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Larouche Role in Obama Health Care plan
Lyndon Larouche seems to be the man behind the signs at numerous protests calling Obama's health care plan a Hitlerian Nazi scheme based on the medical "committee" and the right appointed to it by the government to decide who should die:

Quote:August 25, 2009 (LPAC)-- Lyndon LaRouche found many points to agree with in a vitriolic criticism of Obama by Financial Times columnist Clive Crook Monday morning. Crook writes that Obama's presidency is in trouble, as a result of "his own political bungling." LaRouche agreed.

"For all its brainpower," Crook added, "this White House is a slow learner."

"Slow learner?" said LaRouche. "Does anyone think probably psychotic?"

"The country still does not know what he is advocating," said Crook. "Most of the time, apparently, neither does he." "It's absolutely correct," said LaRouche.

But when Crook went on to say, "Dropping the public option is the first thing Mr. Obama needs to do if he wants to clarify his message," LaRouche exposed Crook's incompetence as follows.

"See," he said, "they don't recognize the fact that the intention is fascist! It's not a 'public option.' It may be a pubic option. The intention is fascist. You want a system which is a government-controlled system, and the key thing, is the damn committee, the IMAC, and it's a Nazi committee. The problem here, why does Obama have this contradiction? What is it that the British fail to see in Obama's pattern? That Obama really is a Hitler! And therefore, just for the same reason that Hitler had to use this kind of public operation, that if you're going to run a Nazi-type operation, that's what you have to do! In other words, the total power of government has to enforce killing! And that's the reason that Obama is in a problem, because he's for mass murder! He's for population control! And he doesn't want to say it, naturally, because that's not going to get him any votes. Not at this stage, anyway.

"These criticisms of Obama are absolutely as incompetent as Obama is," LaRouche continued. "Obama's problem is, he's committed to the option that he refuses to modify, because his intention is to kill people, Hitler-style. And the problem with these guys making criticisms is that they don't really realize what Obama intends to do. And you cannot kill people on a mass basis, the way Hitler did, except through the power of government. And when they look at the question of his special committee, that's it! But Obama's problem is he's committed to trying to sneak that in at the last minute, when nobody is looking. And Obama's stuck with a problem, which is not the fact that he's ignorant of his mission. The fact is that, unlike his critics, he's fully aware that he's out to commit genocide. And that's a very important criticism we have to make in exactly those terms."

- They're Lying, and We Must Say So -

A Friday release from the ADL and a matching article by Max Blumenthal which appeared in on Monday, laboriously "prove" that LaRouche originated the charge of Nazi-like euthanasia against Obama, as though there was anything to "prove." But that's not the point. The point is, as LaRouche emphasized, that they're lying on the real issue,- the euthanasia.

"All this demonstrates is that: first of all, the denial of the charge of euthanasia is obviously a lie. This is not even a mistake, it's a lie. And, of course, we're not surprised by lies coming from Barney Frank. Barney Frank! Barney Frank wouldn't know the truth if it kicked him in the ass!

"It's not a mistake; it's a lie!" he continued. "And because the Obama administration's policy is, while pushing that intention publicly, to anyone with brains,- anyone with brains knows Obama is committed to that policy. Anybody who is stupid, or who wants to pretend to be stupid, will deny it. And people who call people liars who say it, are just simply being stupid. They're probably lying themselves; they know it's true, but they're lying about it.

"That moustache on Obama is a plain truth, and anybody who denies it is either just plain ignorant, and talking off the top of their head without knowing what they're talking about, or is a liar. We must presume that if they're not simply ignorant, they're lying.

"They've misunderstood nothing! They're lying! 'Going along to get along on Capitol Hill,' is called lying. 'Going along to get along,' is a euphemism for lying when ordered to do so."

Just look at the lying press: "The New York Times was identified as the epitome of yellow press," said LaRouche, "and it has not changed its character since. A famous editor of the New York Times said that,- and naturally, he was leaving the position at that time. But he said that plainly: 'We of the press, are the yellow press.' And the New York Times is part of that, and always has been. It's the Confederate press!"

- What Really Happened -

Asked why the British and other gamemasters, like Clive Crook and Financial Times, are now criticizing Obama, LaRouche answered, "What happened is, they were perfectly content, because they set this thing in motion. Obama didn't set it in motion. One has to recognize, in all this question of I have said repeatedly: Obama is a puppet. He did not really make any decisions, except decisions to promote and enhance his own ego. He didn't really make any policy decisions. He's not intellectual. He's like Nero; he can't really think! Now, they picked this guy. They give him a program, and they assume that with a great deal of muscle mobilized behind him, he's going to steam ahead, and it's going to be rammed through before anybody can stop it. And he's programmed to do that. Along I come, on April 11 of this year, and point out that Time magazine and others have pointed out exactly what the truth about Obama is. And bring out other facts: the fact that he has a Nero complex. He's a Narcissus. And he's on a program to kill American citizens. This is what the program is, and I outlined the thing. At that point, when I got going on that, and we got going on that, with reluctance on the part of many of our members who thought I was making big a mistake, but I wasn't. They were making a mistake, as usual, as most of my critics among us are. At that point, what I did, screwed up their program.

"Now their program is totally screwed up," he went on, "because we stuck to our guns."

"Obama now is still sticking with the program," LaRouche added, "because he's a stupid ego. Now, the Europeans, the British foremost, are complaining that their puppet was a puppet. And we should say that,- we shouldn't say anything different. And criticize them and laugh at them. These guys create this puppet. The puppet fails, because we intervened to expose the puppet, and what the puppet was doing. Now the puppet has been defeated; they're complaining that the puppet has been doing what they told him to do! He's not doing anything different than what they told him to do! He hasn't got a brain in his head! And you're accusing him of thinking of something?

"The story from the top down, is: Obama did nothing wrong from the standpoint of what these guys who are now criticizing him, told him to do. The poor guy is stupid! That's not insulting him; that's telling him the truth about his problem: he's stupid! Don't you understand it, you jerk? You programmed him: you should know he's stupid!

"But your program didn't work," LaRouche said. "Now, you're blaming him! When you were the guys that told him to do it! And, we should say this is not fair to the poor slob! Obama didn't make any mistakes; he did as he was told. Who put him on this program: Daschle! Now Daschle's criticizing him! He took a puppet, this guy Obama, a puppet. He was part of the team that produced him, created him out of shit. They set him loose on the horizon; they put all the money in the world behind him,- and now he ran into a buzz-saw, because they ran into something which they didn't anticipate. And, it didn't work. And so, the puppet goes ahead, like he's pre-programmed to do, doing what he's told to do, and they criticize him! I mean, he's got a right to complain. Obama's complaint is, 'Look, I was a stupid guy, I admit it.' The problem is his ego wouldn't let him admit it,- then he'd be off the hook. If he weren't such an egotist, he would say, 'Look, these guys advised me. Everybody advised me to do this. And now I turn around, and I find out this is a big mistake. Okay, it's a big mistake. So, cancel it!'

"But, he's not a smart politician," LaRouche concluded. "He's an idiot. And don't blame the idiot for being an idiot. That's how he became the President. Let's be kind to the poor guy. It's 'be kind to idiots week.'"

He keeps talking about "they". Does he mean people at Harvard? Any ideas?
"History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." --James Madison
Quote:August 25, 2009, 4:41 pm
Visitors From Planet LaRouche
By The New York Times

On Tuesday, the Cuban state newspaper Granma published a column by Fidel Castro in which he writes that he was struck last week by an encounter Representative Barney Frank had with a woman at a health insurance forum in a senior center in Dartmouth, Mass. As a much-watched video of the exchange shows, when the woman claimed that President Barack Obama supported “a Nazi policy” endorsing euthanasia, Mr. Frank asked her simply, “On what planet do you spend most of your time?”

Somewhat obscured by the laughter following that punch line was the answer to his question: the woman makes no secret of the fact that she spends most or all of her time on the planet where Lyndon LaRouche is a major political figure. Read more, and watch the video, on The Lede Blog.

Quote:Frank Blasts Nazi Comparisons From LaRouche Backers

Updated 12:15 p.m. 8/20/09
By Garance Franke-Ruta and Sarah Lovenheim
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was greeted with shouts and boos at a town hall meeting on health care at a senior center in Dartmouth, Mass., Tuesday night, an event that was targeted by supporters of perennial independent political candidate Lyndon LaRouche. But the combative House Financial Services Committee chairman met fire with fire.

"On what planet do you spend most of your time?" Frank retorted when Rachel Brown of the LaRouche Youth Movement compared President Obama's push for health-care reform to the policies of Nazi Germany while holding up a pamphlet depicting the president with a Hitler mustache, a LaRouche anti-Obama health reform campaign image.

"This policy is actually already on its way out. It already has been defeated by LaRouche. My question to you is, why do you continue to support a Nazi policy?" Brown had asked.

"You stand there with a picture of the president defaced to look like Hitler and compare the effort to increase health care to the Nazis," Frank, who is Jewish, blasted back.

"Trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table," he continued. "... I have no interest in doing it."

Video of Frank's remarks quickly went viral online and was shown repeatedly on cable television.

Protesters had greeted attendees of the meeting, organized by the Democratic Town Committee of Dartmouth, by distributing pamphlets criticizing Frank's push for reform and Obama's plan. Images of Obama as Hitler were visible on several of the pamphlets seen in videos of the event. Some protesters held posters that read, "It's the economy stupid, stop the spending," the Associated Press reported.

Ray Medeiros, chairman of the Dartmouth Democratic Party, said the pamphlets came from LaRouche supporters, and that the woman who ticked off Frank was one of about 20 who came to the meeting. Brock Cordiero, the regional chair of the Massachusetts GOP, said Brown was passing out pamphlets from a table with a LaRouche PAC banner on it before the town hall meeting and that he and Medeiros spent a fair bit of time during the meeting trying to contain the disruptions the LaRouche supporters were causing. "They were there to cause problems," he said.

Cordiero, concerned attendees might mistake LaRouche supporters for Republicans, said he went out of his way at the meeting to repudiate the Hitler-Obama imagery in remarks to Frank. "I saw media reports there was Republican booing and jeering," said Cordiero Thursday. "That's not the case."

To those who interrupted Frank's remarks during the event, the congressman from Massachusetts jabbed, "Disruption never helps your cause. ... It just looks like you're afraid to have rational discussion."

Medeiros said that he had encouraged protesters, mostly young people, to leave but that they wouldn't budge. "This is a Democratic Town Committee meeting. We called the meeting to order!" he said he eventually yelled after one refused to clear floor space.

LaRouche PAC has been waging an intensifying campaign against the Obama and congressional health reform proposals since the president's nationally televised news conference of July 22, when he called for an "an independent group of doctors and medical experts who are empowered to eliminate waste and inefficiency in Medicare." The group has interpreted that statement as ordering euthanasia.

"LaRouche PAC members are giving leadership to these town hall meetings all around the country so we are being at any one that we possibly can," LaRouche PAC spokeswoman Nancy Spannaus told The Post of the group's presence in Massachusetts.

"Our Obama mustache poster....It symbolizes the fact that the president is attempting to implement a Hitler health care policy," she said. "At any town hall, you'll know LaRouche people are there if you just look for the mustache."

What's really funny here is that Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are taking Barney's side! What does that tell us?
google search:

Barney Frank Speaks Truth to Crazy
FOXNews - Greg Gutfeld - ‎Aug 20, 2009‎
This was a lay-up for Frank, for the chick was a LaRouche follower, a member of a group of far-left conspiracy chuckleheads who, like cockroaches,...

Barney Frank Flips on Right to Yell (subscription) - ‎Aug 25, 2009‎
FRANK AUGUST 24, 2009: Frankly, again you have the Lyndon LaRouche crowd -- and I've been surprised at some of my conservative friends who are defending the ...

Dennis Miller on Barney Frank's Feisty Town Hall
FOXNews - ‎Aug 20, 2009‎
A couple of plants in there, a couple of LaRouche people giving him a hard time and stuff like that. What do you say? DENNIS MILLER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: ...

The Friday Rush: Limbaugh, LaRouche, and Laffer
Media Matters for America - ‎Aug 21, 2009‎
Barney Frank (D-MA) and a town hall questioner who compared the president and his policies to Hitler and Nazism, during which Frank said to the woman: "On ...

Rush says Obama "wants to be the black FDR"
Media Matters for America - Greg Lewis - ‎Aug 25, 2009‎
Then Rush discussed Barney Frank's "flip flop" on the "right to yell." Rush played an audio clip of Frank on July 28. Frank was discussing Henry Louis ...
"History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." --James Madison
Prime examples of Lyndon LaRouche talking out of an orifice not usually reserved for speech.

I am concerned that Obama's team appears to include population control fanatics and academics whose ideas are logically indistinguishable from eugenics.

See here, for example:

However, the implication of LaRouche's statements - which is that the British NHS with free treatment for all is an inherently fascist system - is just plain bonkers.

LaRouche should go and lie down in a dark room with a cold compress.

And perhaps get his private doctor to prescribe him some Michael Jackson style anaesthetics. There's the reality of private medicine plain for all to see....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
I think LaRouche group's biggest fault is that use the term "British" in shorthand fashion to mean the various aristocrats with a fascist mentality. That doesn't mean necessarily that they always win inside the British government, which seems to be much more centered in local elections. I think the parliamentary system has helped to reduce the control the British banker mentality has had over the NHS. If you watch Question Time, the number-one topic always seems to be maintaining good health care, and it does not seem to be under the control of corporate pharmaceutical industry as in America. It's about local services and bedside manner more than about bigger and better machines and drugs.

I think what LaRouchies probably mean when they say "British" is the London-based bankers who invest British wealth (as in the Queen and her Court whose only role in life is fund-raising for "charity") in foreign corporations. In the old days that would mean N.M. Rothschild and Barings, but I can't say who it means today.
"History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." --James Madison
I browsed this thread a few hours ago and then saw the fresh item below at larouchepac(dot) com. It pasted with no paragraph breaks, so I made my own. I also inserted the quotation marks at the end.

Rachel Brown To Take On Bailout Barney Frank

[url=][/url]November 14, 2009 Boston, MA (LPAC) -- LaRouche Youth Movement activist Rachel Brown announced today that she is a candidate for the Democratic nomination to U.S. Congress in the 4th District in Massachusetts, for the seat presently occupied by Bailout Barney Frank.

Brown told a national internet audience on The LaRouche Show today that Frank is one of the key Congressional figures promoting fascist policies, which are destroying our nation's physical economy, and which threaten the lives of millions of Americans. She singled out his role in supporting the bailout of bankrupt banks and financial institutions -- in particular, his attack on Lyndon LaRouche's Home Owner and Bank Protection Act -- and his rabid support of the Obama health care bill, which is modeled on Hitler's Nazi T-4 genocide policy, as evidence that he is unfit to remain in the U.S. Congress.

Bailout Barney Frank, she said, has no problem supporting a bailout of financial institutions, run by swindlers and thieves, at the expense of jobs and industries in the U.S. While millions are losing their jobs and their homes, he repeatedly has sided with those, such as former Goldman Sachs CEO and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, and current Treasury Secretary Geithner, who have provided more than $23.7 trillion in bailouts to bankrupt institutions, while ignoring the needs of our citizens.

While a mass strike of these citizens has emerged, of people who feel betrayed by their government, who are demanding that the government act in their interests, Bailout Barney worked to sabotage moves to establish a Pecora Commission to investigate financial fraud, and is currently involved in efforts to prevent a return to the Glass Steagall regulatory standards in banking.

And when I asked him at a town meeting, she added, how he can defend President Obama's so-called health care policy, which will kill the sick and elderly, through provisions taken from Hitler's 1939 "useless eaters" policy, he tried to duck the question, instead ranting incoherently.

His actions, she said, are nothing less than a betrayal of the oath of office he took, to uphold the Constitution. The anger directed at him during town meetings has been richly deserved, as his constituents' lives are endangered by what he has done in the Congress, and what he will continue to do if re-elected.

Therefore, she concluded, "I am running for Congress, to defeat him in the Democratic Party primary. To those who have lost your homes, or are in danger of losing them, because of Bailout Barney's actions, join with me, to send him packing. To those who have lost your jobs, or fear you will lose them, join me in getting The LaRouche Plan passed by the U.S. Congress, to revive our tradition of a credit system, to revive our productive economy, while shutting down the bailouts of speculators. For those whose lives, and those of your family members, are threatened, due to his promotion of the Obama Nazi health care bill, join me in defeating this legislation.

Bailout Barney, you ducked my questions once before -- you will not be able to duck me again."
Here is more on the relationship of "British" to the National Health Service from LaRouchePAC (Notes are mine.) :

The British Monarchy Caught in a Death Scheme

September 10, 2009 (LPAC)—The Royal Family and panicky City of London financiers began implementing, in 2008, a new program to kill elderly and other sick people, precisely repeating the opening phase of Hitler's 1939 T-4 euthanasia program. Under the Liverpool Care Pathway adopted for general use by the National Health Service, those showing symptoms that might foreshadow death are targeted to be killed by heavy narcotics and the withdrawal of fluids and nutrition. The new policy reportedly accounted for about one sixth of all deaths in Britain last year, according to a study by Dr. Clive Seale, of the prestigious Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry. [1] [2] [3]

When the world financial system meltdown began in 2007, British imperial leaders pursued drastic shifts in funds away from public services and into bailouts of the London-Wall Street axis. They rushed into general practice an all-out euthanasia policy, that had been introduced as a pilot project in 2003-2004 by then-Prime Minister Tony Blair and royal health adviser Simon Stevens.

This British fascist "health-care reform" agenda was at the same time exported to the United States for adoption by the incoming Obama Administration.

The King's Fund is the official agency driving the new euthanasia. A government-funded charity, called alternatively Marie Curie Cancer Care or Marie Curie Hospice, is the operations center tasked with shaping the killing program.

Prince Charles has been president of the King's Fund since 1986, and president of the Marie Curie Hospice organization since about 2000.

What is today called the King's Fund was created in the late 19th Century by the Prince of Wales. After he became King Edward VII, the agency was incorporated in 1907 as King Edward's Hospital Fund for London. This was the Royal Family's planning center for the reform of health care, in accord with the Empire's innovation of the time, eugenics or race-purification theory.

To start up the new killing program in 2008, the Queen became the Patron, the agency was re-incorporated under the shorter name, King's Fund, and Prince Charles and his retainers went into overdrive.

The King's Fund and the Marie Curie Hospice were merged for action with the June 24, 2008 announcement that King's Fund Policy and Development Director Steve Dewar would simultaneously lead the two agencies, to "develop the contribution of both organizations to the further improvement of end-of-life services across the U.K." In July 2008, the National Health Service published its End of Life Care Strategy, developed by an NHS Strategy unit set up for the new euthanasia program.

The Marie Curie Palliative Care Institute in Liverpool is one of two centers for experimental killing regimes. Out of this has come the procedure called the Liverpool Care Pathway, with its Continuous Deep Sedation, which has recently broken into the headlines in Britain due to a public protest against the murders by physicians.

Marie Curie Chief Executive Tom Hughes-Hallett, a King's Fund Senior Associate, chairs the "external Implementation Advisory Board" for the national End of Life Care Strategy. In his forward to the killers' first annual report, published by the National Service in July, 2009, Hughes-Hallett wrote,

"We're trying to change the way this country thinks about and responds to the idea of death. We're trying to change the way the medical and social care professions think about and respond to death. We're trying to change the way end of life care services are commissioned."

Being a City of London financier (with J. Henry Schroeder, and then chairman of Robert Fleming Securities), Hughes-Hallett wrote further on the urgency of getting the killing program going full blast, now: "One thing that has changed quickly, and unexpectedly, is the financial climate. For this financial year and the next, the NHS has new money for this strategy. After that things are much less certain...."

In that national Strategy Report, the "end of life care pathway" starts with "Step One: Identifying people who are approaching the end of life"; it proceeds to "Step Five: Last days of life," in which the Liverpool Care Pathway is the means of termination. After this comes "Step Six: Care after death," or what to do with the bodies and the survivors, and proposed methods for falsifying death certificates to show a natural cause rather than homicide — precisely as was done in the Hitler T-4 program.

A National Health Service-commissioned report by McKinsey and Company, calling for saving $32 billon per year by drastic cuts in health care, was leaked to the press last week. King's Fund chief economist John Appleby (quoted in Time magazine, Sept. 9, 2009) responded that these savings must be accomplished by finding "ways to counter rising health-care costs associated with an aging population, expensive new medical treatments and rising patient expectations." King's Fund chief executive Niall Dickson chimed in that, rather than doing more with less resources, "Doing less with less seems a more realistic scenario."

The Royal euthanasia program was introduced as a pilot project in 2003 and 2004 by Simon Stevens, Blair's chief adviser on health policy from 2001 to 2004. In 2007, Stevens went to the United States to spread the euthanasia project there. Stevens became vice president of Minnesota-based UnitedHealth, the massive private health insurance company for the U.S. and Britain. Stevens' official job is to advise all private health insurers to get behind the new agenda for health-care reform.

Continuing as a trustee of the King's Fund for Prince Charles in London, Simon Stevens connects President Obama with the London-Wall Street axis, for implementation of the urgent strategy in the face of financial catastrophe.


[1] The Times, October 28, 2009 (Long after the above LPAC article)

[2] This is worthwhile (Aug. 12, 2009)

[3] The BARTS article is here (not free).

[4] A 09/17/2009 A very worthwhile 15-minute video interview with the author of the above pasted article, Anton Chaitkin, is here -
The British National Health Service was the brainchild of the Labour Party that came to power post WWII as part of their Welfare State programme. Indeed, my grandfather, an opthalmic surgeon, was involved in birthing the NHS. It is, for all its faults, a fabulous and (on balance) fair system for the delivery of health care to everyone without favour or prejudice. It is absolutely not fascist and the notion that it is is quite unbelievably ridiculous.

It is, in fact, heads and shoulders above the US health-for-profit system of heavily enriching medical practitioners and medical insurance corporations who leech off the misfortunes of others and is thus a truly civilizing advance.

I use the British NHS system all the time and have nothing but respect for it.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
I don't doubt or have argument with anything you say, David. I have also heard reports complementing the UK system by visitors to the UK. And thank you for the history/background.

As far as I know, LaRouche and colleagues have never said nor intended to imply that "the British NHS ... is an inherently fascist system" (Quote from Jan's post). What they are saying is that the system has recently been subject to austerity measures affecting significantly large numbers of people who are judged as being close to death, and that those (fascist) austerity measures are being promulgated in the U.S.A. and many other countries. Further, they show who is involved in this operation. Details in my post above.
Gary McGowan Wrote:As far as I know, LaRouche and colleagues have never said nor intended to imply that "the British NHS ... is an inherently fascist system" (Quote from Jan's post). What they are saying is that the system has recently been subject to austerity measures affecting significantly large numbers of people who are judged as being close to death, and that those (fascist) austerity measures are being promulgated in the U.S.A. and many other countries. Further, they show who is involved in this operation. Details in my post above.

The description is in the very LaRouchian propaganda material you posted:

Quote:This British fascist "health-care reform" agenda was at the same time exported to the United States for adoption by the incoming Obama Administration.

In one of Linda's posts, LaRouche states:

Quote:LaRouche exposed Crook's incompetence as follows.

"See," he said, "they don't recognize the fact that the intention is fascist! It's not a 'public option.' It may be a pubic option. The intention is fascist. You want a system which is a government-controlled system, and the key thing, is the damn committee, the IMAC, and it's a Nazi committee. The problem here, why does Obama have this contradiction? What is it that the British fail to see in Obama's pattern? That Obama really is a Hitler! And therefore, just for the same reason that Hitler had to use this kind of public operation, that if you're going to run a Nazi-type operation, that's what you have to do! In other words, the total power of government has to enforce killing!

OK - Mr McGowan, let's split hairs. LaRouche is describing the "intention" (whatever that may mean) as Nazi and Hitlerian.

All healthcare systems have problems. However, for LaRouche & his sycophants to describe the "intention" of Britain's NHS, with its fundamental principle of free treatment for all, as Nazi or fascist - take your pick - is complete and utter rubbish.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
It's the "reform" -- the austerity measures -- being promulgated, that LaRouche is talking about, not the NHS itself. LaRouche and colleagues have never said nor intended to imply that the British NHS is an inherently fascist system. It's not!

Killing grandma (or a child with a life-threatening disease) in an attempt to pay for the "bailout" of an bankrupt casino which was said to be a reputable state-of-the-art world monetary financial system is the issue. The trillions (tens or hundreds of trillions?) in debt are unpayable. The financiers are controlling conditions all over the planet to keep their usurious game going.

What we should be doing is to restart building up the physical economy again, not imposing austerity as the propagandists and controllers of popular opinion have steered us toward.

Mustering the political will is the challenge.

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