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Questions about the official version of 9-11-01

From Kevin Ryan two years ago and for thought - and then action.[URL=""]

Fourteen Incredible Facts About 9/11[/URL]

Posted on August 8, 2015by Kevin Ryan[/FONT]
[Image: bush-pockets_3387322b.jpg?w=242&h=151]It's important to remind people that we still don't know what happened on September 11, 2001. What is known about 9/11 is that there are many incredible facts that continue to be ignored by the government and the mainstream media. Here are fourteen.

  1. An outline of what was to become the 9/11 Commission Report was produced before the investigation began. The outline was kept secret from the Commission's staff and appears to have determined the outcome of the investigation.
  2. The 9/11 Commission claimed sixty-three (63) times in its Report that it could find "no evidence" related to important aspects of the crimes.
  3. One person, Shayna Steinger, issued 12 visas to the alleged hijackers in Saudi Arabia. Steinger issued some of the visas without interviewing the applicants and fought with another employee at the embassy who tried to prevent her lax approach.
  4. Before 9/11, the nation's leading counter-terrorism expert repeatedly notified his friends in the United Arab Emirates of top-secret U.S. plans to capture Osama bin Laden. These treasonous leaks prevented Bin Laden's capture on at least two separate occasions.
  5. Former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger was caught stealing documents from the National Archives that had been requested by the 9/11 Commission. The Commission had previously been denied access to the documents but the White House reluctantly agreed to turn them over just as Berger was trying to steal them.
  6. The official story of the failed air defenses on 9/11 was changed several times and, in the end, paradoxically exonerated the military by saying that the military had lied many times about its response. The man who was behind several of the changing accounts was a specialist in political warfare (i.e. propaganda).
  7. Military exercises being conducted on the day of 9/11 mimicked the attacks as they were occurring and obstructed the response. NORAD commander Ralph Eberhart sponsored those exercises, failed to do his job that day, and later lied to Congress about it (if the 9/11 Commission account is true).
  8. A third skyscraper collapsed late in the afternoon on 9/11. This was WTC 7, a 47-story building that the government's final report says fell into its own footprint due to office fires. The building's tenants included U.S. intelligence agencies and a company led in part by Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. Meetings were scheduled there to discuss terrorism and explosives on the morning of 9/11.
  9. News agencies, including BBC and CNN, announced the destruction of WTC 7 long before it happened. One BBC reporter announced the collapse while viewers could see the still-standing building right behind her in the video. Years later, after claiming that it had lost the tapes and then found them again, BBC's answer to this astonishing report was that everything was just "confusing and chaotic" that day. Of course, one problem with this is that the news agencies predicted the exact building, of the many damaged in the area, that would collapse. Another big problem is that no one could have possibly predicted the collapse of WTC 7 given the unprecedented and unbelievable official account for how that happened.
  10. Construction of the new, 52-story WTC 7 was completed two years before the government knew what happened to the first WTC 7. In fact, when the new building was completed in 2006, the spokesman for the government investigation said, "We've had trouble getting a handle on building No. 7." The construction of the new building, without regard for how the first one was destroyed, indicates that building construction professionals in New York City did not believe it could ever happen again.
  11. Ultimately, building construction codes were not changed as a result of the root causes cited by the National Institute for Standards and Technology for destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings. This fact shows that the international building construction community does not believe that the WTC buildings were destroyed as stated in the official account.
  12. AMEC, the company that just finished rebuilding the exact spot where Flight 77 was said to hit, was put in charge of cleanup at the WTC and the Pentagon. The man who ran the company, Peter Janson, was a long-time business associate of Donald Rumsfeld.
  13. The response of the U.S. Secret Service to the 9/11 attacks suggests foreknowledge of the events in that the agency failed to protect the president from the obvious danger posed by terrorists.
  14. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission notified the FBI of suspected 9/11 insider trading transactions. That evidence was ignored and the suspects were not even questioned by the FBI or the 9/11 Commission.
There are, of course, many more incredible facts about 9/11 that continue to be ignored by authorities and much of the media. Let's hope that the next major terrorist attack results in legitimate reporting and unified calls for truth before fourteen years have passed.

Sixteen More Reasons to Question 9/11

Posted on August 27, 2017by Kevin Ryan[/FONT]
[Image: 9-11-never-forget.jpg?w=200&h=150]It has been 16 years since the crimes of September 11th, 2001. In that time, facts have been revealed that led more than a third of Americans to believe that the U.S government was involved in the attacks. This blog noted 14 such incredible facts on the 14th anniversary of the crimes. Here are 16 more.

  1. In the nine years before 9/11, the FBI failed miserably at preventing terrorism. There are many examples of how FBI leadership under director Louis Freeh facilitated and covered-up acts of terrorism during this time. After 9/11, the FBI took extraordinary measures to hide evidence related to the attacks.
  2. CIA director George Tenet led an agency that also failed in its duties related to counterterrorism and those failures appear to have been intentional. Like Freeh, Tenet had developed secret paths of communication with Saudi authorities. The facts suggest that Tenet facilitated the crimes of 9/11.
  3. The FBI and CIA have made a mockery of the U.S. justice system as it relates to 9/11. While these agencies are suspected of involvement, they have charged others with the crimes using secret evidence in a secret military trial. The accused have been held in seclusion for nearly 15 years while FBI and CIA agents attempt to insert themselves as defense team members, ensuring total control of the narrative.
  4. CIA officers responsible for identifying deception in others fail to notice that the characteristics of deception are amply demonstrated when government representatives respond to questions about 9/11.
  5. There have been four, distinctly different, official accounts given for how the North American air defense system failed to intercept any of the hijacked planes. The last account says that dozens of military officers spent years lying to Congress, the 9/11 Commission, and everyone else, in ways that made the military look bad. Few observers considered the simpler explanationthat the 9/11 Commission lied to divert attention from many difficult questions.
  6. Parts of the official account of 9/11 are based on the highly improbable flight path of a military cargo plane called Gofer 06. The crew of this plane witnessed the crashes of two of the four planes that day despite those crashes occurring 127 miles and less than 30 minutes apart.
  7. There are dozens of unanswered questions about the events at the Pentagon and the plane that reportedly crashed there.
  8. The 19 young men accused within 72-hours of the attacks were known to enjoy strip bars, alcohol, drugs, and other things that are clearly non-Muslim activities. Moreover, these suspects were not capable of accomplishing most of what was needed to pull off the crimes.
  9. Mohamed Atta, the man called the "9/11 ringleader," had a lot in common with Lee Harvey Oswaldthe man accused of killing President Kennedy. Both Atta and Oswald were suspected of using illicit drugs, seemed to be protected by authorities, and were associated with CIA-linked entities.
  10. The New York Times led the propaganda behind the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 and it also led the propaganda behind the cover-up of the 9/11 crimes. It did so by ignoring many of the most relevant facts, by promoting false official accounts, and by belittling those who questioned the 9/11 events.
  11. On the day of the attacks, firefighters, journalists, survivors, and eyewitnesses testified to secondary explosions in the World Trade Center buildings. Videos of these testimonies were held secret for years by the government agency NIST and released only via FOIA request after public interest died down. Scientists have explained that the towers came down due to explosions and that the NIST investigation was fraudulent.
  12. Among the evidence ignored by the mainstream media are many facts indicating the presence of thermite at the World Trade Center. Thermite is a chemical mixture that can be used to melt and cut structural steel. Instead of addressing this evidence, supporters of the official account have engaged in deception and distraction in order to obfuscate the facts.
  13. Despite recent, worldwide protests against the abuse of science, the most glaring example of politically motivated pseudoscience continues to be ignored by many scientists. That is the 7-year sequence of contradictory explanations provided by U.S. government investigators for the destruction of the WTC buildings.
  14. Links between 9/11 and the 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City lead to questions about the company that controlled security for many of the facilities impacted on 9/11, including the WTC complex. For instance, that WTC security company shared the same OKC airport office later occupied by the flight trainer for Zacarias Moussaoui, the alleged "20th" hijacker.
  15. Media and certain government representatives have hinted at Saudi Arabian ties to the 9/11 crimes. However, those hints always omit the most interesting links between the 9/11 attacks and Saudi Arabialinks that implicate powerful people in the United States.
  16. When the long-awaited 28 pages missing from the Congressional Joint Inquiry Report into 9/11 were finally released, those pages reinforced concerns that deep state players were involved in the attacks. Such players include Wirt D. Walker, the CEO of the WTC security company, who is clearly associated with top-secret operations.
As the crimes of 9/11 continue to go unsolved and largely unquestioned, Americans should be aware that another 9/11 could happen at any time. If it does, the ongoing failure to question obvious deception in terrorism could take society to places where freedom to question is no longer an option.

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I haven't heard enough about the specific claims in this new lawsuit to know its merits. I do know that S.A. has fought/is fighting to have it dismissed - which makes me think there is merit to it. The 'dry-run' part is new, as I always suspected they played a hand along with Pakistan and the US Planners in funding and support - and providing the actors/patsies involved in the final 'production' is possible they also ran dry-runs.

Quote:[FONT=&amp]Saudi government may have funded 9/11 dry run', attorneys say



[FONT=&amp]New evidence submitted in lawsuit on behalf of families of 1,400 victims who died in terrorist attacks 16 years ago


[FONT=&amp][Image: Twin%20towers%20AFP%20A%20hijacked%20com...%20AFP.jpg][/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]New York's World Trade Center under attack in 2001 (AFP/file photo)[/FONT]

Saturday 9 September 2017 20:51 UTC

Last update:
Sunday 10 September 2017 0:27 UTC




[FONT=&amp]New evidence submitted in a lawsuit against the Saudi Arabian government shows its embassy in Washington may have funded a 9/11 "dry run" by two Saudis, possibly reinforcing the claim that employees and agents of the kingdom directed and aided the 9/11 hijackers, the New York Post reported on Saturday.
Two years before the airliner attacks, the Saudi Embassy paid for two nationals living in the US as students to fly from Phoenix to Washington "in a dry run for the 9/11 attacks," alleges the amended complaint filed on behalf of the families of some 1,400 victims who died in the terrorist attacks 16 years ago, the Post said.
The court filing provides new details that paint "a pattern of both financial and operational support" for the 9/11 conspiracy from official Saudi sources, lawyers for the plaintiffs say. They added that the Saudi government may have been involved in underwriting the attacks from the earliest stages, including testing cockpit security.
Motion to dismiss

"We've long asserted that there were longstanding and close relationships between al Qaeda and the religious components of the Saudi government," said Sean Carter, the lead attorney for the 9/11 plaintiffs. "This is further evidence of that."
Lawyers representing Saudi Arabia last month filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, which may finally be headed towards trial now that Congress has cleared diplomatic-immunity hurdles, the Post said. A Manhattan federal judge has asked the 9/11 plaintiffs, represented by lead law firm Cozen O'Connor, to respond to the motion by November.
Saudi Arabia had called on the United States last year to "correct" the bill that allows 9/11 victims' families to sue Saudi Arabia in US courts to avoid its "dangerous" consequences.
An unidentified Saudi foreign ministry official told Saudi news agency SPA at the time that he hoped wisdom would prevail in Congress to amend the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). Congress voted overwhelmingly last September to override a presidential veto of the bill by then President Barack Obama.
Families of 9/11 victims campaigned for the law, alleging that the Saudi government had a hand in the attacks that killed almost 3,000 people.
Fifteen of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens, but no link to the government has been proven. The Saudi government denies any links to the plotters.
Declassified documents showed US intelligence had multiple suspicions about links between the Saudi government and the attackers.
Riyadh lobbied

"While in the United States, some of the 9/11 hijackers were in contact with, and received support or assistance from, individuals who may be connected to the Saudi government," a finding read.
Behind the scenes, Riyadh has lobbied furiously for the bill to be scrapped.
A senior Saudi prince reportedly threatened to pull billions of dollars out of US assets if it became law, but Saudi officials later distanced themselves from that.
In a diplomatic protest note obtained by AFP, the European Union warned the rules would be "in conflict with fundamental principles of international law".
"State immunity is a central pillar of the international legal order," the "demarche" noted, adding that other countries may take "reciprocal action".
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
[FONT=&amp]The Environmentalist
March 2009, Volume 29, Issue 1, pp 5663

Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials

  • Kevin Ryan
  • James R. Gourley
  • Steven E. Jones
ArticleFirst Online: 04 August 2008


Investigators monitoring air quality at the World Trade Center, after the September 11th attacks, found extremely high levels of volatile organic chemicals as well as unusual species that had never been seen before in structure fires. Data collected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency indicate striking spikes in levels of benzene, styrene, and several other products of combustion. These spikes occurred on specific dates in October and November 2001, and February 2002. Additionally, data collected by researchers at the University of California Davis showed similar spikes in the levels of sulfur and silicon compounds, and certain metals, in aerosols. To better explain these data, as well as the unusual detection of 1,3-diphenylpropane, the presence of energetic nanocomposites in the pile at Ground Zero is hypothesized.

World Trade Center EPA 1,3-diphenylpropane Aluminothermics Energetic nanocomposites Volatile organic chemicals
[FONT=&amp]Download fulltext PDF
[FONT=&amp]1 [/FONT]Introduction

For months after the destruction at the World Trade Center (WTC) on 11th September, 2001, the fires at Ground Zero (GZ) could not be put out, despite the following facts.
  • Several inches of dust covered the entire area after the destruction of the WTC buildings.
  • Millions of gallons of water were sprayed onto the debris pile.
  • Several rainfall events occurred at GZ, some heavy; and
  • A chemical fire suppressant called Pyrocool was pumped into the piles (Lipton and Revkin [FONT=&amp]2001[/FONT]).

The characteristics of these un-extinguishable fires have not been adequately explained as the results of a normal structure fire, even one accelerated by jet fuel. Conversely, such fires are better explained given the presence of chemical energetic materials, which provide their own fuel and oxidant and are not deterred by water, dust, or chemical suppressants.
Apart from the extensive but failed efforts to extinguish the fires, there are several other physical indicators of the presence of energetic chemical reactions in the rubble at GZ. These include the following.
  1. 1.Photographs and witness testimony evidencing molten metal and explosions accompanied by white dust clouds (Jones [FONT=&amp]2006[/FONT]; Meyerowitz [FONT=&amp]2006[/FONT]; PBS [FONT=&amp]2002[/FONT]).
  2. 2.Extremely high temperatures in the fires at the WTC (Jones et al. [FONT=&amp]2008a[/FONT]).
  3. 3.Unusual spikes in volatile organic chemical (VOC) emissions, suggesting abrupt, violent fires on specific dates.
  4. 4.Unusual species in the environmental monitoring data, also corresponding to specific dates.

Explosions followed by white dust clouds, and molten metal at GZ, are of particular interest in this analysis. A white dust cloud is one of the products of the thermite reaction. The white dust in this case is aluminum oxide, released from the extremely exothermic reaction between aluminum and iron oxide. The other product of the thermite reaction is molten iron. These facts, coupled with evidence for extremely high temperatures at the WTC, suggest that investigators should examine the potential for such pyrotechnic materials at the WTC. The environmental data described below give more compelling evidence to support such an inquiry.

[FONT=&amp]2 [/FONT]EPA data on VOC emissions from GZ

Through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, access to environmental monitoring data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) WTC response was obtained (EPA [FONT=&amp]2004[/FONT]). The data set shows that spikes in the levels of airborne VOCs occurred on specific dates at GZ (Austin Tobin Plaza, WTC 1 or WTC 2), with levels of the related contaminants rising sharply and then falling dramatically back to baseline levels, usually within 1 day or less. An example is shown in Fig. [FONT=&amp]1[/FONT], for detections of benzene.Open image in new window[Image: 10669_2008_9182_Fig1_HTML.gif]
[FONT=&amp]Fig. 1[/FONT]EPA maximum daily detection of benzene in air at GZ, September through November 2001

Benzene is a major product of the combustion of plastics and other organic materials. In a typical structure fire, when plastics are abundant, benzene levels have been seen at levels as high as 26 ppb (MOEE [FONT=&amp]1997[/FONT]). Apart from fires, benzene is seen in high-traffic areas of urban settings, with mean levels of ~4 ppb (Crebellia et al. [FONT=&amp]2001[/FONT]).
Serious health consequences are known to occur when breathing benzene at 100 ppb, and it is known to cause diseases such as leukemia (HHS [FONT=&amp]2007[/FONT]). Note that, for the first few weeks after 9/11, the levels of benzene detected at GZ were relatively low, although perhaps higher than historical levels from structure fires. But the maximum value detected in November 2001 was 180,000 ppb, and the average daily detection for October and November 2001 was 18,000 ppb. The five peaks in benzene detection occurred on 5th October, 11th October, 3rd November, 8th November, and 16th November.
Similarly, the data for styrene are presented in Fig. [FONT=&amp]2[/FONT].Open image in new window[Image: 10669_2008_9182_Fig2_HTML.gif]
[FONT=&amp]Fig. 2[/FONT]EPA maximum daily detection of styrene in air at GZ, September through November 2001

The spikes in detected levels of styrene are more prominent. Styrene is normally seen as a product of the combustion of plastics, notably polystyrene. Interestingly, the dates of the five highest levels of styrene detection occurred on the same dates as those of highest detection of benzene.
A similar pattern in detection was noted in the data for several other analytes monitored by EPA in the air above the rubble piles at GZ. For example, toluene, ethylbenzene, and propylene follow the same pattern of spiked detection levels as seen above. These FOIA-obtained data indicate that all five of these VOCs were detected far above the levels published by EPA in their reports for the general public (Fig. [FONT=&amp]3[/FONT], EPA [FONT=&amp]2002[/FONT]).Open image in new window[Image: 10669_2008_9182_Fig3_HTML.gif]
[FONT=&amp]Fig. 3[/FONT]EPA maximum daily detection of VOCs in air at GZ, September through November 2001

The occurrence of such extreme, sharp spikes in VOCs in air at GZ indicate something other than the behavior of a typical structure fire. Oxygen influx as a result of shifting of materials within the pile might have created an increase in combustion of material in localized areas. But these spikes in VOCs, at levels thousands of times higher than seen in other structure fires, suggest extremely violent but short-lived fire events.
Probably the most striking spike in toxic air emissions, found in EPA monitoring data, occurred on 9th February, 2002. Note (Table [FONT=&amp]1[/FONT]) that this was nearly 5 months after 9/11, and after nearly all the debris had been cleared from GZ. In fact, the levels of some species, like toluene and styrene, were some of the highest observed at the site. But the levels of benzene and propylene detected on that day were far above previous measurements, at 610,000 and 990,000 ppb, respectively. Other VOCs were measured at their peak levels on this date, including 1,3-butadiene at 400,000 ppb.[FONT=&amp]Table 1[/FONT]Six dates of maximum detection for five species in air at GZ (ppb)

[TABLE="width: 885"]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: left"]Analyte[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: left"]5th October[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: left"]11th October[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: left"]3rd November[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: left"]8th November[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: left"]16th November[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #F2F2F2, align: left"]9th February[/TH]

aMeasured on 18th November
bMeasured on 14th November

EPA also monitored very fine particulate matter (PM) and other sizes of PM. PM is probably the most reliable indicator for the activity of structure fires, as such fires are generally known to burn incompletely, and produce PM that drifts up and outward from the source. EPA data from the West Broadway sampling site, the location closest to GZ where PM was monitored, show the following trend in very fine PM (PM2.5, or all particles <2.5 μm) in October and November 2001 (Fig. [FONT=&amp]4[/FONT]).Open image in new window[Image: 10669_2008_9182_Fig4_HTML.gif]
[FONT=&amp]Fig. 4[/FONT]Very fine PM detected in air by EPA near GZ in late 2001

These data show that the peaks in levels of very fine PM near GZ correspond to different dates than the peaks for the previously discussed combustion products. The five strongest peaks in PM2.5 levels are centered on 23th, 26th September, and 3rd, 10th, 20th October, closer in time to the events of 9/11. None of these dates correspond to the dates of five peaks in VOCs noted above. Additionally, it is clear that the levels of PM2.5 emissions rose more gradually, and died down more gradually, indicating slower fire dynamics as might be expected from the burning of the organic materials previously thought to exist in the WTC.
These data suggest that the greatest level of fire activity, associated solely with the typical fuel sources expected in the WTC, was completed by the third week of October. That is, the materials expected to burn (incompletely) in a structure fire, producing PM, were largely burned off by mid- to late-October.
Therefore, the extreme spikes in air concentrations of the five VOCs noted above, particularly on 3rd, 8th November, and 9th February, point not to other sources of typical combustible materials but to other forms of combustion. Such forms of combustion appear to be violent and short-lived, and thus similar to the effects of energetic materials, like thermite.

[FONT=&amp]3 [/FONT]Aerosol measurements after 9/11

Thomas Cahill, of the University of California Davis, reported similar unusual environmental data collected near GZ, although only through the month of October 2001. Cahill's team monitored for the presence of aerosols at a distance of ~1.8 km (1.1 mile) from GZ during this time.
The data produced by this team were difficult to explain. For example, with regard to more coarse particles detected in the air at GZ, the following statements were made.
"These particles simply should not be there," Cahill said. "It had rained, sometimes heavily, on six days in the prior three weeks. That rain should have settled these coarse particles." (Wright [FONT=&amp]2002[/FONT])
With respect to fine particles, Cahill and his team saw three problems with the data, and explained those basic problems in this manner.
  • We see very fine aerosols typical of combustion temperatures far higher than [expected in] the WTC collapse piles.
  • We see some elements abundantly and others hardly at all, despite similar abundances in the collapse dust.
  • We see organic species in the very fine mode that would not survive high temperatures (Cahill et al. [FONT=&amp]2003[/FONT]).

According to Cahill, the very fine particles found contained high levels of sulfur and/or sulfur-based compounds, as well as high levels of very fine (chemically bound) silicon. Note that Cahill's team used synchrotron X-ray fluorescence to measure elements in air, and therefore did not distinguish between these elements and their compounds.
The silicon compounds were conjectured to originate from thousands of tons of glass in the debris. The metals found by Cahill's team in relatively high concentrations were iron, titanium, vanadium, nickel, copper, and zinc. Although the sources of some of these metals were not described precisely, Cahill suggested that iron and titanium were "associated with powdered concrete," and vanadium and nickel were "often associated with fuel-oil combustion" (Wright [FONT=&amp]2002[/FONT]).
Interestingly, the Cahill data exhibited similar dramatic peaks in maximum detection related to some elements, particularly silicon compounds. Although the measurements made by this group were reported only for October, the dates 5th and 11th October stand out as peak maxima for silicon, corresponding to the dates in October of peak detections for benzene, ethylbenzene, propylene, styrene, and toluene. Cahill's team made the following statements about silicon being dominant, and other similar species being absent, in what they called the very fine mode.
Silicon dominates all other elements, unlike the coarse mode aerosols… (Cahill et al. [FONT=&amp]2004[/FONT])
other crustal elements (Al, Ca, and iron) seen so abundantly in the coarser particles are essentially absent in this very fine mode. (Cahill 2003)
In July of 2002, Cahill reported that (emphasis added)
The air from Ground Zero was laden with extremely high amounts of very small particles, probably associated with high temperatures in the underground debris pile. (ENS [FONT=&amp]2002[/FONT])
But by September 2002, Cahill appeared to have changed his mind on the "high temperatures," and attempted to explain some of the unusually high levels of metals in his data by invoking a new mechanism of "anaerobic incineration." Because the existence of high-temperature fires, necessary to volatilize such metals, was not compatible with the common understanding that only typical fuel sources could be involved, it was proposed that chlorine was present at concentrations of ~10%, causing the metals to volatilize at lower temperatures (Cahill et al. [FONT=&amp]2003[/FONT]; Dalton [FONT=&amp]2003[/FONT]).
This hypothesis for the volatilization of metals is not well defined. It is clear that 10% chlorine gas could not be the reactive species in Cahill's hypothesis, but as stated before, it is also clear that Cahill and his team did not distinguish between elemental forms and compounds. Chlorine gas, which is highly reactive, would not form at 10% in air in such an environment, and if it did it would have been fatal to workers in the area. But chlorinated compounds are generated in structure fires. Perhaps Cahill was proposing a gradient of concentrations for such compounds in air around the pile, with a concentration of 10% being coincidentally located around the fuel oil source for vanadium and nickel.
The only fuel oil source suggested by Cahill and his team was under WTC building 7, across the street from the towers (Cahill et al. [FONT=&amp]2004[/FONT]). But it should be noted that government investigators have suggested that the fuel oil in question was burned to create the fires that caused WTC building 7 to collapse. If one assumes they were correct, that fuel oil would no longer be available as the source of vanadium and nickel more than 1 month later.
Additionally, Cahill's hypothesis seems to require a complicated, multi-step process of metal chlorination in the pile and then de-chlorination after oxygen and/or water levels returned, in order to allow for the species measured 1.8 km away.
The mechanism proposed is then the formation of gasses in the oxygen-poor, chlorine rich collapse piles, emission through the rubble and conversion at or near the surface into oxidized forms and thus very fine particles. (Cahill et al. [FONT=&amp]2003[/FONT])
A better explanation for the data collected involves the presence of short-lived, violent fires at GZ. A typical modern day form of thermite, used in military devices for metal cutting, is thermate, with finely powdered sulfur added as part of a flare mixture. Additionally, aluminothermic materials can explain the presence of unusual metals and silica in fine PM, as described below.

[FONT=&amp]4 [/FONT]The unusual detection of 1,3-diphenylpropane

Cahill did not have an explanation for the third part of the problem that his team saw. That is, what effect at the WTC would cause organic compounds in very fine aerosols that would not survive high temperatures? Although Cahill did not specifically identify these organic species, EPA did mention one. This analyte detected by EPA may be the most interesting in the environmental data from the WTC: 1,3-diphenylpropane [abbreviated 1,3-DPP with IUPAC name 1′,1′-(1,3-propanediyl)bis-benzene].
EPA's Erik Swartz stated that 1,3-DPP was present at levels "that dwarfed all others." Swartz went on to say"We've never observed it in any sampling we've ever done" (Garrett [FONT=&amp]2003[/FONT]). An EPA publication on the findings stated:
This species has not previously been reported from ambient sampling. It has been associated with polyvinyl chloride materials, which are believed to be in abundance at the WTC site. These emissions lasted for over three weeks (9/26/01-10/20/01) after the initial destruction of the WTC. (EPA [FONT=&amp]2006[/FONT])
The fact that this species had never been found before is a startling fact, considering that EPA has monitored extreme structure fires before, including those in which polyvinyl chloride (PVC) materials were present. In fact,
EPA officials and fire-fighting experts were well aware, from previous studies of a handful of spectacular and tragic fires in hotels, commercial buildings and downtown areas, that such blazes are capable of releasing a witch's brew of some of the most toxic substances knownincluding mercury, benzene, lead, chlorinated hydrocarbons and dioxins. (Gonzalez [FONT=&amp]2002[/FONT])
EPA's history with structure fire monitoring indicates that, to have never seen an organic compound like 1,3-DPP is very unusual, especially when it was found at such high levels. But 1,3-DPP was not only at high levels, it was also reported to have been "pervasive" (American Scientist [FONT=&amp]2003[/FONT]).
Considering how unusual, abundant, and pervasive 1,3-DPP was reported to be, it is remarkable that EPA released only five results for this compound, and all of these from only one locationthe 290 Broadway site of EPA itself. But even at this one site, its clear that 1,3-DPP was measured at levels that were as much as 30 times greater than typical semi-volatile organic combustion products like naphthalene and biphenyl. Additional details about EPA's measurements of 1,3-DPP will have to wait. Repeated delays in the fulfillment of the FOIA mentioned above, and a response letter indicating EPA will withhold a majority of the related documents, suggest that EPA has more data on 1,3-DPP but is reluctant to release it.
Unlike the EPA publication, Swartz did not attribute the high levels of 1,3-DPP to the combustion of PVC. In fact, there are no readily available references to indicate how 1,3-DPP is "associated with PVC," and the pathway of such degradation via combustion would be complicated, at best.
Instead, Swartz attributed the presence of 1,3-DPP to polystyrene and other plastics, by stating
[1,3-DPP was] primarily found in the gas phase (with 90% of the mass found on the front denuder). Although the source of the compound in this study is not known, it may have formed during the combustion of polystyrene or other polymers. 1,3-Diphenylpropane has been found to co-occur with polystyrene plastics (37, 38), so another possibility is that the compound was already present and encapsulated in large volumes of plastics in the buildings and was off-gassed during the pulverization process. (Swartz et al. [FONT=&amp]2003[/FONT])
However, the sources Swartz uses to support 1,3-DPP as a combustion product of polystyrene are not studies of polystyrene combustion, but of gasses released in the long-term degradation of enclosed polystyrene food product packaging.
Other studies have shown trace amounts of 1,3-DPP as a secondary product of polystyrene combustion or thermolysis. But such studies suggest that 1,3-DPP may only form in negligible quantities and under certain conditions (Boettner et al. [FONT=&amp]1973[/FONT]; McCaffrey et al. [FONT=&amp]1996[/FONT]). In such experiments, the major product of the combustion or thermolysis of polystyrene, far outweighing others, is the monomer styrene. This leads us to the fact that, although styrene was a species of interest at 290 Broadway during the same time period as was 1,3-DPP, styrene detections were not reported in the FOIA provided data (EPA [FONT=&amp]2004[/FONT]). Therefore, it appears that Swartz' first suggested hypothesis, that 1,3-DPP resulted from combustion of polystyrene, is not probable.
The possibility that 1,3-DPP was off-gassed as a result of the physical destruction of debris at GZ, as in Swartz' second hypothesis, seems possible. But it is one thing to suggest that 1,3-DPP was "encapsulated in large volumes of plastics in the buildings" and another thing to state in what exact materials this rare compound was encapsulated. Consumer plastics do not typically have large amounts of unusual organic compounds just simply "encapsulated" within them.
A review of the literature uncovers one interesting source of encapsulated 1,3-DPP that may help to explain much of the unusual environmental data described above. The synthesis of novel nanostructured materials has involved the use of 1,3-DPP to functionalize mesoporous silicas through control of pore size (Kidder et al. [FONT=&amp]2003[/FONT]).
The resulting novel hybrid materials possess silyl aryl ether linkages to the silica surface that are thermally stable to ca. 550°C, but can be easily cleaved at room temperature with aqueous base for quantitative recovery of the organic moieties. (Kidder et al. [FONT=&amp]2005[/FONT])
Such novel nanostructured materials are known to have been the focus of intense research in the past 10 years, particularly with regard to energetic nanocomposites. Energetic nanocomposites are hybrid solgel materials, often made with a silica base, that have been combined with metal oxides and nano-scale aluminum powder to form superthermite materials. Much of this work has been done at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (Gash et al. [FONT=&amp]2000[/FONT]; Clapsaddle et al. [FONT=&amp]2004[/FONT], [FONT=&amp]2005[/FONT]; Simpson et al. [FONT=&amp]2004[/FONT]).
Similar energetic nanocomposites have been known to be amenable to spray-on applications. In fact, some investigators have reported that
The sol-gel process is very amenable to dip-, spin-, and spray-coating technologies to coat surfaces. We have utilized this property to dip-coat various substrates to make sol-gel Fe2O3/Al/Viton coatings. The energetic coating dries to give a nice adherent film. Preliminary experiments indicate that films of the hybrid material are self-propagating when ignited by thermal stimulus. (Gash et al. [FONT=&amp]2002[/FONT])
Apart from iron oxide, other metallic oxides commonly used as oxidizers in various forms of thermite mixtures include MoO3 and CuO (Prakash et al. [FONT=&amp]2004[/FONT]). Although EPA did not test for molybdenum, the data show a dramatic spike in copper detection on 8th October. Note that EPA's analysis of metals in air samples utilized inductively coupled argon plasma, and therefore also did not distinguish between these metals and their compounds.
It is worth noting that the United States Geological Survey (USGS) found and studied one or more molybdenum spheres in the WTC dust (Jones et al. [FONT=&amp]2008a[/FONT]). This fact gives evidence for the presence of molten molybdenum, and therefore possibly the related, high temperature aluminothermic reaction.

[FONT=&amp]5 [/FONT]Hypothesis for release of 1,3-DPP and other unusual species at WTC

If energetic nanocomposites were present at the WTC, the presence of 1,3-DPP might be explained through a mechanism of release from the silica microstructure by aqueous base. As noted above, the silyl aryl ether linkage of the composite is "thermally stable to ca. 550°C" but yet, the organic moieties "can be easily cleaved at room temperature with aqueous base for quantitative recovery." The dust at GZ was known to be highly basic (Jenkins [FONT=&amp]2007[/FONT]), and combined with the large amount of water from fire-fighting efforts and rainfall, undoubtedly produced aqueous base throughout the pile.
It is important to understand that 1,3-DPP would not have been directly released from the silica microstructure via the route of aqueous base. It would have been the hydroxyl derivative, p-(3-phenylpropyl)phenol, abbreviated as HODPP, that was first released in this manner.≅Si-O-DPP+ROH→≅Si-OR+HODPP.≅Si-O-DPP+ROH→≅Si-OR+HODPP.

But the pores of an energetic nanocomposite are also filled with a mixture of fine aluminum powder, and one or more finely dispersed metal oxides. Therefore, hydrogen gas could have evolved in the following way (as well as by several other reaction mechanisms in the high-temperature environment of GZ combustion).2Al +6H2O→2Al(OH)3+3H2.2Al +6H2O→2Al(OH)3+3H2.

Production of 1,3-DPP might then have followed from a metal oxide-catalyzed reaction of p-(3-phenylpropyl)phenol with hydrogen. A similar reduction of phenol to benzene, catalyzed by MoO3, has been reported (Woodward and Glover [FONT=&amp]1948[/FONT]).MoO3+ H2→ MoO2+ H2O,MoO3+ H2→ MoO2+ H2O,

HODPP+ MoO2→1,3-DPP+ MoO3.HODPP+ MoO2→1,3-DPP+ MoO3.

Other pathways have been proposed for the release of 1,3-DPP, some without the need for preliminary reactions, but experiments are required to confirm these possibilities.
Based on currently released data, maximum detections for 1,3-DPP (at 290 Broadway, ~0.6 km from GZ) were measured on or about 5th, 13th, and 21st October. These last two dates are different from the dates suggesting violent, short-lived fires. That would be expected, of course, considering that 1,3-DPP would probably not survive such extreme fire events but would be converted into other products. In early October, however, full-scale clean-up operations had just begun at GZ, and 1,3-DPP might have been released at more locations in the pile, in some cases through physical or chemical means.
As for the effects of heat, the products of the pyrolysis of 1,3-DPP at 375°C are styrene and toluene, in equal amounts (Poutsma and Dyer [FONT=&amp]1982[/FONT]). This can occur directly in the dry composite (Kidder et al. [FONT=&amp]2005[/FONT]). Additionally, high temperature oxidation of toluene is known to produce benzene (Brezinsky et al. [FONT=&amp]1984[/FONT]).
The spikes in VOC detection could also be explained as a result of the rapid combustion of typical materials found within a building structure. If energetic nanocomposite materials, buried within the pile at GZ, were somehow ignited on specific dates (Table [FONT=&amp]1[/FONT]), violent, short-lived, and possibly explosive fires would result. Such fires would have quickly consumed all combustible materials nearby. The combustible materials available, after a month or two of smoldering fires in the pile, might have been more likely to be those that were less likely to have burned completely on earlier dates, like plastics. Later combustion of such plastic materials, in violent but short-lived fires, could explain the spikes in VOCs seen on those dates.
As for Cahill's data, the presence of compounds of sulfur and silicon in the fine PM seems to fit well with this hypothesis. Sulfur is typically an ingredient of aluminothermic materials (e.g. thermate), and silica is often the structural base for energetic nanocomposites. Sulfur might have been released, along with very fine silicon compounds and other species related to energetic nanocomposites, through explosions, violent fires, or other physical disturbances in the pile at GZ.
Along these lines, it is noteworthy that the data from EPA and Cahill show that detection of aluminum, iron, and barium, all of which are common ingredients of thermate-like aluminothermic mixtures (Jones [FONT=&amp]2006[/FONT]), spiked on specific dates. Cahill's data show a very noticeable simultaneous spike for aluminum and iron on 26th October. The EPA data show that, of the 28 days that aluminum was measured in air during 2001, the dates of maximum detection fall on the same dates as that of iron for the top 9 days in each case. Barium shares eight of these top nine daily maxima.
The metals mentioned by Cahill, for which the "anaerobic incineration" mechanism was proposed, might also be explained by further development of this hypothesis. For example, vanadium oxide has been used in energetic nanocomposites (Gash et al. [FONT=&amp]2000[/FONT]) and has been added to hybrid aerogels for the improvement of electrical conductivity, and to silica nanocomposites for the purpose of catalysis (Harreld et al. [FONT=&amp]1998[/FONT]; Luco et al. [FONT=&amp]1995[/FONT]). The EPA data show a maximum detection for vanadium on 19th December, the same date as EPA's maximum detection of iron, and the date of the second highest detection of both barium and aluminum. The highest detection of barium occurred on 7th March, 2002.
Titanium and nickel, other metals detected in unusual quantities by Cahill, have been used in the production of energetic nanocomposites as well (Gash et al. [FONT=&amp]2003[/FONT]). Neither EPA nor Cahill reported specific measurements for titanium, but spikes in the detection of nickel are clear in the EPA data on 11th October, 19th December, and 7th March, 2002.
Further testing of this hypothesis, for the presence of energetic materials at GZ, might focus on dust samples. For example, if aluminothermic mixtures were ignited at the WTC, significant quantities of the oxidized aluminum would have been present in the air and dust. Because EPA and Cahill used elemental analyses only, the fraction of aluminum present as aluminum oxide was not identified. Unfortunately, air samples are not likely to be useful at this late date but specific measurement of aluminum oxide in dust samples can certainly be done. Such measurements may also help to explain other anomalies observed at the WTC, such as the plumes of white ash accompanying very bright flames at the South Tower just before its fall (Jones et al. [FONT=&amp]2008b[/FONT]). Other tests for the remnants of energetic nanocomposites in the WTC dust would be indicative as well.

[FONT=&amp]6 [/FONT]Conclusion

The presence of energetic materials, specifically energetic nanocomposites, at GZ, has the potential to explain much of the unusual environmental data seen at the WTC. Thermite, discussed briefly above, is such a pyrotechnic mixture that cannot be easily extinguished and is a common component of energetic nanocomposites. Unusually high detections of sulfur, silicon, aluminum, copper, nickel, iron, barium, and vanadium might all be explained by physical release of materials from such energetic nanocomposites. Additionally, the detection of 1,3-DPP at the WTC supports this hypothesis. Finally, the spikes in VOCs, detected by EPA on specific dates, are more readily explained as a result of short-lived, violent fires caused by energetic materials.


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[FONT=&amp]Cite this article as:Ryan, K.R., Gourley, J.R. & Jones, S.E. Environmentalist (2009) 29: 56.

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
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[TD][TABLE="align: center"]

Demolition Access To The WTC Towers: Part One - Tenants


August 9, 2009
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See also,
in this series:
[TD]Introduction by Don Paul
Part One - Tenants
Part Two - Security
Part Three - Convergence
Part Four - Cleanup
Note: The author is indebted to a few particularly useful sources of information and inspiration, including Russ Baker's book "Family of Secrets", the websites, and, and Richard Gage.[/FONT]
On occasion, the public has been asked by George W. Bush to refrain from considering certain conspiracy theories. Bush has made such requests when people were looking into crimes in which he might be culpable. For example, when in 1994 Bush's former company Harken Energy was linked to the fraudulent Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) through several investors, Bush's spokeswoman, Karen Hughes, shut down the inquiry by telling the Associated Press -- "We have no response to silly conspiracy theories." On another occasion, Bush said in a televised speech -- "Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th."[/FONT]
But paradoxically, we have also been asked to believe Bush's own outrageous conspiracy theory about 9/11, one that has proven to be false in many ways. One important way to see the false nature of Bush's conspiracy theory is to note the fact that the World Trade Center buildings could only have fallen as they did through the use of explosives. A number of independent scientific studies have pointed out this fact [SUP][1, 2, 3, 4][/SUP], but it was Bush's own scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), through their inability to provide a convincing defense of the official line, who ultimately proved that explosives were necessary. [SUP][2, 5, 6, 7][/SUP][/FONT]
This leads us to ask the obvious question -- Who could have placed explosives in the World Trade Center towers? To answer that question, we should first consider who had access to the buildings, specifically the areas of the buildings that would be relevant to a demolition operation. We should also consider the time periods of interest. Those who had access at the necessary times should be further considered in terms of their ability to obtain the necessary explosive technologies and expertise, their ability to be secretive, and the possibility that they could have benefited from the destruction of the WTC buildings or from the resulting War on Terror. But one thing is certain, unless it was done by one person acting alone, it must have been a conspiracy.[/FONT]
The Twin Towers and WTC 7, all highly secure buildings, were most readily accessed by tenants, security and building management staff, and construction-related contractors.[/FONT]
Evidence suggests that the period of interest should include the years between the 1993 WTC bombing and September 11th, 2001. This evidence includes the warning from 1993 bombing conspirator Nidal Ayyad, who reportedly wrote -- "next time it will be more precise." [SUP][8][/SUP] Additionally, evidence of a multi-year plot included the detailed information that FBI informant and mafia kingpin Gregory Scarpa Jr. received while in jail, as early as 1996, from Al-Qaeda operative Ramzi Yousef, while imprisoned in the adjacent cell. Yousef described plans to "bring New York to its knees" by blowing up the World Trade Center with American-owned "flying massive bombs." Scarpa Jr. provided this information to Assistant US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and FBI Counsel Valerie Caproni, who were apparently not interested. [SUP][9][/SUP] Another example is the recorded conversation between FBI informant Randy Glass and Pakistani ISI agent Raja Gulum Abbas, in which Abbas claimed "Those towers are coming down", indicating that a plan was in progress as of July 1999. [SUP][10][/SUP][/FONT]
Throughout the life of the WTC buildings, modifications were made to each structure. The modifications included upgrades to electrical, fire protection, and elevator systems, as well as general construction activities. As a rule, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) was responsible for initiating the modifications in the public access areas, and the tenants were responsible for completing the modifications throughout the leased spaces. [SUP][11][/SUP] For this reason, the tenant companies would have been capable of coordinating the installation of explosive materials and other devices with reasonable certainty that those materials would not be detected by others. For a demolition plan to work, however, such tenants would need to be managed as a group, and explosives would need to be placed on enough floors to ensure the fall of each building through what would otherwise have been the path of most resistance.[/FONT]
While examining the tenants in each critical area, we should ask Cui Bono? That is, who benefited from the destruction of the WTC buildings, and the resulting War on Terror? The obvious answer includes, primarily, the Bush Administration and its friends. It also includes overlapping groups of oil and gas companies, defense contractors, and those who desired to wield undue influence on international policies related to a wide number of issues from civil rights to space domination.[/FONT]
The North Tower Impact Zone
On 9/11, American Airlines Flight 11 hit the north face of the north tower (WTC 1) between floors 94 and 99. In a stunning coincidence, these floors bracket those that had been upgraded for fireproofing shortly before 9/11. [SUP][12][/SUP] This coincidence was amplified by the fact that one tenant occupied all of those floors Marsh & McLennan (Marsh), which at the time was the world's largest insurance brokerage company. One other tenant, Sumitomo Bank, shared part of floor 96 with Marsh.[/FONT]
During the years from 1993 to 2001, Marsh made several modifications to these floors, in addition to the fireproofing upgrades mentioned above. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Marsh made modifications to the south side of floor 94 in 1998. That same year, the PANYNJ helped Marsh demolish floors 95-98 in order to rebuild the fire alarm and sprinkler systems. Marsh did further modification work on floor 95 in the year 2000. [SUP][13][/SUP] The full floor fireproofing upgrades on floors 93 through 100 were accomplished in August through November of 1998, except for floor 94, which was done in December 1996.[/FONT]
Marsh was a large company, with a number of subsidiaries, including Putnam Investments, Mercer, Johnson & Higgins, and Guy Carpenter, a company that occupied floors 47 to 54 of the south tower. Marsh was also known to be notoriously secretive, and had been likened to the CIA. [SUP][14][/SUP] Its chief executive on 9/11 was Jeffrey Greenberg, a member of the Brookings Institution, the Trilateral Commission, and the son of the chairman of American International Group (AIG), Maurice Greenberg. AIG has been reported to be at the center of a number of CIA operations. [SUP][15][/SUP][/FONT]
Jeffrey Greenberg rose quickly through management at Marsh, having come there directly from AIG in 1995, and then becoming CEO just four years later. At Brookings, Greenberg hobnobbed with Lee Hamilton, co-chair of the 9/11 Commission, and the Iraqi Nemir Amin Kirdar, CEO of Investcorp, a BCCI-related company founded by the Saudi Abdullah Taha Bakhsh. [SUP][16][/SUP][/FONT]
BCCI was founded by a Pakistani named Agha Hasan Abedi, and was "made up of multiplying layers of entities, related to one another through an impenetrable series of holding companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, banks-within-banks, insider dealings and nominee relationships." In the early nineties, BCCI was extensively investigated for money laundering and terrorist financing, and was ultimately shut-down by the Bank of England in 1992. [SUP][17][/SUP] Like BCCI, AIG developed the same fragmented and difficult to trace network of subsidiaries, spread across 130 countries and 400 regulators. [SUP][18][/SUP][/FONT]
Other very powerful and well-connected people worked in senior management at Marsh. These included Stephen Friedman, a senior principal at Marsh Capital and former partner at Goldman Sachs, who later became George W. Bush's top economic advisor. Friedman was also a member of the Brookings Institution, the Bilderberg group, the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, and the board at In-Q-Tel, the investment firm founded by the CIA in 1998. In-Q-Tel invests in state of the art technologies related to defense and intelligence work, including nano and chemical technologies, according to its website. [SUP][19][/SUP][/FONT]
In another interesting coincidence, Friedman belonged, through Cornell University, to a secret society called Quill and Dagger, the membership of which includes Paul Wolfowitz, Sandy Berger and Stephen Hadley. Wolfowitz, the neo-con deputy secretary of defense in the Bush Administration, was the author in 1992 of the "Wolfowitz Doctrine" of pre-emptive warfare. He also made comments about a "surprise like Pearl Harbor" months before 9/11, and met with Pakistani ISI General Mahmud Ahmed in the week before 9/11. [SUP][20][/SUP] Berger, the National Security Advisor to President Clinton, was later caught stealing documents from the 9/11 Commission investigation. [SUP][21][/SUP] Berger was also the boss of White House counterterrorism Tsar Richard Clarke, and together with Hadley - who was Condoleezza Rice's deputy - was responsible for delaying or obstructing Clarke's plans to stop Al Qaeda in January 2001. [SUP][22][/SUP][/FONT]
The President of Marsh Real Estate Advisors, from 1982 to 2001, was Craig Stapleton, the husband of George W. Bush's cousin, Dorothy Walker Bush. Stapleton's Marsh division was responsible for negotiating office leases in the US, Canada and Europe. He once co-owned the Texas Rangers with George W. Bush, a spectacular investment for all involved. In 1997, Stapleton was a member of the board of a company called Cendant that was charged in 1998 with massive accounting fraud. The President of Cendant at the time was Henry Silverman, a former partner of the Blackstone Group and later Vice Chairman of the PANYNJ. Stapleton went on to join Winston Partners, a privately owned investment firm founded in 1993 and led by George W. Bush's bother Marvin.[/FONT]
The Vice Chairman of Marsh on 9/11 was Mathis Cabiallavetta, a Swiss citizen. Although Cabiallavetta was a member of the Marsh board from 1993 to 2000, he took his position as Vice Chairman in 1999, after having been President of the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) from 1996 to 1998. This was the same UBS that bailed out George W. Bush's Harken Energy in 1987, with the help of billionaire Jackson Stephens. UBS was linked in other ways to the fraudulent terrorist financing bank BCCI. [SUP][16,23][/SUP][/FONT]
Another connection to the Bush family can be seen in the Marsh acquisition of the New York insurance brokerage Johnson and Higgins in March 1997. Johnson and Higgins was the long-time employer of Prescott Bush Jr, brother to George H. W. Bush. Although Prescott Jr. no longer worked there, he had spent 33 years at Johnson & Higgins, retiring as Senior Vice President. After retirement, Bush continued to consult for the company, in Asian dealings. With Prescott Jr, Friedman and Stapleton, Marsh clearly had strong ties to the Bush network. Additionally, it seems possible that some members of Marsh management, particularly Stephen Friedman, through In-Q-Tel, had access to technologies that could have been used to bring about the deceptive demolition of the WTC buildings.[/FONT]
Add to this L. Paul Bremer, and the possible Marsh ties to demolition technology become clearer. One month after 9/11, Bremer would become the CEO for a new division called Marsh Crisis. Interestingly, the Yale graduate Bremer had been working to complete the National Report on Terrorism, and prior to that had been managing director for Kissinger Associates. According to a US Senate report, Kissinger Associates had a number of meetings with BCCI representatives in the late eighties and early nineties, and it refused to provide documents requested by the Senate investigators. [SUP][17][/SUP] Bremer was also a member of the board for Akzo Nobel, the parent of International Paint, a company that produced a fireproofing application for skyscrapers called Interchar. [SUP][24][/SUP][/FONT]
Bremer was on the international advisory board for the Japanese mining and machinery company, Komatsu. At the time, Komatsu had been involved in a joint venture agreement with Dresser Industries, the oil-services/intelligence front in which Prescott Bush Sr. and George H. W. Bush got their start with Neil Mallon. The Komatsu-Dresser mining division operated from 1988 to 1997. In July 1996, it patented a thermite demolition device that could "demolish a concrete structure at a high efficiency, while preventing a secondary problem due to noise, flying dust and chips, and the like." [SUP][25][/SUP] Residues of thermite, the highly energetic chemical mixture, have been confirmed in samples of the WTC dust, and the use of thermite at the WTC was also revealed by environmental data. [SUP][1, 2, 3, 4, 26][/SUP] Dresser Industries merged with Dick Cheney's Halliburton in 1998.[/FONT]
It is less well known that Bremer's relationship to Marsh started earlier. In fact, on 9/11, Bremer was the CEO of Marsh Political Risk Practice and he had an office in the south tower. That day, he was interviewed on NBC television, stating that Osama bin Laden was responsible and that possibly Iraq and Iran were involved too, and he called for the most severe military response possible. Google removed the interview video from its servers three times, and blocked it once. [SUP][27][/SUP][/FONT]
Bremer was called away from Marsh in 2003, to be the Iraq Occupation Governor. His work in that role has been widely criticized. [SUP][28][/SUP][/FONT]
The South Tower Impact Zone
United Airlines Flight 175 hit the south tower (WTC 2) between floors 78 and 83, in the southeast corner of the building. In the impact zone, Baseline Financial Services (Baseline) was located on floors 77 and 78, Fuji Bank was on floors 79 to 82, and AON Corporation was on floor 83.
Baseline was led by a very interesting individual named Joseph Kasputys, who had a history of being well connected to the highest levels of government, as well as to defense and intelligence industries. Kasputys worked, from 1972 to 1977, for the US departments of commerce and defense. He was also the deputy director of Nixon's White House taskforce that dealt with the Arab oil embargo of 1973, and he was instrumental in the creation of the Department of Energy (DOE).
Kasputys' connections to the DOE, from 1977 through at least 1997, are interesting considering that the DOE was developing thermite ignition devices as early as 1983.[SUP][29][/SUP] Additionally, national laboratories working within the DOE developed nanothermites in the late 1990s. Nanothermites are explosive thermite mixtures where one or more reactants are present at the nanometer scale. These are also called super-thermites due to the extraordinarily large amount of energy released upon ignition. [SUP][3, 30][/SUP][/FONT]
Kasputys was also a member of the Logistics Management Institute (LMI), whose members included Paul Kaminski of In-Q-Tel and General Dynamics, Charles DiBona of Halliburton, Skull and Bones member Joseph Samuel Nye, and Michael Daniels of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). It has been noted that SAIC, a defense contractor with expertise in thermite-related technologies, played a large part in the NIST WTC investigation. LMI's self-proclaimed role is "advancing the science of government." [SUP][30, 31][/SUP][/FONT]
Better known for his leadership of Primark Corporation from 1987 to 2000, Kasputys was CEO for both companies after the Primark acquisition of Baseline in 1996. Primark owned as many as 50 companies during that time, and was acquired by Thomson Financial in June 2000. Kasputys then became CEO for Thomson, and he later founded the intelligence-services company IHS Global Insight, in March 2001. Another Primark company, Primark Decision Economics, was located in the 11th floor of the north tower.[/FONT]
The sheer number of companies involved with Primark, along with the vague business descriptions given (Baseline was described as "an international provider of information"), gave the impression that something more than legitimate business was involved. Primark owned Triad International Maintenance Company (TIMCO), a company that, among other things, modified Boeing 757s and 767s. Primark also owned The Analytic Sciences Corp (TASC), a security and intelligence (spying) company that had contracts with the DOE. As CEO of World Markets Research Centre, Kasputys predicted in 2003 that the US was the country with the fourth-highest risk of terrorism, and that "Another September 11-style attack in the US is highly likely." [SUP][32][/SUP][/FONT]
According to NIST, Kasputys' Baseline modified the southeast corner of floor 78 in 1999, exactly where the aircraft hit on 9/11. [SUP][33][/SUP] Floors 77 and 78 were upgraded for fireproofing in June and April of 1998, respectively.[/FONT]
Another company with an office on floor 78 was First Commercial Bank. This was a Taiwanese national bank that had, in January 1998, privatized all but one third of its shares. The other two thirds went to First Commercial Financial Corp (FCFC) of Seguin, Texas. Unfortunately, it is not clear if FCFC is related to First Commercial Financial Group (FCFG), owned by Abdullah Taha Bakhsh. FCFG was a commodities brokerage firm that was forced to distribute its customer accounts in 1994, after regulators raised concerns about capital shortfalls and customer complaints. [SUP][34][/SUP].[/FONT]
Interestingly, another company located in Seguin, Texas is the machinery manufacturing company, the Alamo Group. Dave Grzelak, CEO of Komatsu-Dresser, was a director at Alamo. He was also a board member at Aoki Construction Co, a mining company associated with Prescott Bush Jr, as we'll see below.[/FONT]
The tenant located just above Baseline, on floors 79 to 82, was Fuji Bank. Fuji modified the core of floor 78 in 1998, the east wall of floor 80 in 1999, unknown parts of floor 80 in 2001, and the southeast corner of floor 82 in 1997. [SUP][33][/SUP][/FONT]
Prior to the year 2000, Fuji Bank was the second largest bank in Japan. Fuji's largest investors were Union Carbide, Mobil Oil and Raytheon. In 1996, Yasuda Trust became a Fuji subsidiary and in September 2000, Fuji merged with Dai-ichi Kangyo Bank (DKB), and the International Bank of Japan (IBJ), to form the largest bank in the world under the name of Mizuho Holdings. The second largest at the time was the Sumitomo-Mitsui Banking Corp, formed in October 1999. But the Fuji Bank merger meant that, as of 9/11, Mizuho Holdings controlled companies not only in the impact zone of the south tower, but also on floors 48 to 50 of the north tower by way of DKB.[/FONT]
Toru Hashimoto, chairman of Fuji Bank, was also with Deutsche Securities Limited Tokyo Branch and is now on the board of Deutsche Bank with Norman Augustine. Augustine, also known for being the CEO of Lockheed Martin, was founder of In-Q-Tel and a board member of Riggs National, the banking firm of Jonathan Bush, the other brother of George H. W. Bush. A 2004 expose by the New York Times revealed Saudi Arabian accounts at Riggs were being investigated for money-laundering and possible financing of the September 11th terrorists. [SUP][35][/SUP][/FONT]
Deutsche Bank was the bank of the German Gestapo during World War II, funding the construction of concentration camps. It was broken up after the war, only to merge together again in 1957. [SUP][36][/SUP] In 1998, Deutsche Bank added Banker's Trust, which had purchased Alex Brown and Sons in 1997, to its group of companies. It was Deutsche Bank and these subsidiaries that were identified as being involved in insider trading related to the 9/11 attacks. The person of most interest in these dealings was A.B. Krongard, the CEO of Alex Brown, and CIA counsel to George Tenet. [SUP][37][/SUP] From 2001 to 2004, Krongard was executive director of the CIA. Another significant player was Wolfgang Demisch, managing director at Alex Brown from 1993 to 1998, managing director at UBS Securities from 1988 to 1993, and member of the board at SAIC.[/FONT]
Fuji Bank had a history, in the early 1990s, of scandal related to fraudulent loans and gangster connections. It had also been linked to large CIA-related payments deposited in the Cayman Islands, and to the BCCI connected First American Bank.[SUP][38, 39, 40][/SUP][/FONT]
Moreover, Fuji Bank was not the only Mizuho company that was accused of criminal activity. In June 1997, executives of DKB were accused of conspiring to provide $80 million in loans to Ryuichi Koike, a Japanese gangster. Koike used the money to purchase shares in securities brokerages, like Nomura, Nikko (located on floor 79 of the north tower), and Daiwa. Some reports put DKB's extorted loans to Koike at $272 million. [SUP][41][/SUP] DKB was reported to have made loans to other Yakuza crime syndicates as well, and in June 1997, the chairman of DKB ultimately resigned over the scandal. [SUP][42][/SUP][/FONT]
Additionally, Mizuho subsidiary IBJ was discovered to have generated $2.5 billion in fraudulent loans to a businesswoman named Nui Onoue in 1991. IBJ was also reported to have indirectly supported predatory lending by securitizing high-loan-to-value loans to companies like Dallas' FirstPlus Financial, a company that shot to financial stardom in 1996 and then collapsed in 1999. Dan Quayle was on the board of directors. [SUP][43][/SUP][/FONT]
Back in the summer of 1989, while his brother was President, Prescott Bush Jr. was the middleman in the takeover of two companies by West Tsusho, a Tokyo-based investment firm linked to one of Japan's biggest mob syndicates. West Tsusho was part of the empire of Susumu Ishii, head of the Inagawa-kai yakuza gang. In 1992, two days after an article linking him to Bush appeared in the Daily Yomiuri, Ishii was dead, reportedly from a "long illness." [SUP][44][/SUP][/FONT]
At the time, The Boston Globe reported that Prescott Bush Jr. had also been a business partner with Tokyo-based Aoki Construction Corp (Aoki), in its deals to build in China. Masahiro Sakane, now the CEO of Aoki, was managing director at Komatsu from 1994 to 1999. Komatsu and Aoki shared many other links in management.[/FONT]
The two companies West Tsusho acquired through Prescott Bush Jr., were Quantum Access (of which Bush was a board member) and Asset Management International. As a consultant for Asset Management, Prescott introduced Hughes Aircraft to Japanese investors in a deal in which Hughes and the government of China would launch satellites that would beam television programming to broadcasters in China.[SUP][45, 46][/SUP] In December 1989, President Bush lifted the sanctions that blocked the satellite deal, citing "the national interest." The Bush administration had earlier granted Hughes Aircraft "preliminary licenses" to exchange data with Chinese officials. [SUP][47][/SUP]Also involved in the West Tsusho mob dealings was Nikko Securities (floor 79 of the north tower).[/FONT]
After his death, West Tsusho's Susumu Ishii was replaced as the leader of the Inagawa-kai gang by Toi Inagawa. In September 1996, Inagawa formed an alliance with Yoshinori Watanabe, head of the largest yakuza gang, Yamaguchi-gumi. Nui Onoue, who received the fraudulent loans from Mizuho's IBJ, was said to be associated with Yamaguchi-gumi's Takumi gang, and also an investor in Inagawa-kai. [SUP][41][/SUP][/FONT]
Japanese Banks had experienced a relatively tough time in the 1990s, referred to in financial circles as "the lost decade", and in general were still doing badly in the years 2000 and 2001. In November 2000, Mizuho Holdings had problem loans and bad debts of more than 4 trillion yen ($36 billion). By mid-2001, the company was trading at half the value it had been at just a year before, when the merger was announced. [SUP][48, 49][/SUP] Japan's financial system began to recover in 2002. [SUP][50][/SUP][/FONT]
Moving to floor 83 of the south tower, there was AON Corporation, a Chicago-based competitor of Marsh. Today, General Richard Myers, one of the people most responsible for not protecting us on 9/11, is a director at AON. But on 9/11, the most interesting character working for AON was Jim Pierce, the cousin of George W. Bush. Jim's father Scott Pierce, formerly a partner at G.H. Walker & Co, pled guilty to 2,000 counts of mail fraud in 1985, as President of E.F. Hutton.[/FONT]
Jim Pierce was managing director of AON on 9/11, and he had arranged a meeting on the 105th floor of the south tower for that morning. Pierce survived that day, despite the fact that twelve people came to the meeting in the south tower, and eleven of them died. The location of the meeting had been changed, the night before, to the Millenium Hotel, where Pierce watched the south tower as it was hit by the aircraft. Apparently the meeting attendees were not all notified of the change in location. [SUP][51][/SUP][/FONT]
AON modified "unknown" parts of floor 83 in 1997. Some photos of the impact zone suggest that the most explosive part of the fireball erupting from the south tower came from the east side of the building, near floor 83 (see NIST report NCSTAR 1-5A, figure 7-7).[/FONT]
Chuo Trust, which shared floor 83 with AON, was the trust portion of Mizuho's DKB. According to NIST, Chuo modified the southeast corner of floor 83 in 1999.[/FONT]
An unusual feature of the destruction of the south tower was the "cold spot" on the north face of the building. This section along a twelve-column area of floors 80, 81, 82 did not experience any fire, despite the fact that the areas on both sides did have fire. In its report NCSTAR 1-5, NIST "concluded that insufficient information is available to allow a likely formation mechanism for the cold spot to be postulated."[/FONT]
The Washington Group
Another company of interest, on floor 91 just above the impact zone for the south tower, was Washington Group International (Washington). This company was known primarily as a construction and mining firm, and it had just acquired Raytheon Engineers in July 2000. Raytheon was reported to have also occupied floor 91.
Washington had an interesting history. It had been a contractor for the DOE and its predecessor agencies since 1942, when it was involved in the Manhattan Project. In 1995, a management shake-up at Washington resulted in the temporary installment of William Clark as acting chairman. Clark was a member of the Center for Security Policy, along with many neo-cons including Richard Perle, Eliot Abrams, Norman Augustine (In-Q-Tel), Douglas Feith, and 9/11 Commissioner John Lehman. After re-organizing the management at Washington, in just a few months, Clark resigned.
In 1996, Washington took over Morrison-Knudsen, an engineering and construction company that had a history of working on large projects around the world, including in China, Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. In Vietnam, Washington led the RMK-BRJ construction project with Brown & Root. During the 1980s, it worked closely on hazardous clean-up projects for the DOE. The Army Corps of Engineers hired Morrison-Knudsen to demolish over 200 buildings in 1995. [SUP][52][/SUP][/FONT]
In 1999, Washington acquired Westinghouse Government Environmental Services Company (WGESC), a firm that provided management services to the DOE and DOD. In July 2001, E. Preston Rahe, Jr, the President of WGESC, was promoted to Executive Vice President of Business Development for Washington Group's Government operating unit. Rahe went on to form a new company called Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, along with General John A. Gordon.[/FONT]
Gordon was George H. W. Bush's Senior Director for Defense Policy on the National Security Council, and he worked with George Tenet at the CIA from September 1996 to October 1997, as associate director of central intelligence for military support, and as deputy director of the CIA from October 1997 to 2000. During this time, Gordon would have worked closely with A.B. Krongard, who was Tenet's counsel from 1998 to 2001. Later, in 2003 and 2004, Gordon was George W. Bush's Homeland Security advisor.[/FONT]
Apart from Lawrence Livermore labs (LLNL), one of the DOE facilities for which Washington was responsible, well before 9/11, was the Savannah River site near Aiken, SC. In February 1997, LLNL and the Savannah River site signed an agreement of cooperation to share technology. Savannah went on to add "Developing sol gel technology for fuels and other applications" to its portfolio. [SUP][53, 54][/SUP]Sol-gel technology is utilized by LLNL for making nanothermites. [SUP][55][/SUP] In another coincidence, Savannah River Technology staff participated in the search and rescue operations at Ground Zero by providing unique tools. [SUP][56][/SUP][/FONT]
Today, Washington is owned by URS Corp, and they still "help manage and operate Idaho NL, LANL and LLNL," through a partnership with Battelle. [SUP][57][/SUP] But just before 9/11 they were going through a tough time financially, and sought chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) documents show that Washington made court-ordered pre-petition payments, as part of these proceedings, to a number of companies including Komatsu. Washington also made payments to Greenhorne & O'Mara, whose employee Theresa McAllister was a lead author for the FEMA and NIST reports on the WTC disaster, and to Sumitomo Bank. [SUP][58][/SUP] Sumitomo Bank was closely allied with Komatsu, and was involved with defense-related production. [SUP][59][/SUP][/FONT]
Other floors and companies of interest
If a "top down" demolition were implemented in the WTC's Twin Towers on 9/11, then it would have been necessary to plant explosives on floors below the impact zone. From a novice perspective, it would seem ideal to have planted such explosives at regular intervals below the impact area, around floor 50, for example, and below that around floors 25 to 35, and lower. Videos show "squibs" emanating in these general areas of each tower, at levels spaced between the mechanical floors on 41-42, and 75-76.
We have seen that Marsh occupied the impact zone for the north tower, and floors 47 to 54 of the south tower. Additionally, in a reflective criss-cross pattern, Fuji Bank's parent company Mizuho Holdings occupied the impact zone for the south tower, as well as floors 48 to 50 of the north tower (DKB). Primark Corporation occupied part of the impact zone for the south tower, and also floor 11 of the north tower.
To evaluate floors 25 to 35 of each tower we should note that, in 1997 and 1998, big leases were signed at the WTC involving AON, Marsh, and Bankers Trust, and two other companies of interest, Exco Resources and Oppenheimer & Co. At the time, tenancy had gone way up and the complex was expected to be at full capacity due to growth of the financial sector. [SUP][60][/SUP][/FONT]
Exco Resources (Exco), of Dallas Texas, was an oil and gas holding company that was the parent to Garban Intercapital, located on floor 25 and 26 of the north tower, and also on floor 55 of the south tower, just above Marsh subsidiary Guy Carpenter. Exco experienced rapid growth as of 1998, in part due to some very well connected management representatives. Member of the board Mark Neporent also represented Cerebrus Capital, along with Dan Quayle. Robert L. Stillwell, senior partner at Bush friend James Baker's firm Baker Botts, is currently a director at Exco.[/FONT]
Directors and Officers at Exco, during the period of interest, were associated with Enron affiliates, Anadarko Petroleum, a company owned and operated by long-time Bush family partner Robert Allison, and many other oil and gas exploration firms. Both Enron and Robert Allison met with Dick Cheney in regard to his secretive energy task force in early 2001. [SUP][61][/SUP] In general, oil and gas exploration companies use explosives to underground create shock waves, so that oil reserves can be found through the seismic responses. Usually there is only a 10% success rate for finding new productive oil fields. [SUP][62][/SUP][/FONT]
Another Exco executive was Jeffrey Benjamin, who served on the board of Exco starting in 1998, and from 1996 to 1998 was managing director of UBS, the BCCI connected bank mentioned above with Mathis Cabiallavetta and Wolfgang Demisch. Just prior to working for UBS, Benjamin was managing director of Bankers Trust. Through Bankers Trust, he worked with A.B. Krongard, and as of 2002, Benjamin is a senior advisor to Apollo Management with Krongard's wife, Cheryl Gordon Krongard.[/FONT]
Oppenheimer & Co, an investment bank, was on floors 31 to 34 of the south tower. Oppenheimer's leadership once included Stephen Berger, former executive director of the PANYNJ (1985 to 1990). Berger was also on the board of Dresser Industries, the Bush dynasty firm, as well as being on the board of Forstmann Little & Co. with managing director of the Carlyle Group, Daniel Akerson, and with Alex Mandl of In-Q-Tel.[/FONT]
Oppenheimer was sold, by Stephen Robert and Nathan Gantcher, to the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) in 1997. Mr. Gantcher continued to serve as Vice Chairman of CIBC Oppenheimer from 1997 to 1999 and also served on the board of Jacobsen Partners with Gerald Parsky, the former undersecretary of the Treasury who introduced Saudi investors to America. Parsky developed a close relationship with the Bushes, and by 1976 was "the undisputed go-to man for the Saudis on oil and money." He also raised a lot of money for George W's campaign.[SUP][63][/SUP] Parsky, Gantcher and Stephen Robert were all members of the Council on Foreign Relations as of 1997, along with Friedman, Bremer, Augustine, Gordon, and Maurice Greenberg (and about 3,000 others).[/FONT]
CIBC Oppenheimer was invested in a number of powerful and politically wired companies, including Hollinger International, whose board included Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle, and 9/11 Commissioner James R. Thompson. CIBC Oppenheimer was also invested in Robert Allison's Anadarko Petroleum, and several DKB subsidiaries including CIT Group, on whose board sits 9/11 Commissioner Thomas Kean. On a side note, Kean is also a Trustee of Drew University with Garnett Keith of Komatsu.[/FONT]
In 2003, the SEC fined CIBC Oppenheimer $80 million for helping to manipulate the financial statements of Enron.[/FONT]
Conclusions and next steps
If we look at the companies that occupied the impact zones of the WTC towers, and other floors that might have played a useful role in the demolition of the towers, we see connections to organizations that had access to explosive materials, and to the expertise required to use explosives. Mining companies like Washington, Morrison-Knudsen, Komatsu and Aoki Construction (and John Lehman's Special Devices Inc.) have access to many types of explosive materials. Oil and gas companies, like those associated with Exco, use explosives for exploration. Some of the explosive technologies available to these companies, for example Komatsu and Washington, involve thermite, a chemical mixture that has been identified in the WTC dust and in the environmental data at Ground Zero.
It seems that, if certain management representatives of the tenant companies listed above wanted to help bring the WTC towers down, they would have been well suited to do so. The companies mentioned were located at well-spaced intervals in the buildings, and some, for example Marsh and the Primark subsidiaries, had a reputation of being secretive. In fact, a number of the executives from these firms were either on the board of intelligence firms (e.g. In-Q-Tel, TASC), or were closely related to others who were. Others were connected to the CIA itself, and to some of the largest defense contractors in the world, like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Halliburton, and SAIC.
There are also strong connections to those who benefited from the 9/11 attacks, most notably the Bush family and their corporate network, including Dresser Industries (now Halliburton) and UBS, and to Deutsche Bank and it subsidiaries, reported to have brokered the insider trading deals. There are links between these tenant companies and the terrorist-related fraudulent bank BCCI.
In Part II of this series of essays, we'll look at the security companies and other contractors that had access to the WTC buildings. We'll then see more connections to the Bush family, through the companies that restructured the security systems in the late 1990s, like Securacom, where Marvin Bush and Wirt Walker were directors. Also involved in these security upgrades was Ensec, where future Democrat National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe was added as a director in 1996 and later worked for Harken Energy's Alan Quasha. The second essay will also look at E.J. Electric, owned by J. Robert Mann of the Yale Glee Club, and examine particulars about the PANYNJ management staff, and the Giuliani and Silverstein teams that were involved.
Part III will review the clean up of Ground Zero, and some of the people involved in the cover-up investigations. For example, we'll look more closely at Donald Evans, a close friend to George W. Bush since 1968 and his largest fund-raiser, and who also happened to be secretary of the Department of Commerce during the NIST WTC investigation. This is interesting because NIST reports to the Secretary of Commerce.
In the end, we might see that conspiracies are not just limited to the powerless people who happen to live on the most strategically important lands in the world. The conspiracies that matter might involve the powerful people who seek access to those lands, and who have spent their lives seeking more power.

Endnotes and references:[1] Steven. E. Jones, Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?, Journal of 9/11 Studies, September 2006 WhyIndeedDidtheWorldTradeCenterBuildingsCompletelyCollapse.pdf
[2] Steven E. Jones, et al, Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction, The Open Civil Engineering Journal Volume 2, doi: 10.2174/1874149500802010035
[3] Niels H. Harrit, et al, Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, Vol 2, 2009, doi: 10.2174/1874412500902010007,
[4] Kevin R. Ryan, et al, Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials, The Environmentalist, Volume 29, Number 1 / March, 2009,
[5] James Gourley, Appeal Filed with NIST, Pursuant to Earlier Request for Correction, Journal of 9/11 Studies, December 2007
[6] Eric Douglas, The NIST WTC Investigation--How Real Was The Simulation?: A review of NIST NCSTAR 1, J 9/11 Studies, December 2006
[7] Kevin Ryan, What is 9/11 Truth? - The First Steps, J 9/11 Studies, August 2006
[8] Larry Neumeister, Trade Center bomber's threat foreshadowed September terrorist attacks, September 30, 2001, Associated Press
[9] Sandra Harmon, Mafia Son, St. Martin's Press, NY
[10] History Commons, page for Rajaa Gulum Abbas,
[11] NIST WTC Report, NCSTAR 1-1H, Chapters 11 and 12,
[12] Kevin Ryan, Another Amazing Coincidence Related to the WTC,
[13] NIST NCSTAR 1-1H (see above), table 13-1, and table 13-2.
[14] Marcia Vickers, The Secret World Of Marsh Mac, BusinessWeek, November 1, 2004
[15] Wayne Madsen, AIG is a "special case", Online Journal. September 23, 2008
[16] Ellen Ray, William H. Schaap, Covertaction, Institute for Media Analysis, p 193
[17] John Kerry and Hank Brown, The BCCI Affair: A Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate, December 1992, Senate Print 102-140,
[18] Eric J.Fry, From BCCI to AIG..., March 13, 2009, Bullion Vault Gold News,
[19] Website for In-Q-Tel,
[20] The History Commons, "Wolfowitz Doctrine", Aaron Dykes, Wolfowitz Warns of 'Surprise like Pearl Harbor' Months Before 9/11 Attacks, Jones Report, February 9, 2007 Wolfowitz's meeting with Mahmud Ahmed was documented in a FOIA response obtained by the 9/11 Working Group of Bloomington -
[21] Philip Shenon, The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation, pp 249-253
[22] Craig Unger, House of Bush, House of Saud, pp 220, 228
[23] Craig Unger references the UBS links to BCCI in House of Bush, House of Saud, and Russ Baker describes the UBS bailout of Harken in Family of Secrets
[24] Akzo's International Paint is the maker of Interchar
[25] Taku Murakami, US Patent 5532449 - Using plasma ARC and thermite to demolish concrete,
[26] Steven E. Jones et al, Extremely High Temperatures During the World Trade Center Destruction, Journal of 9/11 Studies, January 2008
[27] Lewis Paul Bremer III on Washington DC NBC4 TV 09/11/01, Vehmgericht
[28] A.K. Gupta, The Great Iraq Heist, January 15, 2004, Information Clearing House
[29] Albert Gibson et al, Integral low-energy thermite igniter, US Patent number: 4464989,
[30] Kevin R. Ryan, The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nanothermites, Journal of 9/11 Studies, July 2008,
[31] Skull and Bones is a secret society at Yale University, founded in 1832. Members have included George H.W. Bush, his father Prescott Bush, his son George W. Bush, his brother Jonathan J. Bush, and many other powerful people. For LMI's mission, see its website -
[32] World Markets Research Centre, Global Terrorism Index: key findings, The Guardian (UK), August 18, 2003
[33] NIST NCSTAR 1-1H, table 13-2
[34] See Micha Morrison, Wall Street Journal, March 1, 1995. and, Gina Bellafante et al, All That Glitters..., Time Magazine, November 6, 1995
[35] Timothy O'Brien, A Washington Bank, a Global Mess, NY Times, April 11, 2004,
[36] Wikipedia page for Deutsche Bank -
[37] Michael C. Ruppert, Suppressed Details of Criminal Insider Trading Lead Directly into the CIA's Highest Ranks, October 9, 2001,
[38] For the fraudulent loan scandal, see article from The Economist, entitled Japan's financial scandals: now a big bank, July 27, 1991. For the Cayman islands deposits, see Terry Reed and John Cummins, Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA, p248
[39] William Bowles, Frauds-R-Us' The Bush Family Saga, Information Clearing House, May 11, 2003
[40] Sam Smith, Arkansas Connections, The Progressive Review, January 2001
[41] David E. Kaplan and Alec Dubro, Yakuza: Japan's Criminal Underworld, University of California Press, 2003, see p 216 for the Koike loans and pp 198-199 for Niu Onoue
[42] Chairman Resigns at Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, New York Times Business section, June 14, 1997
[43] For the IBJ loans, see Mizuho press release - and James Sterngold, Japan Hit by Another Scandal, New York Times, August 14, 1991 For FirstPlus Financial, see the Center for Public integrity, The Buying of the President - For more on Japanese banks and the Yakuza in the early 90s, see
[44] Thomas Flannigan, Bribing the Bushes -
[45] Jeff Gerth, The 1992 Campaign; Business Dealings of the President's Relatives: What the Record Shows, New York Times, April 19,1992,
[46] Russel S. Bowen, The Immaculate Deception, American West Publishers 1991
[47] [][/email] Masanobu Iwatani, Regulatory Reform Provokes a Wave of New Entrants to Japan's Security Markets, Capital Research Journal, Vol 2, No 4,
[48] Stephanie Strom, International Business; Japan's Banks Pressed by Troubled Corporate Clients, New York Times, November 25, 2000,
[49] Miki Tanikawa, Stocks Relapse As Japan Waits For Changes, New York Times, July 27, 2001,
[50] Hiroko Tabuchi, In Japan's Stagnant Decade, Cautionary Tales for America, New York Times, February 12, 2009
[51] See History Commons profile for Jim Pierce, and accompanying referencs,
[52] Mark MacIntyre, Bunker Hill: light at the end of the tunnel, The Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, August 20, 1998,
[53] The agreement between LLNL and Savannah River can be found here -
[54] Savannah's reference to developing sol-gels can be found here -
[55] Randy Simpson webpage at LLNL -
[56] News from the Savannah River National Laboratory, September 20, 2001,
[57] URS Website -
[58] SEC document for Washington pre-payments -
[59] The Ties That Bind, Descended from family business empires, six huge business groups dominate the Japanese economy, Multinational Monitor, October 1983 -
[60] John Holusha, Commercial Property/Downtown; At the World Trade Center, Things Are Looking Up, May 31, 1998, New York Times, Also see PANYNJ press release from December 1997, -
[61] Don Van Natta Jr. and Neela Banerjee, Top G.O.P. Donors in Energy Industry Met Cheney Panel, New York Times, March 1, 2002
[63] Russ Baker, Family of Secrets, Bloomsbury Press, pp 292-295
*************Kevin Ryan is the former Site Manager for Environmental Health Laboratories, a division of Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Mr. Ryan, a Chemist and laboratory manager, was fired by UL in 2004 for publicly questioning the report being drafted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on their World Trade Center investigation. In the intervening period, Ryan has completed additional research while his original questions, which have become increasingly important over time, remain unanswered by UL or NIST. More information feedback kncryan @[/FONT]
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
The classic article on nanothermite [unexploded] and products of exploded nanothermite in WTC dusts. [in PDF format]

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.pdf   TOCPJ-2-7.pdf (Size: 9.88 MB / Downloads: 1)
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
While I'm trying to post some of the new items on 911 to celebrate the anniversary [16 years!!!], please also look at the old threads - I can't think of anything that has changed much to discredit any of the old articles or information. Some new things have come out - some witnesses have mysteriously died, but the official version hasn't changed one micron and the MSM has not budged on allowing any alternative ideas. Only the internet has allowed the truth to get some foothold and a number of good books and videos on the subject.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
The liberal part of the media [what little there really is of it] and the majority of the families/relatives of the victims of 9-11 seem to slowly be catching on about one aspect long known in the 9-11 research community. That being that Saudi Arabia played some role [as did Pakistan's ISI and some Israelis - along with a host of top-level folks with US passports and classified positions. I'm not sure if the lawsuit is yet available online, but an article about the lawsuit can be found here
It has long been known that 15/19 alleged perpetrators/patsies were Saudi - and that the group of them in San Diego had a Saudi intelligence 'minder' and 'handler'. So now they have some FBI documents showing that the FBI knew and suppressed this and other facts about Saudi Arabia's role - and any role of anyone not in the official script we all heard endlessly spouted from D.C. and W and his elves [Chaney and Rumsfeld] - and from them through the media and propaganda network. Remember that on the day of when all flight were grounded, a few planes were flying picking up high-level Saudis and taking them OUT of the USA to S.A. without being interviewed! [another thing the public doesn't really know about]. So, what is in the lawsuit is not new to 9-11 researchers, what is new is trying to take it to Court. The USG and the Saudis are fighting tooth and nail to never have it get into a courtroom....we shall see. It would be very interesting indeed if this part of the plot were it would likely shed light on the other interconnecting parts.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
A very simple little film on 911....nothing compared to many others...but to send to your friends and relatives that are in denial......

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
An excellent summation/read all around. Appreciate the keen insights amid the mirthful video as well (two thumbs up).

May have to warn my children and grandchildren someday to be wary of any "investigative" inquiry that warrants a national commission to sort out the "facts". JFK (strike one!). Twin Towers (strike two!).
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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  The Facts Speak For Themselves - And Do NOT Support the Official Version! Peter Lemkin 0 4,308 23-07-2013, 11:48 AM
Last Post: Peter Lemkin
  Giuliani on WTC7 questions: Get a haircut, take a shower Ed Jewett 1 2,571 29-01-2012, 10:23 AM
Last Post: Peter Lemkin

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