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Familiar Faces in Dealey Plaza
Myra Bronstein Wrote:David Atlee Phillips, aka Maurice Bishop, was Lee Harvey Oswald's CIA handler.

According to Larry Hancock, researcher Gary Buell and David Phillips' nephew, Shawn Phillips, had an email exchange. As Shawn described in the email, Shawn's father, James Phillips, became aware that his brother, David, had in some way been "seriously involved" in the JFK assassination. James and David argued about this vigorously and it resulted in a silent hiatus between them that lasted for almost six years.

As David was dying of lung cancer he called his brother. James asked David pointedly "Were you in Dallas that day?" David answered, "Yes," and James hung up the phone on him.

So, are there photographs of Dealey Plaza in which a David Atlee Phillips lookalike can be spotted?
If not, why not?
Was Phillips in disguise?
Was Phillips in Dallas but not in Dealey Plaza? Perhaps in HL Hunt's office?
Was he in one of the many photographs that were confiscated?

Good work, but I would like to see Shawn Phillips say this on video or at a conference.
Bernice Moore Wrote:[size=12]TheTramp photographers[size=12] were JACK BEERS AND GEORGE Smith Forth Worth Star Telegram.. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
[size=12][size=12],JACK WHO worked for THE dallas morning news took 33 photos around and inside of the TSBD and the [/SIZE][/SIZE]

of the tramps....


Below is another man that was arrested, or escorted for questioning, so far is a "no namer"

That is Asst D.A....William Alexander getting into a patrol car....also taken by Jack Beers..
which is attached....SEE ARROW...

Some may be interested in the information and article link below......

NUMBERs 32-35.* Policeman with "tramps." None of these pictures were seen by the Warren Commission.

In the case of the "tramps," those three men who were rounded up on orders of Police Inspector J. Herbert Sawyer (the man in charge of security activity at Dealey Plaza), we find a sequence of astounding actions. A Sergeant D.V. Harkness was ordered to stop a freight train and remove the men. Harkness arrested the three men and turned them over to policemen Marvin Wise and Billy Bass, who marched them all the way from the west side of the Book building, around the north side of the Plaza, and into the vehicle entrance of the Sheriff's office. Few people realize this entire procedure took place almost on the steps of the Sheriff's office. While Wise and Bass were marching these men to the Sheriff's office, William Allen, George Smith, and Jack Beers of the Dallas Times Herald, the Fort Worth Star Telegram, and the Dallas Morning News, took several pictures of them. Their remarkable pictures show clearly that Wise and Bass took them to the Sheriff's office. Yet Harkness and Sheriff Harold Elkins couldn't remember that there were any other policemen with Harkness. This is utterly ridiculous in the face of so many clear pictures. Why was this done? And why weren't these amazing pictures shown to the Commission so that it could order the men before them. And worse still, there is absolutely no record anywhere that these men were booked that day. There are no "blotter" records at all. The men have simply vanished.

I have been given a list of the names of these men. Also, the pictures show three policemen. Did the Sheriff, or someone in that office, spirit them away? And why did the Sheriff, who had all of these men in his custody, permit them to get away within minutes of the time that the President of the United States had been shot and killed on his doorstep? These are tough questions, but let's go a bit further. Why didn't the all-powerful Warren Commission -- which included the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the former Director of Central Intelligence, the man who is now our President, etc. -- why didn't they have an opportunity to see these pictures? The photos would have led them to ask these questions and then to demand answers.


Long-coat man is yet another character with a suspicious appearance. It appears as though there is a rigid object under his suit coat. I'm sure he, as well as the tramps, Braden, etc., had federal ID cards and a contact person for whom police supervisors were to call. Under the guise of undercover agents, they were let go, I think. How else can you explain the questions you raised? Remember Roger Craig telling how Sheriff Decker told his plainclothes deputies to "in no way, take part in the security of the motorcade."
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Jack,

Allen had posted that Mainman was not Conein even before he had seen any proof. A note sent by Frank Caplett was good enough for him. Why?

When I asked what was going on, Caplett responded with the story about this guy who was supposed to have been given a plaque and all that.

It doesn't take an expert to see this plaque was a fake. So why is somebody faking a plaque to make it look as though Adams was Mainman?

Once I had sent you the photos and you had begun producing proofs of their differences, a rational mind would have qualified its position.

That, however, has not been Eaglesham's modus operandi. Instead, he has dug in his position and simply ignored your informative proofs.

Maybe others are willing to tolerate this kind of abuse of logic and evidence, but I am not. We are engaged in research on a crucial matter.

Notice that -- to the bitter end -- he is asserting that Adams is a "dead ringer" for Mainman or even Conein, when that is clearly false.

I don't know what to say. He is either not as competent as we have assumed or he is not as sincere as we all thought. Too bad either way.


Jim, you have been spouting incorrect information for years. The framed picture display in Imogene Adams' house is not a plaque. When I first contacted Allan in 2008, which was nine years after first visiting the Adams home, I told him it was a plaque, because it looked to me like a plaque. I was impressed with it, but I used the wrong word to describe it. And yes, Ms. Adams says she made a mistake when she had the news story printed in order to place it in with the collage. It's not every day when a family member is photographed in the background of a motorcade, especially when the president was shot a few seconds after that photograph was taken.
Allan Eaglesham Wrote:Let me see if I can get a handle on this deception per Professor Fetzer. The CIA found a Dallas man, Robert Adams, who resembled Lucien Conein, and to provide plausible deniability for Conein being "captured" in Altgens's famous photograph they put together a picture frame with newspaper cuttings and erroneous information about the day and date of the assassination. This was given to Mrs. Adams to hang in the hallway of the Adams residence so that if any visitor familiar with Allan Eaglesham's website, "Familiar Faces in Dealey Plaza," brought up the subject of Conein's role in the conspiracy -- perhaps over afternoon tea -- Mrs. Adams could direct the visitor to the picture frame with words such as, "Lucien Conein? Ole three-fingered Lou? Oh no! That was my husband Robert. He worked at the post office."

As I was putting my luggage down in one of her living rooms (it could be called a study or den), I saw the famous photograph and framed display. I was the one who was chomping at the bit to ask Ms. Adams about it. But first, I asked my former colleague, Edith Ellis, Adams' niece, about it. Ellis confirmed that is Uncle Bob in the picture. I was tired after driving four hours to Dallas (this was also after the last day of school), but was thrilled to meet somebody who lived through the JFK events right here in the Bluffview section of Dallas, about a mile or so from Love Field.
Frank Caplett Wrote:
Allan Eaglesham Wrote:Let me see if I can get a handle on this deception per Professor Fetzer. The CIA found a Dallas man, Robert Adams, who resembled Lucien Conein, and to provide plausible deniability for Conein being "captured" in Altgens's famous photograph they put together a picture frame with newspaper cuttings and erroneous information about the day and date of the assassination. This was given to Mrs. Adams to hang in the hallway of the Adams residence so that if any visitor familiar with Allan Eaglesham's website, "Familiar Faces in Dealey Plaza," brought up the subject of Conein's role in the conspiracy -- perhaps over afternoon tea -- Mrs. Adams could direct the visitor to the picture frame with words such as, "Lucien Conein? Ole three-fingered Lou? Oh no! That was my husband Robert. He worked at the post office."

As I was putting my luggage down in one of her living rooms (it could be called a study or den), I saw the famous photograph and framed display. I was the one who was chomping at the bit to ask Ms. Adams about it. But first, I asked my former colleague, Edith Ellis, Adams' niece, about it. Ellis confirmed that is Uncle Bob in the picture. I was tired after driving four hours to Dallas (this was also after the last day of school), but was thrilled to meet somebody who lived through the JFK events right here in the Bluffview section of Dallas, about a mile or so from Love Field.


Thank you.

Jack White Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:There are many interpretations of the "Adams" presence in DP, including a role as doppelganger.Jack


Not to beat a dead horse, but I can't help acknowledging yet again that we're on the same page here -- and we don't have a lot of company.


Those who have trouble with the doppelganger aspects of intel ops in general and the JFK assassination in particular might be well served to evaluate these events as by-design theatrical productions.

The extended goal of maintaining a sense of powerlessness among the people -- a belief that nothing ever can be known about such events -- is to preserve minority hegemony through the prolongation of such uncertainty among the majority. It's all about confusion, contradiction, and control for power.



Charles...I agree. I was tipped off by Fletcher Prouty about the
theatrical scripts prepared for EVERY OPERATION. He said NO intel
operation is begun without a written "screenplay", which is then
subject to many meetings, refinements, and rehearsals. Fletch
called them SCENARIOS, and said that Lansdale and Conein were
the two BEST scenario writers in the CIA for covert operations.
He said Conein in particular was adept at creating multiple false
trails to confuse investigators and news accounts. He claimed to
recognize a Conein tactic in the staged "arrest" and "parade"
through Dealey Plaza of the THREE TRAMPS. The guys were not
assassins...just bit players to divert attention.

I agree with you and Prouty. Too bad that others do not "get it."


Worthy, I think, of a bump.

I might add that, independent of Prouty, George Michael Evica came to understand and write that the JFK op in particular and most complicated intelligence ops in general are dramatic constructs.

I would expand on this insight: The likelihood that a given historical event is conspiratorial in a deep political sense increases in direct proportion to evidence of said event's dramaturgical nature.

And so we are left to ponder the dramatic function of the doppelganger.
It's all about cognitive dissonance. To confuse, obfuscate, to create a sense of failure and frustration.
Charles Drago Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:Charles...I agree. I was tipped off by Fletcher Prouty about the
theatrical scripts prepared for EVERY OPERATION. He said NO intel
operation is begun without a written "screenplay", which is then
subject to many meetings, refinements, and rehearsals. Fletch
called them SCENARIOS, and said that Lansdale and Conein were
the two BEST scenario writers in the CIA for covert operations.
He said Conein in particular was adept at creating multiple false
trails to confuse investigators and news accounts. He claimed to
recognize a Conein tactic in the staged "arrest" and "parade"
through Dealey Plaza of the THREE TRAMPS. The guys were not
assassins...just bit players to divert attention.

I agree with you and Prouty. Too bad that others do not "get it."


Worthy, I think, of a bump.

I might add that, independent of Prouty, George Michael Evica came to understand and write that the JFK op in particular and most complicated intelligence ops in general are dramatic constructs.

I would expand on this insight: The likelihood that a given historical event is conspiratorial in a deep political sense increases in direct proportion to evidence of said event's dramaturgical nature.

And so we are left to ponder the dramatic function of the doppelganger.

I agree about the deliberate creation of confusion, of fog which seems impenetrable, to persuade us poor preterite ones that the Truth is Out There but the Truth is Unknowable.

However, a little hope remains in an examination of the wide range of dramatic and story-telling ability displayed by spooks in their fictional publications.

For every exquisite John Le Carre tome there is an execrable E Howard Hunt turd.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Does anyone believe that the controversy created by the HSCA accoustics analysis and the findings presented by Don Thomas in his book Hear No Evil is another doppleganger to further confuse us and frustrate us?
Not quite doppelgangers in the traditional sense.

Which is to say, the WC and HSCA are twins designed not to replicate each other, but rather to contradict each other.

The goal: preserve doubt forever.

Conflicting acoustic findings, each ostensibly reinforced by "science," accomplish this goal.

HSCA analysts and Thomas take the same position, with the later reinforcing it.

By the way, Thomas's area of expertise is not acoustics. In this regard he is the doppelganger of the late, not-so-great urologist Dr. John Lattimer, whose pro-LN pseudo-science was "dignified" by his medical training -- and, believe it or not, his obsession with the Lincoln assassination.

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