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Christopher Bollyn on 9/11: Israel Did It
CB's research deserves more attention as uncomfortable as conclusions might be for many.

"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:CB's research deserves more attention as uncomfortable as conclusions might be for many.

We've been 'here' before. Bollyn is correct that some people, some private or public intelligence people/assets/companies/what-have-you from Israel had advance knowledge and played some part in the events; he is WRONG [and I think grossly so] in jumping to the conclusion that therefore Israel or some Israelis were the masterminds behind the events of 911! Saudi Arabia also played some role, as did Pakistan, as did UAE, and others from outside the USA - but it was U.S. Citizens - some of them in very high political/military/intelligence/corporate/finance/'law-enforcement' positions who thought up, planned, and carried off 9-11-01 using, yes, some outsourced foreign operatives. I'd not be surprised to find out MI6 also played a small role [or not so small]. A much more balanced and correct view would be Ryan's 'ANOTHER NINETEEN' - naming names and giving their connections to 911 in great detail...and also mentioning, in passing, the involvement of some Israelis, Saudis, Pakistanis, etc...... Bollyn is the type that still believes in the Protocol of the Elders of Zion [an invention of the Russian secret police from about 100 years ago]. Israeli government is no angel - in fact now I'd call it a full-on Apartheid neo-fascist government, but so is the USA in slightly different ways now. They often help one another out at the deep-spook level, but 911 was an INSIDE job and Bollyn's work has some value, but can lead those without a wider and clearer view to be misled - and dangerously so....letting the real culprits off the hook!!! There are many such books re: JFK Assassination - that make some contributions to toward events that really happened and persons who really participated, but drawing the wrong conclusion about who the real sponsors were. Some are done out of naivete and some are done to misdirect. Did Israel control the SAC? Control the war games going on on 911? write and proffer the [un]Patriot Act? Develop and turn on COG on 911? Stage the Anthrax attacks? Remove all the steel and other crime-site clues?...and one can go on and on and on. Chaney nor Rumsfeld nor most of the other big players are Jewish.....though it would also be wrong (but closer to accurate) to call it a 'right-wing Christian Coup'. These are fascist types who had their own reasons for what they did - one operation among MANY. The international right-wing Gladio-types at the top levels knows few national boundaries - only shared goals. That said, most [>>97% of those important persons involved in 911] were born, bred, lived, and live still in the U.S...... One has to keep the proper perspective and look at the the wider picture or one gets lost and/or misled.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:[quote=Lauren Johnson]CB's research deserves more attention as uncomfortable as conclusions might be for many.

We've been 'here' before. Bollyn is correct that some people, some private or public intelligence people/assets/companies/what-have-you from Israel had advance knowledge and played some part in the events; he is WRONG [and I think grossly so] in jumping to the conclusion that therefore Israel or some Israelis were the masterminds behind the events of 911! Saudi Arabia also played some role, as did Pakistan, as did UAE, and others from outside the USA - but it was U.S. Citizens - some of them in very high political/military/intelligence/corporate/finance/'law-enforcement' positions who thought up, planned, and carried off 9-11-01 using, yes, some outsourced foreign operatives. I'd not be surprised to find out MI6 also played a small role [or not so small]. A much more balanced and correct view would be Ryan's 'ANOTHER NINETEEN' - naming names and giving their connections to 911 in great detail...and also mentioning, in passing, the involvement of some Israelis, Saudis, Pakistanis, etc...... Bollyn is the type that still believes in the Protocol of the Elders of Zion [an invention of the Russian secret police from about 100 years ago]. Israeli government is no angel - in fact now I'd call it a full-on Apartheid neo-fascist government, but so is the USA in slightly different ways now. They often help one another out at the deep-spook level, but 911 was an INSIDE job and Bollyn's work has some value, but can lead those without a wider and clearer view to be misled - and dangerously so....letting the real culprits off the hook!!! There are many such books re: JFK Assassination - that make some contributions to toward events that really happened and persons who really participated, but drawing the wrong conclusion about who the real sponsors were. Some are done out of naivete and some are done to misdirect. Did Israel control the SAC? Control the war games going on on 911? write and proffer the [un]Patriot Act? Develop and turn on COG on 911? Stage the Anthrax attacks? Remove all the steel and other crime-site clues?...and one can go on and on and on. Chaney nor Rumsfeld nor most of the other big players are Jewish.....though it would also be wrong (but closer to accurate) to call it a 'right-wing Christian Coup'. These are fascist types who had their own reasons for what they did - one operation among MANY. The international right-wing Gladio-types at the top levels knows few national boundaries - only shared goals. That said, most [>>97% of those important persons involved in 911] were born, bred, lived, and live still in the U.S...... One has to keep the proper perspective and look at the the wider picture or one gets lost and/or misled.

Peter, you make several points in your response that I agree with and some that need further response. It will take more than one post.

First, I think we agree on how to approach 9/11 and other massive black ops: there the masterminds or to use another term, the sponsors, the ones without whose approval the operation could not happen. Then there are the facilitators who might also serve as false sponsors. And finally there are the mechanics who operate in compartmentalized basis.

So, in the case of the JFK assassination, there may have been some unwitting mechanics who were told they were part of an training operation that went live. That is one theory I've read. I would imagine in the case of 9/11 there were many of these people.

Second, I suspect we agree that the really big black ops are intended to transform culture as part of a long term plan. You will recall the Karl Rove quote about being history's actors and his sneering view of the "reality based community." One of my favorite quotes by Edward Said from Culture and Imperialism raises the question of power relationships: to what extent is history the interaction of chaotic forces and its opposite as moving toward an envisaged telos.

Quote:For the enterprise of empire depends upon the idea of having an empire... and all kinds of preparations are made for it within a culture; then in turn imperialism acquires a kind of coherence, a set of experiences, and a presence of ruler and ruled alike within the culture.

Third, there an overall power center that creates history at the macro level and increasingly at the smaller scale as well. This means that the function of sponsorship exists apparently in competition but ultimately answers to one power center. Apparently independent power centers exist in a coordinated arrangement. I have concluded this from reading Carroll Quigley, Antony Sutton, Guido Preparata, and the Docherty/McGregor books on WWI.

I'll stop here for now. More later. I agree that "Israel did it" is much too simple. I do think that Bollyn is raising important points and deserves attention. At least more than what I have been willing to give it in the past. I hope you took the time to watch to the whole video.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
When you analyze those who contribute to evil "black ops", the only concern to me is the answer to this question--what persons actually did a specific act in furtherance of the criminal act? And the test for a criminal enterprise is "were they close to the perpetrators in terms of physical proximity and proximity in time?"

It seems like assigning names like "mechanics", "facilitators", "power centers", etc. doesn't really move the analysis along very much.

There are just some gigantic problems with history and those who write history and analyze history. And these problems persist and keep on going and going and going.

Shocking (to me) is the fact that at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK was relying on the book The Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman. Many consider this book as basically the best US history book ever written and it won a Pulitzer Prize. (A similar case if often made regarding William L. Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich).

The problem is that the thesis of Tuchman was that World War I started essentially by accident. That mobilzation began, and that it couldn't be stopped and it led to the horrible Great War as basically ONE GIGANTIC OOPS!!!!

Actually that thesis was totally false. World War I was begun by Kaiser Wilhelm and the former associates of Bismark for the purpose of derailing the "Liberal" movement that was gaining steam in the early 1900's in central Europe. Bismark started wars with Denmark, Austria and France for the very same purpose during his time as chancellor. This seems to me to be a simple and undeniable fact that totally explains WWI. Why the artificial mystery?

Was Tuchman ignorant of this fact? I was schooled in high school history that nobody agrees as to the reason why WWI broke out. And even a very smart person and history-major like JFK was apparently in the dark about that issue.

Citing Carrol Quigley is significant and interesting. He is terrific in painting the picture of the secret group that runs the UK behind the scenes. But after you know about this special group named by Quigley, you don't really know any more than you knew before he tells you. (You do learn to be wary of Rhodes Scholars, however)

It's like the question of who took over from the WWII ex-Nazis like Bormann, von Braun, Heinrich Muller, etc. etc? That's a very important question, but not one person in a million could give you even one name as an answer. I admit, I haven't any idea myself. Somebody took their place, but who?

Many of the answers to the mystery of the JFK assassination are answers that are easily available, but just not all in one place or in one source. So the deficit is not in having the answers available, but synthesizing all of the answers together to explain the event.

Black ops are not really hidden. The Bay of Pigs wasn't hidden. The 9-11 attacks were not hidden. But that's why disinformation works so well. When bogus information is put out there side by side with actual truth, the consumer of the information is not up to the task of sorting out the good information from the bad.

So Clay Shaw was apparently in San Francisco on 11-22-63 either partially or totally directing the events back in Dallas and New Orleans. But even a hugely important fact like this has apparently remained hidden in plain sight, despite the many square miles of paper filled up with JFK information in all the countless books and articles on the subject.

It's not lack of information. It's the sorting process that is sadly deficient.

James Lateer

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