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is MARINA, MARINA? The strange CIA backgrounds of the OSWALDS - & the WCR
Maybe someone can clarify for us...


Oswald was issued a new passport on June 25, 1963 and yet the CIA is not aware of it?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9364&stc=1]

Marina was supposedly trained as a PHARMACIST, not a dental tech. Her Birth Certificate is as dubious as Oswald's...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9369&stc=1]

A report claiming OSWALD proposed marriage to a Russian woman before Marina.... Ella (HERMAN/GERMAN)

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9368&stc=1]

Her birth certificate is a mess...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9366&stc=1]

and CE20 is Marina's Pharmacy diploma

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9365&stc=1]


Attached Files
.pdf   63-11-26 CIA CLAIMS OSWALD STILL CARRYING 1959 PASSPORT AND MARINA A DENTAL TECH 104-10015-101.pdf (Size: 122.15 KB / Downloads: 1)
.jpg   63-11-26 CIA CLAIMS OSWALD STILL CARRYING 1959 PASSPORT AND MARINA A DENTAL TECH 104-10015-101.jpg (Size: 177.99 KB / Downloads: 20)
.jpg   Marina Pharmacy Diploma - CE20.jpg (Size: 622.18 KB / Downloads: 18)
.jpg   Marina Birth Cert issued July 19 1961.jpg (Size: 1.61 MB / Downloads: 19)
.jpg   Ella GERMAN - OSWALD proposed to her well before Marina nary-wcdocs-41_0014_0044.jpg (Size: 228.29 KB / Downloads: 20)
.jpg   50 page FBI report also shows her as a pharmacist.jpg (Size: 477.92 KB / Downloads: 17)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
An interesting read. The more we live, the more we learn that Agency speak and Agency "truth" makes the actual truth stranger than fiction.

They've only outsmarted themselves substituting a lone letter here and a lone letter there as if more astute readers wouldn't catch on to a dropped "H" here and an added "G" later, etc...

But then again, their chief liar serving during this period in history once remarked about the biggest cover up in history ---->

But nobody reads. Don't believe people read in this country. There will be a few professors that will read the record... the public will read very little. - Allen Dulles, 7-9-64."

Above quote courtesy of

Personally, I wouldn't believe an Agency legend (a fabricated backstory for a spy) about anyone or anything. How do these people look at themselves in the mirror?!

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