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James Gordon - Here Is Your Opportunity
Gordon wrote:

     " The conduct of the Forum has come to my attention. I have spent a good part of today looking through the forum. There is a lot that concerns me  and I may - at some point - take action.
Though I have received numerous complaints - two recent complaints have truly shocked me. In case you are in any doubt I am talking to you as the owner of this site.
1 Pat Speer was a JFK researcher before David Butler, Mark Knight, Kathy Becket and I took this site over. I believe he is seriously ill at the moment
And he has been banned!!! According to the Moderarors Reminders Rules a member needs to infringe 50 points he or she is banned. Where are Pat’s 50 point infringements listed.
It used to be the norm that a moderator would inform the other moderators of his/her intention to ban a member. Was there discussion between the three remaining moderators before Pat was banned. I raise this because often through moderator discussion the said moderator was persuaded not to ban
I am bitterly disappointed that  Mark Knight - a founding member of the admin team from posting  -  has been banned. What astonished me is that Mark was informed that he was no longer a moderator. As owner of this site I inform all that Mark Knight is still a respected member of the admin team.
On page 1 is a topic Moderator Reminders. In that thread is a Penalty Chart. That chart speaks volumes about how this forum is presently being run. What is not listed is what kind of behaviour has to be conducted in order to be given a said penalty. If the EF is to have such a chart then is imperative that all members understand the infringements. A listing of the punishments is not sufficient.
Foolishly I had assumed all was well with the EF. I want to know what are the views of members about this forum. I would be pleased to know what are the present weaknesses of this forum and where and how the site can be improved.
I invite members to use this thread to both describe the present state of the site as well as suggest how the moderators can improve on it.
James Gordon
Owner  "

It seems pretty obvious that someone (probably Mark Knight) contacted Gordon for a rescue from the recent shake-up on the Education Forum by Sandy Larsen...Like I said many times, Gordon has not left the forum...He keeps himself available in order to make horrendous decisions and back them with the threat of punishment...He's a really stupid bastard with total power (very British)...

Predictably Gordon came in and defended Speer and Knight and threatened some kind of action...Gordon, as usual, skips the entire point of Speer's banning and the reasons why in his pompous post...To make matters worse, Gordon comes in and sides with Speer saying that Jenkins was pointing to the top of his head...Ladies and Gentlemen, you are looking, right here, at the reason why the Education Forum is a useless wheel-spinning forum and has done nothing but uselessly prolong the solving of the conspiracy for the time of its existence...

Who is James Gordon, how did he get in to such a position of power, and why does he have so much power?...There's too many ass-kissers on the Education Forum like the posters who take Speer, Knight, and Gordon seriously...Gordon is just a regular member who was promoted to site owner because nobody else wanted to do it...He's an incompetent and a fool and has no earned qualification...He's the idiot who banned the guy who out-argued the entire community on the Prayer Man evidence (with no such protest against that woefully unjust banning like he gives the disinformationist Speer)...Gordon is avoiding answering the point that Jenkins himself totally endorsed Keven Hofeling...Jenkins should have been a little more precise, but there's no doubt he dismissed Speer's claim...Gordon ignores that and he shouldn't be allowed to...

Because the JFK research community signed on to the Prayer Man theory they disarmed themselves of the best weapon they could counter Gordon with... - Myself! - ...Literally the best thing they could respond with to Gordon would be to point out his banning of myself for posting the correct Prayer Man evidence - or his lying about the reason for my banning...I am 100% certain that power-abusing Gordon would respond with more of his lies and threats - the point at which the community should do what it should have done 8 years ago when Gordon forced his bullying and lies to be the rule on the forum by banning me...People are stupid and they fail to see that all that stupid bastard Gordon has is banning and the threat of banning...He has no intellectual research competency of its own merit, as his backing of Speer shows...He's a cowardly man behind the curtain who raises every issue to a grandiose do or die defense of so-called principles that any fool can see he has failed to establish and is only using as an excuse for his terror...He's a pathetic little man who isn't answering for his enabling of Speer's dishonesty and its effect on the Forum...

Members of the Education Forum:  THIS IS THE CHANCE!...When Gordon responds by demoting Larsen and protecting the violators it is time that the members grew a pair and shed themselves of the stupid tyranny and backwards moderation of James Gordon...It is pure case of poetic justice that those Education Forum members who stood by and did nothing while Gordon railroaded me off the board are now getting a taste of their own medicine...

This is the opportunity...It is time to speak up and tell Gordon NO!...It is time to tell Gordon thanks but no thanks and if he too doesn't recuse himself, and preferably remove himself from the board, that they will seek another venue...It is sad to note that this final validation of the Deep Politics Forum is being met by its leadership having backed off its original opposition to the Education Forum, therefore depriving itself of this victory...It is even sadder that the best weapon the banners of Speer could defend themselves with against Gordon (ME) is something they have disallowed themselves through misconduct...

Make the move pay Sandy or forever take your place in the halls of cowardice...If you are going to take that stand for good research and truth do it all the way...Time for Gordon to go because he is the most guilty...He's an ignorant, bombastic fool who goes around bullying people with his site owner avatar...If the Education Forum doesn't put him in his place then they will never recover their credibility...You know what you have to do...
I hope Larsen is learning a lesson over what he signed-on to over on the Education Forum and what a foolish move he made by endorsing Gordon's draconian site rules...

I hope people are smart enough to see that toxic Lone Nutter troll Jonathan Cohen sees a sympathetic partner in Gordon and his totally wrong-headed, backwards endorsement of Speer and it finally wakes them up to what the JFK research community is really about and how it is run...Truth and honor are a language that stupid bastard Gordon doesn't understand...Gordon wants to make sure a shill moderator who always backs him and his wrongful moderation is always assured a place on the forum...

The clique is so cowardly that I have no doubt they'll knuckle under and hand over their male parts to Gordon on demand and cowar under to him and his cowardly threats instead of doing what the situation demands and finally getting rid of him...

I'm sure we will see the click-counter Jim DiEugenio come in and make a brave stand that puts skin in the game and gets right to the point...
Tolerance was and must continue to an important principle of this forum. "

Typical of Gordon, who doesn't know what he is doing either research or moderator-wise, the 'tolerance' he hails to is not what you would think it was...The tolerance that Gordon is talking about is allowing Speer to lie and distort freely and call it tolerance...

Gordon is a liar because he has zero tolerance for intelligent scrutiny of claims...The Education Forum JFK board calls itself a 'debate' board however as soon as you do that intelligently and challenge the false claims of some of the regular false claim makers you get Gordon and his so-called tolerance coming down on you for ill-defined rules violations that he can't cite that he is obviously making up as he goes along in order to protect the main offenders like Speer...Anyone who has a good handle on JFK research will see that Pat Speer is full of it and deliberately bends evidence in a false direction in order to repeatedly attack the main conspiracy evidence...Gordon is shirking his responsibility to control that and blaming the victims as if they were doing something wrong by holding Speer accountable on what is supposed to be debate board...Gordon is a complete incompetent and his moderation is mostly based on feel-good tone-policing and not good facts-based debate...You can see the regular Education Forum weasels go right for the opening in the current state of the forum thread while Gordon encourages their avoidance of the main issue...Once again Gordon is thundering in with holy intimidation as the site owner and switching the topic...He's helping avoid the main issue and is therefore just as guilty as Speer...He's all form, no substance...He is the problem as he hides behind the banning-guarded mask of seeking a solution...What the pathetic little man Gordon is doing is creating pompous wording to relieve himself of being held to the same standard as the members and that is quite British...

The Education Forum members regularly post high philosophy like Voltaire's aphorism that you should look at those who do not allow themselves to be criticized and you will find those who are in power...However they never apply it to themselves...Gordon and the Forum literally cannot mention me or my research because I am so damning to their hypocrisy...Gordon pleads for tolerance yet he railroaded me off the board on false claims of rules violations when I refuted the Prayer Man theory...Gordon lied and said I had failed to live up to the Forum's strict evidence procedure rules...Rules that he couldn't cite and were only applied to me...He was switching the subject in order to keep the correct evidence from being discussed...Gordon knows he is guilty of this which is why he desperately keeps me from being mentioned on the board...That's what Gordon is getting away with calling "tolerance" while the cowardly membership doesn't ask him how exactly that applied to me and my attempt to present the correct Prayer Man evidence that his "tolerant" website still hasn't acknowledged...

Sandy and Gordon have one commonality...They both need to censor me in order to avoid their own malfeasance and violation of their own rules...

Sandy's doing exactly what I knew that evidence delete-er would do and he is knuckling-under to pompous Gordon who is coming in to re-rig the site back in favor of corruption...This process right here is the whole reason why the Deep Politics Forum was originally set up to counter the corrupted moderation of the Education Forum...

Both Sandy and Gordon are rogue hypocrites because if you input my case through their self-serving so-called philosophy you will find that they violate it worse than anybody...That's why they are desperate to keep anyone from doing that on their "tolerant" forum...Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely... 

This is a pathetic failure of Peer Review and shows that those with the most power on a website should have, at minimum, equal knowledge and ability as those who post...A website is doomed to perpetual failure if the person in charge is regularly committed to the opposite and avoiding that...

" That said, Sandy has raised an issue. What do we do with a moderator who is not appropriate?
We are going to have to set up procedures for that.
James "

    You mean perhaps, Mr phony poseur, like a moderator who steals nearly a year's worth of member's dues?...

Or perhaps like a moderator who bans innocent researchers on false rules violations charges for posting correct evidence?...

Or one who ignores all this and poses himself as a fair-minded site problem solver in order to protect regular favorites who lie about evidence?...
" I am closing this thread.
It is time the membership returns to research and not reflection
James "

    Gordon made the sick troll Alan Ford happy because he removed the moderator that would not let Ford get away with his demented trolling like his claim that Oswald set an American flag on fire and waved it by the front steps and could be seen doing so in Couch/Darnell...This man and this claim are now welcomed by tabloid James (with Hancock's approval)...

The fools who approve of Gordon's moderatorship on the Education Forum entertained and didn't mind Alan Ford's sick trolling...They participated in it and honored Ford as a member...Ford praised Gordon's demotion of Larsen...So did Von Pein...

Gordon is presently doing all he is intellectually capable of...He's banning, deleting, demoting, and locking threads...

Alan Ford is what Gordon offers as the "membership returning to research"...

The main reason Gordon gets away with this destruction of good research is because certain people dropped their opposition to him and failed to take responsibility towards countering his damaging affect on research...The research community devolved in to a clique because of the lack of vigilance of those in control and then migrated over to the DiEugenio-approved Gordon Forum...

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