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Roger Odisio Plants Credibility Time Bomb At Heart Of CT Research
Roger Odisio wrote:

" Darnell and Wiegman still plays a role in the relief request. In November, when I asked the NARA general counsel to obtain and make available "NBC video footage that allegedly portrays Mr. Lee Oswald watching JFK's motorcade from the front steps of the Texas School Depository--video footage that would provide Oswald with a alibi"--they blew me off (Motion, p.14). No answer yet, even tho another NARA official had said NARA wanted to add JFK records not yet in their Collection (that is their policy) and suggested I send my request to their general counsel for action. "

Despite the evidence that conclusively proves Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton Roger Odisio is still spear-heading the effort to make Prayer Man the main focus of the Documents Request by Morley and Schnapf...

It is evident to me that Odisio has friends amongst those who are seeking the documents and is being privately told that the NBC Prayer Man films will be included in the request...If you read what Odisio posted above it is clear that he is trying his best to piggyback Greg Parker's bogus Prayer Man theory on to the most important contemporary action in Conspiracy research...Again, this is highly dangerous to credible Conspiracy research because once Odisio succeeds in associating the credulous, Cinque-like Prayer Man theory with the main efforts of CT research its debunking will be used by the authorities to permanently deny serious response to the Conspiracy cause...How does the CT community react to one of the most dangerous threats it ever faced to its credibility?...It doesn't, and Odisio's idiotic request, that stands as a serious potential threat to the cause of JFK Conspiracy research, is met with total silence and no protest from the current schmooze fest they call the JFK internet...

There's a reason why Odisio got no response from NARA on his request for the NBC films and it isn't because they are ignoring credible evidence that proves Oswald was Prayer Man...Odisio got no response because the claim itself is ludicrous on its face and it isn't being taken seriously by NARA or any other credible authority...Unfortunately, Roger Odisio represents yet another wishful hack who tries to hide his lack of skill behind a mask of pseudo-intellectual posing...He's just an ROKC/Prayer Man shill pretending to be a serious representative of Conspiracy research, only this time the consequences of his misadventure are serious and stand to threaten the future of CT advocacy...

The main researchers and moderators are responsible for this as they sit by and do nothing to prevent what may be the final blow to CT research...Odisio is protected and given sanctuary for this on Greg Parker's ROKC website as well as the Gordon/Larsen Education Forum...

Greg Parker is over on the Alt-Conspiracy.JFK website re-stating his Prayer Man evidence right in the face of my confirmed proof that Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton...

Parker does this because the Prayer Man people have managed to hijack the Kennedy internet at all the right points that they can get away with ignoring my evidence...

This website was formed because the moderation at the Education Forum was unfairly moderating people with good evidence without accountability...The Deep Politics Forum was formed so researchers who had been unfairly moderated by the unaccountable British moderators at the London Forum could have a chance to post their legitimate material...

Greg Parker is taking full advantage of that unfair moderation and those who take advantage of it by ignoring my proof that Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton...If you go to Greg's latest 'The Actual Chain Of Events' thread Greg has doubled down and offered a full presentation of his seriously defective Prayer Man evidence...

This right here is no less than a fight for the soul of credible JFK research...Part of the reason Greg gets away with it is because the main JFK Conspiracy researchers say nothing and don't contest his easily-refuted claims...Jim DiEugenio's regular support for the evidence troll Greg Parker is not without serious consequences...It has led directly to Greg being allowed to assume center position in JFK research and scuttle it with evidence-trolling...The sole reason Greg gets away with it is because I have been censored and banned from the places where I could easily refute Greg's BS if I were allowed the access my research has earned...

The research community has a serious threat of its own creation challenging it...The sole reason Greg Parker threatens credible JFK research is directly due to the Conspiracy research community failing to apply academic scrutiny to Parker's idiotic claims...Greg, and his serious threat to credible research, exist only for one reason...Because the CT community has failed to credibly challenge him and his evidence mangling...

In 2018 I discovered what amounts to a cracking of the Conspiracy when I discovered Sarah Stanton hearing Oswald say he intended to go back in to the "Break Room"...This historic discovery corroborated Carolyn Arnold and showed that Oswald had carried out what he told Stanton and had gone back in to the 2nd Floor Lunch Room...Because this discovery refuted the Prayer Man theory it was completely ignored by persons who identify themselves as Conspiracy researchers...I have never seen Jim DiEugenio ever reference it...There's a serious elephant in the room here because Greg Parker's rebuilding of his already-tumbled stack of Prayer Man cards, is directly due to the obscene delinquency and bizarre lack of research responsibility being conducted by the so-called Conspiracy community...

Apparently there is no point of ridiculousness that can be reached with this group in relation to the evidence and nothing their crony moderators can't solve with unfair moderation...They have created Greg Parker and refuse to take responsibility for the damage he causes...
Roger Odisio is complaining on the Education Forum about the moderators removing RFK Jr posts...

The Prayer Man people are hypocrites because Odisio has no problem what so ever with an entire case of evidence being censored from the JFK internet in the form of my Prayer Man research...An entire correct case of important evidence with associated serious discoveries along with its source...No problem doing Soviet-style censorship when it comes to my evidence...
Larry Hancock wrote:

" On our concern here, my current belief is that progress on the JFK assassination lies in new collections including forcing out films and photos and other material held privately, not just in document release and that that could only be accomplished by NARA accepting its role and restarting the aggressive collections as the ARRB did... "

I assure you that Larry's call to release "films and photos" is a shout-out to ROKC's Roger Odisio and his attempt to sabotage the Documents Release by combining it with a request to obtain the Prayer Man films...

This is evidence that the JFK internet is a shambolic incestuous clique that operates outside of academic research and evidence and simply goes by whatever wind direction the favorite posters on the Education Forum prefer...

It is outrageous that any research community daring to describe itself at the level the present JFK research community does would ignore such important research as my own in order to support the credulous input of the notorious ROKC website and its demented overseers...Mr Hancock is giving good reference to some of the most ridiculous persons in the entire JFK research world and in turn is OK-ing the ignoring of my research and proof...It is outrageous that the research community would be run this way and that some of its most prominent members would lower themselves to that level... 
Larry Hancock is constitutionally incapable of processing the definitiveness of the height argument that proves PrayerMan is not Lee Harvey Oswald. He has straddled the fence for years on this issue, refusing to take a stand because the consensus of popular opinion wants PrayerMan to be Oswald, irregardless of height and other film forensics. In this respect Hancock functions as an empty-suited yes man, a hack Bolshevik whose main interest is serving the Party, and not the gospel truth.

And he has spoken for 20 years annually at Lancer and carries with him the attendant detritus of prestige. Yet the respect accorded him is not entirely warranted. He doesn't exude the collegiate brilliance of researchers like Josiah Thompson or Barry Ernest. He is not in their league.

Hancock also straddles the fence on the lunchroom issue. Again, he is constitutionally incapable of processing the rigorous arguments which have rebutted this silly hypothesis (which feeds symbiotically off the PrayerMan hypothesis). And in this respect he has failed as a researcher. He is more concerned with pleasing the crowd, and has not shown himself capable of discerning when a debate has been settled ad infinitum. Because of his intellectual ineptitude, and lack of courage, the research community continues to be damaged by a decade-long onslaught of barroom scholarship.

He lives in Oklahoma and has certainly had the opportunity to visit the Sixth Floor Museum and give the research community a detailed description of what additional information can be gleaned from the digitized Darnell film. A typical film scan is at 3200 dpi these days. One would expect that if there was any small feature of that digitized Darnell that even whispered a hint of Oswald, it would be shouted from the rooftops. But what we get instead is crickets. And that keeps the knuckleheaded crowd happy, since they can continue wallowing in their sophistry.
There is unacademic corner-cutting going on in how the JFK internet is run...The Kennedy internet has been reduced to certain controllers and how they feel rather than the evidence and rigor-based approach they claim to practice...The Kennedy internet has been reduced to the feelings of the gate-keepers and not objective research...

The refutation of the Prayer Man theory is important because it stops the time-wasting that is currently being guarded by the Education Forum and its nebulous oversight and puts Oswald where he was during the assassination in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room...Also important, is it finally puts Greg Parker, Bart Kamp, and Sean Murphy in their proper perspective and shows them as the bogus evidence promoters that they are...

Apparently the Education Forum prefers the stance of promoting and protecting time-wasting false evidence claims in order to perpetuate chat while punishing serious researchers for disproving those claims...Unqualified moderators are giving the right of way to researchers who are ignoring correct solutions and entering already-disproven evidence...This is a corruption of credible research caused by the running of research websites for purposes of Social Media...
Odisio Wrote:

" Next up is pursuit of Darnell and Wiegman, now being hidden by NBC Universal. That's part of the MFF lawsuit.  Unfortunately Bill and Larry are in front of a lazy and ignorant judge

Adding an image of Oswald on the steps would destroy the Warren Report. "

What Odisio is doing is completely ignoring my research that shows Sarah Stanton's face on Prayer Man in Davidson in order to basically wish that the film imagery that already showed Stanton is Prayer Man is going to somehow show Oswald if Odisio wishes hard enough...

The reason Odisio is getting away with that is because one bullying incompetent son of a bitch named James Gordon happens to have total dominating dictatorial control of the Education Forum...The membership is also similarly corrupted and doesn't mind if a skilled researcher who is capable of standing up alone against the entire research community and beating them is unfairly banned and destroyed as a researcher by a cowardly British prick who isn't fit to wipe his ass while the entire research community looks on and stays quiet in front of the correct solution...

The real "ignorant" offenders are Gordon and Odisio, as well as the Prayer Man hijackers who now seem to have taken over the entire JFK internet...

Odisio is so dumb and so corrupted by his friendship with the ROKC website (that he is a strong member of) that he ignores that if he ever gets hold of the original Wiegman film that it will show the exact identical image that Davidson produced therefore proving that Stanton's face is a real and existing feature on the original Wiegman film and that it proved Prayer Man was Stanton 7 years ago when I got banned for pointing it out...

These people are so dishonest that if Odisio ever does get the Wiegman film and admits that it doesn't show Oswald he and the others will pretend that I never wrote any of this and the whole process happened outside of myself...And don't forget that that dishonest piece of shit James Gordon banned me on the premise that I was the one who was ignoring correct evidence procedure when told...That MY behavior was intolerable...The whole time he allows Roger Odisio to ignore everything I am posting here...
Odisio wrote:

" According to Hosty's notes of Oswald's first interrogation after being arrested, Oswald said that after eating lunch he went outside to see the "p. parade". We don't know exactly when that was or what he saw. If you have ever been to DP you know that if Oswald was the shadowy figure on the steps in Darnell and Weigman he couldn't have seen the fatal head shots.

As you know the questioning was not recorded and everyone there was supposed to destroy their notes.  Hosty didn't.  He wrote a book in the mid 90s to take advantage of the renewed interest in the case.  He didn't mention Oswald saying that. But he turned over his notes to NARA where Bart Kamp discovered the one in question. "


Odisio, Doudna, Tom Gram and many others are just ROKC stooges who are allowed to ignore evidence and post pro-Prayer Man rhetoric by Larsen and Gordon...

The reality here dictates that since the photographic evidence already proved Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton that Odisio's quoting of Bart Kamp's false interpretation of the written evidence is already placed in its correct light...Davidson's Enhancement of Wiegman and the woman's dress neckline seen in Darnell prove beyond a doubt that Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton...The recently discovered Owens Film image of Stanton's dress sleeve ending at the elbow just like Prayer Man's is also proof as is her height and girth...

Odisio is allowed to ignore this and enter the strawman end-around of suggesting a better image of Wiegman and Darnell will somehow magically make Oswald's face appear over all this other evidence...Which is really just an act of insanity designed to railroad the credible evidence off of assassination evidence discussion boards in order to establish the domination of the Prayer Man hijackers and their already-disproven evidence...The Prayer Man cult could not admit Davidson had debunked their bogus Greg Parker-originating theory so they organized around the cheap excuse of needing better images in order to dishonestly ignore the evidence...

Hosty wrote "Out to watch presidential parade" because Oswald had told Fritz, Bookhout, and Hosty in no uncertain terms that he was in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room eating a cheese sandwich and apple during the assassination...Fritz freely admitted this to the Warren Commission and Hosty himself came clean to Nigel Turner telling him the same thing...Since Hosty's notes start at the Lunch Room Encounter, just like Bookhout and Fritz's, the going outside part is at least 4 minutes after the shots...Harry Holmes confirmed that this was after Oswald "Went downstairs to see what the commotion was all about"...Oswald went downstairs from the 2nd Floor Lunch Room where he was during the assassination and also when Truly & Baker saw him there shortly after...

There is no credible Peer Review on the JFK internet so the moderators and members of JFK discussion sites are ignoring this and pretending it doesn't exist so they can maintain their bias towards this long-debunked theory...Mark Knight is lying and the real reason I am being censored from the Education Forum is because the crooks Gordon and Larsen don't want me disproving the site's favorite pet theory on the board...

Credible Peer Review would force Odisio to answer this...Credible Peer review would recognize the more than proven photographic evidence... 
Odisio wrote:

        " Biden's jurisdiction over JFK record release is limited; It covers only executive branch records.  He has no say over other government records such as those held by Congress. Nor over records held by nongovernmental entities. Example: the Darnell and Weigman films currently being hidden by NBC. "

    Odisio is suggesting that the Wiegman and Darnell Films possess evidence that Prayer Man is Oswald even though that issue has been thoroughly resolved by myself when I proved beyond a doubt that Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton...

The JFK internet has been hijacked by the analysis incompetents otherwise known as the Prayer Man group...I see Jim DiEugenio remains silent and doesn't inform Odisio that he admitted I had proven Prayer Man was Stanton (shortly before he put me on block when I asked Jim to go say that on the Education Forum)...

Sandy Larsen pretends he is adverse to lies but he too remains silent when Odisio ignores evidence and posts already-disproven evidence claims on the Education Forum - which makes Larsen a bit of a hypocrite...

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