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Germany/Switzerland-Death of Rainer Barschel 1987 in Geneva
Carsten Wiethoff Wrote:
Carsten Wiethoff Wrote:By the way, does anybody know the CIA cover name "Rabbi"? I think that a high ranking Mossad officer was called "Rabbi", any more details?
I found out that at least in the literature the code name Rabbi is assigned to a "Ezra ben Ezra" of the Mossad. (Littells The Company mentions that for one).
I have been unable to find anything about anyone of that name, maybe I did not look careful enough.
I did find something about Ezra Gideon, later long term Shin Beth leader, previously hunting down the Munich killers as the head of a hit squad.
No idea, if these names are connected.
Victor Ostrovsky calls the leader of the Mossad Squad involved in the Barschel case "Ran". No idea, if this is "Rabbi".

Help would be appreciated.


I believe you'll find that the word "Rabbi" is a generic insider term meaning handler.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Quote:I believe you'll find that the word "Rabbi" is a generic insider term meaning handler.
David, do you tell me that the CIA would call any handler "Rabbi" in a telegram to headquarters?
I don't go for that.
My current working hypothesis is that Rabbi is the CIA codeword for Yitzak Hofi (also Jitzhak Chofi or some variation). He was head of the Mossad and Director of Operations in 1978, at the time of Barschels death.
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
David Guyatt Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Carsten, my friend - Jane Ryder.

And, oh yeah, the uber Exorcist Malachi Martin.

How strange to see his spectre gliding along these strange nooks and crannies, where old and new don masks and frenziedly copulate....

Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Open

Operation Open Eyes

Operation Clear Eyes

A load of horse?

Indeed Jan. Jane Ryder called me after Gunther had shacked up with her in the West Country to ask me to check out for her a psychoactive drug that Gunther had been taking/or was forced to take (can't remember which). I couldn't identify it, although I tried, but the name of the drug was certainly of the psychoactive category.

I always wondered about Malachai Martin and his curious tumble down the stairs of his apartment that led to his death. There was a lot of suspicion that this was murder and not an accident at the time. His novel Windswept House is in the mould of Dennis Wheatley and is chillingly realistic in parts, based as it was (he claimed anyway - his native blarney?) upon actual character and some events he knew and witnessed during him time at the Vatican.

But I'd be more than interested on your take on Martin and Jane - the odd couple.

It's all so tangled.

Jane Ryder and Malachi Martin, of the Vatican Intelligence Service.

Malachi Martin, the uber Exorcist, creator of powerful cultural memes for nefarious ends? Or a truly spiritual psychologist, committed to fighting Evil in this world?

Jane Ryder and Allan Francovich, subversive documentary maker.

Allan Francovich, the force behind the dangerous Gladio documentaries that somehow made it through to broadcast, and the Maltese Double Cross, before he was most probably assassinated.

Jane Ryder and Oswald LeWinter, deep black whistleblower or hoaxer extraordinary?

Oswald LeWinter, with whom Rayelan Russbacher claims to have had the following exchange:

Quote:The first thing I said to LeWinter was, "Jane told me that she is a protege of Father Martin. She says he taught her everything she knows."

I was taken aback by the intensity of Le Winter's reply. He angrily and forcefully proclaimed, "That's bullshit, I taught her everything she knows! Malachi's out of the loop. He writes great fiction and that's about all."

I wasn't recording our conversation, so I was scrambling to take shorthand notes as I tried to think of another question. "Why'd she bring him back into the country? Why didn't they just leave Mexico and go back to Europe?"

"Why do you think?" LeWinter asked me.

"I don't know, that's why I asked you." I replied.

"She was ordered to." he answered.

Jane Ryder and Gunther Russbacher, self-proclaimed pilot of the SR-71 Blackbird that took George Bush Sr to the crucial October Suprize meeting.

Another excerpt from a Russbacher "biography", where the "beautiful young woman" is Jane Ryder:

Quote:The ONI then had (Russbacher) orchestrate the transfer of gold from the Philippines to Austria, returning that country gold Hitler had seized in 1938. This was called Operation White Robe. When he completed it, General Hugh Shelton called Gunter to tell him he was reactivated. But he was sent to an Austrian prison for not paying a hotel bill.

. In Austria, he ended up in a prison hospital where doctors were appalled by the signs of torture he had endured in the US. Austrian psychiatrists claim to have removed his hospital mind control program. When released from the Austrian hospital December 23, 1996, he had a heart transplant . He resurfaced in a New Mexico hospital with heart complications, and with a beautiful young woman who was not his wife. Because he has skipped out on Missouri probation, he was taken to a Los Alamos jail cell covered with fecies and urine.

When he talked to his wife via telephone he seemed, possibly drugged and still under mind control. He was not the same person and did not seem to remember his wife. He did tell her that the young woman met him at the prison door. After a few calls to his wife,. He vanished for a month. He resurfaced in a New Mexico hospital with heart complications, and with a beautiful young woman who was not his wife. Because he has skipped out on Missouri probation, he was taken to a Los Alamos jail cell covered with fecies and urine.

FBI chief William Sessions told his second wife that Russbacher was back at work running intelligence operations for Group 26 (Defense Intelligence Services—not same as DIA ) out of Bristol England. He had a new wife, Jane Ryder, and his father in law was a former MI 6 agent., who freelanced for the CIA and the Vatican Intelligence Service. Allan Frankovich, her former lover who had some intelligence connection)died of a sudden heart attack a few months before Jane and Gunther began to cohabit. Jane, a respected film producer, says that Father Malachi Martin taught her everything she knows. Martin was a former Vatican Jesuit known for an immoral lifestyle who became an important figure in American right-wing circles.

Somehow he ended up in a Los Alamos jail, rational sometimes and a little demented at other times. It is believed that Jane worked for the CIA and induced him to return to the US. He and Jane returned to England the same year and married, a year before his second wife obtained a divorce in the US.

In 1996, Russbacher published a piece on Jonestown in which he claimed it was a government operation and that members of the cult had been subjected to various degrees of mind control. Wesley Baker of the Department of State headed the project. The programming proved less than effective and there was a revolt followed by as massacre. In another article, the Captain said that Congressman Leo Ryan knew Jonestown was a government operation and was concerned that it was out of control. He has also written about how subjects are found for mind contro in Project Open Eyes and about five levels of training. Some public figures have been subjected to mind control, and he thinks they include Bill Clinton, John McCain, and Madeline Albright.

Captain Russbacher wrote that there were seven sleepers in the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, but he did not think their programming was sufficient that they could be triggered to carry out any specific actions. Dr. Chomg Sun Kim of the Stone Mountain facility had programmed them. The Davidian Group had been created with the intention of using it to carry out terrorist actions. For some reason, a Delta Group Force was sent to neut4ralize the seven sleepers only, and something went wrong. Somehow the seven sleepers had been prematurely set off and they were building some kind of nerve gas device for mass destruction. Triggers appear in TV advertisements and in newspapers.

Gunther claimed to have taught mind control at the Life Management Institute outside Waco in the early 60s. He said Mark Phillips and David Koresh were students there.

100% horseshit?



A version of Russbacher was definitely in an Austrian prison, because I personally visited him there in 1996. Twice.

In one of those visits, Russbacher told me what he claimed to know about Jonestown. On another, he told me about what he called Operation Open Eyes.

I've also seen credible evidence that Mark Phillips, Cathy O'Brien's handler, was NSA.

Oh what a tangled web we weave....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Carsten Wiethoff Wrote:My current working hypothesis is that Rabbi is the CIA codeword for Yitzak Hofi (also Jitzhak Chofi or some variation). He was head of the Mossad and Director of Operations in 1978, at the time of Barschels death.

Sorry, I was confused. Barschel died on 10/11 October 1987, not 1978.
At that time the head of the Mossad was Nachum Admoni.
Still not sure about who was "Rabbi".
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Jane Ryder and Oswald LeWinter, deep black whistleblower or hoaxer extraordinary?

Oswald LeWinter, with whom Rayelan Russbacher claims to have had the following exchange:

Quote:The first thing I said to LeWinter was, "Jane told me that she is a protege of Father Martin. She says he taught her everything she knows."

I was taken aback by the intensity of Le Winter's reply. He angrily and forcefully proclaimed, "That's bullshit, I taught her everything she knows! Malachi's out of the loop. He writes great fiction and that's about all."

I wasn't recording our conversation, so I was scrambling to take shorthand notes as I tried to think of another question. "Why'd she bring him back into the country? Why didn't they just leave Mexico and go back to Europe?"

"Why do you think?" LeWinter asked me.

"I don't know, that's why I asked you." I replied.

"She was ordered to." he answered.

It gets more tangled every minute.
Oswald LeWinter is claimed to have testified under oath before the portuguese parliament that he was a CIA director and that the CIA has killed Olof Palme. I did not reearch that claim yet.

Most likely the death of Alfred Herrhausen and Werner Blessing are also connected to this web, through Barschel and their Publication "Die internationale Verschuldungskrise", published by the Heinrich Dräger Stiftung. The Symposium on which these people spoke, was from 11.-13.11.1985.
Herrhausen was head of Deutsche Bank, when he was killed allegedly by the RAF.
The RAF has long been suspected to be a killer squad for foreign intelligence services.

The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
Oswald Le Winter is a very interesting person and comes up in many events. I have yet to be sure what he is and who he works for though. There is a lot of disinfo around him and a lot of information also. Walk carefully here.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
he is also starring on two of Allan Franokvich's films, whereas Jane Ryder coproduced some BBC documentary with Frankovich and is claimed to have had a romantic relation to him. Mata Hari, anyone?
for some stuff around Lockerbie etc.
Not checked, not endorsed, proceed at your own risk.

The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
I seem to remember from the Napa Valley Sentinel that Russbacher had another name as well. Almost the same, and very German.

I checked the NYT article cited and it didn't mean anything to me, just codewords for people and places. I would've guessed temple was an airport in Berlin, lokal was local station chief and rabbi was some sort of head of regional, or airport connection. None of which fits the situation.

The secret supersonic aircraft served more than one purpose. It didn't have seats for secret service agents. Being classified, GHWB could keep the trip off his official record. GHWB never could account for his wherreabouts during the time of the (second?) Paris meeting. Webster Tarpley traces some of the circumstances in his unauthorized George Bush biography. You can find Tarpley's book at ...I think he even has a chapter on October Surprise. Wait, no he doesn't. It's probably Chapter 16, Campaign 1980:

It fits Bush Sr.'s MO that he'd use his network to go around normal channels for getting to Paris. That network certainly includes Paperclip assets in aerospace. I believe the base for the plane was even classified back then. Forget which base, Dulce or Groom Lake or which.

Bob Gates is definitely a Bush-man and was clearly involved in October Surprise in some capacity. He's one of those inner Bush-men the family gives nicknames, but can't remember his.

All I ever knew about Malachi Martin was the stuff he used to do on Art Bell. He promised to reveal the last secret of Fatima or something. I think Bell said it something generic like "Fire everywhere." I knew Malachi's death caused a stir among the Art Bell team/community. In my mind it roughly corresponds to Heaven's Gate, although I guess Malachi was a little later.

The SEAL mind control techniques sound a lot like what happened to Long John Nebel's girlfriend Candy Jones, former Miss New Jersey, who was sent to Hong Kong on an assassination iirc. She was roughly based near Massachusetts, in the Newark/New York area.

The Control of Candy Jones

The Control of Candy Jones (1976) byline Donald Bain

It sounds like the person whose death you're interested in simply got bumped off for not playing Iran/Contra and for knowing too much about it. Stupid stuff. Like Napoleon destroying a castle because it gave him the willies, just a total waste.

Dirk Stoffenberg sounds like a cut-out identity used by multiple people. Based on the surname von Stoffenberg of WWII perhaps. Francois could be a French agent using the name I suppose. btw the initials of the victim and the perp are the same in in the Truth and Reconciliation comish hearing cited. Dulcie September or something and Dirk S.

Hope something in there helps. Your victim might've believed he was dealing with East Germans but was in fact dealing with CIA. Hard to say. Maybe both at once.
Helen Reyes Wrote:Dirk Stoffenberg sounds like a cut-out identity used by multiple people. Based on the surname von Stoffenberg of WWII perhaps. Francois could be a French agent using the name I suppose. btw the initials of the victim and the perp are the same in in the Truth and Reconciliation comish hearing cited. Dulcie September or something and Dirk S.

Hope something in there helps. Your victim might've believed he was dealing with East Germans but was in fact dealing with CIA. Hard to say. Maybe both at once.
Helen, thanks for your input.
Regarding Dirk Stoffberg, I definitely disagree with you. Dirk Stoffberg was initially South African SIS, later probably forced to work for CIA. He was last married to his seventh wife, Susanne, who was a German. Supposedly at that time Stoffberg was living under a false German name in Frankfurt/Main, from where he flew to Geneva two days before Barschel died. Earlier Stoffberg had been extradited under the charge by US "justice" from Germany to the US. The charge was trying to sell 1000 handguns to a sting man. Shock horror, a man arranging weapons deals in the billions with Iran, was selling 1000 handguns. This is what I call trumped up false charges.
Allegedly the sting man that set him up was Tom/Thomas Sunde, the man later fingered by Stoffberg as the hit man on Barschel. This is what I call revenge.

Graf Stauffenberg of WWII is a different thing. More later.

Edit: Correction: I don't know that Sunde set up Stoffberg for extradition. I do know that Sunde tried to do that with Reiner Jacobi, also a very interesting man currently living in Australia. Jacobi was able to resist, with the help of his lawyer.
Thomas Sunde is another interesting man.
This reminds my of the story of Ari ben-Menashe as told in "Profits of War", which I am currently reading. I ordered it from This should be required reading in every history class covering the 20th century.
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
That case really deserves a thread of its own. Thanks again, Helen, for bringing it up.
The "doctor" who treated her was obviously this one: (from NYTimes)
William S. Kroger, 89, Pioneer In Use of Hypnosis as Treatment


Published: Thursday, December 7, 1995

Dr. William S. Kroger, a pioneer and longtime champion of the medical uses of hypnosis, died on Monday at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. He was 89 and lived in Los Angeles.
A native of Chicago who obtained his medical training at Northwestern University, Dr. Kroger specialized in obstetrics, gynecology and endocrinology until he became intrigued by the psychosomatic causes of many illnesses he encountered.
This, in turn, led him to become a psychiatrist and to use hypnosis to deal with the psychological components of many disorders, particularly the pain of child birth.
At a time when hypnosis was regarded as little more than a potentially dangerous parlor trick, Dr. Kroger's extensive writings and demonstrations gradually won the confidence of the medical establishment.
In one of his most dramatic demonstrations, captured on movie film, he removed a woman's thyroid gland while using hypnosis as the sole anesthesia. Upon being awakened after the surgery, the woman is seen getting up from the operating table and walking to her room.
Partly as a result of Dr. Kroger's efforts, the American Medical Association embraced a limited use of hypnosis in 1958, declaring it a valid therapeutic modality when used by properly trained physicians.
Dr. Kroger, who taught at the University of Illinois and the University of Chicago in the 1940's and 1950's, later moved to California, where he used hypnosis to help law-enforcement agencies.
In one of his most dramatic successes, he used hypnosis in 1977 to help a school bus driver in Chowchilla, Calif., remember all but one digit of the license plate of a van used by three men who had abducted the driver and 26 children and buried them in a moving van 100 miles away. The information helped the Federal Bureau of Investigation identify and track down the kidnappers.
Dr. Kroger is survived by his wife, Jimmy Louise; three daughters, Carol Kroger and Lisa Robin Eitani of Los Angeles and Debra Sue Lesser of Cresskill, N.J.; a son, William Jr., of Los Angeles, and four grandchildren.
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".

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