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Palamara On "Out Of The Blank"

At the very beginning Vince accuses wayward researchers of damaging good research with bogus photo analysis claims...What Vince is referring to there is the bogus Prayer Man claim that was promoted by research sweetheart Bart Kamp - only Vince doesn't say it directly because of his loyalty to certain personalities in the research community...Because of Vince's fealty to those bogus researchers he credits them as being "well-meaning"...Trust me...The Greg Parker Prayer Man trolls are not well-meaning...They are an organized disinformation group that Vince misses the intentional malice of...

Vince gave my important discovery of Sarah Stanton hearing Oswald say he was going to be in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the assassination a full page of mention in his book...So while Vince criticizes Paul Landis for omitting his claim that the shot came from the front in Landis's book, Vince does the same thing to me with Robertson by not mentioning Prayer Man directly...I had it out with Robertson because he gave supportive hosting to notorious trolls Bart Kamp and Greg Parker and their bogus theories on his podcast...When I protested to Robertson that he was enabling wrong evidence he responded "Nobody gives a f***" and pal-ed up with the Parker trolls...So although Vinny might be motivated by my refutation of Prayer Man, at the same time he carefully keeps the black shadow of censorship enforced against me by not mentioning it directly...Oswald can't be in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room (as Hosty admitted) and be out on the front steps at the same time...
Robertson's not a good interviewer...

He deliberately did not ask Vince for examples of bad photo evidence claims that harm the credibility of JFK research because he knew Vince was talking about Prayer Man and didn't want to expose his own complicity and participation in that harm...

The JFK research community are dishonest creeps...They aren't going to ask Vinny either...

Robbie Robertson is not going to ask Vinny what he thinks about Prayer Man and that is just plain dishonest (and being enforced by means of cowardly censorship)...Robertson is not going to say to Vinny "I see you gave a full page in your book to Brian Doyle's discovery of a new witness who heard Oswald say he was going back in to the Break Room and not going down to the front steps as Prayer Man"...If you enforce the banning of an innocent researcher and his correct evidence you can avoid asking that otherwise necessary question...

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