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Harvey and Lee
John Kowalski Wrote:I have finished reading the book, and it is the most detailed description of Oswald's life that I have ever read, that is contained in one book. This alone makes the book well-worth the read, regardless of what one may think of the author's theory that there were two Oswalds.

The book also has a detailed analysis of Oswald's alleged purchase of the Manlicher Carcano rifle. This analysis of the weapon's journey from Italy, where it was made, to the US is about 70 pages, and this is probably the most material anyone will find on this subject in any book.

The book however begs the question, what happened to both Marguerite and Lee after the assassination? This question needs to be answered before Armstrong's theory can be full integrated into the broader context of the conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy.

If would certainly be interesting to read the unpublished information he has, and especially any clues he may have regarding what happened to the Oswalds.


Part of John's original manuscript included a long chapter
on Donald O. Norton, which he reluctantly deleted and
many months of research. That chapter might answer
your question. He deleted it because he had little documentation
other than his own investigation.


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This much is known. The birth Lee Harvey Oswald
was born to Marguerite Claverie Oswald.

What happened to her is not known.

The woman who pretended to be her is buried in
Rose Hill Cemetery.

All of the young Oswalds had to have mothers.
There may have been more than two Oswalds.
There may have been more than two Marguerites.

The trail is well hidden. We may never know.


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