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Robert F. Kennedy jr.
Robert F. Kennedy jr. was interviewed recently by Alec Baldwin. He asked Kennedy if he knew who killed his father, and he replied that he is pretty sure he knows who was responsible. He would not say who it was, and said that there should be another investigation and that Sirhan Sirhan should be paroled. Any comments about his knowing who was responsible? Does anyone believe that he could have been able to find out who the conspirators were?

Mark Lane made a similar comment at the 2013 Pittsburgh JFK conference. He said that he knew who assassinated Kennedy but could not reveal it because of some legal issue.
John Kowalski Wrote:Robert F. Kennedy jr. was interviewed recently by Alec Baldwin. He asked Kennedy if he knew who killed his father, and he replied that he is pretty sure he knows who was responsible. He would not say who it was, and said that there should be another investigation and that Sirhan Sirhan should be paroled. Any comments about his knowing who was responsible? Does anyone believe that he could have been able to find out who the conspirators were?

Mark Lane made a similar comment at the 2013 Pittsburgh JFK conference. He said that he knew who assassinated Kennedy but could not reveal it because of some legal issue.

That depends on by what one means by 'who killed'. I'm sure RFK Jr. knows that Thane Eugene Cesar was the likely person who fired the fatal shots, and that SS was only a mind-control patsy diversion. Others were involved and in the Ambassador, or worked on the case before and after (elsewhere) to make it happen and cover it up. But Cesar was only doing his job, and people higher up - the same basic ones behind the JFK assassination - were really behind the death of RFK [and MANY others]. The 'clean up' operations surrounding Dallas is hundreds of names long, and smaller clean up operations occurred with other major assassinations. [i.e., not just the target is killed (or otherwise silenced), but some of those involved, some who knew or saw too much, some who were just at the wrong place at the wrong time, and occasionally those who investigated it 'too well'.] There are intersections between most of the major political assassinations in the USA - and also between those with assassinations outside the borders of.....along with other state crimes against democracy [covert ops; dirty tricks; money fraud/laundering; bribes for political favors; gun and drug deals; government overthrows; foreign assassinations; etc. et al.]

I suggest you look at some of the older threads on RFK on this site.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Thanks for the info.
Lisa Pease's book on the case, A LIE TOO BIG TO FAIL, has been released. You can read the intro and opening chapter on Amazon right now. I've just started it and it's very solid.
Read or look at some of the interviews on Youtube with William Pepper on SS and RFK...... Many of us in the research community know the basic story of the RFK assassination, the major players, how the cover-up was handled and the real facts made to disappear or withheld from the public. I can make a list of many persons who played roles in both the RFK and JFK assassination and even a few who one could add to the MLK [or other] assassinations. Americans who think their vote gets them some 'elected' officials who then carry out the duties of the government are very naive. There are unelected people and entities that make a lot of the major decisions and often, if not usually, keep those 'elected' officials within invisible cages of action....that is why this website is here - to expose these Deep Political / Hidden Political forces, entities and persons - as well as their deeds and unravel the lies told about them - when they are even 'told'...many occur without most even knowing they occurred....or occurred for reasons or in a manner totally different than the 'public lie/propaganda'.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Quote:I'm sure RFK Jr. knows that Thane Eugene Cesar was the likely person who fired the fatal shots

In her book, Pease gives detailed and convincing evidence that there were multiple shooters in the pantry, not just Cesar, and she names some of them. Sirhan, as other researchers already know, was firing blanks, hence witnesses seeing 'confetti' like bits of paper falling and at least one cop disingenuously asserting that a stray bullet had hit the ceiling to explain that inconvenient information away. I agree that Cesar's position near RFK makes a relevant suspect for the head shot, but Pease's book has a bunch of stuff I hadn't encountered in earlier RFK volumes, concerning both the shooting and the events leading up to it. In a good closing chapter she also names the guy who she feels was running the operation to kill RFK. It's a very solid volume so far. The Kindle version is ten bucks, the hardcover is twenty.
Quote:Americans who think their vote gets them some 'elected' officials who then carry out the duties of the government are very naive.

What's the saying? If voting was going to change anything, they wouldn't let you do it.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Peter Lemkin Wrote:I can make a list of many persons who played roles in both the RFK and JFK assassination and even a few who one could add to the MLK [or other] assassinations.
Care to share your list?
Thomas Neal Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:I can make a list of many persons who played roles in both the RFK and JFK assassination and even a few who one could add to the MLK [or other] assassinations.
Care to share your list?

I'm not going to get into this in depth, but I meant it seriously. You can work on it yourself. David Sanchez Morales one night with friends when drunk near the end of his life spoke of 'we took care' of both JFK and RFK - and I have good reason to believe was involved in both. Hoover certainly was [at minimum] LIHOP on JFK and MIHOP on MLK. There are others.....some big players, some more minor players. While I was and you are talking about individuals, it is more productive to look at what entities they were working with and for - as unlike the 'official' and false versions of who the assassins were in each of the major assassinations and hundreds of the minor to mostly unknown ones - in no case was it a lone assassin but rather a complex and well-oiled machine to eliminate those who stood in the 'way' of something or some group(s) plans or ongoing activities. Look who Morales worked for and with, for example - and his more complete life's work. If not familiar with them, the books of Peter Dale Scott might help get you oriented in this regard. Some of the same people were used in the cover-ups as well as in the commission of the assassinations, themselves - and some of the same agencies and institutions or groupings continue to obfuscate the truth about them - as they did from day one on each of these political assassinations [of which there have been many hundreds]. But careful not to fall into the misleading trap of thinking 'the CIA did it or the FBI did it or X of Y did it'. In fact, on for example JFK and I believe also RFK some then current and some former CIA-related persons [along with others drawn from many different or no agency affiliation] were involved, the Agency as a whole was not...there was no letter in every CIA person's mailbox on the morning of 11.22.63 saying 'Remember, today is the Big Day!' On JFK, for example, there was also the involvement of some people from other governmental agencies, some from the Dallas Police, some from the Secret Service, some from State, some from the JCOS, some who were anti-Castro Cubans, some who were mercenaries and off-the-shelf for intelligence agencies, some from Mil. Intel., some from what is now called COG, some from the Mafia (which had interconnections with intelligence persons), some from Big Oil and Big Money, some from religious and racist groups on the fringe, some from the Far-Right, some neo- and not-so-neo-Nazis, some others from the Deep State, some from other places - some knowingly and some unwittingly used to commit and cover-up these events. Simple 'lists' are not going to 'solve' this for you or anyone.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I have found many things to be true because of the work and research of people that contribute to this forum. I am very grateful to several contributors. My body failing me means I will not be with you much longer to read whatever you have to say. More than 50yrs ago my father bought a book, a paperback, "Rush To Judgement". He asked me what I thought after reading it. I told my Dad this was terrible. The worst thing I could imagine. He put his arm around me and said be strong. You have to deal with this. That was how the world was.

He told me this would be my life.....this was my future.

He was a prophet. Shoulda been in the Bible, no?

I am on my way out. But I want to thank so many of you who continue to try. The same kind of people that my father was probably long before some of you were born. Please don't mess with those fools on the Education Forum. You guys are better than that. I might hardly never post, but I have greatly appreciated all of the contributions and what I've learned here. Thank you all.

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