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The Little Matter Of My Banning
The Scoop Neckline evidence on Prayer Man in Darnell is pure vindication of myself and my evidence...

The JFK research community are a bunch of ball-less lowlifes because they don't stand up for an unfairly banned fellow researcher and his correct evidence...Especially when that researcher made them look like the fools they are...The only good man was Richard Gilbride and he got banned and ignored by those bullies too...

The Scoop Neckline evidence forces the issue of why I was banned in the first place, since my evidence has now been proven to be correct by corroborating proof...Since the Scoop Neckline evidence forces the Davidson enhancement to be correct by moot where then is the apology and re-admission such evidence would normally produce in any credible research community?...

The people who populate the Education Forum are cowards because they sit back and say nothing while that exonerated poster is slandered as being a "Shit-Poster whose antics would no longer be tolerated"...They are afraid to hold the imperialistic, dictatorial moderators accountable even when they are clearly proven wrong by the evidence...That holds true for Greg Parker as well who recently admitted on the ROKC forum that Prayer Man was not Oswald...(Kamp dishonestly pretends not to notice)...

So, since the Scoop Neckline evidence has proven it was the moderation and Prayer Man people who were in violation and not recognizing the correct evidence, what was the reason again why I was banned on the Education Forum and ROKC?...What kind of dishonest schmucks are running the show over there?...Mr Knight is ignoring the part where the "Shit-Poster" got totally validated by the evidence...Should a moderator be allowed to ignore the issue of the evidence so badly?...Especially when he is using that dishonest ignoring to enforce the wrongful banning of a person who was proven correct by the evidence?...
Recently Hargrove and Pamela Brown asked Sandy if I could be re-admitted...Sandy said they had a "vote" and I lost...A vote isn't fair because it just gives the moderators who unfairly banned in the first place a chance to validate their own wrongdoing without answering for its details...

In 2016 James Gordon banned me from the Education Forum saying I was "Too indisciplined, too insulting, and failed to follow the required rules of evidence that I had been instructed over"...All that was rubbish of course and when I asked Gordon to please show me the site rules I violated and what material violated them he said he didn't have to...After I was banned for no good reason Gordon went on the Forum and said as long as he ran the site he would do as he pleased and if anyone didn't like it they could post elsewhere...My banning was not protested by the 95% of the site's membership who believed in Prayer Man...

Since then I have more than refuted the Prayer Man theory and shown evidence that Prayer Man was Sarah Stanton...The Prayer Man theory was the result of Greg Parker and his ROKC troll farm lowering the bar for research and making internet research with its wishcasting, cherry-picking, and ignoring of evidence the standard...Gordon doesn't have any skill so he saw himself as being exposed by myself and simply went with the majority...He's the kind of bum who would knowingly ban an innocent person in order to make his Education Forum Social Media site run more smoothly...Gordon has since left the active moderatorship at the Forum because he stole nearly a year's worth of member's dues and recused himself from the position because of it...However, he stays on in the capacity of making sure persons who were unfairly banned by himself for posting correct evidence stay banned and have their reputations destroyed...

Hargrove told me that during my re-admission hearing one of the moderators found a quote from me calling Kathy Beckett a whore on alt.conspiracy.jfk and that fact disqualified me from re-admission permanently...Yes, I called Kathy that but only after she had the gall of coming over to that board and bragging about my banning and taunting me...The appellation was not misplaced under the circumstances...When I asked how Kathy justified banning an innocent person on false charges and how they justified preventing the correct evidence, and therefore continuing the wrong evidence, Kathy refused to answer...Those are childish excuses and are only proving my point that I never said anything like that on the Forum itself...I only said that after I was unfairly banned by Gordon and Kathy decided to pile-on from the safety of her moderator position, and they are obviously using it as an excuse because they know I did nothing wrong...I mean there's no comparison between my discoveries and evidence arguments vs Beckett, Gordon, and Knight and their non-existing contributions...The only thing they contribute is keeping one of the best researchers from posting his important evidence...The Education Forum is obviously not interested in the most important progress of the evidence and is just there to serve a small clutch of regulars at the expense of good research...Kathy Beckett has now left the forum...She has nothing to do with me or my important research...The Education Forum mods are avoiding re-admitting me under the new point system because they know it will prove their complaints were false...They don't want me disproving Prayer Man and are just repeating the same BS as the original banning...They are beating people up and then posing themselves as being upright and fair...Sandy Larsen is flagrantly biased towards Prayer Man yet he says no one has more power than anyone else...Ya...No evidence that proves Prayer Man is Stanton is allowed on the board...

My only recourse now is to seek an internet attorney and sue...

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