is one of the best posters around. He's the closest thing we have today to Duke Lane- hands down the best poster ever to come down the pike. Duke always gave you content, and a challenge- and if he wasn't taking you to the task, he'd supplement your posts with something you missed. In this JFK case, so fraught with ambiguity and paradox, evidentiary content and rigorous challenges legal, philosophical & scientific are a must- otherwise any hack theory can win acceptance.

And we have Doyle to thank for savaging the PrayerMan myth. That debacle should have ended 2 years ago, but for the pigheadedness of the ROKC forum- particularly Stan Dane and Greg Parker. Because Sean Murphy, in his presentation of PrayerMan, forgot to do a height analysis. And Doyle recognized- in a Louis Pasteur moment, like placing a glass casing over rotting meat to disprove the theory of spontaneous generation- that the vertical strip seen behind PrayerMan in Wiegman obliges the figure to be standing at the front of the Depository landing. And so could readily be compared with the known height of another person at the front of the landing, Wesley Frazier. And so Stan Dane's book, PrayerMan: Out of the Shadows and Into the Light would be more aptly titled PrayerMan: Out of the Corner and Into a Dress. As a scientist he should acknowledge the Doyle height argument, but he won't own up to his colossal blunder, buying into Murphy's dopey Oswald-is-PrayerMan hypothesis. And it's a height argument any highschooler learning trig & geometry should comprehend. But Greg Parker, that 9th-grade dropout, lacks the acumen to accept that. So we get continuing bluster and collective denial.

Imagine for a moment that Sara Stanton was somehow involved in the conspiracy to kill JFK, and Sean Murphy suspected she was the PrayerMan figure. Height determinations estimate her to be about 5'4". Chris Davidson's metadata enhancement suggests the face of a woman. And in Frazier's 2013 Sixth Floor Museum interview he says that at that moment, as seen in the Darnell frame, he turned and talked to Sara. Researchers would be enthralled that these evidentiary factors had determined her location. But instead we get junk gobbledygook arguments defending Murphy's dopey hypothesis.

The PrayerMan myth is only ongoing due to the marked emotional immaturity of many research community members, and I strongly urge them to look into substance-abuse recovery programs. Without belaboring that issue any further.

It should come as a relief that Jim DiEugenio can't carry the load for you each and every time. The checks & balances of forum posting is a marvelous mechanism for refining the thought process. Even Tom Brady gets intercepted for a pick 6 in the Super Bowl. Trust him in overtime, though.

Whatever stupid reason put Doyle on suspension, isn't it time to do the smart thing and reinstate his posting privileges? You owe him a big thank you. Do you understand that?
You know Richard, I am really taken aback by this.

One, I have no idea what happened to Albert Doyle.

Two, I had nothing to do with why he does not post here anymore.

Three, if he is on suspension, I was not aware of it.

Four, these people here are my sycophants? Are you serious? Ask Dawn Meredith what she thinks of my Mary Meyer analysis.

If you want to dump on Sean Murphy some more or attack ROKC go over to Duncan's forum. I mean that is where Albert used to attack me from. Duncan also likes to do that kind of stuff behind my back. Try offering your pet theory about the TSBD employee conspiracy over there. See how far you get.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:You know Richard, I am really taken aback by this.

One, I have no idea what happened to Albert Doyle.

Two, I had nothing to do with why he does not post here anymore.

Three, if he is on suspension, I was not aware of it.

Four, these people here are my sycophants? Are you serious? Ask Dawn Meredith what she thinks of my Mary Meyer analysis.

If you want to dump on Sean Murphy some more or attack ROKC go over to Duncan's forum. I mean that is where Albert used to attack me from. Duncan also likes to do that kind of stuff behind my back. Try offering your pet theory about the TSBD employee conspiracy over there. See how far you get.

Exactly Jim. I was thinking the same thing as I read that post. Doyle has not been banished. He is on moderation. As result he is not posting nearly as much as he had in the past.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:You know Richard, I am really taken aback by this.

One, I have no idea what happened to Albert Doyle.

Two, I had nothing to do with why he does not post here anymore.

Three, if he is on suspension, I was not aware of it.

Four, these people here are my sycophants? Are you serious? Ask Dawn Meredith what she thinks of my Mary Meyer analysis.

If you want to dump on Sean Murphy some more or attack ROKC go over to Duncan's forum. I mean that is where Albert used to attack me from. Duncan also likes to do that kind of stuff behind my back. Try offering your pet theory about the TSBD employee conspiracy over there. See how far you get.

For clarification,[size=12] what "pet theory about the TSBD employee conspiracy" are you referencing?[/SIZE]


Could this be Albert Doyle reincarnated?
Ahimsa….may you live in a world of non-forcefulness.
Could what be Albert Doyle reincarnated?

Mr. Trotter, Rich sent me a 36 page essay suggesting that the employees in the TSBD were a part of the plot to kill Kennedy and frame Oswald.
Now, that's a 36 page essay worth taking a look at.

I've always had my doubts/suspicions about the following TSBD employees: Bill Shelley; Charles Givens; Roy Truly; Billy Lovelady; and, of course, Mrs. Reid.

Personally, at this point, the jury is still out on Jack Dougherty, but initially I was leaning towards the possibility he may have been a spotter, but wonder if he was purposely placed upstairs near the crime scene to serve as the initial patsy.

In respect to that 36 page essay...certainly a refreshing perspective for anyone to come to the conclusion that the wrongly accused was FRAMED, an innocent victim of essentially an inside job.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Could what be Albert Doyle reincarnated?

Mr. Trotter, Rich sent me a 36 page essay suggesting that the employees in the TSBD were a part of the plot to kill Kennedy and frame Oswald.


Mr. Gilbride's lone 'peanut in the gallery' was last seen, of all places, at Greg Parker's forum back on June 14th. Under 'Forum & Blog Watch', there is a 'Yo Brian "Kangaroo" Doyle' thread there. Haven't seen him anywhere since. Do you miss him? They DO belong together, I must say.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Could what be Albert Doyle reincarnated?

Mr. Trotter, Rich sent me a 36 page essay suggesting that the employees in the TSBD were a part of the plot to kill Kennedy and frame Oswald.

For additional clarification, did the essay suggest "all" employees, except LeeHarveyOswald, employed at the TSBD building, or "all" of those employed by the TSBD, except LHO? For further clarification, who is Rich?


Rich is Richard Gilbride.

It did not include LHO as I recall.

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