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My Education Forum Re-admission Request To James Gordon
James Gordon wrote:

Mr Doyle,

I agree with all Mark has said.

I will await your response to Mark, but I fully support Mark’s reference to “shitposting.”

Clealry in time the members of the admin team will make a decision on your re-admitance. Not to jump ahead to what that decision might come to be - and a non re-admitance is possible - if the team decide to give you another chance and you return ( even once to your previous antics ) I will immediately remove your membership for ever.

I recollect in the past giving you chance after chance. That will not happen this time. The admin team is tired of playing these games.

Do not assume this email suggests you will be re-admited. It does not. That said you now know the conditions that will affect your re-admitance should the admin team allow you back.

I suggest you take Mark’s email to you with the upmost seriousness.


Mr Gordon is lying above when he says he gave me chance after chance...It simply isn't true and the thread record will back me...Gordon is used to getting away with unchallenged murder on the Education Forum, so that is what he's doing here because he knows he will never be called on it by his automatically-approving back-up man Knight (who I have never seen disagree with Gordon or any of his terribly unjust rulings)...

So while Knight gets away with admitting that he didn't know what my original banning was about but he was going to enforce it anyway, and gets away with calling me a "Shit-Poster" (a hypocritical violation of Education Forum rules), Gordon is clearly abusing his authority and acting on personal grounds...

Gordon wrote "If you return to your previous antics you will be permanently banned"...And in doing that he succeeds in condemning me without ever showing any evidence of those "antics"...In Gordon's moderation world his simply accusing someone of violations is equal to condemning proof and unquestioning guilt...Gordon speaks from a position of unquestionable-ness...He says it - you are guilty...

But of we go back to the actual thread record the reality speaks quite differently...In 2016 I tried to present the Davidson enhancement as final proof that Prayer Man wasn't Oswald...I also tried to show my height argument that proved Prayer Man was far too short in height to be Oswald...I was immediately set upon by almost the entire board - with Gordon joining them...Gordon was taking Private Messages from the Prayer Man people, who tried to get around directly discussing my evidence by making specious methodology complaints...Gordon was relaying those complaints without checking their legitimacy first and using them to take moderator actions against me...It was this intentional railroading of the thread by this dubious means that detoured discussion away from my evidence and switched the topic to Gordon's false methodology complaints against me...Even worse, the Prayer Man people were the ones who were guilty of what they were accusing me of...It was when I pointed that out to Gordon that I got banned (He obviously realized I was correct)...

Since 2016 I have massively improved my evidence for Prayer Man being Stanton...However, since the JFK internet has been hijacked by the Prayer Man people, the false slander you see Gordon make above has been effectively used to censor it...Gordon is still being permitted to describe the best most intelligent presentation of evidence on the Prayer Man issue as the "antics" of a "Shit-Poster" that had been justly moderated...Knight gives zero accounting for this true version and Gordon is allowed to continue his horrifically unfair abuse...If you disprove a 95% majority with brilliant research they will not stand up for you when a rogue moderator unfairly bans you...Gordon and the membership have bypassed the rigor they call for and work with each other in an unholy relationship...That's how they avoided my evidence...

Gordon is a liar and the existing thread record does not support his lies above and attempt to disparage and defame me in order to justify his censoring of the correct Prayer Man evidence...Gordon moderated backwards and assisted the Prayer Man people to avoid Peer Review of Davidson and Peer Review of my height argument...This has stood uncorrected since I was banned in 2016 and now I see Gordon has added wrongful defamation and false claims of deserved moderation to his offenses...

All Gordon is doing above is using false moderator complaints to avoid my actually being allowed to fairly argue my proof...Gordon knows that if I were allowed to do what my research has earned that it would, in turn, prove I was correct and, in turn, prove that he wrongfully moderated...He's not going to let that happen as long as he has the power to railroad someone rather than let them make their case...No credible moderator or membership would look at my evidence and not admit I had proven Prayer Man was Sarah Stanton...These people shame themselves by using the intentional destruction of an innocent researcher in order to save face and preserve their bogus theory...
I assume the person who gave me one star is defending the notorious Education Forum moderator James Gordon and his censorship of my correct Prayer Man evidence?...

As I understood the previous DPF rules (that now seem to have been edited), backing of Education Forum censorship of the correct proof of a DPF member was against the DPF rules...

(As was responding to a correct protest with silence)...

DPF is now in alliance with the Education Forum and Gordon?...
My being shunned is also getting the support of Parker's trolls on his ROKC troll farm...

My serious evidence being ignored could not happen without the support of the moderators who seem to be skirting the issue of its legitimacy in their new teaming-up with the worst internet trolls and Education Forum tyrants: 

It's beginning to dawn on Brian that the FOO also consider him to be a "shit-poster".
How much longer will they allow his "antics"?
Will he launch legal action against the FOO?...nail biting stuff for all with nothing better to do. Including me..hehehe...
James Gordon is getting away with referring to myself as a person he gave "chance after chance" to come forth and obey his moderation who then didn't correct his "antics" and was justly banned...

Gordon is a god-damned liar and any review of the thread I participated in will show that Gordon was making false methodology complaints against me and then saying I was refusing to listen...This could be verified by looking at the 2016 Prayer Man thread and seeing that I had committed no such violations...Gordon was doing undue influence and riding my back on every post I made...You can see that I was the only Education Forum member who was treated that way and given such intense moderation and that has held true ever since...You have to remember the context here is I presented the correct evidence that the Davidson enhancement and height analysis proved Prayer Man wasn't Oswald...So the correct context is Gordon failed to moderate competently or correctly and falsely accused me of methodology violations (the only person to be moderated to that extent) and then banned me before I could force my evidence...He is now falsely defaming me and abusing his moderator power to falsely portray me as a person who failed to practice rigor when told...This is all happening under the situation where I was the only person actually practicing correct rigor on the site and showing that indeed Prayer Man was Sarah Stanton...Gordon is now abusing his moderator position by lying and saying I was an uncooperative member who refused to heed moderation warnings who was "given chance after chance"...My evidence has since been sharpened and even further proves Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton but Gordon is not interested in the correct evidence or his responsibility for it as a moderator...So it is actually Gordon and the Prayer Man people he is flagrantly protecting through corrupted moderation who are guilty of what I was accused of...The 95% of Education Forum members I disproved are quite happy with Gordon's corruption because they know they are being shielded from having to admit wrongness on Prayer Man...Those people are ghouls because they don't mind in the least if it means the destruction of one of the best researchers they'll ever see on the Kennedy internet...The Kennedy internet is not about research...It's about who you know and who Jim D approves of...The research community is pretending that when the British-based Gordon and Parker ban me that they don't have to recognize the correct evidence...As if you could get away with hiding behind that cheap cowardice and censorship...You have to realize this is all being done by people who then turn around and say they represent a moral protest against the US Government not honestly recognizing the correct evidence in the Kennedy assassination...
I am, no doubt, the person on the JFK internet in best possession of the facts and ability to argue the best JFK Conspiracy evidence...One criminal named James Gordon is making it his personal mission to exclude me from the JFK internet and destroy me as a researcher...My content deserves earned recognition and presence on the JFK internet and its exclusion is directly responsible for the correct solution not being expressed...In response to this the criminal Gordon posts that I was given "Chance after chance to stop my antics and that he would enforce my banning if I continued"...To honest people this is just a coward enforcing his dumbing-down in order to make the content match his lack of wit...A crime and travesty, in other words, being forced by an unintelligent dictator in total control while a cowardly membership says nothing...I am being punished for what the British coward and nitwit Gordon is guilty of the whole time he forces people to accept that he is moderating with the best intentions at the thread of banning...

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