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New Book....My Remarkable Journey
My Remarkable Larry KIng

Ordinarily, I wouldn't post about reading a
Celebrity Autobiography type book, that I read just for fun. However, Larry KIng, (real name Larry Zigler) actually tells about what many of us have previously heard about, as it relates to his arrest for his theft of funds, intended for Jim Garrison and his JFK Assn investigation.

This time, the story is confirmed by Larry, himself. I attempted to type this all out (since i don't have a scanner). But, after I had typed two pages, I decided there was too much more to try and type out, even by skipping some of it, the post here,would be much too long. ....and also because of possible copyright infringements So, I am just going relate a much shorter version of his story, in my own words. I do wonder what he believes about the JFK Assn today, that is, about a conspiracy. I may meed to make two posts out of this!


My Remarkable Larry King....2009
From Chapter 9..."Trouble" Pages 98-112

Larry, acknowledges that sometimes his arrest photo is shown in Tabloids, along with other Famous Persons arrest photos.....and today, he is not at all proud of what he did, back in the mid 60's. He says that at the police station he was treated very well and was photographed and finger printed and let go in about ten minutes, under his own recognizance...and even led out a back door, to avoid the press. In addition, although he was making money at the time, with his radio and TV programs in Miami, he was still always broke and was caught up in playing musical chairs with his finances, for years. He just spent too much money plus was always willing to help someone out and even if it meant it would then also be broke. Mostly he had to borrow funds from friends, all the time.

This trouble all started when he met a man by the name of Lou Wolfsen,. at the Hialeah Race Track. Lou, was a Miami. prominent financier, called "The Great Raider" for his corporate takeovers. He also owned the Triple Crown-winning racehorse, Affirmed. He had built an empire said to be worth more then a quarter of a billion dollars....and he was a fan of Larry KIng. After meeting that day, they made a dinner date for the following week. This led to many get-togethers...even though Lou was a generation older then Larry. At that time, Lou was also under suspicion of stock market manipulations.. ...although Larry wasn't much aware of that....this was in 1966.

Larry could never seem to have enough money and Lou would loan him money, quite often. Plus Lou would give Larry checks occasionally for someone Larry felt was in need or to donate to some charitable cause.

When Lou heard an interview that Larry did with Jim Garrison, he became very interested. The JFK Assn was on everyone's mind, as an unsolved mystery, and they were also wanting to know what actuality happened. Larry says that Jim Garrison had amassed much more info then the public was aware of. But he says the whole investigation is rather complex to try and explain, but he recommends watching Oliver Stone's "JFK" movie and that it is an accurate depiction of Garrison's beliefs.

Because of their interest, Lou asked Larry to set up a dinner meeting with Garrison, which also included Dick Gerstein, the LA. State Attorney. They all discussed the case non-stop. They were all highly impressed, but then Gerstein said that he would need to see some proof. So they all went to Garrison's hotel room. Garrison played them some tapes of some interviews. Larry says that he wishes he could re-create the eerie mood in that room and the more they heard, the more they wanted to know.
Garrison's problem was that the State of LA wouldn't fiance his continuing investigation, since the crime had occurred in Texas. Garrison told them that "There are a lot of people who think I am too caught up in it and they don't want me to go any further. I have gone as far a I can go and would need more money to continue." Lou ask Garrison how much he would need to continue and Garrison told him about $25,000.

Larry said that if Lou had just wrote him out a check for that $25,000, there would not have been any further problems and his own mugshot would never have ended up up the tabloids. Although there was nothing illegal in this offer, Lou felt somewhat paranoid when Garrison informed them that people who knew of the conspiracy to kill JFK, were showing up dead. So, they decided there were many reasons to avoid any sort of a paper trail, it was decided that Lou would give Larry $5,000 in cash, in installments,, which he would then give to Gerstein, who would turn it over to Garrison.
At the time they were so caught up in the passion behind Garrison's investigation, tat they didn't think twice about this arrangement and they also felt they were on the inside of something big. Larry said that every word Garrison had to say made his conspiracy theory more ominous. One day when Larry drove Garrison to the airport, Garrison leaned back in the car and said' "Within a year, they're going to kill Robert Kennedy.' then he walked away.

Lou gave Larry, each brown envelope containing,$5,000 cash, in one hundred dollar bills, which he turned over to Gerstein. But it was then, about the fourth or fifth installment, Larry was in bad need of money to pay his taxes. He asked Lou if he could use the money to pay his taxes and he would repay and give it to Gerstein very soon, since he would have some other money coming in. Lou told him that it would be okay. But then, not long afterwards Lou was convicted of sellng unregistered stock.

Part 2 below
(From here on, Larry King's story gets rather complex!)

After Lou was charged,, he realized he was going to need more then his lawyers to keep him out of jail. He had been sending checks of $25,000 to Abe Fortes to defray his expenses to speak at Jewish Organizations. So, he was in hopes that Fortes would be able to help him with his legal problems. He put in a call to Fortes, who did return Lou's call right away, But the phone conversation didn't last long and Larry could see by Lou's expression it hadn't gone as he had expected...and he said quiet coldly.."That's Friendship."

So then, with facing sentencing, he was down to only one option left and that was..... Larry! It was 1968 and Richard Nixon, had just become President. Larry had interviewed him many times and also knew his friend Bebe Rebozo. Rebozo threw Nixon a celebratory breakfast at Nixon's vacation home in Key Biscayne and invited a couple dozen people, including Larry. Nixon, had a few private moments with each guest and when he got to Larry, he told him that he knew they didn't always agree on issues, but that he had treated him fairly on his show Then, he ask if there was anything he could do for him!

That was the opening Larry needed on Lou's behalf. So, Larry told him about his friend Lou Wolfsen and how he felt he had been convicted of a crime that he didn't commit and that Lou had documents to prove it. Nixon told him that he had heard of Lou Wolfsen and his legal problems.. Then he called over a bald, pudgy man and introduced him as his campaign manager....John Mttchell. Nixon, told Larry to send along any documents to John and he would get back to him. Of course,
Part 3 My Remarkable JPOurney

Lou was thrilled with this information. He gave Larry his documents which Larry sent to John MItchell and they waited for over a month before Mitchell got back to Larry. But, Mitchell told him he would have nothing to do with Wolfsen. He dreaded letting Lou know what Mitchell had said. Lou was not use to taking No for an answer and Larry wasn't the sort of guy that could tell someone, No. So, instead, he lied to Lou and told him that Mitchell was interested in his legal dilemma. Lou was so delighted that he gave Larry thousands of dollars, to forward to Mitchell's Law Firm, to look over the case.

But this played right into Larry's greatest weakness. Larry used that money, in a financial game of musical chairs. That game continued and at the same time he was hoping to find a way out of this mess, of is own making, but he just wasn't able to remedy the problem.

The court was about to sentence Lou and Nixon's Inauguration was approaching. NIxon, was in New York staying at the Pierre Hotel and Larry also flew to NY and called the hotel and asked to speak to the president-elect. He had a long wait, before Nixon took the call and yet Larry was feeling somewhat relieved that Nixon wasn't seeming to come on the phone, because of what he was going to need to do.

Finally, Nixon came on and ask what he could do for him. Larry told him he needed to speak to him urgently. So Nixon told him that he would be flying back to Washington later that evening, but he was right then, fixing to go on a short walk with his wife. He invited Larry to join them. Larry got to the Pierre Hotel ....and they went on the walk and talked., at first, just with small talk.
small talk.

Larry says the following information has never come out until now, in his book!

But Lou had instructed him to tell Nixon that he would set up an organization called "Democrats for Nixon" and would fund it with four million dollars, over the next four years. Lou was sure that Nixon would accept it. So, while on the walk, Nixon ask Larry again, what he could do for him!

But, Larry couldn't get the words out of his mouth. He was sure it would come out that he was in a conspiracy to bribe the president and he sure didn't want to think of the consequences!! So, all he could think of to say, was that he would like for him to be on his show, after the inauguration. Nixon ask him what was so urgent about that and why hadn't he just ask him that over the phone. But Larry told him that he just wanted to ask him in person. The rest of the walk was rather awkward, but then not nearly as awkward as he was going to be to have to report back to Lou.

This time there was no escape for Larry, He didn't figure that any of his friends would want to help him out and even his mother, wouldn't want to help him.

However, he did finally go to Lou and looked him right in the eyes and told him the truth about everything. that had happened. Lou didn't scream and didn't show any outward anger. but still Larry could feel the rage burning inside him and then he did say.... "Get out of my house." Those were the last words Lou Wolfsen ever said to him.

Lou was sentencesd to a minium security prison. One of his associates had set up a repayment plan with Larry.....but Larry still found it to be hopeless, to stick to the plan. He just wanted the whole thing to gio away. And his game of musical chairs still continued, as he constantly borrowed emot from friends.

Then it came out about Lou's fund sent to Fortes and it didn't look good for him to be receiving funds from a felon. Fortes was forced to resign.
After Lou got out of prison, Larry's life became a theater of the absurd. He managed to scrape up $5,00o to repay Lou,fro the Garrison funds. But, Lou didn't want it back..he had another plan in mind. He filed a complaint against Larry through his friend, Dick Gerstein....the same guy that took money from him to pass on to Garrison. Then as it turned out, there had been several missed connections between Gerstein and Garrison and Gerstein had also kept one of the $5,000 cash packets. He hel held on to it for a year before ever sending it back to Lou. As a friend of Larry's, Gerstein sure didn't want to file charges against Larry, plus he didn't want his own involvement to come out. He had to excuse himelf from the case, and there were calls for him to resign.
My REmarkable Jpourney

After Lou got out of prison, Larry's life became a theater of the absurd. He managed to scrape up $5,00o to repay Lou,fro the Garrison funds. But, Lou didn't want it back..he had another plan in mind. He filed a complaint against Larry through his friend, Dick Gerstein....the same guy that took money from him to pass on to Garrison. Then as it turned out, there had been several missed connections between Gerstein and Garrison and Gerstein had also kept one of the $5,000 cash packets. He hel held on to it for a year before ever sending it back to Lou. As a friend of Larry's, Gerstein sure didn't want to file charges against Larry, plus he didn't want his own involvement to come out. He had to excuse himelf from the case, and there were calls for him to resign.

On Dec. 21, 1971, Larry was charged with grand larceny After leaving the police station, he went to the TV studio, intending to have his arrest as the lead in topic for his show that night. But the Station Manager met him and fired him. He was also fired from his Radio show as well as the newspaper. He tried to reason wish them by saying he had not bene tried yet and was considered innocent until proven guilty...but they didn't see it that way. As it turned out though...the statue of limitations had run out and the judge dismissed the case.
But he was not vindicated! He went through months of hell. He was then, 37 years old and no job and over $200,000. in debt. He became a recluse and went no place, except to take his young daughter to the park on her visiting days.....and he was ashamed to even face his mother. Then, one day a friend dropped by his place and told him to start living like a human being again. He talked him into gluing to the race track, although he barely had enough to even go.. He only had four dollars left.But somehow he made a very lucky bet. (which I won't get into)

[quote=Dixie Dea]My REmarkable Jpourney

After Lou got out of prison, Larry's life became a theater of the absurd. He managed to scrape up $5,00o to repay Lou,fro the Garrison funds. But, Lou didn't want it back..he had another plan in mind. He filed a complaint against Larry through his friend, Dick Gerstein....the same guy that took money from him to pass on to Garrison. Then as it turned out, there had been several missed connections between Gerstein and Garrison and Gerstein had also kept one of the $5,000 cash packets. He hel held on to it for a year before ever sending it back to Lou. As a friend of Larry's, Gerstein sure didn't want to file charges against Larry, plus he didn't want his own involvement to come out. He had to excuse himelf from the case, and there were calls for him to resign.

On Dec. 21, 1971, Larry was charged with grand larceny After leaving the police station, he went to the TV studio, intending to have his arrest as the lead in topic for his show that night. But the Station Manager met him and fired him. He was also fired from his Radio show as well as the newspaper. He tried to reason wish them by saying he had not bene tried yet and was considered innocent until proven guilty...but they didn't see it that way. As it turned out though...the statue of limitations had run out and the judge dismissed the case.
But he was not vindicated! He went through months of hell. He was then, 37 years old and no job and over $200,000. in debt. He became a recluse and went no place, except to take his young daughter to the park on her visiting days.....and he was ashamed to even face his mother. Then, one day a friend dropped by his place and told him to start living like a human being again. He talked him into gluing to the race track, although he barely had enough to even go.. He only had four dollars left.But somehow he made a very lucky bet.
(which I won't get into here)
[quote=Dixie Dea][quote=Dixie Dea]My REmarkable Jpourney

But he ended up winning $6,000. that day. He paid his child support for the next year, his rent for a year and stocked his refrigerator and bought 20 cartons of cigarettes.. He was so excited that he even tipped the racetrack valet fifty dollars.
Eventually, a friend in Louisiana needed a race tract publicist and gave him the job..where he stayed for a little ever a year. During that time the Watergate scandal broke, and that same bald, pudgy guy, John Mitchell was right in the middle of it. Then the race track was sold and he lost his job,. So he decided to head for California, to try his luck. But first, he went back to Florida to visit his daughter and his mother. While there, he had a phone call from Joe Abernathy, who was the new general manager of Station WIOD. Joe told him that he knew about his past work and had also read about what had happened with him. He couldn't understand why WIOD had let him go. So he ask Larry if he would consider coming back. ..and of course he wanted to.

Larry says that looking back, He can be grateful for everything that happened. and....."Some times you have to go down before you can go up."


(1) Abe Fortas, had represented Lymdon Johnson in 1948, during his slim margin of victory in the Texas Democratic primary. Jonson got his Senate seat because of Fortas and Fortas became one of his most trusted advisors. Years later, when Johnson became President. Johnson 3wanted Fortas to become Justice of the Supreme Court. There wa s only one problem. There was one problem...Fortas was Jewish. Back then, it was an unwritten rule, that you couldn't have two Jews on the Supreme Court. So Johnson asked Arthur Goldberg to leave the court. He gave Goldberg an appointment as representative to the UN-just to get Fortas to the Supreme Court. Goldberg didn't have to leave, but Johnson told him that he really needed him at the UN....which Larry says was bullshit. A hundred other guys couldn't have been name UN ambassador. Goldberg gave up hi s position just so Johnson could put Fortas on the Supreme Court.
Interesting stuff about Larry King, Dixie. It makes one wonder what other talking heads think privately about the assassination, that they cannot ever say on television. Thanks for taking the time to summerize this.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:Interesting stuff about Larry King, Dixie. It makes one wonder what other talking heads think privately about the assassination, that they cannot ever say on television. Thanks for taking the time to summerize this.


Hi Dawn

Rhanks for acknowledgung my above article. I wasn't sure if anyone had read it...:-) I do wonder what Larry King thinks privately about conspiracy today!
Could be that he caved in to Media pressure, like the rest of them.

The only one that I have seen come out with a Conspiracy type program, has been Greta Van Susterin, on the Fox Channel, (she use to be with CNN) some time ago. Ahe said there are many unansweed questions!

I don't know how many years a woman on CNN, named SSalinas O'Brien, (I am thnking is her name) has been doing this program about the killing of Martin Luther KIng, but I have watched it for two years in a row.and it just doesn't set with me very well. She goes with the CNN verdict, that James Earl Ray killed MLK. She even had guests that does not believe that, including Pepper and even Dexter King But, IMO she just more or less brushed them all off, as though they were only wishful thinking.....but at least she did have them on the porogram.....:-)


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