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Jim Fetzer Speculates: 'Israel Art Students Removed Building Contents from WTC" (lol!)
This is an important clip from one of the most unscientific researchers I have ever known to be involved in 9/11 research. I encourage you to listen closely to his words, and ask yourself, "why would he be speculating like this when he could be discussing the overwhelming sum of easily verifiable physical evidence that Dr. Judy Wood has compiled?"

Jim Fetzer Speculates: 'Israeli Art Students Removed Building Contents from WTC":

Mr. Fetzer was unscientifically speculating, or entertaining unscientific speculation, about reasons for the extreme lack of debris at ground zero, even though it was and is very obvious that much of the debris was transformed to fine dust. Mr. Fetzer's continued promotion of unscientific speculation, at the expense of scientific discussion of physical evidence, is something that everyone should consider (in my opinion). The lack of WTC debris in the rubble piles is briefly touched on by these two videos just in case any of you are not familiar with this topic:

1. What Transformed the WTC Buildings to DUST on 9/11?

2. Relics from the Dust | 9/11 & Directed Energy Weapons (DEW):

Dear Mr. Fetzer,

Your willingness to engage in unscientific speculation, when you should be engaging in scientific discussion of the evidence, is very telling to me.

Your willingness to unnecessarily mix and muddle important evidence with your wild, unscientific speculation, is very telling to me.

Your willingness to appear as a supporter of Dr. Judy Wood's conclusions, only to address the evidence she has gathered in such unscientific, discrediting ways, is very telling to me.

It is quite obvious that you are not interested in helping others understand the truth, as you have spent a great deal of time, enegy, and effort, doing exactly the opposite.

(I will spare you some embarrassment by not posting the clip from your September 2009 radio show when you entertained / promoted unscientific and disrespectful speculations about Dr. Wood's personal life, even though you should have been raising awareness of the important physical evidence from 9/11 instead of promoting wild speculation.)

Long Live the Truth,


Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M2 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology
9/11 Challenge: Explain the Evidence
Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez Wrote:This is an important-yet-hilarious clip from one of the most unscientific researchers ever to be involved in 9/11 research. I encourage you to listen closely to his words, and ask yourself, "why would he be speculating like this when he could be discussing the overwhelming sum of easily verifiable physical evidence that Dr. Judy Wood has compiled?"

Jim Fetzer Speculates: 'Israel Art Students Removed Building Contents from WTC":

Mr. Fetzer was unscientifically speculating, or entertaining unscientific speculation, about reasons for the extreme lack of debris at ground zero, even though it was and is very obvious that much of the debris was transformed to fine dust. Mr. Fetzer's continued promotion of unscientific speculation, at the expense of scientific discussion of physical evidence, is something that everyone should consider (in my opinion). The lack of WTC debris in the rubble piles is briefly touched on by these two videos just in case any of you are not familiar with this topic:

1. What Transformed the WTC Buildings to DUST on 9/11?

2. Relics from the Dust | 9/11 & Directed Energy Weapons (DEW):

Dear Mr. Fetzer,

Your willingness to engage in unscientific speculation, when you should be engaging in scientific discussion of the evidence, is very telling to me.

Your willingness to unnecessarily mix and muddle important evidence with your wild, unscientific speculation, is very telling to me.

Your willingness to appear as a supporter of Dr. Judy Wood's conclusions, only to address the evidence she has gathered in such unscientific, discrediting ways, is very telling to me.

It is quite obvious that you are not interested in helping others understand the truth, as you have spent a great deal of time, enegy, and effort, doing exactly the opposite.

(I will spare you some embarrassment by not posting the clip from your September 2009 radio show when you entertained / promoted unscientific and disrespectful speculations about Dr. Wood's personal life, even though you should have been raising awareness of the important physical evidence from 9/11 instead of promoting wild speculation.)

Long Live the Truth,


Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M2 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology

so Abe, a med student, eh? So, what do YOU know about any of the above specifics, other than wild speculation that is....
If I recall correctly Abe had been a promoter of Wood for quite some time and does it on other 911 discussion fora.

Peter Presland cited several sources that note than hundreds of thousands of tons of steel were removed and therefore were not dustified.

There as much as 170,000 pounds of freon stored at the site which I am led to believe when heated can release hydrofluoric or hydrochloric acid which is extremely caustic.

The twin towers contained thousands of substances, chemicals which interacted mechanically and in some cases chemical in the process of the towers being destroyed. And there was also combustion which is evidenced by massive amount of smoke seen before they came down which itself created enormous heat from friction. The dust and gases and noxious smoke propagated away from the bottom of all three collapses affecting many blocks around the site and polluting the air. Of course we were told the air was safe to breathe, one lie among many.

The collapse of a building of 500,000 tons has never happened before and certainly not in a 10-15 seconds highly energetic event. This was a first and had produced all sorts of things never seen before, hard to understand intuitively and have the physical evidence removed makes it that much harder. We do have science and engineering as a foundation to build upon the limited number of videos, physical samples, data collected and witness accounts. And as I have tried to point out we do need to study in detail the structure to both see how they fell and how someone who wanted them to fall could exploited the weakest part of the structure.

Clearly there have been many attempts to advance theories based on what the evidence shows. And all observations need to be accounted for ultimately, not the evidence fixed around the theory.

My reply to you in the thread, 'Dr. Judy Wood: Where Did The Towers Go?', applies here as well. I won't bother copying and pasting the post in this thread as well, so please just refer to my other reply.

The point is, my beliefs are based on all of the easily verifiable, well-referenced, physical evidence from 9/11 which must be explained. Your beliefs are not consistent with the evidence, but you seem to be ok with that. Perhaps you and Mr. Fetzer should team up to continue promoting unscientific rumors and falsehoolds, for I bet you would make a good team?

Best wishes to ya, for we are all in this together.

9/11 Challenge: Explain the Evidence
No thanks.

I have advocated for an accurate "reading" of the visual evidence, something that neither Wood or Fetzer is capable of and clearly you are not as well.

Many in the truth movement also fail to see the destruction for what it is and propose explosive controlled demolition when it is not required to explain what we observe. There likely was a kick off energy input to get the runaway collapse of the floors going. But once that was underway, it was unstoppable. It broke the facade apart which fell away, stripped the core columns of most of its lateral bracing and it too finally collapse from Euler buckling. You can see all that core steel in the photos taken after the collapse.

If you are not educated how to see, you don't understand what your eyes behold.
Abraham, Speculation is an indispensable stage of scientific inquiries. One has to consider all the possible explanations in order to insure that the true hypothesis is not omitted from consideration on the ground that it is unpleasant, sounds far-fetched, or is unconventional. Try reading the first parts of "Thinking about 'Conspiracy Theories': 9/11 and JFK", because your scientific education is severely lacking. Were I embracing speculations as CONCLUSIONS without considering their relationship to the evidence, THEN you might have a case. Instead, you display your ignorance of science by completely suppressing that I am not ACCEPTING these speculations as conclusions but only as POSSIBILITIES, where I make a point of featuring students of 9/11 who have ideas that may or may not deserve further exploration, as I have done with video fakery/no planes and, of course, what happened to the WTC. I would guess that I have been more open-minded to a wider range of approaches toward controversial issues in 9/11 than has anyone else in the movement. Your complaint is simply absurd.

You must have a short memory, but I was the person who featured Judy Wood on my radio program some fifteen (15) times and have stuck up for her through thick and through thin, including featuring her as my principal speaker at the Madison conference. Have you never watched "The Science and Politics of 9/11: What's Controversial, What's Not?" I would think that you would be ashamed of attacking me on grounds like these, which are the very ones that have been directed against Judy and her work. If you read through the thread to which you have contributed in your response to Jeffrey Orling, you will see that I have been supportive of her work throughout. I was about to post a note of thanks to you and Andrew for showing up and, in fact, I just reposted your post with those excellent links on a thread of mine at ATS. I really think some of you do not know where your best interests lie, where creating threads like this to attack me when I have been so supportive of Judy for so long is completely unfounded. I am sorry, Abraham, but you have your head where the sun does not shine.

Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez Wrote:This is an important clip from one of the most unscientific researchers I have ever known to be involved in 9/11 research. I encourage you to listen closely to his words, and ask yourself, "why would he be speculating like this when he could be discussing the overwhelming sum of easily verifiable physical evidence that Dr. Judy Wood has compiled?"

Jim Fetzer Speculates: 'Israeli Art Students Removed Building Contents from WTC":

Mr. Fetzer was unscientifically speculating, or entertaining unscientific speculation, about reasons for the extreme lack of debris at ground zero, even though it was and is very obvious that much of the debris was transformed to fine dust. Mr. Fetzer's continued promotion of unscientific speculation, at the expense of scientific discussion of physical evidence, is something that everyone should consider (in my opinion). The lack of WTC debris in the rubble piles is briefly touched on by these two videos just in case any of you are not familiar with this topic:

1. What Transformed the WTC Buildings to DUST on 9/11?

2. Relics from the Dust | 9/11 & Directed Energy Weapons (DEW):

Dear Mr. Fetzer,

Your willingness to engage in unscientific speculation, when you should be engaging in scientific discussion of the evidence, is very telling to me.

Your willingness to unnecessarily mix and muddle important evidence with your wild, unscientific speculation, is very telling to me.

Your willingness to appear as a supporter of Dr. Judy Wood's conclusions, only to address the evidence she has gathered in such unscientific, discrediting ways, is very telling to me.

It is quite obvious that you are not interested in helping others understand the truth, as you have spent a great deal of time, enegy, and effort, doing exactly the opposite.

(I will spare you some embarrassment by not posting the clip from your September 2009 radio show when you entertained / promoted unscientific and disrespectful speculations about Dr. Wood's personal life, even though you should have been raising awareness of the important physical evidence from 9/11 instead of promoting wild speculation.)

Long Live the Truth,


Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M2 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology
This contrived YouTube with Judy Wood and one of her shills is beneath contempt. I am embarrassed I even know someone who would so grossly misrepresent the views of others, Phil Jayhan and his collaborator, as though they were mine! I really didn't think that Judy could sink so low--but now I am convinced! Tell Judy it is apparent that she needs professional help. Unreal!

Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez Wrote:This is an important clip from one of the most unscientific researchers I have ever known to be involved in 9/11 research. I encourage you to listen closely to his words, and ask yourself, "why would he be speculating like this when he could be discussing the overwhelming sum of easily verifiable physical evidence that Dr. Judy Wood has compiled?"

Jim Fetzer Speculates: 'Israeli Art Students Removed Building Contents from WTC":

Mr. Fetzer was unscientifically speculating, or entertaining unscientific speculation, about reasons for the extreme lack of debris at ground zero, even though it was and is very obvious that much of the debris was transformed to fine dust. Mr. Fetzer's continued promotion of unscientific speculation, at the expense of scientific discussion of physical evidence, is something that everyone should consider (in my opinion).

. . .

Long Live the Truth,


Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M2 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology
Mr. Fetzer,

What I have heard on your radio show was not the actions of someone who is genuinely interested in the truth, and I am not only referring to this recent discussion about nude Israeli art students. I am also referring to the time when you entertained ridiculous, disrespectful rumors about Dr. Wood's personal life, and other clips that have made it very apparent as to what kind of 'truth-spreading' you deem to be 'scientific'.

Mr. Fetzer, I find it quite astonishing to learn that you seem to think that wasting air time on your radio show by facilitating discussion of outrageous theories such as:

'the reason for the extreme lack of debris at ground zero was possibly due to nude Israeli art students. It is possible that they nearly completely emptied the building, including the hundreds of metal file cabinets, hundreds of toilets, hundreds of metal door knobs, and much, much more, in just a few days time, without any employees or concerned citizens noticing'... somehow more 'scientific' than my efforts to review, understand, and spread awareness about the massive amount of well-referenced, easily-verifiable, extremely important physical evidence that Dr. Wood has gathered, and these actions of yours indicate to me that you really are not worth any further wasting of my study time.

Mr. Fetzer, if you think that you are being more "scientific" than me by using air time on your radio show to ignore important evidence, only to entertain discussion of outrageous theories instead, then you really are in no place (not that you ever where) to be telling others that they 'need to get help'. Furthermore, based on my recent Psychiatry unit, your delusional definition of "scientific" may suggest that you may even need some help yourself, but since I am not an actual psychiatrist I won't waste time speculating about such nonsense.
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Tell Judy it is apparent that she needs professional help. Unreal!

Before I go, I would like to remind you of one simple but important fact:

Light always wins, every time. Light is made of something, Darkness is made of nothing. Light is made of photons, Darkness is the abscence of photons. Where darkness is, light can pierce, vanquishing the darkness. The reverse is not true, as darkness is completely powerless against the light. The shadows are clearing, and I strongly hope that you will consider accelerating the process rather than continuing to work against it. It's never too late to do the right thing, and the future of this beautiful planet depends on our doing just that.

In Peace,


Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M2 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology
9/11 Challenge: Explain the Evidence
You are an incredibly arrogant, snot-nosed little twit who has no idea what
he is talking about. You appear to share Judy's fixation with very modest
questions I asked John Hutchison regarding his educational background on
a program where they appeared together. If you were to listen to the show,
it would be obvious that I wanted to know what qualified him for the kind of
research in electromagnetism he claimed to be performing. For reasons of
her own, Judy was offended, when it should have been obvious that, since
electromagnetism is among the most compex of all subjects in physics, it
was most unlikely John could have been making the kinds of discoveries
I interview on my shows is none of your business. Phil and Larry had new
information they wanted to share. I had no idea what it was. But why do
you think you have the right to decide whom I do or do not interview on my
own show? Your crude distortions of my views by taking sentences or even
phrases out of context is as cheap and phony as it comes. Go back to Judy
and tell her that she learned the lessons of Greg Jenkins very well. This is
as disgusting as it gets. Her sickness appears to have rubbed off on you.

Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez Wrote:Mr. Fetzer,

What I have heard on your radio show was not the actions of someone who is genuinely interested in the truth, and I am not only referring to this recent discussion about nude Israeli art students. I am also referring to the time when you entertained ridiculous discussion about Dr. Wood's personal life, and other clips that have made it very apparent as to what kind of 'truth-spreading' you deem to be 'scientific'.

Mr. Fetzer, I find it quite astonishing to learn that you seem to think that wasting air time on your radio show by facilitating discussion of outrageous theories such as:

'the reason for the extreme lack of debris at ground zero was possibly due to nude Israeli art students. It is possible that they nearly completely emptied the building, including the hundreds of metal file cabinets, hundreds of toilets, hundreds of metal door knobs, and much, much more, in just a few days time, without any employees or concerned citizens noticing'... somehow more 'scientific' than my efforts to review, understand, and spread awareness about the massive amount of well-referenced, easily-verifiable, extremely important physical evidence that Dr. Wood has gathered, and these actions of yours indicate to me that you really are not worthy of any further wasting of my study time.

Mr. Fetzer, if you think that you are being more "scientific" than me by using air time on your radio show to ignore important evidence, only to entertain discussion of outrageous theories instead, then you really are in no place (not that you ever where) to be telling others that they 'need to get help'.
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Tell Judy it is apparent that she needs professional help. Unreal!
You may even need some yourself, but I am not a psychiatrist so I won't waste time speculating about such nonsense.

Before I go, I would like to remind you of one simple but important fact:

Light always wins, every time. Light is something, Darkness is nothing. Light is made of photons, Darkness is the abscence of photons. Where darkness is, light can pierce, vanquishing the darkness. The reverse is not true, as darkness is completely powerless against the light. The shadows are clearing, and I strongly hope that you will consider accelerating the process rather than continuing to work against it. It's never too late to do the right thing, and the future of this beautiful planet depends on our doing just that.

In Peace,


Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M2 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology

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