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Centro Mondiale Commerciale, la pista italiana dell'omicidio Kennedy

Dai documenti il ruolo di una strana società aperta a Roma che aveva nel board Clay Shaw, implicato nell'inchiesa del giudice Garrison sull'omicidio di Dallas.

World Trade Center, the Italian track of the Kennedy murder
From the documents the role of a strange company opened in Rome that had on the Clay Shaw board, implicit in the inadequacy of Judge Garrison on the murder of Dallas.

In un breve filmato del 1959, è raccontata la cronaca della concessione alla S.p.A. Centro Mondiale Commerciale, ad un anno dalla sua costituzione, della sua sede all'Eur, in una notevolissima cerimonia cui intervengono i maggiori notabili democristiani dell'epoca.

Trattasi dell'identico Centro Mondiale Commerciale per il quale lavorava Clay Shaw, un imprenditore statunitense che, nel 1967, grazie ai riscontri raccolti, diventa l'indiziato principe della più fondata inchiesta giudiziaria svolta sulla morte di John Fitzgerald Kennedy: quella compiuta da JimGarrison, l'allora Procuratore distrettuale di New Orleans. Garrison, infatti, non persuaso dalla versione governativa, fornita dalla Commissione Warren, additante come colpevole un folle solitario, aveva, come consentitogli dalla legge, riaperto il caso.

La più fondata perché la sua totale lineare evidenza, una volta resa universalmente notagrazie al rinomato film d'Oliver Stoneappunto intitolato JFK, è stata in grado di generare un movimento d'opinione pubblica tant'esteso ed efficace da obbligare le autorità USA ad emanare il cosiddetto Assassinations Disclosure Act, dispositivo tramite cui scaturisce l'Assassination Records Review Board, organo che, mettendo assieme nuove prove, e togliendo finalmente il segreto a molte già esistenti, dimostra ulteriormente la validità piena dell'inchiesta di New Orleans: John Kennedy è stato ucciso da un complotto.

La più fondata, altresì, visto quant'appurato grazie al mioessere riuscito ad entrare in possesso, integralmente, delle carte societarie del CMC.

Carte che ci raccontano di riunioni del Consiglio d'Amministrazione del Centro Mondiale Commerciale in un luogo della Capitale ben particolare; e cioè: Piazza di Spagna 72/A. Vale a dire, come specificato dagli stessi resoconti aziendali: «presso lo studio dell'avvocato Roberto Ascarelli».

Per capire meglio chi sia Roberto Ascarelli, prendiamo ora in mano Trame atlantiche, opera d'uno tra i massimi esperti su Licio Gelli: Sergio Flamigni.

Flamigni pone subito in evidenzia come durante gl'anni Sessanta, a far sì che il fanatico mussoliniano Gelli intraprendesse la propria scalata all'interno della loggia P2, la quale stava allora vivendo i suoi importantissimi albori, fosse stata fondamentale una spinta, fornitagli proprio da Roberto Ascarelli. Ascarelli aveva infatti espressamente e con forza raccomandato a Giordano Gamberini, contemporaneamente uomo di fiducia della CIAe capo della massoneria cosiddetta di Palazzo Giustiniani vale a dire: la più potente espressione massonica del nostro Paese ,d'affidare la segreteria della P2 a Gelli. Dati che Flamigni così, esemplarmente, chiosa
I trascorsi fascisti e repubblichini di Gelli che ne hanno bloccato l'affiliazione divengono piuttosto un elemento di garanzia per la funzione anticomunista che verrà chiamato ad assolvere.

Il legame strettissimo tra Ascarelli e le fortune di Gelli è ribadito anche dalla Commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sulla P2 presieduta dall'Anselmi, la quale scrive che «il Gran Maestro aggiunto, Roberto Ascarelli, segnala Licio Gelli al Gran Maestro, Giordano Gamberini, raccomandandolo come elemento in grado di portare un contributo notevole all'istituzione, in termini di proselitismo di persone qualificate».

Commissione Anselmi che, circa Ascarelli, aggiunge un ulteriore elemento chiave: era a capo d'una loggia denominata Hod. Loggia Hod della quale, prima d'approdare alla P2, entra a far parte lo stesso Gelli.

L'importanza ed il retaggio di tale loggia Hod sono tali da spingere Tina Anselmi a scriverne anche nella propria Pre-relazione: una sorta di bozza di quella che sarà poi la Relazione finale. Pre-relazione nella quale l'Anselmi rilevache tanto la Hod che la stessa P2 avevano per propria sede esattamente l'anzidetto studio di Roberto Ascarelli. Leggiamo:

[Licio Gelli] cominciò con il riunire i fratelli già affiliati alla P2 e quelli che avrebbero dovuto entrarvi, presso lo studio dell'avvocato Ascarelli in piazza di Spagna. Qui si erano fino ad allora dati appuntamento i fratelli di un'altra loggia molto riservata, considerata da alcuni anticamera e da altri distaccamento della P2, la loggia Hod. Con l'arrivo di Gelli questi fratelli cominciarono a distinguersi con l'etichetta "Raggruppamento Gelli-P2".

Scopriamo così, quindi, incrociando il tutto, un primo sconcertante dato, circa la Società per Azioni. Determiniamo, cioè, che il Centro Mondiale Commerciale svolge propri incontri nel medesimo luogo di riunione sia del Raggruppamento Gelli-P2 che, precedentemente, di quella loggia Hod definita, dai testimoni interrogati dalla Commissione, come anticipatrice, se non, addirittura, distaccamento gemello, della stessa Propaganda2; loggia Hod diretta in prima persona da Roberto Ascarelli.

Attenzione: che piazza di Spagna 72/A sia stato il punto di partenza della Propaganda2è circostanza, più in là negl'anni, confermata addirittura dallo stesso Gelli. E per ben due volte.

La prima, è quando stila un promemoria a beneficio della magistratura di Firenze che lo sta indagando. Il testo, disponibile pure tra gl'allegati della Commissione Anselmi, recita:
Nel 1967 il Maestro venerabile Avv. Bruzio Pirrongelli mi condusse dal Prof. Roberto Ascarelli, Piazza di Spagna, 72 , Gran Maestro Aggiunto all'epoca della Gran Maestranza del Prof. Giordano Gamberini, per essere elevato al grado di Maestro: successivamente mi fu chiesto di interessarmi della Loggia "P.2".

Perfino più dovizia, poi, Gelli mette in una lunga intervista concessa, assai dopo, a Sandro Neri, per il libro di quest'ultimo: Parola di Venerabile. A domanda su dove avvenissero le iniziazioni dei suoi neofiti, così s'esprime:

Nella prima fase iniziavamo tutti [nel senso, appunto, d'iniziare alla massoneria] nello studio di Ascarelli, al numero 72 di piazza di Spagna, al terzo piano. Ci assisteva Virgilio Gaito, che all'epoca svolgeva l'apprendistato di avvocato e che successivamente sarebbe diventato Gran Maestro del Goi. La cerimonia durava circa un'ora e un quarto, perché molti passaggi del rituale venivano saltati. Ascarelli iniziava i nuovi fratelli, io facevo da testimone. Non essendo in una sede massonica, utilizzavamo un tempio portatile, contenuto in una valigetta 24 ore che aprivo sul tavolo. Aveva tutto: una riproduzione in scala delle colonne, del pavimento a scacchiera, dell'ara che guarda all'Oriente. La spada era pieghevole. In vista di ogni iniziazione consegnavo ad Ascarelli un curriculum del nuovo arrivato, così che lui, a cerimonia conclusa, potesse anche parlare col neofita del suo lavoro e delle sue esperienze. In genere, queste conversazioni finivano sempre sui grandi personaggi della storia.

Quando Gelli afferma non essere Piazza di Spagna 72/A sede massonica, quel che intende si badi è sede massonica palese. È l'essere sede massonica occulta a far sì che, in effetti, manchino quelle strutture architettoniche tipiche pavimento a scacchiera, colonne, ara alle quali si sopperisce con la riproduzione in miniatura da Gelli recata con la valigetta. Non è finita. Perché, sempre grazie ai documenti del CMC da me reperiti, arriva la seconda sorpresa: la novità inedita, enorme di vedere tanto Roberto Ascarelli che Virgilio Gaito comparire, altresì, tra i vertici del Centro Mondiale Commerciale. Virgilio Gaito che, oltretutto, è nome destinato adindossare, dal 18 dicembre 1993 al 21 marzo 1999, laveste, già portata da Gamberini, di Gran maestro del Grande Oriente d'Italia.

Un quadro al quale unire, per un verso, la certezza d'un ruolo di fiduciario della CIAricoperto da Clay Shaw, come inequivocabilmente attestato da Rapporti della stessa massima agenzia di spionaggio statunitense oggi desecretati. Per altro verso, la presenza, sempre nel CMC cui Shaw presta la propria opera, di tantissimi altri individui al centro delle trame più occulte del nostro Paese: quelle trame da cui scaturisce quel così deprecabile pezzo della nostra Storia patria che va sotto il sanguinoso nome di strategia della tensione. Ma, di questo, ne parleremo in una prossima puntata.

In a short film of 1959, the chronicle of the concession to the Holy See is told. World Trade Center, one year after its establishment, its headquarters in Eur, in a very important ceremony attended by the major Christian Democrats of the time.

This is the identical World Trade Center for which Clay Shaw worked, an American entrepreneur who, in 1967, thanks to the feedback collected, became the suspect prince of the most founded judicial inquiry carried out on the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy: that performed by JimGarrison, the then District Attorney of New Orleans. Garrison, in fact, not persuaded by the governmental version, provided by the Warren Commission, pointing out a solitary madman as guilty, had, as permitted by the law, reopened the case.

The most well-founded because its total linear evidence, once made universally well-known to the well-known film Oliver Stoneappunto entitled JFK, was able to generate a movement of public opinion that was extended and effective enough to force the US authorities to issue the so-called Assassinations Disclosure Act, a device through which the Assassination Records Review Board originates, an organ that, by putting together new evidence, and finally removing the secret to many already existing, further demonstrates the full validity of the New Orleans inquiry: John Kennedy was killed by a plot.

The most well-founded, also, seen as it is due to my being able to fully take possession of the CMC corporate cards.

Cards that tell us about meetings of the Board of Directors of the World Trade Center in a very special place in the capital; that is: Piazza di Spagna 72 / A. That is to say, as specified by the same company reports: «at the law firm of Roberto Ascarelli.

To better understand who Roberto Ascarelli is, let's now take in hand Atlantic Textures, the work of one of the greatest experts on Licio Gelli: Sergio Flamigni.

Flamigni immediately puts in evidence as during the sixties, to ensure that the fanatic Mussolini Gelli take his climb into the P2 lodge, which was then experiencing its very important dawn, had been essential a boost, provided by his own Roberto Ascarelli. Ascarelli had in fact expressly and strongly recommended to Giordano Gamberini, at the same time a CIA trusted man and head of the so-called Palazzo Giustiniani masonry - that is to say: the most powerful Masonic expression of our country - to entrust the P2 secretariat to Gelli. Data that Flamigni so, exemplarmente, chiosa:

The past fascists and republics of Gelli that have blocked the affiliation become rather an element of guarantee for the anticommunist function that will be called to acquit.

The close link between Ascarelli and Gelli's fortunes is also reiterated by the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry on P2 presided by Anselmi, who writes that "the Grand Master added, Roberto Ascarelli, reports Licio Gelli to the Grand Master, Giordano Gamberini, recommending it as an element able to make a notable contribution to the institution, in terms of proselytism of qualified people.

Anselmi Commission that, about Ascarelli, adds a further key element: it was at the head of a lodge called Hod. Loggia Hod of which, before joining the P2, Gelli himself joins.

The importance and the heritage of this Hod lodge are such as to push Tina Anselmi to write it in her own Pre-relationship: a sort of draft of what will then be the Final Report. Pre-relationship in which the Anselmi detects so much the Hod that the same P2 had exactly the aforementioned study of Roberto Ascarelli. Let's read:

[Licio Gelli] began with bringing together the brothers already affiliated with the P2 and those who should have entered, at the lawyer Ascarelli's office in Piazza di Spagna. Here, up until then, the brothers of another very reserved lodge, considered by some antechamber and other detachment of the P2, the Hod lodge, had been arranged. With the arrival of Gelli these brothers began to stand out with the label "Grouping Gelli-P2".

So we find out, thus crossing the whole, a first disconcerting data, about the joint-stock company. In other words, we determine that the World Trade Center holds its own meetings in the same meeting place of both the Gelli-P2 Group and previously the Hod Lodge defined by the witnesses questioned by the Commission as an anticipator, if not even a twin detachment. of the same Propaganda2; Loggia Hod directed in first person by Roberto Ascarelli.

Attention: that Piazza di Spagna 72 / A was the starting point of Propaganda2 is circumstance, later in years, even confirmed by Gelli himself. And twice.

The first is when he makes a reminder for the benefit of the Florence magistrate who is investigating him. The text, which is also available from the Anselmi Commission, states:

In 1967 the venerable Master Avv. Bruzio Pirrongelli led me to Prof. Roberto Ascarelli, - Piazza di Spagna, 72 -, Grand Master Added at the time of the Grand Mastership of Prof. Giordano Gamberini, to be raised to the rank of Master: later I he was asked to be interested in the Loggia "P.2".

Even more abundant, then, Gelli puts in a long interview granted, much later, to Sandro Neri, for the latter's book: Word of Venerable. When asked about where the initiations of his neophytes took place, it is expressed:

In the first phase we began all [in the sense, in fact, to begin with the Masonry] in the study of Ascarelli, at number 72 of Piazza di Spagna, on the third floor. Virgilio Gaito assisted us, who at the time was a lawyer apprenticeship and later became Grand Master of Goi. The ceremony lasted about an hour and a quarter, because many steps of the ritual were skipped. Ascarelli began the new brothers, I was a witness. Not being in a Masonic venue, we used a portable temple, contained in a 24-hour briefcase that I opened on the table. It had everything: a scale reproduction of the columns, of the checkerboard floor, of the altar facing the East. The sword was foldable. In view of each initiation, I gave Ascarelli a curriculum vitae of the newcomer, so that he, at the end of the ceremony, could also speak to the neophyte of his work and his experiences. In general, these conversations always ended up with the great characters in the story.

When Gelli claims not to be Piazza di Spagna 72 / A Masonic headquarters, what he means - mind you - is a clear Masonic seat. It is the occult Masonic seat to ensure that, in fact, there are no typical architectural structures - checkerboard floor, columns, ara - to which is compensated with the miniature reproduction by Gelli carried with the briefcase.

It's not over. Because, again thanks to the CMC documents I found, the second surprise arrives: the novelty - unprecedented, enormous - to see so much Roberto Ascarelli that Virgilio Gaito appears, also, among the leaders of the World Trade Center. Virgilio Gaito which, moreover, is the name destined to wear, from 18 December 1993 to 21 March 1999, laveste, already brought by Gamberini, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy.

A framework to which, on one hand, the certainty of a role of CIA trustee held by Clay Shaw, as unequivocally attested by Reports of the same utmost US spy agency today declassified. On the other hand, the presence, always in the CMC to which Shaw lends his work, of many other individuals at the center of the most occult plots of our country: those plots from which springs that so despicable piece of our homeland history that goes under the bloody name of strategy of tension. But, of this, we'll talk about it in a next episode.

The close link between Ascarelli and Gelli's fortunes is also reiterated by the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry on P2 presided by Anselmi, who writes that "the Grand Master added, Roberto Ascarelli, reports Licio Gelli to the Grand Master, Giordano Gamberini, recommending it as an element able to make a notable contribution to the institution, in terms of proselytism of qualified people


Quote: In conclusion, I'm not sure if there's enough 'evidence' here to say that beyond the shadow of a doubt, any of these men who were involved with or at the CMC was involved in whacking Jack. In according to means & motive, I can say everyone had a reason into killing Jack, but there is one thing that everyone seems to overlook, and that's not to conclude a coincidence or two, but a mountain of coincidences that seems to back (circumstantial evidence), and circumstantial evidence leads to (direct evidence), and, direct evidence leads to a conclusion.
Lol. We now even passed to Google translate ... Buy the book, first of all, and read the whole thing, please. The book is not translated using Google ...
Paz Marverde Wrote:Lol. We now even passed to Google translate ... Buy the book, first of all, and read the whole thing, please. The book is not translated using Google ...

I wasn't translating the book from Google, I was translating what was printed in the Italian press. If you've read my quote below, without a doubt, everyone has an exciting story to tell. LOL...
A quick response to James' longer post.

Quote:I get a lot of words put in my mouth. I don't think I ever said that there were Italians working as front men in CMC to cover up the Nazi involvement. If I said it, it would be a mistake.

The quote in question was

Quote:there are elaborate scenarios of various Italians included in a sort of smorgasboard of activities which would try and "put a face" (a false face?) on the Centro Mondo Commercialle

So if you don't think Italians were putting a 'false face' on CMC to cover up another group, we're in agreement. I don't think so either.

Quote:As can be seen from the above Jim Marrs quotation, the CMC organization was part of a much larger scope than just Italy.

I have that Marrs book, and also just re-checked an online PDF of it. He's often a useful author. My issue with that excerpt you posted is that much of the key analysis comes from the pseudonymous Torbitt document, and any paragraph beginning 'According to the Torbitt document' isn't a great lot of use. Who wrote the Torbitt document? It's a guess. Does the guy who wrote it offer any documentation proving his thesis? No. So it's not a lot of use.

Quote:But what is the point being made by Mr. Thorne

My point in this thread has always been that Michele Metta has written a book on CMC, and some people might find it of interest.

Quote:Is this a suggestion that JFK was not killed by the worldwide Nazi network, but rather that JFK was killed by a group of Italians all by themselves who populated the Centro Mondiale Commerciale?

No, the only person who has written words along those lines in this thread so far is you, just now. My own suggestion, if it requires clarity, is that Clay Shaw was a member of CMC, and he was also involved in the assassination of JFK, and an Italian author has now written a detailed volume about CMC which offers new details about that organisation and which might be of interest. In fact, within the archival documents and footnotes of Metta's book, if someone cared to look, they could probably, eventually, source various people back to the various fascist circles you keep on referring to. This could surely be enlightening, so maybe some people might find Metta's book of interest once they read it? I would have thought so. But no, you offered a one line post early in the thread saying that the book looked like disinformation, and here we are on page three of the thread clarifying what my points were in my original post.

Paul Brancato at the JFK Education Forum - who read the Skorzeny book and apparently found it of interest - is reading Metta's book now and says it is 'incredible research, and very important'. If future posts in this thread could remain on the general topic of Metta's work here, it would be a great help.
Quote:Is this a suggestion that JFK was not killed by the worldwide Nazi network, but rather that JFK was killed by a group of Italians all by themselves who populated the Centro Mondiale Commerciale?

If I can say I've learned one thing by some of the greatest researchers in the world I've learned this...

It appears that the Nazis, Italians, South Africa, Israel, Russia, Cuba, France, Sweden, Iran and the United States all had a hand in whacking Jack, certainly, there'd been no way in hell Jack would've made it out of Dallas, no need for New York, can we agree to disagree?
Quote:But no, you offered a one line post early in the thread saying that the book looked like disinformation, and here we are on page three of the thread clarifying what my points were in my original post.

Paul Brancato at the JFK Education Forum - who read the Skorzeny book and apparently found it of interest - is reading Metta's book now and says it is 'incredible research, and very important'. If future posts in this thread could remain on the general topic of Metta's work here, it would be a great help.

Thank you very much, Anthony.

I add that Oliver Stone praised Metta. Jim DiEugenio praised Metta. Very recently, DiEugenio even added, once again in the Education Forum: "Permindex/CMC was just what Garrison thought it was many years ago. And that is why Clay Shaw was on the board and that is why he later tried to hide his association with that body. And we have it sourced in so many ways now that it's ridiculous: State Dept docs, Bloomfield archives, and this book [by Metta]."
I am waking up to the broader implications of Metta's book and Centro Mondiale Commerciale. I am convinced that it is a serious book and that according to almost all of the posters here, it is important.

Let me make a distinction, though. I said that there might be an attempt to "put a face" on Centro Mondiale Commerciale. Let me state the following:

1. There was such a thing as Centro Mondiale Commerciale.
2. It was in the early 1960'a located in Italy.
3. Clay Shaw had some role as a board member of CMC.
4. Because it was in Italy, there were Italians involved in whatever it was doing.

I slightly misstated my interpretation of the "putting a face" on CMC. I didn't mean to imply that these Italians in CMC were going a bunch of stuff solely to cover-up the role of Nazis or that their activities amounted to a cover-up of any sort.

What I meant was, that by writing about all the activities of these Italians in CMC and bringing up the book about them in relation to the JFK assassination, that could well be an attempt, perhaps well-meaning, to make it look like CMC was an assassination group who targeted JFK or were prime-movers in the JFK assassination.

IMHO, those who are promoting the significance of this book should make a "proffer" here as to what the author of the book is claiming regarding the JFK assassination.

We see many books that discuss the life story of J.D. Tippit, the biography of David W. Ferrie, the methodology of Parkland Hospital and their staff, etc. etc. But do they make any claims to have new evidence relating to the JFK assassination? I have at least 25 books which are on my shelf waiting to be read in re the JFK assassination. The count of the books I HAVE read is now over 200 on JFK related issues. I have only limited time available for these things.

Frankly, I am interested in the JFK assassination but I'm not all that interested in CMC or Italian politics in the 1950's or 1960"s. The kidnapping of Aldo Moro is interesting, but I do not read that much about it.

The more unusual thing that I have seen in this thread is that people seem to be excessively skeptical about my references.

1. Michael Liebig (who wrote about, among other things, the CMC) was writing for Executive Intelligence Review. That publication is a top source for intelligence information, maybe the best in the US in terms of volume of information. Like any other newspaper or magazine, it must have an editorial process which must be passed by a writer in their pages. (Granted is was originated by Lyndon Larouche who was a proxy for the CIA).

2. Jim Marrs pretty much invented JFK assassination research with his book Crossfire. He has been writing on the subject for 40 years at least.

If both of these writers hold a certain opinion about Centro Mondiale Commerciale in relation to Nazis, their opinions simply can't be that easily discounted. To put it another way, who could EIR or Jim Marrs cite as a source that would be a better source than EIR or Jim Marrs? The answer is NOBODY. EIR and Marrs are almost the gold standard IMHO in the field.

Granted that the Torbitt Document is unsourced. And the information regarding CMC/Permindex apparently all came from EIR/Torbitt in the first place back in 1970 when the Torbitt Document appeared. Jim Garrison did not mention Permidex in the index of his 1968 book "Heritage of Stone" but he did mention Permindex in the index of "On The Trail Of The Assassins" around 1988. So it looks like Garrison got his info about Permidex/CMC from the Torbitt Document and he felt it important enough to discuss in his second book.

But Jim Marrs and Jim Garrison (in "On The Trail Of The Assassins") both discuss Permindex/CMC as relevant to the JFK assassination, mostly because of the Clay Shaw connection. Their credibilty does not hang on their possible citation of other experts. THEY ARE THE EXPERTS!!!!

Finally, I am still curious about who Mr. Kaiser and Mr. Thorne thinks were the JFK plotters? I would really really like to know, just as a help to my own understanding.

Another statement has been made above that makes reference to "proof beyond a reasonable doubt" in the JFK assassination evidence.

I feel strongly about that question. Unless we are discussing someone who is still alive and is going to be tried for the murder of JFK, then "beyond a reasonable doubt" is not a very useful idea. Remember that O J Simpson was acquitted in his criminal trial where that standard applied. But he was determined to have killed his wife in the civil suit "by a preponderance of the evidence." So it was proven in court that O J killed his wife, even if not "beyond a reasonable doubt."

In fact, anyone who suggests the test of "beyond a reasonable doubt" in the JFK case or who suggests that it is possible to libel or slander a deceased President like JFK (or any deceased person) may be setting up unnecessary roadblocks to identifying the killers of JFK.

But in fact, I think the Skorzeny Papers has already identified the killers in general so all of this, including any new JFK stuff in the book by Metta may be moot.

James Lateer
A five star review has appeared (not by me, I haven't read it yet) on Goodreads. Hey, the Nazis do get a mention!

Quote:I will begin my review of Michele Metta's diligent and deep research by stating my own held beliefs of what was behind the assassination of JFK, formed after many years of study, hundreds of books read, conferences attended and membership of Dealey Plaza U.K., prior to reading this book.

Firstly, the assassination in Dallas was a coup d'etat, primarily conducted by CIA, probably initiated by Allen Dulles, but certainly involving James Jesus Angleton, (who according to Peter Dale Scott managed a second CIA within the CIA) with a green light to the plot given by elements within the JCS, which I feel would have been fully initiated in late 1962. Through CIA there were contributions made by the U.S. military, the Secret Service, renegade French intelligence and Israeli Mossad along with (to muddy the waters) anti-Castro and organised crime contributions. The coup being covered up by CIA, FBI, Secret Service and Lyndon Johnson. I find it telling rather than coincidence that French intelligence Colonel deLannurien was at Langley meeting with Angleton on the 22nd November 1963.

'CMC. The Italian Undercover CIA and Mossad Station and the Assassination of JFK', published in 2018, wholly confirms and reinforces my own beliefs of this case. Metta's conscientious investigation also confirms the probing that was undertaken by the much maligned New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison in his indictment of Clay Shaw and his association with the Centro Mondiale Commerciale/Permindex.

I have to admit that such is the avalanche of links and connections exposed in this work that, for me was a struggle to stay with the narrative, such that I feel a re-read is necessary to fully take in the information. It is no surprise that the author requires the reader to 'please-pay attention' on a number of occasions throughout the text. However the effort is greatly rewarded as this book takes us through the maze of undercover connections between American, Italian and Israeli intelligence agents, international bankers, Nazi, neo-Fascist, Masonic, Mafia and big business chains. There have been known discoveries, previous to this book from the Bloomfield archives in Canada and it can be noted that the Bloomfield heirs shut this archive down. Louis Bloomfield was the founder of Permindex. Metta's work here exposes many more associated revelations.

It doesn't help that the majority of the supporting cast in this investigation are Italian personnel and the associated Notes that relate to documents are in Italian. Also this publication has no Index.

Yet, these are very minor negatives in what is a very important addition to the JFK assassination canon and gets a five star rating from me.
Quote:the nazis do get a mention!

okay! For god sake!!!!! The Nazis whacked Jack ya'll solved the case thank you, now lets pack this up and go home!!!
I've hidden some posts so as to keep the thread on topic. This thread is about the book by Michele Metta. If you want to discuss other books or topics start a new thread and do not derail this one.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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