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Strange Timing & Motive In Polanski Arrest
Helen Reyes Wrote:FWIW,
The Priory of Sion and related hoaxes were perpetrated from what I understand by depositing spurious folios in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris, also a favorite of Lovecraft.

Agreed Helen. The PoS appears to have been manufactured and one of the principal manufacturers is believed to have been the former No.2 man in the CIA's Paris station, Colonel John Driscoll who was a fiend of Philippe de Cherisey. O'Driscoll later retired in Ireland, bought and renovated Castle Matrix and changed his name to Sean O'Driscoll.

Earlier in his career he was a member of the Shickshinny Knights and close to wandering bishops of the ilk of Forest Barber and racist Robert Gayre of Gayre and Nigg and several others who, it seems, moved lump, sum and barrel to another somewhat curious outfit - this one also indirectly associated with the Vatican SMOM - namely, the somewhat spooky and occult-focused (I am told) Augustan Society.

Having said all that the story of the Pos and the documents deposited in the Biblothechque Nationale contains deeply occult messages of the Rosicrucian/Alchemical kind.

Back to EWS where, during the film the image of a "Rainbow" appears or forms part of the dialogue: Bill is propositioned by two models in an early sene who says "where the Rainbow ends". Then we have "Rainbow Costumes" from which Bill later hires his costume to attend the Satanic ritual at Somerton under the password of Fidelio. Then, of course, we move quickly on to the possible significance of this, namely the Alchemical stage known as the Cauda Pavonis or "Peacocks Tail" which contains all the colours of the Rainbow - and which Jung discusses deeply as a meaningful psychological stage in his Collected Works on Alchemy"

Quote:The cauda pavonis announces the end of the work, just as Iris, its synonym, is the messenger of God. The exquisite display of colours in the peacock's fan heralds the imminent synthesis of all qualities and elements, which are united in the rotundity of the philosophical stone...

and then later amplifies:

Quote:This plainly alludes to the phoenix, which, like the peacock, plays a considerable role in alchemy as a symbol of renewal and resurrection, and more espectially as a synonym for the lapis.

(rather than race upstairs to gather the necessary citations for Jung I have been lazy and Googled and obtained the foregoing quotes from the following website:

And so from Le Serpent Rouge:

"Comme ils sont étranges les manuscrits de cet Ami, grand
voyageur de l'inconnu, ils me sont parvenus séparément, pourtant ils
forment un tout pour lui qui sait que les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel
donnent l'unité blanche, ou pour l'Artiste qui sous son pinceau, fait
des six teintes de sa palette magique, jaillir le noir."


"How strange are the manuscripts of this Friend, great
traveller of the unknown, they appeared to me separately, yet they
form a whole for him who knows that the colours of the rainbow
give a white unity, or for the Artist for whom the black springs
out from under his paintbrush, made from the six colours of his magic palette."
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
It looks as if there was something that was somewhat sincere that called itself the Priory of Sion, but that it was eclipsed by the hoax.
Quote:The Priory of Sion Hoax
by Robert Richardson

Some say the "Holy Grail" is really the bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, guarded by a secret society called the "Priory of Sion." What is the evidence for this idea, and where did it come from?

In recent years, a great deal of information has been published in books like Holy Blood, Holy Grail alleging that the Holy Grail actually refers to a bloodline descended from Jesus. By this account Jesus and Mary Magdalene produced offspring, and their descendants gave rise to the Merovingian dynasty, which ruled France from 476 to 750 A.D. Well intentioned readers and even authors have been deceived by this story and have mistaken it for the revelation of a suppressed history. Unfortunately the only thing that has been suppressed is the truth.

The Grail is not a bloodline. This false story originated in reams of fraudulent documents created by an extreme right-wing French sect. The group responsible for these fictions, calling itself the "Priory of Sion" and claiming an ancient esoteric lineage, has kept its own authentic history carefully hidden. How it constructed its fraud has not been revealed. It is long past time for the light of truth to reveal the "Priory of Sion" and the fictional bloodline it has promoted for what they are really are -- a fraud. The background of this group reveals its actual motives and sources of information.

The trail to the "Priory of Sion" fraud begins in mid-nineteenth-century France. A resurgent interest in the occult led to the creation of many esoteric groups. Members of these groups often belonged to several organizations. Their leaders often broke away to form competing factions. At the same time, constant turmoil in the French government drew France into two increasingly hostile camps jousting for political supremacy. The royalists, composed of the Catholic Church, the far right, and the supporters of the old system of royalty, vied for power with the republicans, composed of Freemasons and other supporters of democratically elected governments. Their struggle affected the lives and views of every Frenchman. From 1877 to the eve of the Second World War, Freemasons dominated French government. Their domination earned them bitter enemies.

In the 1880's, at the height of this political conflict, Joseph Alexandre St. Yves d'Alveydre, "the supreme Hermeticist of his epoch,"(1) proposed a new idea for injecting moral values into governing society. He called it "synarchy" and claimed it was the method used by the Knights Templar to change medieval society. An elect band of initiates would influence groups representing different aspects of society. Those groups would influence their spheres and ultimately the entire social order.

By the turn of the century, the royalist faction came to fear synarchy, whose influence had spread beyond esoteric groups. By the 1920s, Masonic groups with distinctly synarchist policies were a reality in France. In the 1930s, even a leftist group, called the X-Cruise Club, advocated a technocracy with synarchist ideas.(2)

In this era, the French far right formed its own seemingly esoteric groups. But they were actually front organizations, pretending to have Masonic and esoteric affiliations in order to draw support away from the Masons. As anti-semitism spread across Europe in the 1930s, the French far right denounced Masons and Jews in the same breath. When fourteen initiatic orders created a federation called FUDOSI to promote peace and positive ideals, the far right increased its formation of pseudo-Masonic groups.

During the war, Nazi occupation policy was to arrest leaders of esoteric organizations, put them in concentration camps, and seize their groups' records and membership rolls, which were placed in a central depository. In France this depository was called the Centre d'Action Maconnique, and the French occupation government at Vichy actively aided the Gestapo in its persecution of Masonic and esoteric orders. So great was the far right's fear of Masonic influence that an unknown source even issued a document called the "Chauvin Report," alleging Masonic involvement in Vichy. (3) While these events were taking place, the individuals who later formed the "Priory of Sion" were being gathered into two groups. One group, known to have been in existence as early as 1934, was called Alpha Galates. Toward the end of the 1930s Alpha Galates utilized a young man named Pierre Plantard, born March 18, 1920, as its titular head.

In 1937, at the age of only seventeen, Plantard attempted to found an anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic group to engage "purifying and renewing France" and sought official permission to publish a periodical called "The Renewal of France." (4) This theme Would constantly appear in association with Alpha Galates and later with the "Priory of Sion."

By 1939, Plantard headed a Catholic youth group holding retreats in Brittany for teenagers and in 1939 was also noted as addressing a gathering of Catholic youth. Either Plantard was exceptionally precocious or he was carefully coached by older people, including a probable sponsor inside the Church who arranged his engagements. Most likely, he made these connections through ties to the parent organization of Alpha Galates and through his own youthful activities at the Parisian parish of St. Louis d'Antin, where he eventually became its sexton.

Under the collaborationist Vichy regime, the group behind Plantard and Alpha Galates sought influence with the government. On December 16, 1940, Plantard wrote to Marshal Petain, head of the Vichy regime, denouncing a vast Jewish-Masonic plot. But he failed to receive any attention beyond routine entries in police files. In 1941, Plantard applied to found an organization called "French National Renewal" but was denied official permission in September of that year. Finally in 1942, Plantard and his superiors again sought public visibility, now openly using the name Alpha Galates and promoting a publication called Vaincre ("Conquer").

Vaincre, which commenced publication in September 1942, was filled with anti-Semitic, fawningly pro-Vichy articles and sprinkled with shallow, superficial esoterica on Celtic traditions and chivalry. Nonetheless Alpha Galates tried to present this journal as the clearinghouse of a relatively sizable and cohesive body of young people. After six issues it ceased publication. But it earned Plantard some recognition. He was periodically observed by the police. As late as February 1945, the police were still investigating Alpha Galates and its revolving-door membership of 50 or so, and concluded it had no serious purpose. But at least one serious seeker, Robert Amadou, who joined Alpha Galates believing it was a genuine esoteric group, suggests that its focus was political. Later a Freemason and Martinist, after 40 years Amadou refused to discuss Alpha Galates, only saying, "For my part, I have never been involved in political activity, before or since."

In 1947, while a revived FUDOSI met in Paris, Pierre Plantard filed the legal papers necessary to create another organization, called the Latin Academy. Its titular head was his own mother. Its ostensible purpose was "historical research." Its real purpose was to carry on the right-wing program of its predecessor. By the mid-1950s Plantard began promoting himself in Catholic circles as the Merovingian pretender to the throne of France. One place where he engaged in these activities was the Paris church and seminary of St. Sulpice.(7)

In 1956, Plantard and others created a new group named the "Priory of Sion." It had statutes remarkably similar to those of Alpha Galates and published a magazine called Circuit. Disinformation which would eventually become widespread about the Rennes-le-Chateau affair also began to appear, starting in the magazine La Depeche de Midi, in early 1956.(8)

With the French government in turmoil in 1958, Plantard and his group again sought political influence, alleging that they controlled the pro-de Gaulle Committees of Public Safety and utilizing Plantard-written articles in the newspaper Le Monde to imply a secret association between de Gaulle and Plantard.(9) Any connection between de Gaulle and the self-styled "eminences grises" from whom the great of this world seek counsel(10) is unknown to de Gaulles associates and biographers. But by 1959, new issues of Circuit were trumpeting this link.

Circuit shifted to a steady diet of superficial Masonic and esoteric subjects, flirting with mythology, astrology, and chivalry; restructuring French government; the unique (but unspecified) greatness of Pierre Plantard; and, of course, French National Renewal. They also pointedly and proudly promoted Vaincre's anti-Semitic, anti-Masonic back issues. (11)

The book Treasures of the World by Robert Charroux proved a popular success in France in 1962. Charroux's mixture of mysticism, historical mysteries, and lost treasures, and public interest in his recounting of the mystery of Gisors, allowed the "Priory" to launch itself into public view. Claiming to be an inside source, the "Priory" alleged that the lost underground chapel of St. Anne in Gisors, Normandy, contained either secret "Priory" records" or the lost treasure of the Knights Templars. None of these fictions materialized. But they gave the "Priory" the visibility to successfully promote itself and its false history of France, descendants of Jesus, and esoteric orders in books and articles.

The real Priory of Sion was an authentic Catholic monastic order. A priory is a religious house or order. Sion or Zion is the ancient name for Jerusalem, where the order was headquartered at the monastery of Our Lady of Mt. Zion. It transferred its headquarters to St. Leonard d'Acre in Palestine and later to Sicily. In 1617 it ceased to exist and was absorbed into the Jesuit order." It was never a seething cabal of esoteric and political interests, never had any influence over the Templars or any esoteric orders, and does not exist today as a legitimate order, Catholic or otherwise. It has been appropriated like many authentic histories, esoteric traditions, and orders to create a false history. In deference to the truth, in the remainder of this article I will refer to the false "Priory" in quotes.

Two examples will quickly illustrate how the false "Priory" has created its fictions. It has attempted to appropriate Templar history and portray the Templars as subservient to it and to its fictional bloodline(14) through totally fabricated documents various authors call "the Priory documents" and by such claims as one that the familial home of a Templar Grand Master was at Blanchefort, near Rennes-le-Chateau. Yet Blanchefort was the home of a Cathar noble by that name, not a Templar Grand Master.(15) Few researchers have bothered to investigate this or innumerable other outright fictions.

Similarly, Plantard alleges his "suppressed" last name is St. Clair, although no shred of proof supports this claim.(16) The Sinclairs (originally St. Clair), hereditary heads of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, were related by marriage to Templar founder Hugh de Payen. In this way, the "Priory" seeks to imply that it has an ancient and leading role in Masonry. Appropriating honored names associated with the esoteric is a tactic used at the time of Alpha Galates by prewar, anti-Masonic French rightists.(17)

The "Priory" constructed its fiction of the bloodline of Jesus by first creating the appearance of an authentic esoteric lineage for itself. It accomplished this by placing fabricated histories in libraries, by falsely associating itself with ancient esoteric groups, and by usurping the heritage of prewar esoteric groups. The group the "Priory" has plagiarized most from is the Order of the Rose-Croix of the Temple and the Grail, founded by Josephin Peladan in 1891.

This group is intimately connected with the real affair of Rennes-le Chateau. Some of its real and alleged links adopted by the "Priory" include: the work of the painter Nicolas Poussin; Emma Calve, a singer with numerous occult connections; claimed associations -with the Holy Vehm, the Knights Templar, and the survival of a supposedly lost monarchy; association with prominent cultural figures-, sensationalistic announcements of the discovery of the tomb of Jesus; the supposition of a higher esoteric order with supreme knowledge; the Cathars; and other themes appearing in "Priory" inspired stories. Berenger Sauniere, cure of Rennes-le-Chateau from 1885 to 1917, may have been associated with the Order of the Rose-Croix of the Temple and the Grail. This association is the source of the incomplete information which the "Priory of Sion" has inherited about Rennes-le-Chateau through the "Priory's" real founder, "Count Israel" Monti.

The actual "Priory" history begins with that obscure man, Georges "Count Israel" Monti, secretary to Josephin Peladan. Born in Toulouse in 1880 and Jesuit-educated, Monti considered the priesthood but entered the world of initiatic orders at age 22 and became a high-level Scottish Rite Mason.(18) By 1906 he had rapidly advanced in Peladan's order. In 1908 he journeyed to Egypt and in 1909 to Munich on Peladan's behalf.

Following Peladan's death in 1918, Monti appears as one trying desperately to be at ground zero of occult activities, but always only appearing as a supporting player with incomplete knowledge. He so craved recognition that he even affected the title "Count Israel" Monti. He began to tell melodramatic tales of his involvement in the supposed political activities of esoteric orders, although his only known political connection was with Leon Daudet, brother of the leader of the rightist group Action Francaise. And in 1922 Monti excitedly claimed an affiliation with the controversial magician Aleister Crowley and his occult group, and said he had been charged by occult groups in England and Germany to begin a new order.

In 1924, the sorcerer's apprentice sought to become the master. Monti acted to fulfill these sweeping directives and formed a new group. According to occultist Anne Osmont, he moved forward with a plan "to destroy all which is dear and precious to me, to build an illusory society." Together with a man calling himself Gaston Demengel, Monti, using the name Marcus Vella, formed a group calling itself "Groupe occidental d'etudes esoteriques," a very small, supposedly esoteric order. This organization was highly secretive, pretending to be an elite body dedicated to bringing the world a lasting peace and having a male and female branch (the Isis lodge). The extent of its membership and activities is unknown. Its only known document claimed as one of its goals the reconciliation of esoteric orders with the Catholic Church. This goal, as well as the pretensions of exclusivity, elitism, and an alleged interest in world peace, is echoed in the "Priory of Sion."

In October 1936, the Bulletin des ateliers superieurs de la Grande Loge de K France, the organ of the Masonic Grand Lodge, published a piece denouncing Monti as a trafficker in information, a fraudulent claimant to nobility, and a supposed Jesuit agent. On the 21st of the same month, Monti was found dead. Monti's close associate Dr. Camille Savoire rushed to examine him and claimed that Monti had been poisoned. Savoire is mentioned in the first issues of Alpha Galates' magazine Vaincre as one who, along with Plantard, rightist Louis Le Fur, and a Maurice Moncharville, was responsible for creating Vaincre. In issue No. 4 of Vaincre, Le Fur writes that he was initiated into Alpha Galates by Georges Monti in 1934. From 1934 until his death, Monti lived at 80 rue du Rocher in Paris. Perhaps too coincidentally, in 1942-43, Vaincre was printed down the street at 45 rue du Rocher by a Poirer Murat, whose name would surface after the war in association with Plantard.

Savoire had a long history of forming alternative esoteric groups. While active in Masonry, Savoire disagreed with long-established Masonic practices, goals, and leadership. Like Monti, Savoire was made a high-level Scottish Rite Mason, in Geneva in 1910. But by 1913, Savoire had formed his own group, the National Grand Lodge of France. In 1935, after the formation of Alpha Galates, he formed the interestingly named Grand Priory of the Gauls. He died in 1951. His close association with Monti and his involvement with alternative orders makes Savoire a likely candidate for assuming Monti's vacated leadership of Groupe occidental d'etudes esoteriques.

There are many associations between the prewar activities of Plantard and Monti and their associates on the one hand and the themes identified with the postwar "Priory of Sion" on the other. It is highly likely that Alpha Galates was a front for Monti's group and that Monti's group continued on, subsequently implementing a plan which would be carried out under the guise of the "Priory of Sion."

The "Priory's" first objective is to position itself in the mind of an unknowing public as the supreme Western esoteric organization. It dreams of utilizing that constituency in a synarchy-like fashion to promote its hybrid agenda of right-wing politics and turn-of-the-century esoteric teachings. It does not represent the real teachings of any positive esoteric order. It is materialistic, obsessed with attaining influence, and has fabricated documents without regard for any ethical considerations. Its program is to manipulate people through lies in order to promote itself.

The so-called bloodline created by the "Priory" does not exist. There is no descent from Jesus through the Merovingians or other families; in fact there is no genuine evidence of any bloodline descended from Christ. The survival of the Merovingian bloodline as promulgated in the "Priory" documents is based on the alleged marriage of Giselle de Razes to the seventh-century Merovingian King Dagobert Il. Giselle de Razes never existed. Plantard and his associates fabricated her.

The fraudulent history of the "Priory of Sion" and its false bloodline was created by utilizing the vast amount of esoteric documents publicly available in French libraries and by depositing its own documents among them. For example, Madan's papers were deposited in the Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal, and St.-Yves' papers were deposited in the Sorbonne in 1938 by the son of the well-known French occultist Papus, along with many of Papus' own papers.(19) An investigation by researcher Paul Smith has shown that some of the documents indicating a supposed bloodline and a "Priory" -inspired poem called Le serpent rouge were printed on the same press. During the war it is probable that the "Priory" also had access to the seized records of Masonic and esoteric societies, some quite old, which were deposited in the occupation-controlled Centre d'Action Maconnique. This depository was headed by Henri Coston, a right-wing, anti-Semitic journalist and collaborator, who was quoted on the first page of Vaincre No. 1.

Similarly, to create credibility with researchers, the "Priory" attached Plantard's family tree to an authentic genealogy originally appearing in a special edition of the historical journal Les cahiers de l'histoire No. 1 (1960), which was deposited in libraries containing other fabricated "Priory" documents.(20)

The concept of the phony bloodline originated in two places. In the 1930s the writings and speeches of the Italian esotericist Julius Evola received prominence in many philosophical, esoteric, and right-wing political circles, and were admired by Nazi leaders like Heinrich Himmler. Many "Priory" themes originated in Evola's ideas. To Evola's thinking, in the old system of world order, the king was believed to be a sacred being. Divine virtues and powers descended on him. Traditional institutions were based on sacred legacies. The state itself had a transcendent meaning. Evola also referred to a special quality of the blood which he alleged once existed in one royal house. Above all, he admired Godfrey of Bouillon, first Latin ruler of Palestine after the First Crusade, as the ideal ruler, the lux monarchorum ("light of monarchs").(21) Man could only be restored, Evola wrote, by the government of a spiritual elite, those wearing the belt or cord of initiates that marks the "carriers of some invisible influence."(22) All these ideas permeate "Priory" thought; "the Priory documents" even require members to have a cord at initiation.

To create the concept of the bloodline, Evola's ideas were melded with one other source, the doctoral dissertation of Walter Johannes Stein, originally published in Germany in 1928.(23) In this work, called The Ninth Century: World History in the Light of the Holy Grail, Stein, a close associate of Rudolf Steiner, detailed what he felt was the historical and symbolic background behind the Grail sagas.

An appendix to The Ninth Century is a genealogical chart Stein calls the "Grail bloodline." One side extends into the royal house of France. Another extends down to Godfrey of Bouillon. Part of Stein's thesis is that events in the lives of actual historical figures served as models for the characters and for some events in the Grail stories. According to Stein, the people associated with this family tree were acknowledged in their time as being of a high spiritual nature and having paranormal capacities. Yet he also stresses that these capacities had vanished from this family hundreds of years ago.

An undisciplined reader of Stein could easily confuse the historical persons with symbols. Stein's intent is actually to illustrate how the positive spiritual forces represented by the Holy Grail are sometimes manifested in the lives and actions of people and how those actions can affect society and events. He did not in any way state or imply that the Holy Grail was, or that it represented, a bloodline. He knew very well that is not the case.

These are the sources which, when twisted and distorted, were used to fabricate the fiction that a special bloodline supported by an age-old esoteric society lay behind most of the key political events and mysteries of French history and even the Holy Grail itself.

Today the "Priory" is intermittently active. Periodically, people claiming to be its representatives still attempt to influence writers and researchers by promoting in private correspondence the "Priory's" fabricated versions of history. Many well-intentioned people have been deceived by these fabrications. Despite the disillusionment which many may now feel, it is important to know there are groups and individuals in the world who are genuinely spiritual, highly developed, and acting to benefit mankind. They have existed in the past; they exist today; they will exist in the future, as long as even only a handful of people have the courage to reach inside themselves and live their lives in accordance with a genuine spirituality. However, to preserve the truth, it is incumbent on each of us to speak out on its behalf to counterbalance the false and materialistic sensationalism of the world's "Priories of Sion." By following such a path of integrity, each of us can work to maintain true spirituality, both within ourselves and in the world. Only then will be born a better day for humanity. This is in fact one of the lessons learned on the quest of the great spiritual reality which is the genuine Holy Grail.


1. Joscelyn Godwin, "The Creation of a Universal System: St.-Yves d'Alveydre and his Archaeometer," in Alexandria 1 (1991), p. 230.

2. Peter Partner, The Murdered Magicians: The Templars and Their Myth (New York: Oxford University Press. 1982), pp. 172-176.

3. Ibid. p. 173.

4. For information on Plantard's background and work at this time, see "The Message of a Sacred Enigma, Tales, Legends and Myths of Rennes-le Chateau," an extract from "The Table of Isis, Part 2, The Templars of the Apocalypse," by Jean-Luc Chaumeil, translated by Paul Smith in The Rennes Observer 15 (June 1997), esp. pp. 19-20.

5. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy (New York: Henry Holt, 1986), p. 35 1. Emphasis added.

6. Chaumeil, p. 20.

7. See Robert Richardson. "A Merovingian Promotion at St. Sulpice," ill The Rennes Observer 16 (Sept. 1997), pp. 36-37.

8. Paul Smith. "A Rennes-le-Chateau Chronology," Le Reflet (Engish language version, Autumn 1994), pp. 10-13.

9. Baigent et al., Messianic Legacy, pp. 288-95.

10. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, Holy Blood, Holy Grail (New York: Delacorte Press, 1982), p. 196. quoting an article in the "Priory" publication Circuit.

11. Baigent et al., Messianic Legacy, pp. 296-99, notes many similarities between the "Priory" and Alpha Galates.

12. Baigent et al., Holy Blood, Holy Grail, p. 138.

13. Gerard de Sede, Rennes-le-Chateau: Le dossier, les impostures, les phanstasmes, les hypotheses (Paris: Robert Lafont, 1988), p. 127.

14. Holy Blood, Holy Grail, pp. 36-67, is a good example of this nonsense.

15. See Noel Currer-Briggs, The Shroud and the Grail (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978), p. 78.

16. Baigent et al., Messianic Legacy, pp. 259-60. Also see Holy Blood, Holy Grail, p. 439, note 21.

17. See Partner, p. 174, for an example.

18. De Sede, pp. 225-36.

19. Godwin, p. 230.

20. Chaumeil, p. 20.

21. Julius Evola. Revolt against the Modern World, trans. Guido Stucco (Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions, 1994); foreword by H.T. Hansen, pp. viii, 15, 22, 41, 298, 300.

22. Julius Evola, The Mystery of the Grail: Initiation and Magic in the Quest for the Spirit, trans. Guido Stucco (Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions, 1996), p. 134.

23. Walter Johannes Stein, The Ninth Century: World History in the Light of the Holy Grail (London: Temple Lodge Press, 1991).


© 2000 by Robert Richardson. All rights reserved. Originally published in Gnosis (No. 51, Spring 1999), pp. 49-55.

Robert Richardson is the author of The Unknown Treasure: The Priory of Sion Fraud and the Spiritual Treasure of Rennes-le-Château (Houston, TX: NorthStar, 1998), available from Pratum Book Co., PO Box 985, Healdsburg, California 95448, USA.

As for the black/white rainbow stone, I guess it's not the one found at the Blue Mountain, at Lajwurd. Jung makes it out as card 21 in the major arcanum, the World, integrated, Cosmos. The Phoenix is rather tied down to the color pink, the mixing of red and white, the dappled canopy of the red sky, strewn with white stars, semen or clouds, the brain and the skull, the color of resurrection for the Egyptian amanita cult when the soul flies free from the ashen lakes of lower existence. The symbolic color resurrected in Clifford D. Simak's Time is the Simplest Thing, Philip K. Dick's VALIS, the color of the ray of gnosis shooting out from the cloud of unknowing to illuminate those who were in darkness.
There is a lot here that goes back to Papus and the politically focused Martinist Order that is behind the idea Synarchy and which the faked up PoS was intimately involved with -- hence all those nasty fascist types at SMOM, Shickshinny, Wandering Bishops and the AS et al.

Hearkening back to EWS again, I'd like to link to to an analysis of Kubrick's film by one Rob Ager, called "Unseen Reflections" (, in which he says that the character Bill Harford played by Tom Cruise lives in a dreams state (Kubrick based his film on the German novel Traumnovelle, which translates as "Dream Story". That is until after he attends the Somerton ritual and is forced by events to wake up. Ager's essay is interesting and insightful but, imo, he misses the deeper pulse that I think Kubrick was exploring.

I cannot help but wonder if Kubrick chose the subject of Bill being asleep in order to echo the state of the Fool in Tarot cards - or in the Arthurian Cycle which would, I imagine, equate to Sir Perceval who was brought up in a forest (i.e., he was wholly unconcious) by his Mother (complex) who ensured he was kept unworldly. But in full time it is Perceval (Parsifal = the pure fool) who attained the Grail (Sir Bors being the only other one to do so).

Helen said

Quote:As for the black/white rainbow stone, I guess it's not the one found at the Blue Mountain, at Lajwurd. Jung makes it out as card 21 in the major arcanum, the World, integrated, Cosmos.

I think, because the 21st Tarot card, The World symbolizes accomplishment and wholeness, which is the entire purpose of the process of integration of the split parts to create the whole.

Quote:The Phoenix is rather tied down to the color pink, the mixing of red and white, the dappled canopy of the red sky, strewn with white stars, semen or clouds, the brain and the skull, the color of resurrection for the Egyptian amanita cult when the soul flies free from the ashen lakes of lower existence.

You should see my wonderful (and quite large) collection of digital paintings, including (but by no means limited to) examples from El Greco, Carvaggio, Durer, Rubens, Spada through to Micheangelo, Monet and David Teniers the younger (sad ain't I) that include the motif of the human skull within the painting.

[Image: The-Alchemist-3.jpg]
David Teniers the Younger - The Alchemist

Teniers, as you will recall was one of the two painters referenced in the PoS story. The Teniers painting in question was The Temptation of St. Antoine - which also features a skull - amongst other things.

The human skull symbolizes the alembic or the retort of the alchemists, where the metals (psychological parts/elements) are broken down as a consequence of the nigredo and then reintegrated according to the alchemical motto Solve et Coagula. Clearly this does not happen in the skull of the deceased as symbolically represented but rather the living skull (i.e., our very own bonces).

If you're seeking the Grail cup or vessel, there is no better representation of it than the foregoing human skull - hence its widespread adoption by painters and artists throughout the ages.

[Image: St.-Francis-C.-1606.jpg]
St. Francis in meditation - Caravaggio
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:Hearkening back to EWS again, I'd like to link to to an analysis of Kubrick's film by one Rob Ager, called "Unseen Reflections" (, in which he says that the character Bill Harford played by Tom Cruise lives in a dreams state (Kubrick based his film on the German novel Traumnovelle, which translates as "Dream Story". That is until after he attends the Somerton ritual and is forced by events to wake up. Ager's essay is interesting and insightful but, imo, he misses the deeper pulse that I think Kubrick was exploring.

I cannot help but wonder if Kubrick chose the subject of Bill being asleep in order to echo the state of the Fool in Tarot cards - or in the Arthurian Cycle which would, I imagine, equate to Sir Perceval who was brought up in a forest (i.e., he was wholly unconcious) by his Mother (complex) who ensured he was kept unworldly. But in full time it is Perceval (Parsifal = the pure fool) who attained the Grail (Sir Bors being the only other one to do so).

Yes, as I read that I imagined I understood why Kubrick selected two actors who were living in trance states to play the major roles. Manson was just a clear; Tom Cruise is the world's first Operating Thetan. Ziegler makes a fine Klingsor as well.

In place of merely modernizing a Wagner opera, Kubrick with his trademark pregnant silences, colors, lighting and geometries might have been saying something about the ultimate nature of reality, beyond the obvious New World Order implications. For the sake of argument, try taking Poe's poem question literally and answerable in the affirmative:

Quote:Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow—
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand—
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep—while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

-- THE END --

for Orpheus. Eurydice. Hermes. And Barbara with infinite love as I falter on the road to Ithaka

The new-born starts out unable to grasp anything, like the fool, and the man ends unable to hold on to any of the grains of sand, so 0=21. Poe is making a larger statement though about life as phantasm I suppose.

David said:
Quote:I think, because the 21st Tarot card, The World symbolizes accomplishment and wholeness, which is the entire purpose of the process of integration of the split parts to create the whole.

I don't know if Jung wrote or said anything of the kind, I was just saying what he said about rainbows connected in my mind with that card, the circle coming full circle.
Helen said:

Quote:As for the black/white rainbow stone, I guess it's not the one found at the Blue Mountain, at Lajwurd. Jung makes it out as card 21 in the major arcanum, the World, integrated, Cosmos.


Quote:I don't know if Jung wrote or said anything of the kind, I was just saying what he said about rainbows connected in my mind with that card, the circle coming full circle.

Well, never-the-less you were right even though you apparently didn't know it. Card 21 does signify completeness which is fitting for the point under discussion.

Jung extensively studied every aspect of symbolism as significant emanations of the Collective Unconscious - including Tarot, Astrology, I-Ching, Grail-lore, Fairytales, Fables and, of course Alchemy (by no means a complete list).

I spent an interesting afternoon in Zurich many years ago when I was studying these things (with greater zeal than today), with a very elderly and very shrewd/insightful lady in her Nineties, a Jungian Analyst, who personally trained under Jung and who specialized in Tarot and Astrology. It was an eye-opening encounter!

I mention this because many will consider these subjects as a bit new age for this forum - a bit dotty in other words. But all art, to a lesser or greater degree, manifest unconscious contents - as indeed do all religions - thus making them ripe for Jungian analysis and therefore an important tool towards greater understanding.

I believe that segments of the film had been edited out by Warner Bros., and if true this makes the task more difficult.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Yes, some New Age stuff gets very sloppy. You get people quoting Tibetan lamas and Tim Leary to "prove" that all reality is inside your head, everything equals everything and nothing is real. We're talking about something else: about dreams within dreams, mirrors within mirrors, films within films, nested realities, not that everything is true, but that the foundations of this world, cosmos, lead one to believe that others are just as plausible. If reality is a hypostasis of the mind, that doesn't help us a lot, because we so little understand either the mind or reality. That other hypostases exist, we can guess on pretty good authority.

If we need to use geographical models to reach our goal, or if actual objects become conflated with spiritual concepts, there is no sin, because we are aware these are merely devices.

In the case at hand, I think we've got it nailed: the timing of Roman Polanski's arrest is connected with cleaning out a row and, I strongly believe, with the film he was working on, which is now delayed and won't be released before a federalized EU selects a leader. As Charles said, expect an operation to always serve at least two aims.

It is probably not a coincidence that EWS um mirrors Rosemary's Baby in many ways. Apparently we don't really know the ending to EWS, so it would be pointless to attempt to extrapolate events such as Sharon Tate and her baby's murder.

Again, if the archetypes act like crystals around which real events can take shape, then we should expect parallel crystals which serve the purpose of alternate worlds. This probably relates somehow to the strange attractors Peter Levenda catalogues. How things coagulate in this world, we shall see.
Quote:Roman Polanski begins house arrest in Swiss chalet

Film director confined to property in Gstaad while Swiss authorities decide whether to extradite him to the US

Associated Press, Friday 4 December 2009 13.18 GMT Article

Roman Polanski today began his house arrest on $4.5m (£2.7m) bail, arriving in the Swiss resort of Gstaad in a police convoy.

The film director was welcomed by his wife, Emmanuelle Seigner, and his children, Elvis, nine, and 16-year-old Morgane, at his Alpine chalet.

He arrived in the resort after persuading the Swiss authorities to end his two-month spell in a Swiss prison pending their decision on whether to extradite him to the US in a 32-year-old sex case.

Two police cars went into the chalet's garage, which has direct access to the house.

Polanski was unseen behind tinted windows, but police confirmed to the Associated Press that he was in one of the vehicles.

"Roman Polanski was released from custody pending extradition and transferred to Gstaad, where he is under house arrest at his chalet," the Swiss justice ministry said.

"Polanski has undertaken not to leave his house and property at any time."

Police and private security officers were guarding the chalet.

The 76-year-old Polanski will not be allowed to leave the house while Switzerland decides whether to extradite him to the US for having sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977. He will also have to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet.

The Oscar-winning director of Rosemary's Baby, Chinatown and The Pianist has been in Swiss custody since being arrested on a US warrant in September as he arrived to receive a lifetime achievement award at the Zurich film festival.

Authorities in Los Angeles want him returned to be sentenced after 31 years as a fugitive.

Polanski was initially accused of raping the girl after plying her with Champagne and a Quaalude pill during a modelling shoot.

He was indicted on six felony counts, including rape by use of drugs, child molestation and sodomy, but pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of unlawful sexual intercourse.

In exchange, the judge agreed to drop the remaining charges and sent him to prison for a 90-day psychiatric evaluation.

The evaluator released him after 42 days, but the judge said he was going to send him back to serve the 90 days.

Polanski fled the US on 1 February 1978 – the day he was to have been formally sentenced. He has since lived in France, which does not extradite its citizens.

He claims the US judge and prosecutors acted improperly in his case. His lawyers will tell a California appeals court later this month that the charges should be dismissed.

Swiss officials say Polanski has transferred the bail and deposited all identification and travel documents with Zurich police. Bail will be forfeited should he violate the terms of his release.

Prosecutors and defence lawyers in the US declined to comment on Polanski being freed from prison.

"We're not going to be making any comments about Mr Polanski outside court while his extradition is pending in the Swiss courts," Sandi Gibbons, of the Los Angeles District Attorney's office, said.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Polanski in his own words (from[U] here)

[/U]Throughout my seven months since September 26, 2009, the date of my arrest at Zurich Airport, where I had landed with a view to receiving a lifetime award for my work from the representative of the Swiss Minister of Culture, I have refrained from making any public statements and have requested my lawyers to confine their comments to a bare minimum. I wanted the legal authorities of Switzerland and the United States, as well as my lawyers, to do their work without any polemics on my part. I have decided to break my silence in order to address myself directly to you without any intermediaries and in my own words.
I have had my share of dramas and joys, as we all have, and I am not going to try to ask you to pity my lot in life. I ask only to be treated fairly like anyone else.
It is true: 33 years ago I pleaded guilty, and I served time at the prison for common law crimes at Chino, not in a VIP prison. That period was to have covered the totality of my sentence. By the time I left prison, the judge had changed his mind and claimed that the time served at Chino did not fulfil the entire sentence, and it is this reversal that justified my leaving the United States.
This affair was roused from its slumbers of over three decades by a documentary film-maker who gathered evidence from persons involved at the time. I took no part in that project, either directly or indirectly. The resulting documentary not only highlighted the fact that I left the United States because I had been treated unjustly; it also drew the ire of the Los Angeles authorities, who felt that they had been attacked and decided to request my extradition from Switzerland, a country I have been visiting regularly for over 30 years without let or hindrance.
I can now remain silent no longer!
I can remain silent no longer because the American authorities have just decided, in defiance of all the arguments and depositions submitted by third parties, not to agree to sentence me in absentia even though the same Court of Appeal recommended the contrary.
I can remain silent no longer because the California court has dismissed the victim’s numerous requests that proceedings against me be dropped, once and for all, to spare her from further harassment every time this affair is raised once more.
I can remain silent no longer because there has just been a new development of immense significance. On February 26 last, Roger Gunson, the deputy district attorney in charge of the case in 1977, now retired, testified under oath before Judge Mary Lou Villar in the presence of David Walgren, the present deputy district attorney in charge of the case, who was at liberty to contradict and question him, that on September 16, 1977, Judge Rittenband stated to all the parties concerned that my term of imprisonment in Chino constituted the totality of the sentence I would have to serve.
I can remain silent no longer because the request for my extradition addressed to the Swiss authorities is founded on a lie. In the same statement, retired deputy district attorney Roger Gunson added that it was false to claim, as the present district attorney’s office does in their request for my extradition, that the time I spent in Chino was for the purpose of a diagnostic study.
The said request asserts that I fled in order to escape sentencing by the U.S. judicial authorities, but under the plea-bargaining process I had acknowledged the facts and returned to the United States in order to serve my sentence. All that remained was for the court to confirm this agreement, but the judge decided to repudiate it in order to gain himself some publicity at my expense.
I can remain silent no longer because for over 30 years my lawyers have never ceased to insist that I was betrayed by the judge, that the judge perjured himself, and that I served my sentence. Today it is the deputy district attorney who handled the case in the 1970s, a man of irreproachable reputation, who has confirmed all my statements under oath, and this has shed a whole new light on the matter.
I can remain silent no longer because the same causes are now producing the same effects. The new District Attorney, who is handling this case and has requested my extradition, is himself campaigning for election and needs media publicity!
I can no longer remain silent because the United States continues to demand my extradition more to serve me on a platter to the media of the world than to pronounce a judgment concerning which an agreement was reached 33 years ago.
I can remain silent no longer because I have been placed under house arrest in Gstaad and bailed in very large sum of money which I have managed to raise only by mortgaging the apartment that has been my home for over 30 years, and because I am far from my family and unable to work.
Such are the facts I wished to put before you in the hope that Switzerland will recognize that there are no grounds for extradition, and that I shall be able to find peace, be reunited with my family, and live in freedom in my native land.
Roman Polanski
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
Thanks for posting this Carsten.

It says all that needs to be said about the cynical abuse and misuse of the legal and justice systems for personal benefit.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
The claim is that Polanski is a serial abuser.

The original American charge was for sodomy of a minor.

Charlotte Lewis now claims that Polanski had abused her "in the worst possible way" in Paris when she was 16.

Quote:British actor claims Roman Polanski sexually abused her at 16

Charlotte Lewis makes allegations to support charges in US

The legal problems of the film director Roman Polanski, who is currently under house arrest in his Swiss chateau awaiting extradition to the US charged with raping a 13-year-old girl three decades ago, thickened yesterday when a British actor claimed he had sexually abused her in the 1980s when she was 16 years old.

Charlotte Lewis, now 42, appeared at the office of her lawyer, Gloria Allred, in Los Angeles to put to reporters the allegation that Polanski had abused her "in the worst possible way" in Paris. She gave no details, and no evidence was provided to support the accusation.

But Allred said that her client wanted to present the allegations in order to show the US courts that the charges Polanski is currently facing – that he drugged and raped a 13-year-old girl in Jack Nicholson's house in LA in 1977 – were not isolated.

Lewis, who appeared in Polanski's film Pirates in 1986 – four years after the alleged assault was alleged to have taken place – read a statement at a news conference and refused to answer questions. "He took advantage of me and I have lived with the effects of his behaviour ever since it occurred. All I want is justice," she said.

LA police confirmed to Associated Press that Lewis had been interviewed by their department, though no formal investigation has yet begun.

Polanski, the director of such Hollywood classics as Chinatown and Rosemary's Baby, has been in legal limbo since September when a US warrant for his arrest was issued after he travelled to Switzerland to receive an award at a film festival. He faces charges that he gave Quaaludes and champagne to the 13-year-old in 1977 then raped her, having pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor. But he fled before sentencing.

This week the LA judge who is hearing the Polanski case turned down a request from his lawyers to publish secret testimony in the case. The defence said that would show misconduct by the judge, now dead, who had handled the case.

Polanski's legal team said they were unaware of the allegations from Lewis.

Lewis also appeared in the 1986 movie The Golden Child and had small roles in other films and television shows.

Allred is known for taking on controversial cases. She recently represented Rachel Uchitel, one of the women involved with the golfer Tiger Woods.

At the Cannes film festival yesterday, the actor Michael Douglas said he would not sign a petition in support of Polanski – posted on a website overseen by French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy – because Polanski "did break the law".
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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