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Another simple question
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:If we accept that magic -- in the sense that Giordano Bruno, Mircea Eliade, Ioan Culianu, and Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, among others, would use the term of art -- has been and continues to be employed as a key element in the manipulations of our perceptions, then perforce we must conclude that Z-film alteration was intended to accomplish far more than disguising the source and number of gunshots fired at the limo and the nature of its occupants' wounds.

One example: How anesthetized we have become to the butchers' gruesome work as a result of our repeated viewings of frame 313 (is this number merely an accident?).

They've made our horror disappear.

Indeed. But the very vibrancy of frame 313, of a President's head exploding splattered in red gore, is initially so shocking that it is one of the official reasons for the original suppression of Zapruder.

The very first reaction of the viewer, on first viewing of frame 313, is almost always to look away.

These matters have a life of their own.

The original aim may have been to obscure.

The long term effect has been to anaesthetize. In part, because directors from Peckinpah onwards have believed in showing trauma and violence. The earlier cinematic and televisual tradition, combined with censorship, had insisted on suggesting horror before cutting away to metaphor or symbol or witness reaction shot.

Frame 313 can be seen here:

Horrifying the viewer:

Quote:“By Tuesday, numerous pictures, both still and movie, were being offered to news media. At least one television station was besieged with protests after it had shown scenes of the President’s motorcade at the moment of the shooting. Many viewers considered them to be too gruesome,”

Rick Friedman, ”Pictures of the Assassination Fall to Amateurs on Street,” Editor & Publisher, 30 November 1963, p.67.
Charles Drago Wrote:If we accept that magic -- in the sense that Giordano Bruno, Mircea Eliade, Ioan Culianu, and Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, among others, would use the term of art -- has been and continues to be employed as a key element in the manipulations of our perceptions, then perforce we must conclude that Z-film alteration was intended to accomplish far more than disguising the source and number of gunshots fired at the limo and the nature of its occupants' wounds.

One example: How anesthetized we have become to the butchers' gruesome work as a result of our repeated viewings of frame 313 (is this number merely an accident?).

They've made our horror disappear.

Precicely the reason I stay away from this entire area of the case. First of all the conspirators did not count on Zapruder being there. Secondly Time Life and our invisible government of conspirators could never have expected the actions of Robert Groden, a man who turned 18 on 11/22/63 and managed to get his hands on this valuable film and make it the masterpiece it is today. (The first time I ever saw the Z film was in Miami at the Dem. convention in '72 and it was such a bad copy I did not know what I was even seeing). In '73 my friends the Assassination Information Bureau began touring the country with excellent footage of this film, thanks to Bob Groden. If it IS a fake why on earth leave frame 313 in there? Sorry, I see this as a waste of time issue, just one more thing to bog us down in arguments. And, as CD pointed out, we have ample evidence of conspiracy without the film. Although I must confess that frame 313 IS incredibly powerful and shows darlin' arlin to be the liar that we all know he is.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:First of all the conspirators did not count on Zapruder being there. Secondly Time Life and our invisible government of conspirators could never have expected the actions of Robert Groden.

Disagree on both counts.
I think Zapruder was an unwitting co-conspirator.

That is, I think he was unwitting of the assassination plot,
but was there filming at the behest of a conspirator,
perhaps Jack Ruby.

My apologies if I precipitated a renewal of old debates.

Without wishing to get deeply into the question(s), I must note that CD's point about the repetitive use of the explicit elements ["The long term effect has been to anaesthetize."] is straight out of the MK-Ultra files, PTSD-related research, MindWar, et alia and was used with even greater effects on 9/11 ff.

It is purposeful traumatization from within which can be affected further mind-numbing, subordination of control, etc.

I always thought Vincent Salandria [] had a clear and important piece of understanding:

"n 1975 Salandria told Gaeton Fonzi: "I'm afraid we were misled. All the critics, myself included, were misled very early. I see that now. We spent too much time and effort microanalyzing the details of the assassination when all the time it was obvious, it was blatantly obvious that it was a conspiracy. Don't you think that the men who killed Kennedy had the means to do it in the most sophisticated and subtle way? They chose not to. Instead, they picked the shooting gallery that was Dealey Plaza and did it in the most barbarous and openly arrogant manner. The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiny. The forces that killed Kennedy wanted the message clear: 'We are in control and no one - not the President, nor Congress, nor any elected official - no one can do anything about it.' It was a message to the people that their Government was powerless."
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Sayeth Brother Klimkowski:

"The very first reaction of the viewer, on first viewing of frame 313, is almost always to look away."

I cannot tell you how many times I've found myself alarmed and puzzled in the wake of having turned away -- without intent -- from a scene that would have disturbed me profoundly yet, on purely an intellectual level, I wish I had viewed intently.

I've come to accept that we pre-view -- or better yet, pre-experience -- phenomena before it is permitted to rise to the level of consciousness.

Magicians -- in the sense that Jan, I, and others use the term -- understand how to stimulate this ... what shall I call it ... aversion response.

In the trade, it's referred to as misdirection.

But it's so much more complicated than that. And ultimately more simple.
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Separate post. Separate and entirely speculative thought.

The great movie director Nicholas Roeg was a former Director of Photography (ie cameraman), and his films all display outstanding technical craft and expertise. The jump cut/collage editing style that his movies are known for was developed in part with major occultist Donald Cammell.

Don't Look Now is an almost unbearable film about loss, about chasing a dream which is finally revealed as nightmare.

The clip below is the climax of the film - it does contain the ending, and that is precisely what I'm going to discuss. So, if you haven't seen the movie and may want to watch it in its entirety, don't read on.


Roeg is meticulous, a visual perfectionist.

So, when the lost child revealed as vicious dwarf - the dream turned nightmare - slashes Donald Sutherland, why does the blood flowing out in Sutherland's death throes look like red paint?

Indeed, it clearly is vibrant red paint.

Roeg could easily have used more realistic blood. This is 1973. Indeed, as a visual obsessive, he could even have used real animal blood for the scene.


Most magick, especially the banal sort, is designed to divert and obscure.


EDIT: 22/1/10 for removal of old, no longer functioning, YouTube link and addition of new YouTube links:

See the eternal diabolic blood on the slide from around 25 seconds and again at 3 minutes here:

And the death blood here:

A dodgy prop?

Or a diabolic message?

Charles Drago Wrote:Sayeth Brother Klimkowski:

"The very first reaction of the viewer, on first viewing of frame 313, is almost always to look away."

I cannot tell you how many times I've found myself alarmed and puzzled in the wake of having turned away -- without intent -- from a scene that would have disturbed me profoundly yet, on purely an intellectual level, I wish I had viewed intently.

I've come to accept that we pre-view -- or better yet, pre-experience -- phenomena before it is permitted to rise to the level of consciousness.

Magicians -- in the sense that Jan, I, and others use the term -- understand how to stimulate this ... what shall I call it ... aversion response.

In the trade, it's referred to as misdirection.

But it's so much more complicated than that. And ultimately more simple.

don't look now...

there are things it is better not to know....

not to see....

look away sweet child...

if you sneak a peek you'll never be the same again....

you'll be changed forever...

eyes wide shut...

better to sleep and dream sweet innocent dreams....

"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

The Zapruder Legend


There is something more painful than the truth ……..but I cannot think of it……..

The Film :The Witnesses :The Hospitals Parkland & Bethesda

If one is interested, to compare the documented information from….Nov.22[size=12]nd 1963…….[/SIZE]
On the Assassination of John F.Kennedy…...

They will find, the one common denominator between the Zapruder film and
The autopsy at BethesdaNavalHospital, in Maryland, was that neither show
The right rear blown out head wound on the President..

The Witnesses at the scene of the assassination and the information from the ParklandHospital, Dallas does……

Even if all the images and or films were or had been altered ..
Or if some were or not…
Trying to use one photo or film to prove the other is or is not valid…..

Is not the point…

Such differences make both suspect……the problem is those serious differences..

Those differences lie within the information given by the witnesses to the assassination.
Who were present at the Assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22. 1963..

One of the first results of the Zapruder Film Conference was the discovery that the films available to the public, including David Lifton's "Z Film" (undated), the Macmillan CD (1993), Robert Groden's "The Assassination Films" (1965), and MPI's "Image of an Assassination" (1998), all differ significantly in the amount of information they provide. Even the best, MPI's "Image of an Assassination" (1998) does not include frames 155 and 156, 208, 209, 210, and 211; has reversed frames 331 and 332; and also does not include (what ought to be) frames 341, 350, and (even) 486 (!).


“Editor Greg Olds of the Texas Observer ran a short story on his reaction to the Abraham Zapruder film on the assassination of President Kennedy, and stated in his article he would sell copies of his film to anyone who was interested.

Life Magazine sent one of its lawyers to Austin, New Orleans and San Francisco to try to find out how copies of the film have become available for sale. The attorney making the trip to check on Olds was Henry F. Dressel of the firm Dressel and Altman of 150 Broadway, New York City..

If Life, in fact, has a copyright of the Zapruder film, it is invalid. Historical acts cannot be copyrighted and reserved for a selfish group. Life, whose business is publishing, has never been interested in publishing the Zapruder film. Life could have made millions by showing the film on nationwide television or in selected theaters over the nation. But Life bought this film in order to keep it from the public. Only a few fuzzy frames have been printed by the magazine--- a far cry from the complete movie of the killing.

This is to notify Mr. Dressel that the Midlothian Mirror has a copy of the Zapruder film, and if we can obtain other copies they will be for sale.

Isn’t it fortunate for all of us that Life was not in business at the time of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ? Life might have copyrighted the events and the word would never have known the truth!....

Penn Jones, “ Midlothian Mirror”..Texas.


During the Garrison hearings in New Orleans the establishment press had always tried to destroy Jim’s investigation: however because of his repeated showing of the Zapruder film….it apparently forced some reporters to change the approach of their attacks on him…

The bug dailies began to read such as “Yes, Garrison has proved a conspiracy, but Clay Shaw is not involved”..

There was no sign of repentance amongst them, as they had been saying.
Yes, we have been lying to you all this time, and Jim you finally caught us, BUT not this man named Shaw.
In effect what they were saying now was that Earl Warren and Company lied to all…..but this man Shaw is innocent…(.whom some years later was ousted as a CIA contact..)

“Your country is gone; this is not a democracy any longer, but Shaw is just a big innocent pervert”.

Pages: 52: 82: Forgive My Grief 111: Penn Jones Jr.: 1969

Film research Brent Filmster...the best copy of the Zapruder film available on the web…..
The Zapruder Film: Truth or Deception?

Information on Abraham Zapruder by Gregory Burham…. Zapruder as an assassination witness

At 9:55 p.m. Dallas time on November 22, United States PRS Special Agent Maxwell D. Phillips sent a hand-written memo (Warren Commission Document, CD87) to U.S. Secret Service Chief James Rowley that accompanied one of the first generation copies said of Zapruder's origins of at least one shot, "According to Mr. Zapruder the position of the assassin was behind Mr. Zapruder." Behind Mr. Zapruder was the Dealey Plaza grassy knoll. However, in his testimony to the Warren Commission Zapruder was less certain:
Mr. LIEBELER. Did you form any opinion about the direction from which the shots came by the sound, or were you just upset by the thing you had seen?
Mr. ZAPRUDER. No, there was too much reverberation. There was an echo which gave me a sound all over. In other words that square is kind of--it had a sound all over.
Zapruder died in 1970 of cancer in Dallas.
Some say that when Abraham Zapruder described the shots coming from behind him….and also in the direction in which the police ran, which was behind him, into the parking lot, that the TSBD was also to his rear…therefore the shots came from that direction, the TSBD....I believe the answer to that is a simple no….at the time of the shots Zapruder explained what he meant in his testimony by behind him……see below….
Both Zapruder and Bill Newman stated they felt the shots, bullets, from behind, passing near them. Behind them at that time was the grassy knoll…….as the limo in which the President was riding was in a straight line in front of him…when he his head exploded..
Zapruder was facing and filming the Presidential limo, he stated….it was the right side of his head….and the police were running up behind him into the RR parking lot…so was Bill Newman… “Mr. LIEBELER. Did you have any impression as to the direction from
which these shots came?
Mr. ZAPRUDER. No, I also thought it came from back of me. Of course,
you can't tell when something is in line it could come from anywhere,
but being I was here and he was hit on this line and he was hit right
in the head - I saw it right around here, so it looked like it came
from here and it could come from there.
. . . .
Mr. LIEBELER. As you were standing on this abutment facing Elm street ,
you say the police ran over behind the concrete structure behind you
and down the railroad track behind that, is that right?
Mr. ZAPRUDER. After the shots?
Mr. ZAPRUDER. Yes - after the shots - yes, some of them were
motorcycle cops - I guess they left their motorcycles running and they
were running right behind me, of course, in the line of the shooting.
I guess they thought it came from right behind me.
Mr. LIEBELER. Did you have any impression as to the direction from
which these shots came?
Mr. ZAPRUDER. No, I also thought it came from back of me. Of course,
you can't tell when something is in line it could come from anywhere,
but being I was here and he was hit on this line and he was hit right
in the head - I saw it right around here, so it looked like it came
from here and it could come from there.
. . . .
Mr. LIEBELER. All right, as you stood here on the abutment and looked
down into Elm Street , you saw the President hit on the right side of
the head and you thought perhaps the shots had come from behind you?
Mr. ZAPRUDER. Well, yes.
Mr. LIEBELER. From the direction behind you?
Mr. ZAPRUDER. Yes, actually - I couldn't say what I thought at the
moment, where they came from . . . I assumed that they came from
there, because as the police started running back of me, it looked
like it came from the back of me.

Mr. LIEBELER. But you didn't form any opinion at that time as to what
direction the shots did come from actually?
Mr. LIEBELER. And you indicated that they could have come also from
behind or from any other direction except perhaps from the left,
because they could have been from behind or even from the front.
Mr. ZAPRUDER. Well, it could have been - in other words if you have a
point - you could hit a point from any place, as far as that's
concerned. I have no way of determining what direction the bullet was
Mr. LIEBELER. Did you form any opinion about the direction from which
the shots came by the sound, or were you just upset by the thing you
had seen?
Mr. ZAPRUDER. No, there was too much reverberation. There was an echo
which gave me a sound all over. In other words that square is kind of
- it had a sound all over.
The TSBD was also behind him.

If one was to stand on the Zapruder Pedestal, in Dealey Plaza …..and that is counted as the middle of a clock… ..and you are facing as Zapruder was when he was filming, the head shot… the President……… that will be about ten or eleven o’clock ….the TSBD is Not behind him….

The pergola area and parking lot, is….and what did they find there? Fresh cigarette butts and footprints made by two men, which headed after, in two different directions disappearing into the gravely parking lot ,which is how it was at the time…
As well as a phony SS man being confronted by Officer Smith...see Sam Holland, who was present on the overpass, his information and the search behind the fence that took place, as well as others who gave their information situated there also..

Sam Holland : “ The President’s car was coming down Elm Street and when they got just about to the Arcade I heard what I thought for the moment was a firecracker and he slumped over and I looked over towards the arcade and trees and saw a puff of smoke come out from the trees and I heard three more shots after the first shot but that was the only puff of smoke that I saw ……the puff of smoke I saw definitely came from behind the arcade through the trees (20H163).

Four and a half months later: to Asst..Counsel Stern: “There was a shot a report ….and a puff of smoke came out about 6 or 8 feet above the ground right out from under those trees “.(6H244)...when pressed….

Sam: “ I have no doubt about it. I have no doubt about seeing that puff of smoke come out from under those trees either. (6H244)….

Interview Nov.30, 1966..” Right under those trees, right at that exact spot, about ten or fifteen feet from this corner, the corner of the fence here, back this way, right under this clump of trees, right under this tree, particular tree. It’s that exact post, right there….snip…..of was about nine feet off the ground …...It would be just about in line with, or maybe just a little bit higher than that fence, but by the time it got out underneath the tree, well, it would be about eight or nine feet . It would be just about in line with, or maybe just a little bit higher than that fence, (the ground slopes off sharply….in front of the fence)…

Holland was not the only witness to see a puff of smoke..

Richard Dodd: who stood next to him on the overpass…...” The shot……the smoke came from behind the hedge on the north side of the Plaza”….Taped interview
Mark Lane……Mar.31/66.
Austin Miller: affidavit Nov.22/63…” I saw something which I thought was smoke or steam coming from a group of trees north of Elm off the railroad tracks.” ( 24H217)…

James Simmons…….. March, 64…FBI Interview “ fumes of smoke near the embankment in front of the TSBD “..

Walter Winborn & Thomas Murphy an independent investigator......they had observed smoke in the trees along the knoll……( Taped interview , of Winborn
May 5, 66…and Murphy ..May 6/ Stewart Galanor , cited in Lane, page 40..

Lee Bowers: “At the time of the shooting, in the vicinity of where the two men I have described were, there was a flash of light, or as far as I am concerned something that I could not identify, but there was something which occurred which caught my eye in this immediate area on the embankment. Now, what this was, I could not state at that time and at the time I could not identify it….other than there was some unusual occurrence .. a flash of light or smoke or something which caused me to feel like something out of the ordinary had occurred there.”….Interview Mark Lane Mar.31/66.”.RTJ 66…page 32.)..
Bowers WC ..6H287) “ They were standing within 10 or 15 feet of each other …..and gave no appearance of being together, as far as I knew. They were facing and looking towards
Main and Houston…and following the caravan as it came down.”……Bowers noted some “commotion” near the stockade fence 6H288….

The occurrence …”flash of light or smoke or something..” was observed also by others...who reported it to law-enforcement on the scene…Dep. Sheriffs L.C.Smith, Seymour Weitzman, A.D.McCurley and J.I.Oxford .all spoke of witnesses. who called his attention to the stockade fence…….Smith stated as he ran towards the knoll….” I heard a woman unknown to me say the President was shot in the head and the shots came from the fence on the north side of
Elm Street…”…19H516.

Deputy Sherrif Weitzman “ As he came to the fence at the top of the grassy slope, some bystander mentioned that the firecracker or shot had come from the other side of the fence, and he requested a bystander to bend over and he used the bystander’s back as a step and vaulted over the fence”…Archives, CD 5…..


Mr. BALL - Didn't you, when you went over to the railroad yard, talk to some yardman?
Mr. WEITZMAN - I asked a yardman if he had seen or heard anything during the passing of the President. He said he thought he saw somebody throw something through a bush and that's when I went back over the fence and that's when I found the portion of the skull. I thought it was a firecracker portion; that's what we first were looking for. This was before we knew the President was dead.
Mr. BALL - Did the yardman tell you where he thought the noise came from?
Mr. WEITZMAN - Yes, sir; he pointed out the wall section where there was a bunch of shrubbery and I believe that's to the right where I went over the wall where the steampipe was; that would be going north back toward the jail.

Deputy Sheriff….McCurley “ I ran over and jumped a fence and a railroad worker stated to me that he believed the smoke from the bullets came from the vicinity of a stockade fence which surrounds the park area.”… 19H514

Deputy Sheriff……
Oxford…” “We jumped the picket fence which was along Elm Street and ran over into the railroad yards. When we got there, there was a man who told us that he had seen smoke up in the corner of the fence ..” 19H530.

Could possibly have been Sam Holland, Dodd or Simmons…

Dodd, Holland and Simmons were so positive a shot had come from the corner of the fence, that as soon as the
Limo had disappeared under the underpass…...beneath them; they then ran to their left
Over the underpass and around into the parking lot…When they arrived near the corner of the fence.
Deputy Sheriff Seymour Weiztman joined them at about that time....

Sam Holland: “.snip…….And well you know it had been raining that morning and behind the station wagon ( Light tan Olds 61..
Holland’s map…near the corner of the fence) , from one end of the bumper to the other, I expect you could have counted four or five hundred footprints down there. And on the bumper, oh about . And on the bumper, oh about twelve or eighteen inches apart, it looked like someone had raked their shoes off: there were muddy spots up there, like someone had been standing up there”..taped interview, Nov. 30, 1966..

Dodd recalled “.”there were tracks and cigarette butts laying where someone had been standing on the bumper looking over the fence.” Taped interview,
Mark Lane .taped interview..”Plot to Kill FK: Rush to Judgment”..…...Mar.24/66

James Simmons.” On Mar.38/66 told
Mark Lane that he saw “ foot prints in the mud around the fence, and there were footprints on the wooden two-by-four railing on the fence.”…also…..” Simmons noted mud footprints on a car bumper there, as if someone had stood up there looking over the fence..( Book…“ Rush to Judgment”: Lane page 34 ).

Deputy Sheriff Seymour Weitzman : 7H107: “ numerous kinds of footprints that did not make sense because they were going in different directions..”…
Holland also gave a similar description to the (WC..6H245-246).

Later Holland had stated that the marks were men’s footprints and that he was puzzled by their narrow grouping, “ That was a mystery to me, that they didn’t extend further than from one end of the bumper to the other. That’s as far as they would go. It looked like a lion pacing a cage”..

Holland gave a possible explanation, “Just to the west of the station wagon, there were two set of footprints that left…….I noticed these two footprints leaving : now they could have stepped out between the second and third cars on the gravel or they could’ve got in the trunk compartment of this car and pulled the lid down, which would have been very, very easy. ( Taped interview, Nov30,66)..The trunk compartments of the cars were not searched, someone could have returned later and driven the car out of the parking lot.

The shooter or other man could then have been the SS Agent whose Id was shown to DPD Patrolman Joe Marshall Smith, after a woman rushed up to him and said they were shooting the President from the bushes,( 7H535) he had rushed from Elm & Houston , entered the parking lot, and confronted the SSA behind the stockade fence ...or…if a shooter…or spotter…..if not in a trunk, or mingled with the crowds, ….or made his escape to the northeast….

J.C.Price : The possibility arises that Price saw such a person escaping, ..He was on the roof of the
Terminal Annex Building across from the knoll on the Plaza….In and affidavit Nov.22/63 …..” I saw one man run towards the passenger cars on the railroad siding after the volley of shots. This man had a white dress shirt, no tie, and khaki colored pants

Information from J.C Price, who was watching the motorcade from the roof of the Terminal Annex Building across Dealey Plaza from the knoll...Affidavit Nov.22/63…..
“I saw one man run towards the passenger cars on the railroad siding after the volley of shots…..his man had a white dress shirt, no tie, and khaki colored trousers…….
His hair appeared to be long and dark and his agility could be about 25 years of age. He
had something in his hand, I couldn’t be sure but it may have been a head piece”……19H492…

.Sometime later Price spoke with
Mark Lane and told him that the man “ was carrying something in his right hand “ that “ could have been a gun”…..Mar.27/66..taped interview……… ”..He was bareheaded
… which gave me the suspicion that he was doing the shooting but I could be mistaken”..ibid…

Emmett Hudson: Affidavit Nov.22/63…” the shots that I heard definitely came from behind and above me”..19H481.

Nov.26.63 FBI …”
Hudson said the shots sounded as if they were fired over his head and from some position to the left of where he was standing. In other wards, the shots sounded as if they were fired by someone at a position, which was behind him, which was above him, and which was to his left .Archives CD 5..

In the Moorman Polaroid .” Behind him , above him, and to his left “ is the corner of the stockade fence. .which also coincide with other witness statements..

Mary Moorman, Nov.22/63.”I was fifteen feet from the car, and evidently I was in the line of fire.” WFAATV….video the time Mary took her photo , the President was between her and the corner of the fence……so Mary also must have had a line of sight to the shooter….Along the fence line in Mary’s photo there are two anomalies , to the west of the corner two shapes….By comparing a photo taken after you can see the more elongated one is in actuality a railroad signal tower….in the background of the yard……But there is also a round shape approx 14 feet down from the corner of the fence, nothing in the background lines up with this shape.

Sam Holland was asked and taken to the assassination site, and asked to stand in the position where he found the footprints….and also saw the smoke … when a photo was taken of him behind the fence in that exact spot, his head appeared in the exact position defined by the shape in the Moorman photo….Holland had seen a particularly clear copy of the Moorman …….he studied the photo and …..

“” Well, now you have something here………I didn’t see this man before ( about twenty seconds pass, then Holland continues )…Well, do you know , I think that you’re looking right down at the barrel of that gun right now!.’’

.(taped interview Nov.30/66).Thompson....


Before me, the undersigned authority on this the 22nd day of
November A.D. 1963, personally appeared Julia Ann Mercer, Address 5200
Belmont, No. 208, Dallas, Age 23, Employed: Automat Distributors, 1720
Canton, Dallas.

Deposes and says:

On November 22, 1963, I was driving a rented White Valient automobile
west on Elm Street and was proceeding to the overpass in a westerly
direction and at a point about 45 or 50 feet east of the overhead signs
of the right entrance road to the overpass, there was a truck parked
on the right hand side of the road. The truck looked like it had 1 or
2 wheels up on the curb. The hood of the truck was open.. On the driver's
side of the truck, there were printed letters in black, oval shaped,
which said "Air Conditioning". This was a pickup truck and along the
back side of the truck were what appeared to be tool boxes. The truck
was a green Ford with a
Texas license. I remember seeing the word "Ford"
at the back of the truck.

A man was sitting under the wheel of the car and slouched over the wheel.
This man had on a green jacket, was a white male and about his 40's and
was heavy set. I did not see him too clearly. Another man was at the
back of the truck and reached over the tailgate and took out from the
truck what appeared to be a gun case.. This case was about 8" wide at its
widest spot and tapered down to a width of about 4" or 5". It was brown
in color. It had a handle and was about 3 1/2 to 4 feet long. The man who
took this out of the truck then proceeded to walk away from the truck and
he reached down to free it. He then proceeded to walk across the grass and
up the grassy hill which forms part of the overpass. This is the last I saw
of this man.

I had been delayed because the truck which I described was blocking
my passage and I had to await until the lane to my left cleared so I could
go by the truck.

During the time that I was at this point and observed the above incident
there were 3 policeman standing talking near a motorcycle on the bridge
just west of me.

The man who took what appeared to be the gun case out of the truck was a
white male, who appeared to be in his late 20's or early 30's and he was
wearing a grey jacket, brown pants and plaid shirt as best as I can
remember. I remember he had on some kind of a hat that looked like a
wool stocking hat with a tassell in the middle of it. I believe that
I can identify this man if I see him again.

The man who remained in the truck had light brown hair and I believe
I could identify him also if I were to see him again.

(signed by) Julia Ann Mercer.

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this
the 22nd of November A.D. 1963
(signed by) Rosemary Allen
Notary Public,
Dallas, Texas

<Quote off>-----------------------------------------------------

From “Six Seconds In Dallas”...Josiah Thompson.……

& Mark Lanes “ Rush to Judgment”…..)

also see Russ’s witness site.,
Continuing with Abraham Zapruder:

“”Q: After the car passed under the underpass, what did you do? A: I got off the abutment and walked towards my office. I was screaming "They shot him, they shot him." People asked me what happened, they probably didn't see what happened, they heard a shot but didn't see actually what happened. I kept saying, "They killed him, they killed him," and went to my office.
( Marilyn Sitzman, his receptionist, who it is said to be situated behind and holding onto Zapruder, on the pedestal, also states in her Doctors video tape, that when she turned ,he was gone…she was left standing there alone…She verifies his statement.)
Q: When you got to your office what, if anything, did you do with regard to your movie camera and films?
A: I had my secretary call either the police or the FBI, I don't remember which. She called somebody. The Secret Service.
Q: After this did you do anything in regard to your film? Did you go anywhere with your film?
A: Yes, sir, a patrol car came and took me down to a station where they were trying to develop films, but they hadn't got the facilities to develop colored film. We called the Eastman Kodak people and made arrangements for them to develop the film. We went to the Eastman people.
Q: After going to the Eastman people did you go anywhere else with your film?
A: Yes. They advised me not to cut the film. This was 8 millimeter of the old type that was actually a 16 millimeter film, it was cut after it was developed, and they advised me to go to another -- I think it was Jamieson film, or something like that, to have them developed there into a 16, and they were to somehow process it and split 8 millimeter, and that's what I did.
Q: As a result of going with your film to these various locations, Mr. Zapruder, did you have in your possession a developed roll of film, and if so, how many of them?
A: The first time the Jamieson people developed the original 16 millimeter, then copies were made at Eastman. I had three copies plus the original.
Q: What, if anything, did you do with the three copies and one original?
A: One copy was given to the Dallas Secret Service, and one they asked me to bring over to somewhere on Akard Street, I believe it was the FBI or Secret Service, to give them a copy to be sent to Washington. I think it was sent to Washington the same night by Army plane. One copy was given to Life Magazine.
Q: During the time your film was being processed, were you present, sir?
A: Yes, sir, I was..
Q: On that particular day did you have occasion to view what your film showed?
A: Yes, the same evening I saw this film.

******************************************************** Peggy Burney, Vivian Castleberry & Zapruder

From the Dallas Times Herald, 11/23/63
""I SAW HIM DIE............ WOMAN CRIES..""
BY PEGGY BURNEY I saw the President die. I was standing at the curb on Elm about a third the way from Houston Street near the overpass. When the President's car made the curve around the corner, he was smiling and waving..
"" He was not standing, as I heard some reports say later. He was sitting, but he was happy and Jackie was happy and smiling as they passed. The car had passed about 15 feet beyond me when I heard the first shot. I did not realize it was a shot; I thought it was a backfire. The President ducked; instinctively I told myself "something is happening," but nobody knew what. Then I heard a second shot. I noticed that Jackie didn't duck - I could no longer see the President..
The car momentarily stopped, then veered slightly to the right and speeded off..
People around me were screaming; some were falling to the ground. I could not tell whether they were hit, or not - or just dodging. There was pandemonium. Everybody realized that the shots were coming from up high. People were running around cars and jumping over things..
Soon, all the buildings around here were locked - including ours. Squad cars converged. There must have been a hundred of them right away..
My employer, Mr. (Abe) Zapruder was making a movie at the time it happened. He is still with the Secret Service men. As soon as we were inside the building before any reports on the condition of the President, Mr. Zapruder had already told us ...
"The President of the United States is dead." We saw him die...""
Note: the Editor gives Peggy's location as being different that what she relates..?
(Editor, corner of Houston and Main)..Peggy states she was on the curb on Elm, about a third of the way from Houston near the overpass..?
Peggy Burney - See Dallas Times Herald 11/22/63 page 19; Dallas Times Herald 11/23/63 page 10; Also Six Seconds in Dallas (270) Witness to assassination standing on Main Street 1/3 way from Houston overpass.

Vivian Castleberry. (1922 - ) Ms. Castleberry was the women's page editor of the Dallas Times-Herald for twenty-eight years beginning in 1956. She broke new ground with exposés of a county foster home and stories about battered women, child abuse, and incest at a time when most newspapers ignored such issues. She was the first woman named to the Times-Herald editorial board. Castleberry has won numerous awards, including two state (Texas) UPI awards and two J.C. Penney/University of Missouri awards…..She was also Peggy Burney’s cousin….
But after I got back, I got a telephone call from my first cousin who was the assistant to Abraham Zapruder who took the photographs of the assassination. And when Peggy got on the phone, she said to me, "Vivian, I saw a president die today." I said, "Peggy, don't say another word until I put a piece of paper in the typewriter." And I got her first-person story through sobs. And it never saw the light of day. And this was a woman who was standing at Zapruder's left elbow while he was handling the camera, and she was holding the extra film, and she was holding, you know, the tape, and she was doing all these things.
Kasper: And you think it didn't make the paper just because there was so—
Castleberry: Oh, there was too much. There was too much volume. Just too much. I don't think that was anything that was calculated or it certainly wasn't done to—it was just a good story that never saw the light of day. ""

Vivian Castleberry & Peggy Burney

On Saturday Nov. 20th 1993...there was a conference in Dallas, as well as the ASK symposium, at the Southern Methodist University called " Reporter's Remember: 11/22/63.
Below is from a little book that was printed in relation to the conference..
Published by Darwin Payne "Reporting the Kennedy Assassination".
Page 55..
""Vivian Castleberry:
“Because when I got back finally at three o'clock that afternoon at the paper, it was bedlam and it was organized chaos at the Times Herald. But about between 3 and 4 o'clock, I had a telephone call from a first cousin. And her first words to me were, "Today I saw the President die.” And I said "Peggy don't say another word until I put a piece of paper in my typewriter." And she quoted to me almost in exact detail what Mary (Woodward) has already told you.
The interesting thing was that Peggy was Abe Zapruder's direct assistant, and so far as I know she was never interviewed by the Warren Commission.( no she was not) She was standing next to him when he took the famous film and was holding some of his camera equipment even while he did it. I thought that was a fascinating detail that maybe you would be interested in.""
Also from Sheldon Inkol "The Fourth Decade" Jan.94...vol no.2..Who was present at the "Reporters Remember" Conference. Having slipped away from ASK..
Vivian Castleberry: Dallas Times Herald revealed that her first cousin, Peggy Burney, was Abraham Zapruder's assistant ...."And was next to him when he shot his famous film, she called and said, "Vivian, today I saw the President die." Castleberry's statement went unchallenged..
Sheldon Inkol also, in an email, has mentioned, that she seemed to have left immediately after all the presentations, that she was not present and he does not know if any of the others managed to speak with her..

Erwin Schwartz & Abraham Zapruder

Zapruder made no mention of the fact that he called his partner, co-worker Erwin Schwartz, of Jennifer Juniors at the Dal-Tex
Building…uncle of
"researcher", Richard Bartholomew…..

Schwartz who aided in handling the transactions re the film….whom after Abraham had phoned, hurriedly arrived at the Office.. There was a Zapruder-Schwartz
liaison, with Schwartz handling the Z-film, etc..

Schwartz may have also been the ILGWU union rep to Nardis
Sportswear Company in NYC, NY. …also linked several times to mob

See Noel Twyman's “BLOODY TREASON” on the role of Schwartz, etc. 1996-1997,
See the Interviews by Twyman’s with Schwartz…..


[/B]Edited by James H. Fetzer, PhD. 2003, Catfeet Press, Chicago, 496 pages

Earlier volumes are 'Assassination Science" 1998.."Murder In Dealey Plaza" 2000..all three books are in a sequence.

“”we know that there are 2 splices: one at
frame 157 and another at frame 207. In addition, frames 208, 209, 210,
and 211 are missing due to mishandling by an un-named technician at
Time-Life during the time that they had possession of it. Unaltered??””


Charles & Beatrice Hester

Charles & Beatrice Hester also are seen, in a clip of film that was taken by Zapruder before the motorcade arrived…along with Marilyn Sitzman who turns and waves…. further information is found, seen below, in the Harrison Livingstone research, .
.”Two Different Versions of the Zapruder Film…

However there is a problem, between the reports on their information recorded, they were either on the south or north side of Elm, near the underpass or on the grassy knoll….so goes the Department of law enforcement..

In some of the films a couple are seen on the knoll, a woman down on the ground, in front of the arcade and a man who gets up and runs to look out a window slot, in back of, to see what he can view, in the parking lot, behind where Zapruder was standing on the pedestal……Charles first statement mentions the shots had come from “”like they came from immediately behind us and over our heads””…and Beatrice: “she believes she and her husband actually had been in the direct line of fire.”

Below I have posted their statements according to those in charge, Sheriff’s Dept & the FBI, you shall see upon reading how confusing they are…They are also seen in the Bronson, Willis, Altgens 8? and the Wiegman & Bell films & photos.

Charles Hester….

VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86
Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22nd day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Charles Hester, Address 2616 Keyhole, Irving Age 28 , Phone No. None
Deposes and says:

My wife, Beatrice and I were sitting on the grass on the slope on Elm Street where the park is located. When President Kennedy's car got almost down to the underpass, I heard two shots ring out. Thye [sic] sounded like they came from immediately behind us and over our heads. We did [not?] see the shooting. I immediately turned and looked at the Texas Book Depository building and did not see anyone. The shots sounded like the [sic] definitely came from in or around the building. I grabbed my wife because I didn't know where the next shot was coming from and dragged her up next to the concrete imbankment [sic] and threw her down on the ground and got on the ground with her.. Then there was utter confusion. The Police rushed toward the railroad tracks and I finally found an officer to go to the Texas Book Depository Building. The officer I contacted was Officer Wiseman [sic: Weitzman] of the Dallas Sheriff's Department.

/s/ Charles Hester

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the 22nd day of Nov A. D. 1963

/s/ Aleen Davis
Notary Public,
Dallas County, Texas


Date 11/25/63

CHARLES HESTER, 2610 Mayhold Street, furnished the following information:

At approximately 12:30 p.m., November 22, 1963, HESTER and his wife, BEATRICE, were standing along the street at the point immediately preceeding the underpass on Elm Street where President JOHN F. KENNEDY was shot. HESTER stated he saw the President slump in the seat of the car and that he heard two shots fired drom what appeared to be a building located on the corner of Elm Street and Houston Street. He Stated he and his wife were almost in a direct line of the fire and he immediately grabbed his wife and shoved her to the ground. He stated here after immediately escorted his wife across to the north side of the street on an embankment in an attempt to gain shelter.

HESTER stated he did not see anyone with a gun at the time the shots were fired and that after the President's car had pulled away from the scene and officers started toward the aforementioned building, he and his wife proceeded to their car and left the area.


Beatrice Hester

on 11/24/63 at Irving, Texas File # DL 89-43

By Special Agent DOYLE WILLIAMS and HENRY J. OLIVER Date Dictated 11/25/63


Date November 25, 1963

Mrs. CHARLES HESTER, 2619 Keyhole Street, Irving, Texas, advised that sometime around 12:30 p.m., on November 22, 1963, she and her husband were standing along the street at a place immediately preceding the underpass on Elm Street, where President KENNEDY was shot. Mrs. HESTER advised she heard two loud noises which sounded like gunshots, and she saw president KENNEDY slump in the seat of the car he was riding in. Her husband then grabbed her and shoved her to the ground. Shortly thereafter they went across to the north side of the street on an embankment in an attempt to gain shelter. She stated that she believes she and her husband actually had been in the direct line of fire. She did not see anyone with a gun when the shots were fired and stated she could not furnish any information as to exactly where the shots came from. After the President's car had pulled away from the scene she and her husband proceeded to their car and left the scene as she was very upset.

Additional deposition information on them can be found in Decker 5323, 19H478,
22H841, 24H523


Abraham Zapruder's Ties To CIA and Lee Harvey Oswald.

Source: Business Wire
8/4/1999 SANTA CRUZ, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 4, 1999--
Zapruder Arbitration Board has agreed to pay 16 million for the Zapruder film.
The question is whether Abraham Zapruder's family should be allowed to profit using the corporation LMH Inc. when in 1963 Zapruder belonged to the Dallas Council on World Affairs, a CIA front organization, as did de Mohrenschildt? George Bush's mentor Neil Mallon founded this organization.
In 1964 the Warren Commission found that Jeanne and her husband George de Mohrenschildt were Marina and Lee Oswald's closest friends.
Ten years before the assassination in 1953 Zapruder had worked with Jeanne de Mohrenschildt at the Nardis of Dallas clothing factory. Jeanne designed the clothes while Zapruder cut her patterns.
Not only did Jeanne and Zapruder worked together, they were in 1953 both friends with Olga Fehmer at Nardis of Dallas. Olga's daughter Marie would become the personal secretary of Lyndon Johnson's. Marie was on board Air Force One following J.F.K’s death. The Fehmer family attended Senator Chuck Robb's wedding to Lynda Johnson.
Throughout the 1950s George de Mohrenschildt worked out of a CIA-trust building and exchanged letters in 1963 with LBJ seven months before J.F.K’s death. De Mohrenschildt met with LBJ on April 26, and again on May 20th.
The man in charge of the CIA, President Bill Clinton's own lawyer, Robert Bennett represented the Zapruder Family in this case before the Zapruder Arbitration Board. Clinton's Attorney General appointed Al Gore's brother-in-law, Frank Hunger, to represent our Government's interest in the Zapruder case. Hunger quit after Adamson complained to Janet Reno of this conflict of interest..
George Bush Sr. was President and was responsible for signing into law in 1991-92 The JFK Assassination Records Review Board Act which took possession of Zapruder's film under this act.
George Bush, Sr. has written a letter admitting that he had known de Mohrenschildt since 1942.
Bush also knew LBJ was involved with The Bay of Pigs Invasion and Bush was briefed by J.E. Hoover on JFK's assassination on November 23, 1963. The Bush family has many ties to Oswald and de Mohrenschildt.
Adamson's research has been supported by President's Clinton's former White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta and an attorney for the California Attorney General's office who has won a U.S. Supreme court death penalty case.
SOURCE: DigitalWork

The Newspapers & the Zapruder Film First Information

Permission granted from Paul Rigby ..
1) Staff Special, “Dallas Man Films Movie of Shooting,” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, (morning edition), November 23, 1963, section 1, p.10:

Dallas, Nov. 22 – One of the very few – perhaps two – pictures of the President’s assassination here Friday was in the possession of a business man who was isolated with the FBI here Friday night.

Abraham Zapruder, owner of a dress factory at the intersection near where the tragic shooting occurred, photographed the incident with his movie camera.

Zapruder, who remained in communicado from shortly after the occurrence, had filmed the assassination attack from near the scene, persons close to him said.

As far as the crush of reporters covering the tragedy knew, there was only one still photograph actually showing Kennedy slumped over, a Polaroid camera picture taken by a young woman. She allowed the print to be shown on a television account of the assassination.

Zapruder's office told the Star-Telegram he was out of the office all afternoon with the FBI. His wife confirmed late Friday night that he was still with the agents.

2) “Photographer Sells Pictures of Assassination for $25,000,” Dallas Morning News, November 24, 1963, p.?

President Kennedy flinches as the first shot strikes him.

Mrs. Kennedy takes her husband in her arms.

The second shot strikes the President in the side of his head, toward the back. His head becomes a blur.

Mrs. Kennedy crawls out over the trunk compartment in the rear of the car trying to escape the line of fire. Her husband slumps to the floor. A Secret Service agent runs to aid Mrs. Kennedy.

This historic picture of the assassination of President Kennedy is recorded on 8-millimeter color movie film shot by Abraham Zapruder, dress manufacturer of 3909

Perched on a concrete pillar in a plaza a few feet away, Zapruder took perfect pictures of a terrible tragedy.

Saturday, Dick Strobel of the Associated Press, Los Angeles; Jack Klinge of United Press International, Dallas, and Dick Strolle, Los Angeles representative of Life Magazine, negotiated with Zapruder for still picture rights to his film.

Rights finally were sold to Life for more than $25,000, Zapruder told one of the other men who were bidding for the film.

3) Richard J. H. Johnston, “Movie Amateur Filmed Attack; Sequence Is Sold to Magazine” New York Times, November 24, 1963, p.5:

An amateur movie camera enthusiast in Dallas recorded a 15-second close-up sequence showing the actual impact of the assassin’s fire on President Kennedy.

The 8-millimeter film clip in color was sold by the photographer, Abraham Zapruder, for about $40,000 to Time-Life, Inc.

Life magazine will publish the pictures in its issue dated Friday, Nov. 29. The issue will be on the streets next Tuesday.

The editors said that time limitations did not permit reproduction in color. The pictures will be printed in black and white.

Mr. Zapruder, president of Jennifer Juniors, Inc., a dress shop in downtown
, declined yesterday in a telephone conversation, to discuss the film or the arrangement for its sale.

A secretary to Mr. Zapruder, speaking from the offices of the dress shop, said that the Secret Service had sent agents to examine Mr. Zapruder’s film and had permitted him to keep or sell it.

The film was developed Friday night. Time-Life editors said yesterday that it had been studied by their
Dallas representatives, who were authorized to make the purchase. The film was sent by air to the Chicago
laboratories of the magazine.

From a description give by the Life representative in
, the editors said, it appears that the pictures were taken with a telephoto lens.

Mr. Zapruder’s secretary said that Mr. Zapruder was “one of hundreds” who were taking pictures of the Presidential motorcade.

Life editors here said that they were unable last night to give precise details as to what the film showed, but that they were assured that it depicted the impact of the bullets that struck Mr. Kennedy.

The photographic department of The Associated Press in
New York
acknowledged late yesterday that the AP had bid for the pictures but that Mr. Zapruder had sold the film to Time-Life, Inc. A spokesman said he understood the price was in the vicinity of $40,000.

Mr. Zapruder’s secretary would neither confirm nor deny the figure, nor would Time-Life spokesmen discuss it. The AP spokesman, however, said the figure was “well over $25,000 and close to $40,000.”

4) AP, "Movie Film Depicts Shooting of Kennedy,” Milwaukee Journal, November 26, 1963, part 1, p.3

Dallas, Tex.-AP - A strip of color movie film graphically depicting the assassination of President Kennedy was made by a Dallas clothing manufacturer with an 8 millimeter camera.

Several persons in
who have seen the film, which lasts about 15 seconds, say it clearly shows how the president was hit in the head with shattering force by the second of two bullets fired by the assassin.

Life magazine reportedly purchased still picture rights to the material for about $40,000.

("The film also was being distributed by United Press International Newsfilms to subscribing stations. WITI-TV in
Milwaukee is a subscriber, but will reserve judgment on whether to show the film until after its officials have viewed it.")

This is what the film by Abe Zapruder is reported to show:

First the presidential limousine is coming toward the camera. As it comes abreast of the photographer, Mr. Kennedy is hit by the first bullet, apparently in the neck. He turns toward his wife Jacqueline, seated at his left, and she quickly begins to put her hands around his head.

At the same time, Texas Gov. John Connally, riding directly in front of the president, turns around to see what has happened.

Then Mr. Kennedy is hit on the upper right side of the back of his head with violent force. His head goes forward and then snaps back, and he slumps down on the seat.

At this time, Gov. Connolly is wounded and drops forward on his seat.

Mrs. Kennedy then jumps up and crawls across the back deck of the limousine, apparently seeking the aid of a secret service man who has been trotting behind the slowly moving vehicle. He jumps onto the car and shoves Mrs. Kennedy back into the seat. Then he orders the driver to speed to the hospital where the president died.

The elapsed time from the moment when Mr. Kennedy is first struck until the car disappears in an underpass is about five seconds."

5) AP (Dallas), “Amateur captures death shot,” The Province (
Vancouver, BC), 26 November 1963, p.1:

A strip of color movie film showing the assassination of President Kennedy was made by a
Dallas clothing manufacturer with an eight millimetre camera.

Several persons in
[COLOR=#003366][FONT=Verdana] who have seen the film sat it clearly shows how the president was hit in the head with shattering force by the second of two bullets fired by the assassin.

Life magazine is reported to have purchased still picture rights to the material for about $40,000.

The film, made by Abe Zapruder, is reported to show how, as the presidential limousine comes abreast of the photographer, Kennedy is hit by the first bullet, apparently in the neck.

Then Kennedy is hit on the upper right side of the back of his head with violent force.

6) Express Staff Reporter (New York, Monday), “The Man Who Got the Historic Pictures,” Daily Express, Tuesday, 26 November 1963, p.10:

Amateur photographer Abraham Zapruder, owner of a Dallas dress manufacturing business, took the assassination pictures in 8mm colour with a no...
I just came upon thIs thread paul thankyou for the mention...i have not touched the legend of the crappy zappy for just over a year, though i have continued to gather and have much to add to, it is amazing just how much information there is...i will slowly add the found to it as i go along...i am hoping this loads if not perhaps i shall pester myra to help me,,so for now fwiiw..i shall return another day hopefully to be able to add the few photos that should show..if i am able to.that is as i am not very computer savy.....thanks b..:listen:SORRY IT WILL NOT UPLOAD MYRA I SHALL BE BUGGING YOU KINDLY.p.S I AGREE WHOLE HEARTEDLY THERE ARE OTHER ASPECTS THAT IMO AND OTHERS HAVE PROVEN OR SHOWN A CONSPIRACY ONE OF THE POINTS I FIND WITH THE ZAPRUDER FILM IS ONLY THE GOVERNMENT HAD POSSESSION OF SUCH AFTER ABRAHAM RELINQUISHED IT..THEREFORE THAT PROVES THE GOVERNMENT OF THE U.S.A ALTERED IT,AND WAS INVOLVED IN THE ASSASSINATION OF THE PRESIDENT AND THE COVER UPIMO ALSO I WOULD LIKE TO SEE PROVEN SO THEN THE ZAPRUDERS MUST RETURN THE 16 MILLION DOLLARS THEY WERE PAID FOR SUCH AT THE EXPENSE OF THE TAX PAYERS..AND IF NEED BE AND SO EXPOSING ABRAHAM if he was involved in the corruption...they have sat back for so many years now just gathering it it has rolled towards THEM.and still does.....B:willy:

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