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The Invasion of Cuba: Never the Intention of JFK Hit Sponsors
Paul Rigby Wrote:Out of the mouths of babes and elderly Tory imperialists...

Here's MI6 stalwart - and veteran CIA apologist - Julian Amery spilling the beans in the House of Commons in February 1976 on that now-forgotten Agency leg-up for Fidel. Note the anguished disbelief of the Labour MP Martin Flannery, for whom a childish Manicheanism had long since supplanted the study of history:

And New Orleans' DAs:

Jim Garrison. A Heritage of Stone (NY: Berkley Medallion Books, April 1972), p.108:

Quote:“Ferrie’s association with the CIA began at least as far back as that agency’s support of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara’s insurgents against Batista. He made flights into their mountain strongholds with munitions and supplies.”
Cliff Varnell Wrote:[H]ow could Harriman responsibly advise the new President that the Soviets were not involved only hours after the assassination unless he knew who actually did it?

Wrong, Cliff.

All Harriman had to know were his instructions.

And just who is the "who" in your "who did it"?

The mechanics?

The facilitators?

The sponsors?

Before one can hope to answer the "who did it" question, one must have in mind a working hypothesis for the plot's greater structure.

See my thread (as soon as I post it): "The JFK Plot: A Structural Model."
Charles Drago Wrote:Wrong, Cliff.

All Harriman had to know were his instructions.

His instructions from whom? God?

Harriman bankrolled the Soviets and the Nazis simultaneously and made WW2 all but inevitable.

And after WW2, who had the primary responsibility for implementing the Marshall Plan?

W. Averell Harriman.

I regard it as obvious that it was Harriman who was giving instructions to Johnson, first via Bundy a couple of hours after the assassination and again within LBJ's first ten minutes in the White House.

Quote:And just who is the "who" in your "who did it"?

The mechanics?

The facilitators?

The sponsors?

Before one can hope to answer the "who did it" question, one must have in mind a working hypothesis for the plot's greater structure.
Of course. The answer to all your questions above is the same: people who were working on a proposed Laos-Cuba-Florida heroin pipeline, which included people with a wide variety of backgrounds and affiliations, all with a single goal: develop the Golden Triangle opium fields and move heroin thru Havana to the States.

Such a thing had been the apple in many an elite eye for more than a decade prior.

Quote:See my thread (as soon as I post it): "The JFK Plot: A Structural Model."
I prefer Dr. Scott's approach. You can't throw a rock in the JFK case and not hit a dope smuggler.
Quote:I prefer Dr. Scott's approach. You can't throw a rock in the JFK case and not hit a dope smuggler.
It would appear that Peter Dale Scott -- much like Vincent Salandria -- is a man whose work is widely and deeply admired while his basic conclusions are just as widely ignored.
Paul Rigby Wrote:I always preferred Colson, for obvious reasons:

As to the comparison with Ober, right on!

My favorite Chuch Colson quote is " I don't say this to my people. They'd think I'm nuts. I think the CIA killed Dorothy Hunt"

Time mag. July 8, 1974

I wonder if Christian Chuckie will ever come clean before he meets his maker.
I wrote to him some years back in an effort to get him to bare his soul. All I accomplished was getting on his prison ministry we-want-your-money mailing list.

Cliff Varnell Wrote:It would appear that Peter Dale Scott -- much like Vincent Salandria -- is a man whose work is widely and deeply admired while his basic conclusions are just as widely ignored.


Or cherry-picked to support favored hypotheses?
Paul Rigby Wrote:The CIA had a variety of purposes in mind for revolutionary Cuba. A key intention was to use Cuba as the launch pad and pretext for a series of “revolutionary” movements throughout Latin America that would in turn “compel” CIA intervention in the unfortunate countries concerned (30). The Caribbean, Central and Latin America would thus be remade in the desired US image, the region’s reformist and nationalist governments alike destroyed in favour of murderous militarised oligarchies and US finance. Castro’s government was to arrest previously supportive CIA men engaged in precisely such activity – in this early instance, against the government of Nicaragua – no later than April 1959 (31). Sihanouk offered a typically shrewd Asian encapsulation: “All the efforts of the CIA were aimed at implanting an armed political opposition inside the country so that we would have to beg for American arms to keep order…” (32).

Did the most senior ranks of the CIA really view regime change in Cuba in the long term? Absolutely.

"Ex-CIA Chief Says Cuba '60-Year Failure,'" The Hartford Courant, 3 March 1963, p.7B.

Out of the mouths of babes and Allen Welch Dulles...
Joseph Hearst, “Reveals Cuba Trains Latins: Spreads Red Terror and Subversion; Taught 1000 in year,” Chicago Tribune, 2 March 1963, 2 March 1963, p.1.
What a crock!

Quote:Castro’s secret archives: US Special Ops prepares to snatch five decades of damaging material

By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Mar 29, 2010, 00:31

(WMR) -- WMR has learned from knowledgeable sources in the Pentagon that the U.S. Special Operations Command has recently been tasked to come up with a covert operation designed to snatch the secret archives complied over five decades by former Cuban President Fidel Castro.

Our sources report that among Castro’s archives are documents proving the collaboration of top U.S. Mafia figures, including Mafia financial boss Meyer Lansky, with the CIA in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963. Castro apparently kept track of many of those involved in the assassination of Kennedy because they were also actively involved in anti-Castro plots associated with right-wing Cuban exiles that were organized out of Miami, New Orleans, Houston, and Dallas, cities where the Mafia was extremely active.

WMR has learned that Castro’s extensive archives have been secured in a well-protected facility on the Isle of Youth (formerly the Isle of Pines) off the southwest coast of Cuba.

In addition to documents that point to the mob’s and CIA’s involvement in the Kennedy assassination, including the roles played by the Canadian Bronfman family and their wealthy attorney, the CIA-connected Louis Bloomfield of Montreal, the Castro archives reportedly contain a wealth of information about Cuban support for Angola’s government and liberation movements in Africa and Latin America. The archives also have details about the role of the CIA in the Angolan civil war and the coups that toppled Chilean President Salvador Allende and other leaders, as well as Henry Kissinger’s infamous Operation Condor that “disappeared” thousands of leftist, student, and labor leaders in Latin America.

The plans by the U.S. Special Operations Command to surreptitiously land on the Isle of Youth and secure the Castro archives may have something to do with the recent arrest of a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) contractor as he was boarding a plane in Havana. Alan Phillip Gross of Potomac, Maryland, was arrested on December 5 last year and charged with espionage. Gross entered Cuba on a tourist visa but began working on projects designed to provide Internet technology services for Cuban Jewish communities. Gross worked for Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) of Bethesda, Maryland, a State Department contractor that specializes in bringing high-technology services to “civil society organizations.” Gross is reportedly a satellite technology expert.

Gross reportedly made a number of trips to Cuba before his arrest. Throwing doubt on claims that Gross was in Cuba to help provide Internet access to the Cuban Jewish community, several prominent members of Cuba’s Jewish community said they never met Gross. In addition, Cuba’s small Jewish community was already receiving computer and Internet assistance from ORT, a non-governmental organization.

Gross’s mission in Cuba has been clouded in mystery. Cuba said Gross was illegally distributing satellite communications equipment, which would be important for in-country support in a mission to secretly insert a U.S. military team into Cuba to spirit away Castro’s archives.

Due to Gross’s visibility with Jewish groups in the United States, his arrest has affected on-going talks between Washington and Havana designed to improve relations between the two nations.

DAI’s website states the company started operations in 1970 and by 1980 was active in Sudan, the then-Zaire, Tanzania, and Indonesia. In a move that mirrors that of Barack Obama and his mother Ann Dunham, DAI extended its development operations from Indonesia to Pakistan and by 1982 the firm was fully active in that nation at a time the U.S. was using Pakistan as a base to support the Afghan mujaheddin against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. DAI is also active in Jordan, Palestine, Mexico, and South Africa.

The arrest of Gross in December came as former President Fidel Castro began to reassert control over the government, particularly through the appointment as Vice President of the Council of State Ramiro Valdes Menendez, a Castro loyalist and former interior minister who understands the need to protect the Island of Youth archives from being snatched by the United States or other non-state players.

In April 2003, a Cuban man hijacked an Antonov-24 from the Isle of Youth and, after a brief landing at Havana’s Jose Marti International Airport, where some women and children passengers were released, was allowed to fly to Key West. The hijacker, who threatened to blow up the plane with two hand grenades, was eventually granted asylum in the United States after the ritualistic debriefing by FBI and CIA personnel.

Previously published in the Wayne Madsen Report.

Copyright © 2010
Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).

Copyright © 1998-2007 Online Journal
Charles Drago Wrote:Resolved: The sponsors of the JFK assassination never intended to permit a post-Dallas retaliatory invasion of Cuba; rather, they planted false evidence to support a plausible connection between Lee Harvey Oswald and Fidel Castro's government solely in order to promote fears of an American-Soviet nuclear exchange should an honest investigation of the muder be conducted.

Resolved: The capture of a living, talking LHO -- as opposed to the display of a shot-while-trying-to-escape assassin's corpse or the presentation of "evidence" for LHO's successful flight to Cuba -- was insufficient to derail plans for a Cuban invasion, which in fact never existed except as the central element of the cover-up and in the fevered imaginations of certain anti-Castro, Right Wing, military, and intel false sponsors/facilitators.

Resolved: Cuba was in 1963 -- and remains today -- most valuable to the sponsors of JFK's murder as a hemispheric Communist bogeyman.

Have at it.

Given that JFK was attempting to make peace with the bogeyman, which would ensure Castro's survival, why would they assassinate him?

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