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Jim Hargrove Chooses Politics Over Good Research
Jim Hargrove, whom I respect and admire, has taken a wrong turn in research by citing Victoria Adams' admission, in her 1966 interview with Mort Sahl and Mark Lane, that she saw Lovelady on the 1st Floor, as being proof of Armstrong's claim that Lovelady & Shelley were in the Depository turning off the power...Let's cut right to the chase, Hargrove is doing this in order to politically side with his co-researcher Armstrong and back his version of events...

Lovelady & Shelley could not be in the Depository if they were seen headed up to the Knoll and Rail Yard in Couch/Darnell like they were...4 years ago when I tried to convince Armstrong he was making a mistake in denying Lovelady & Shelley were seen in the Couch/Darnell film headed up the Elm St extension Armstrong reacted nastily and cut me off...Even though I heartily support Armstrong and think his Westbrook chapter cracks the case and is genius detective work, he has the personal flaw of trying to force his Lovelady & Shelley electrical shut-off theory over the visible evidence...There's no doubt the two men going up the extension are Lovelady & Shelley and therefore not only could they not be inside shutting off the power but they had too much distance to cover to get back in time to meet Adams...

I find myself banned and censored from the Education Forum where this wrong information is being organized and promoted...So I am unable to tell Jim Hargrove that Armstrong is ignoring the fact Lovelady & Shelley had heard about Kennedy having his brains blown out from Gloria Calvery at the base of the steps...This inspired Lovelady & Shelley to want to head up to the Knoll to see for themselves, so Hargrove and Armstrong need to input what was in the heads of Lovelady & Shelley and what motivated them...I am trying to communicate to Hargrove that Buell Frazier made clear that he tried to catch up to Lovelady & Shelley on the extension but that they had lost him...Hargrove needs to input and absorb that the reason Lovelady & Shelley lost Frazier is because they headed up to the Knoll to see what Calvery had told them in person...Once you grasp this you then have to input the distance around the Depository west loading dock and realize there is no way Lovelady & Shelley made it back in the west side in time to see Adams & Styles...

Because Hargrove has taken the wrong fork in the evidence road he has cut himself off from the profound reason why Lovelady & Shelley's stories changed...The commonly accepted reason why Lovelady & Shelley altered their accounts of leaving the steps is thought to be to push back the time Adams & Styles got to the 1st Floor...That is partly true, however there was a more important reason why Lovelady & Shelley pushed their times back...Both men pushed their times back from 3 to 10 minutes because they were trying to void out Shelley's witnessing of a second stop of Oswald in the Lobby by a second un-named cop...The more important reason why Lovelady & Shelley lied about their times was because they were trying to cover-up Shelley bailing fellow CIA operative Harvey out of being detained by the cops at the front door and Shelley then helping Harvey out the rear Loading Dock...Because Armstrong is trying to force his theory of Lovelady & Shelley turning off the power against the actual evidence this critically important evidence is being stymied so Jim Hargrove can make it easier on himself with Armstrong...

Armstrong & Hargrove need to understand that Adams was probably gotten to and was lying about seeing Lovelady in order to make it easier on her husband whom she lived with in the Naval Intelligence stronghold of San Diego...They should register that we know many of the most dangerous witnesses were either murdered or gotten to so it isn't that far a stretch with Adams...

I need to be on the Education Forum so I can force these people to recognize this best evidence...

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