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The More Things Change...
the more they stay the same: LHO came and went a total of 20 times from two of the most surveilled sites in the Western hemisphere - the Cuban and Russian embassies (or consulates, whatever). CIA had them covered with motion-detection cameras. How many photos of LHO emanated from this coverage? None, zero, nada, zip.

Jeffrey Epstein, under suicide watch was covered by cameras if not aimed at his cell, at least at the hallway outside it. How many pictures of that hallway during the relevant period? See above.

LHO was in custody of the police, in a police station when he was killed by Ruby. All films show that Oz was UNPROTECTED. Cops to his left; cops to his right; cops behind him - but NOONE in front, allowing Ruby to lunge at him and off him. JE, in custody of the police, in a police station, was likewise UNPROTECTED when he - uh - committed suicide. Where was his protective detail? Sleeping. Riiiiiight.
Keep up the drumbeat about the Epstein case. The famous JFK book "Hit List" by Belzer is not out of date.

Just look at the questionable mysterious murders that have taken place in the last two years: Epstein, Seth Rich, Peter W. Smith, Whitey Bulger (who, like Epstein, was mysteriously killed or found dead in a Federal Prison with no investigation-he was connected to Mueller in the 1980's).

One has to wonder if this trend of violence against troublesome people will expand to include violence against people who are "conspiracy theorists" (like people on this site).

I have recently read that the Justice Department wants to redefine terrorism to include "conspiracy theories".

Fortunately, there are probably too many "conspiracy theorists" to annihilate all of them.

Hang together or hang separately.

"First they came for the socialists, then they came for the Jews, THEN THEY CAME FOR ME!!!!"

Famous last words.

James Lateer
I have been researching my biggest current question--maybe Jim DiEugenio can answer it or maybe somebody else:

Since the kidnapping and trial of Adolf Eichmann happened during the JFK administration, why have I not been able to find EVEN ONE SINGLE COMMENT by JFK or RFK on the Eichmann kidnapping and trial?

This is a key question IMHO and this is amazing that I can't find anything on it. Can somebody help me out on this?

James Lateer
James Lateer Wrote:I have been researching my biggest current question--maybe Jim DiEugenio can answer it or maybe somebody else:

Since the kidnapping and trial of Adolf Eichmann happened during the JFK administration, why have I not been able to find EVEN ONE SINGLE COMMENT by JFK or RFK on the Eichmann kidnapping and trial?

This is a key question IMHO and this is amazing that I can't find anything on it. Can somebody help me out on this?

James Lateer

You seem to frame the question without taking into consideration the time-frame was not in the age of Trump. Kennedy avoided shooting himself in the foot and had a keen sense of diplomatic restraint. Trump has no such sense (never even attempted to be POTUS of all Americans) and so far the lack of diplomatic results reinforce this as well as wholesale undermining of the rule of law. His lack of discipline and respect for the obligations of his own office drove the outcome of the Bowe Bergdahl court martial, as just one example.

[URL=""]Bergdahl Sentencing: No Prison Time, Dishonorable Discharge

[/URL] › storyline › bowe-bergdahl-released › bowe-be...

  1. Cached

Nov 3, 2017 - Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is sentenced to a dishonorable discharge and a ... post in Afghanistan, despite Trump's call for severe punishment.

Diplomacy is a juggling act, not a CIRCUS!
SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1961, P. 1
1st news conf in 2 yrs

Creator: Myer Feldman Interviewer: John Stewart Date of Interview: July 29, 1967 Place of Interview: Washington, D.C. Length: 49 pages

Biographical Note Feldman, (1914 - 2007); Legislative assistant to Senator John F. Kennedy (1958-1961); Deputy Special Counsel to the President (1961-1964); Counsel to the President (1964- 1965), discusses recognizing Yemen, the Jordan River dispute, and selling Hawk missiles to the Israelis, among other issues.

STEWART: What about the trial and the hanging of Eichmann [Adolph Eichmann]? Was there any interest or involvement in this?

FELDMAN: I used to discuss it with Kennedy. The President and I would discuss the Eichmann trial, but not from the standpoint of the United States doing anything or having any interest in it. There was never any suggestion at any time that the United States would become involved in it. But we did discuss the philosophical question of whether, and the political question of, one, whether it was wise for a state like Israel to try Eichmann, convict him and sentence him to death. We were pretty sure that would be the result. Kennedy's feeling was that although the state was almost compelled to do that, he thought they'd probably come out better if, at the conclusion of the trial, they commuted the death sentence and


just let him live out his life in prison. He said that this would show them to be a humanitarian nation and they'd get some brownie points with the rest of the world for not being vindictive and it wouldn't really hurt them. But at the same time he said that he recognized the political forces that would compel the conviction and death penalty for Eichmann. And I never asked him what he would do if he were the Prime Minister of Israel, but my guess from our discussions was that I think he would have been inclined to just commute the death sentence.

STEWART: But certainly none of this was ever communicated to…

FELDMAN: No, no, no. He, in fact, in our discussions, why, it was absolutely clear that these were just personal discussions. We never sent a cable to Barbour [Walworth Barbour] or anybody in Israel. He didn't even ask me on any of the trips I took to Israel to convey this feeling. He always considered it was none of our business. These were just hypothetical discussions. I mean they were brief, you know, it wasn't extended ones. These were over a period of


time. Occasionally I'd raise the subject, rather than he, because I was interested in the question myself and I wondered how he would react. So, we didn't have any official connection with Eichmann. ....

Israeli Letters Favored Sparing of Eichmann
MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1962, P. 8
study of lrs to Ben-Zvi shows majority from Israelis favored sparing Eichmann's life...

Israeli Public Coldly Silent on Eichmann Hanging
SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1962, P. 3
Israeli and world press reactions to execution; Argentine Foreign Min deplores it; illus of sailor who scattered Eichmann's ashes
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
Terrific research, Mr. Scully. This quote seems to be like you're having found the needle in the haystack. I don't have a subscription to the New York Times, so I couldn't read the article mentioned where Adenauer discussed the Nazi Trials.

But I personally don't think that it is expected that JFK would just keep his mouth closed on the Eichmann issue. If JFK were in favor of life imprisonment of Eichmann and not execution, then why wouldn't some reporter, especially an Israeli or Jewish reporter quiz him on this?

It still looks like JFK was "gun-shy" about this whole situation. Keep in mind that Wernher Von Braun was prosecuted in absentia for war crimes by the East German Government in about 1967 and had to face legal questioning in the US regarding his WWII activities as part of this trial.

It's not that the deportation, kidnapping or other actions against ex-Nazis was irrelevant to JFK's role as POTUS. And as most people who read my posts are aware, I feel that in my book The Three Barons, I have proven that it was WWII left-over Nazis who murdered JFK (with help from certain American and world leaders). So JFK's hesitancy (which you have brilliantly documented) fits into that picture IMHO.

James Lateer
Let's take another hypothetical about JFK and Eichmann:

Could it be that the kidnapping of Eichmann was perpetrated for the purpose of putting JFK "in a box"? In other words, would the kidnapping of Eichmann have been calculated to inflame the international network of Nazi's with the guess that they would retaliate against the US and JFK (if JFK gave TACIT APPROVAL?).

It looks like from the above quote, that JFK wasn't a fan of the Eichmann trial and that his thinking on the issue HAD TO BE DRAGGED OUT OF HIM. Also, the above quote is essentially proving that JFK kept his opinion about Eichmann extremely private and totally quiet. Why?

Since the JFK moon program would employ (not only) Von Braun but also Arthur Rudolph (who supervised the Saturn Five missile development), it's a stretch to say that the USA didn't have any interest or concern over the Eichmann situation. Arthur Rudolph was eventually deported from the US for his war crimes, despite his huge contribution to the moon landing (should I say ALLEGED moon landing?)

Just joking.

The Israeli's also tried to kidnap ex-Nazi Leon Degrelle in Spain, so where would they strike next? The US government would have had to be either consulted or have their opinions taken into consideration prior to the kidnapping IMHO.

Funny how most of us take certain things for granted, when on second thought, these same things look a little bizarre.

James Lateer

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