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Police review Rolling Stone Brian Jones death after MoS reveals new evidence
Excerpts below from the Daily Mail article linked by Albert.

Quote:Was Brian Jones murdered?

by KEITH DOVKANTS, Evening Standard

FEW tears were shed for Brian Jones. He was, according to a contemporary, a "nasty little shit" and although he had started the Rolling Stones, his musicmaking genius burned out in a fever of drink and drugs. When he was found dead at the bottom of his swimming pool, aged 27, he was considered merely another casualty of the excesses that defined the 1960s.

Producer Steve Woolley returns from the Cannes Film Festival this week to realise a project he says will rewrite this dark chapter of rock 'n' roll history. Jones was murdered, Woolley believes, and he thinks he can prove it. The idea has been aired before in a conspiracy-theory kind of way, but Woolley claims his new film will provide conclusive proof that Jones's death was caused by an act of violence. And he will name the killer.

The screenplay Woolley took to Cannes has been seen by only a few people and remains a confidential document. He said when the film is made, later this year, he will hand his evidence over to the police. Until then the "proof" that Jones was murdered will be kept secret.

Woolley has been investigating the Brian Jones affair for nearly 10 years and he has left his own trail of clues. It is known, for example, that he has had long discussions with Anna Wohlin, Jones's girlfriend and a key witness. He has also probed deeply into the background of a member of Jones's entourage, an East End hard case who was with the rock star the night he died.

For anyone else who has investigated the Jones case, these facts point only one way. As Woolley concluded a series of meetings with the movie industry's money men - securing finance for the new film, he says - I put it to him that I could guess what was in his script.

"Yes, that is what has emerged," he said. "But we've spent years on this and we have uncovered all sorts of facts that were never brought out at the time. It is a fascinating and disturbing story. I believe the police will have to reopen the investigation."

So what will they find? The official records show that on the night of 2 July, 1969, Brian Jones was dragged from the floodlit pool at his home, Cotchford Farm, in Sussex, his lungs full of water and clinically dead. Attempts to revive him failed and at the inquest there was evidence he had been drinking and taking drugs.

Such deaths were part of the zeitgeist. If a young rock start died, this was the way it happened. The coroner recorded a verdict of misadventure and Brian Jones headed a long list of casualties that would include Keith Moon, Jimi Hendrix, Momma Cass, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin and many others.

It is not the dead who make the Jones story intriguing, but the living - people such as Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and Anita Pallenberg. She was the mysterious blonde who captivated Jones at the beginning of his stardom. He was a restless, pretty young man, born into a middle-class family in Cheltenham.

When he simultaneously made his teenage girlfriend and married mistress pregnant, he packed up his guitar and headed for London. He was 19.

Jones, like many musicians of his generation, had fallen under the spell of the great American blues artists. He played in the London clubs that were beginning to spring up around the new music, and when he met Jagger and Richards the Rolling Stones were born. The name was chosen by Jones and he revelled in his role as leader of the group, but he was soon to fall out with his new friends.
He began drinking heavily and experimenting with drugs. His moods and foul temper enervated Jagger and Richards. Relations between the three founder members of the band disintegrated when Ms Pallenberg deserted Jones for Richards. Soon after, she had an affair with Jagger. Jones took himself off to Sussex, to Cotchford Farm, former home of AA Milne, creator of Winnie the Pooh.

THE Stones offered him a payoff of £100,000 and £20,000 a year - the equivalent of about £1 million and £200,000 in today's money - and he was thinking about it when he died. Sir Mick Jagger, who approved the deal, is said to be worth £170 million now. But he was always more shrewd than Brian Jones. Jones's household at Cotchford included his beautiful new girlfriend, Anna Wohlin, and a man called Frank Thorogood.

He was a burly cockney, 44 years old, who had become part of Jones's circle. He was friend, minder and factotum, and in the summer of 1969 he was organising building work on the farm.
Ms Wohlin, who returned to her native Sweden after Jones's death, never believed it was an accident, but as a very young womanin a foreign land, immediately swept up by the powerful interests that surrounded the Rolling Stones, she felt unable to influence events. Now she believes she can.

She has written her own version of the affair and collaborated with Woolley on the new film. The story she tells suggests at least one person had a motive for killing Jones. According to her, Thorogood had been cheating Jones out of money.

He had been inflating bills, swindling large amounts through the building work and when Jones discovered this he instructed his accountant not to pay any more of Thorogood's claims. Thorogood said he was owed £6,000 - the price of a London flat in those days - and he was furious. But the row blew over and he was at the house the night Jones decided to take a late swim.

Ms Wohlin, who now runs a successful family business in Sweden, remembers that Jones had drunk a little wine, but was not drunk. Indeed, the postmortem showed only a moderate amount of alcohol. She said he had not taken drugs, although some traces of substances were found in his body.

He was a strong swimmer, she said, and when she left him at the pool to take a telephone call, he had been fine. Fifteen minutes later he was dead.

Frank Thorogood, who had also been swimming in the pool earlier, finally jumped in to help her pull Jones out but, Ms Wohlin recalled, he showed no great interest in rescuing Jones quickly. She believes he probably murdered Jones by holding his head underwater while she was in the house, but she has no hard evidence to prove this.

BUT there is evidence that Thorogood was the killer, and it came from his own lips. Rock author Geoffrey Giuliano, in his book Paint It Black, claims Thorogood made a deathbed confession just before he died in 1993. He called his longstanding friend Tom Keylock, who was the Stones' road manager in the late Sixties, and, according to Giuliano, told him: "It was me that did Brian. I just finally snapped. It just happened."

That, of itself, would not prompt a reopening of the case. But Steve Woolley said he has more.
"Statements made at the time were factually incorrect,î he said. "People lied - and we can prove that.î

He is calling his film The Wicked World of Brian Jones. If what he believes is true, it was wicked indeed.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Oops! Sorry, didn't see the thread already posted on this.

What I worry about is Jones' murder could have been part of Constantine's War On Rock and plausibly denied with a business-related motive like Hendrix's.

What is more than obvious is the basic police detective work that could have exposed this back in 1969 was never done. I think the politics that motivated that non-investigation is what sticks-out the most here.

The "deal with the devil" stuff is just classic psy-ops trying to denigrate their victims and make them look like they brought it on themselves.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Oops! Sorry, didn't see the thread already posted on this.

Albert - no problem at all. The film is new, but I merged the threads because information on Brian Jones' death is relatively scarce.

Albert Doyle Wrote:What I worry about is Jones' murder could have been part of Constantine's War On Rock and plausibly denied with a business-related motive like Hendrix's.

What is more than obvious is the basic police detective work that could have exposed this back in 1969 was never done. I think the politics that motivated that non-investigation is what sticks-out the most here.

The "deal with the devil" stuff is just classic psy-ops trying to denigrate their victims and make them look like they brought it on themselves.

As per my post #2 in this thread, I'm strongly of the view that Jones' death has to be viewed in the context of Nic Roeg's Borgesian sex-death-drugs labyrinth peddled as Performance and of Altamont.

From the little we know, Thorogood, Jones' gangster minder-cum-shadow, was a version of the James Fox character in Performance
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
What's kind of crazy is the plot in Performance applies more to Jimi Hendrix than Brian Jones. Hendrix was the one with mobsters infiltrated right into his team who took LSD and got dragged into the 60's scene.

It looks like Woolley found some of the gangster minders who were pretending to be workers and got some of them to talk. What gives me the creeps is how perfectly the gangster-minder profile fits intel's use of mafia in their COINTELPRO operation ala Constantine. Hendrix too. What people should be asking is whether Woolley himself is doing intel's work of spreading a business-related motive in order to create a false sponsor and cover-up the real deep sponsors...
Revisting this thread a couple of years on.

I stand by my comments iin post #2.

And as a special treat I've updated the Altamont Gimme Shelter link with a working version.

Quote:Some of these "builders" and "chauffeurs" around Jones and the Stones allegedly had links to the London criminal underworld.

The seminal movie, Performance, was largely shot in 1968, and the whole Stones entourage were obsessed with gangster hardcore drug/sex/death glamour. The movie was co-directed by Nicholas Roeg and Donald Cammell.

Cammell was a collaborator/acolyte of Kenneth Anger, who made films such as Lucifer Rising.

Lucifer Rising starred one Bobby Beausoleil.

Bobby Beausoleil was a Manson Family member and assassin. Beausoleil sliced up alleged drug dealer Gary Hinman's face with a sword, and then cut off his ear. Later, Beausoleil murdered Hinman, and daubed "political piggy" on the wall in Hinman's blood.

Anita Pallenberg had been Brian Jones' girlfriend. By the time of Performance, she was Keith Richards' girlfriend. The film featured explicit (for the time) sex scenes involving Pallenberg and Jagger. Allegedly Pallenberg also had a relationship with James Fox, who played the gangster.

Allegedly, the filming of the second half of the movie, in the Notting Hill Gate house, was chaotic, with major hallucinogenic ingestion and mass paranoia as Cammell screwed with everyone's minds.

In Performance, the Jagger character has lost his creative mojo and tries to get inside the head of the gangster killer Fox through drugs, sex, and hypnotic trance.

Literally psychedelic possession.

The relevance to Brian Jones is that outside the fictional world, the Stones appear to have been engaged in analogous quests.

This is also the time of Altamont.

War, children, it's just a shot away, it's just a shot away.

Rape, murder, it's just a shot away, it's just a shot away.

It's just a kiss away, it's just a kiss away.

The end of the "Gimme Shelter" Altamont documentary:

Murder at Altamont.

The Man made His move.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
One of the signs of a real covert murder is how nothing happens. Even with so much evidence out there it gets absorbed by the Unspeakable.
A 2005 British TV production worth watching. My question is who was the person on the phone to Anna Wohlin? Was the phone call a set-up to draw her away from the pool? If Frank Thorogood killed Jones after being fired what purpose did Thorogood kill Jones for? Was it because he could no longer carry out his assignment of monitoring Jones? Keylock definitely knows more than he's telling:

The truth about the murder of Brian Jones. A kindle-only book on Amazon.

By the way the "nasty little shit" and "burned out on drink and drugs" part of the Daily Mail article above is typical COINTELPRO defamation as an opening conditioning of the article in order to disparage the victim.

The British government just lies and says there's no new evidence when it needs to escape accountability for its wrongdoing. There's a serious conflict of interest there where no evidence is good enough and the government is allowed to rule on its own wrongdoing. This clearly constitutes a failure of due process and trust equal to a serious failure in civilized order:

Albert, why was he killed and why did the police cover it up, do you know?

Btw, the Sussex police don't have the greatest reputation historically, and were mired in the phone hacking inquiry ever here with one officer arrested for corruption.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
It's hard to imagine why Brian Jones would be killed for COINTELPRO-like reasons. His drug problems had pretty much sidelined him and forced him out of the Rolling Stones. If government forces were trying to cause the destruction of their targets personally Jones was already well on down the road on his own.

It's pretty much established that Jones' personal minder and groundskeeper Frank Thorogood murdered Jones by submerging his head underwater in a fit of anger. Apparently Thorogood had been skimming on construction costs for renovations at Jones' Cotchford Farm estate. I read that Jones waited until Thorogood had put out 6,000 pounds for the next job and then told him to pay for it out of what he had already taken. That was the alleged source of the conflict that supposedly came from Thorogood's own mouth in a death bed confession to Rolling Stones manager Tom Keylock.

Some researchers have found evidence that there might be more to it than that. They found that Mick and Keith had visited Brian that day and that there was an argument. The former were trying to arrange a negotiated settlement for Brian's exit from the band. Mick has made some statements about Jones' death saying he got as good as he gave and that they were young at the time. Sounds like Mick is referring to something there. Also, witnesses saw Tom Keylock at the estate that afternoon and he later lied about it.

Though it may not apply in this case, one must always take the letter of the law in COINTELPRO's own self description that they intended to cause the deaths of their targets by creating conflicts between the people around them that would cause those people to kill the target, therefore creating plausible deniability. So there is the outside possibility that the problems with Thorogood were deliberately instigated with this intended result. And, there is also the possibility Mick and Keith would not be too upset that this major problem for the band had been solved.

There's no doubt the police made an effort to not investigate so one must try to figure out the reason. Anyone versed in Deep Politics, their method, and purpose would see there's much potential here. As usual, there's a group of people who are staying quiet now because they don't want to discuss why they stayed quiet at the time.

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