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Familiar Faces in Dealey Plaza
"Neither do we make solid claims about the identities of the men shown in the pictures in this article. We report for the first time that individuals resembling Theodore Shackley, David Morales, Gerald Patrick Hemming and Lucien Conein were in Dealey Plaza, in addition to those resembling Joseph Milteer, Eugene Hale Brading and Edward Lansdale. We leave it to the reader to surmise on the implications, or lack thereof, of these observations.

Acknowledgement: We thank Walt Brown and John J. Hayes for constructive criticism of a draft of the original manuscript.

[1] Anthony Summers, Conspiracy, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York (1980) 430.
[2] Robert G. Groden, The Killing of a President, Viking Studio Books, New York (1993) 154-155.
[3] Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy, Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc., New York (1990 Paperback Edition) 266.
[4] Groden, op. cit. 196-197.
[5] Peter Noyes, Legacy of Doubt, Pinnacle Books, New York (1973) 28.
[6] David E. Scheim, Contract on America: The Mafia Murder of President John F. Kennedy, Zebra Books, Kensington Publishing Corp., New York (1989) 68.
[7] Noyes, op. cit., 47-60.
[8] Noyes, op. cit., 71-72.
[9] Noyes, op. cit., 73.
[10] Warren Commission Hearings Volume XXIV, p. 342 (24H 342).
[11] Marrs, op. cit., 337.
[12] 19H 476.
[13] 19H 469.
[14] Josiah Thompson, Six Seconds in Dallas, Bernard Geis Associates, Distributed by Random House, New York (1967) 132.
[15] Groden, op. cit., 184.
[16] Harrison Edward Livingstone, Killing Kennedy, Carroll & Graf, New York (1995) 18.
[17] Bob Goodman, Triangle of Fire, Laquerian Publishing Co., San José (1993) 216-217.
[18] Richard B. Trask, Pictures of the Pain, Yeoman Press, Danvers (1994) 545.
[19] Ibid. 547.
[20] Marrs, op. cit., 339.
[21] Goodman, op cit., 215.
[22] David Corn, Blond Ghost: Ted Shackley and the CIA's Crusades, Simon & Schuster, New York (1994) 130-167.
[23] Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation, Thunder's Mouth Press, New York (1993) 371.
[24] Ibid., 368.
[25] Ibid., 373.
[26] Corn, op. cit., 138.
[27] Fonzi, op. cit., 378-379.
[28] Ibid., 389-390.
[29] Warren Hinckle and William Turner, Deadly Secrets, Thunder's Mouth Press, New York (1992) 180-181.
[30] Noel Twyman, Bloody Treason, Laurel Publishing, Rancho Santa Fe (1997) 647-748.
[31] Ibid., 722.
[32] Ibid., 722-723.
[33] 19H 477.
[34] Cecil B. Currey, The Unquiet American, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston (1988) 112-185.
[35] Ibid., 227-228.
[36] and click on "PHOTOS."
[37] Harrison Edward Livingstone, High Treason 2, Carroll & Graf, New York (1992) 481.
[38] Corn, op. cit., 33-34.
[39] Corn, op. cit., 41.
[40] Currey, op. cit., 161-163.
[41] L. Fletcher Prouty, JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate President Kennedy, Birch Lane Press, New York (1992) 259.
[42] L. Fletcher Prouty, written communication, May 7, 1996."
"Alfredo Duran was a member of Brigade 2506, the CIA invasion force that landed at the Bay of Pigs. After returning to the United States, Duran became the president of the Veterans' Association of Brigade 2506. However, he was expelled from this group in 1993 for his willingness to travel to Cuba and to discuss the invasion with Fidel Castro. He then established the Cuban Committee for Democracy. In 2001, he travelled to the scene of the brigade invasion with Arthur Schlesinger, CIA man Bob Reynolds, Jean Kennedy Smith and Richard Goodwin.

It was during the late summer of 1963 when Alfredo Duran was involved in a propaganda broadcast mission out of Miami. His associates at this time were Bernardo De Torres, William Seymour, Ed Collins, Dennis Harber and Isidro Borja."

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Positioned at the Corner of Main and Houston streets, observing events unfold in Dealey Plaza, were two interesting individuals. These men were caught in a photograph as they watched the presidential limousine cruise past. After the shooting, they were again photographed as they made their way across the grassy infield area towards the grassy knoll, where many of the spectators had run.

William 'Rip' Robertson served in the Marines during WW2 before joining the CIA. He was heavily involved in the overthrow of the Guatemalan government led by Jacob Arbenz, and commanded the ship Barbara J during the Bay of Pigs invasion. In the summer of 1963, Robertson was the CIA officer present on the Eddie Bayo, William Pawley led mission into Cuba known as Operation Tilt. Robertson was also on staff at JM/WAVE headquarters in Miami. Close associates of Robertson's were John Roselli and David Morales.

John Adrian O'Hare is a mysterious character whose true alliances remain somewhat of a mystery. He was military intelligence aide to Douglas MacArthur's army intelligence team during the Korean War. O'Hare also served under Charles Willoughby. He was involved with the original planning and training of Operation 40 personnel and was closely connected to several Cuban militants including Rolando Masferrer. Other names used by O'Hare included Col. William Bishop, Col. Richard Gray, P. Harrison and Oscar del Valle Garcia.

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"The name of this man in not known. He was an associate of Bernardo De Torres and present at the parade of the Antonio Maceo Battalion that was held in Miami in mid-September of 1963. Also attending that event was anti-Castro fighter and Interpen member Edwin Collins and many Cuban exiles who were a part of Brigade 2506, including Edgardo Buttari Puig, Jamie Varela Canosa and Luis Arrizurieta Sardinas. The photograph in Dealey Plaza was snapped by Jim Murray about 9 minutes after the shooting. Also present in Murray's photo is the man bearing a striking similarity to Alfredo Duran (shown above).

Added by Allan Eaglesham, June 18, 2009:
Researcher John Bevilaqua contacted me to suggest that "Unknown Man" above bears a strong resemblance to Yaroslaw Stetzko (a/k/a Jaroslav Stetsko), who was 51 on 11/22/63. Stetzko's exact age in the photograph below is unknown, but he is believed to have been in his mid- to late-fifties. He worked closely with Major General Charles A. Willoughby and, especially, Spas T. Raikin, who greeted the Oswalds when they arrived in the United States in June of 1962."

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"Danny Arce was a young employee of the Texas School Book Depository. Not a great deal in known of his background, but after the assassination, he and Bonnie Ray Williams were taken in for questioning by the Dallas Police Department. Arce claimed that during the assassination, he was positioned near the Elm Street extension that runs between the Texas School Book Depository and Elm Street proper. A man who resembled Arce was standing in front of the Dal-Tex building on Houston Street. Was he speaking into a radio device?

The other individual is unknown, but his similarity to the man who trained with the Interpen group at No Name Key is striking."

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"Boris Pash is relatively unknown in the wider community, but his status amongst the multitude of intelligence divisions is legendary. He was a security officer for the Manhattan Project and a leader of the ALSOS mission which was tasked to monitor the progress of nuclear weapons, to secure atomic material and to capture scientists working on the Nazi atomic project.
Post-WW2, Pash served in various military intelligence positions; from 1948 to 1951, he was the military representative to the CIA.

One of the creatures created by the CIA was a unit called the Health Alteration Committee, which was directed by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and Boris Pash. This group conducted experiments with mind-altering drugs, lethal viruses and exotic poisons that could kill without detection.

In an interview with the New York Times in 1975, E. Howard Hunt claimed that the head of the CIA assassination unit was Boris Pash."

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Charles Drago Wrote:More familiar faces?
J.C. King as the "Old Tramp"?

Absolutely, the tramps. They should be added in here.

I'm unfamiliar with J.C. King so need to look into that. Do you have a photo Charlie?

However, I am certain that the tall one was Charles Harrelson.

A professional assassin in the Plaza during an assassination? What are the odds?

I'm sure the McAdams/Posner/Mack/Bugliosi borg can explain it away.

Charles Drago Wrote:Lansdale in the Plaza? (the fourth thumbnail may not be visible until you click on another shot and go through the sequence).

Thanks. I'm working on fixing the formatting problems.
Myra Bronstein Wrote:"Boris Pash is relatively unknown in the wider community, but his status amongst the multitude of intelligence divisions is legendary. He was a security officer for the Manhattan Project and a leader of the ALSOS mission which was tasked to monitor the progress of nuclear weapons, to secure atomic material and to capture scientists working on the Nazi atomic project.
Post-WW2, Pash served in various military intelligence positions; from 1948 to 1951, he was the military representative to the CIA.

One of the creatures created by the CIA was a unit called the Health Alteration Committee, which was directed by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and Boris Pash. This group conducted experiments with mind-altering drugs, lethal viruses and exotic poisons that could kill without detection.

In an interview with the New York Times in 1975, E. Howard Hunt claimed that the head of the CIA assassination unit was Boris Pash."

From: Vince P <>
Subject: Re: Hi There.....
To: "Bernice" <>
Received: Monday, July 13, 2009, 5:33 PM

HI! Yes: most of us have the photo and we don't even know it LOL

Page 59 of Robert Groden's "The Killing Of A President" (I also attached it to this message)

Please see my video (around the 3:20 mark: he is the old guy with glasses between Youngblood and LBJ):

see also:
\myra back......with some comps for b...

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One further that goes with the newspaper clipping b..

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