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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile


Here's the proof of the pudding:

Source: [Image: 10711yg.jpg]

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Perhaps now people will believe me when I said I was sent human cancer cells to work on
at St. Francis from George Moore at Roswell Park. I was sent more such cells from Roswell
Park and other places at university of Florida, and that Ochsner, Moore and Diehl, all close
friends, guided me without qualms to convince me that it was okay to inject deadly cancer
into human beings at the East Louisiana mental hospital in Jackson.

Note that Dr. Mirand may have good reasons to try to say I was dismissed from the program
at Roswell, when I was under George Moore's lab and not under Miranda's direct control.

I objected and they destroyed my medical career for objecting. But I pay the price today in
insults, attacks against my person physically and emotionally, and I am so often lied about.

Nevertheless, I said that 'time was on my side' --and it is.

So is God. These issues need to be revealed.

Think of what is going on today, behind the scenes.


P.S. Consider going overseas for medical treatment, US citizens!

Regarding the medical team brought from the outside into Parkland Hospital to "treat' Jack Ruby, who died some 29 days after admission to Parkland: I consider Ruby a murder victim there, due to medical neglect. The team brought in made sure he would not survive.

We have large volumes of ascites fluid withdrawal made very late, at least twice, showing Ruby was drowning in his own lung fluids. They could have withdrawn the fluid earlier and saved him agony. Knowing his blood clot risk, they failed to place elastic stockings on his legs, according to my interview notes with his day guard, Al Maddox.

[Image: oswjgo.jpg]

Several of these doctors were connected to New Orleans originally--training at Touro, Charity, and Tulane where Ochsner ruled.

Further, the bioweapon was brought to Texas by Lee Oswald en route to Mexico City, and a clone of it was dropped off in Houston prior to his going by bus across the border. He was flown into Houston and never rode a bus there. The Warren Commission was never able to prove that he rode a bus there, but simply assumed he did not fly because he was 'poor.' (!!!!)

He had purchased a bus ticket to Houston, indeed--the same night, at about 11:30 PM, Aug. 31st, that we returned from Jackson, or the very next day. The ticket was purchased that far in advance so it would not be connected with the expected death of the victim(s) at Jackson who had been injected. He was supposed to leave directly for Mexico City upon receiving that news.

Lee H. Oswald waited with anxiety because Ruth Paine had to arrive before he was ordered to leave for Mexico City, for he did not want to leave Marina alone with June.

The ticket bought in advance was because he would have to "use it" as soon as the prisoner died. It would cover his actual trips to Houston and Dallas by plane: on the record, he would seem to be traveling by bus to Houston. That was not true.

Ruth Paine was delayed several days in Washington, DC, etc., where she visited her CIA-connected relatives, before arriving as planned in New Orleans to pick up the heavily pregnant Marina and June. Lee and Marina wept because he had told her he would probably never see her again.

This is in the book Marina and Lee, the official version that besmirches Lee, and one reason why my book is called "Me and Lee."

Ruth Paine stayed two days before they left for Irving, TX (suburb of Dallas). Paine took Marina to visit the French Quarter with the kids in the evening. Lee did not go with them. This is because Lee and I had been together in the french Quarter and I had posed as Marina there. Lee would not accompany Marina to the French Quarter because to be seen with her might have caused people, then, to wonder who "I" was. We had been there so often.

The book "Marina and Lee" provides much corroboration for my presence in Lee Oswald's life through many more such entries, and it is a book that should be at hand while reading Me and Lee.

In my blog, I intend to present the many instances in the 'official biography' written by McMillan, a CIA asset, that provide support for my own statements and for many events--such as Lee refusing to go with Marina to the french Quarter, Lee refusing to tell Marina he worked at Reily Coffee and saying he worked at Leon Israel Coffee Co. instead--a company located further down Magazine St.

Marina Oswald did visit Leon Israel Coffee Co. looking for Lee and realized he did not work there.

Lee and I were often in each other's company outside at lunchtime near Reily's, and he did not want Marina to see us together. McMillan calls Lee's telling Marina he worked elsewhere as "ANOTHER POINTLESS...LIE" THAT LEE MADE. It was not pointless. It hid a relationship that involved clandestine lab work and Lee's role in that.

After I left New Orleans, Lee was told to stop doing pro-Castro things and to just be quiet in New Orleans. He spent much time at home during this time, though he was often gone all day long, as well. He had to be ready to leave as soon as the prisoner(s) died.

It was eventually learned that the prisoner of concern was about to die. In fact, death occurred for one prisoner at 28 days after first injection.

The word came two days after Ruth Paine's arrival.

When that word came, Paine and Marina took off for Irving, and Lee took off for Houston. But not by bus.

The bus ticket was not used by Lee, but a RETURN PORTION of the ticket was used by his pilot, Hugh Ward, to get Ward back to New Orleans from Baton Rouge, where he had left the plane at Chennault Field, for it had been supplied to them by Schlumberger Co., who kept the plane at Chennault Field, or sometimes at Hull Field...

I have background files on these matters.

Ward was upset because his car was left behind at Houma when he flew Lee to Hull Field outside Houston for what would be a flight from there to Dallas to establish Lee Oswald as 'not' going to Mexico City. He used part of the bus ticket to help get him partially back again, and it would 'help' it seem that "Lee' returned to New Orleans when he was actually on his way to Mexico City. So many false trails were laid.

[Image: 243grcg.jpg]

Sightings of Lee in Dallas occurred the same day he was supposed to be 'riding the bus to Houston' -- and one or more of these are correct. This was part of the cover-up to hide Lee's trip to Mexico City.

Of course the truth is that they wished to EXPOSE Lee as being in Mexico City to trap him as a patsy, but Lee did not know this at the end of September. He was content with impersonations also, as he believed they were created to disguise his true mission to Mexico City.

The WC could never understand nor did they ever look into how part of the ticket back to New Orleans from Baton Rouge was used--I may have a segment of that wrong as I do not have the files, but a portion of the ticket was used by Hugh Ward. Maybe another portion of the ticket was given to a kid for use part way also; I do not know which portion.

WHAT IS A FACT IS THAT THE FINAL LEG OF THE TICKET TO HOUSTON WAS NEVER USED. Lee himself never used any of that ticket--it was a cover for his trip by plane. WC could never prove he was on a bus to Houston and had to conclude, as said before, that he was too poor to have flown to Houston.

Knowing this, we then see that Lee, about to leave Houston by bus for Mexico, is given a FRESH SUPPLY of the bioweapon, for two possibilities exist:

1) Haslam suggests it is possible that Lee was fooled into handing over the bioweapon that was real, and was given a fake substitute under the guise that it was two days younger in age (shelf life period limited, this was important). It was then out of Ochsner's control. In this way the bioweapon was transferred to M.D. Anderson/Baylor.


2) Lee DID receive a true clone. If so, the bioweapon had already been transferred to M.D. Anderson/Baylor and was out of Ochsner's control.

Either way, the bioweapon got out of Ochsner's control and into the hands of Texas doctors.

Jack Ruby was aware that a LARGE BORE (painful) needle was necessary to inject cancer cells INTO THE BLOODSTREAM.

The silly experiments mentioned by Moore, et al, in 1964 newspapers about injecting foreign (cancer) cells into muscle tissue are red herrings for what the bioweapon was designed to do and how it was administered.

Injections into muscle issue always resulted in abscesses and did not work. This was a ploy given to the press to make it seem that any cancer injections they heard of in experiments with prisoners were not given into the bloodstream, into the lungs, or kidneys or other areas where the cells could move freely, and if the patient's immune system was compromised (as in patients with cancer, or (later) those with AIDS, or those exposed to too much x-irradiation, a SUPER cancer (not ordinary cancers) could take off and engulf the victim, with death in 4-8 weeks.
Ruby died 29 days after his diagnosis.

They later said he must have had cancer for a long time, but in fact, he was being watched by the prison doctors (at his peril) at all times. It was in prison that Jack Ruby was injected by a doctor from Chicago, who vanishes afterwards. Maddox gave us that information. University of Chicago had close contacts with Dr. Mary Sherman and others in the New Orleans project.

Ruby knew he was being injected with cancer cells because they did not inject him in muscle tissue but into the bloodstream, with a painful, large bore needle that would not get clogged with the invisible, but 'sticky' cancer cells. He had been to Dave Ferrie's...I have not gone into all details in the book about our discussion there, with Ruby, due to space problems, but the reader of the book will know the subject of cancer research there was brought up when macerated tumors are described sitting in a blender in Ferrie's refrigerator.

Ruby was aware of the details, such as how injected cancer could 'take.' He brought money from Texas to help fund the project.

Newspaper articles talking about injections into the arm, etc. make the doctors look like heroes. In truth, you are under no danger from a cancer injection into muscle tissue. It's rejected as a foreign substance. Only if it gets into the bloodstream and is not filtered out as, for example, if it grows too fast and gets lodged in the lung, uterine, kidney or liver tissues where there is a god blood supply but the body can't filter it out through the lymph nodes, and it 'takes root'--think how the 'foreign tissue' of a baby can 'take root' in the uterus--a very vigorous, enhanced cancer placed in the bloodstream of a person with a compromised immune system will take off and will be unstoppable. Note that recently in China, a doctor has been indicted for injecting cancer cells into the uteruses of women and giving many women cancer, for which he then received money to 'cure' them.


[Image: 5jzk9g.jpg]

am reposting this photo, even though I have posted it already.)

[Image: oswjgo.jpg]



Ruby: Everything pertaining to what’s happening has never

come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts

of what occurred – my motives. The people had so much to gain,

and had such an ulterior motive to put me in the position I’m in,

will never let the true facts come above board to the world.

Questioner: Are these people in very high positions Jack?

Ruby: Yes.

[Image: 15ezayw.jpg]

I have stated unequivocally that Jack Ruby had known Lee since he was a child (watching him
play with other kids at some mafia family get-togethers and parties), and Lee remembered Jack
Ruby since about age fifteen in a direct and personal manner. When Lee's mafia-member, his
uncle Dutz in New Orleans asked Ruby to "take care of my boy, Lee"---but Lee refused to work
for the mafia and instead joined the Marines.

[Image: 1rc60z.jpg]

Jack Ruby had family. He had beloved dogs. He knew Lee and neverwillingly would have killed him.
He was forced to kill Lee. And it was necessary to get rid of Ruby before he had a re-trial. He was to be
moved from Dallas to a new venue when it was 'discovered' that he was ill. He had received numerous
'penicillin shots', which he said were cancer cell injections, by the time he was to be moved from Dallas.
Instead, he was sent to the hospital, where he died some 28-29 days later.

[Image: oswjgo.jpg]

There are actually a few years between the photos--but in fact, we do have the
YouTube photos in between showing when the Commission visited Jack Ruby.

Another file of interest:

In his book, JFK: The Second Plot (1992), Matthew Smith points out that Thomas H. Killam,
a man who worked for Jack Ruby, claimed that there was a link between his former employer, Lee
Harvey Oswald and the Mafia. He told his brother, "I am a dead man, but I have run as far as I am
running." Killam was found dead in an alley with his throat cut in March, 1964. Smith points out that
Dorothy Kilgallen also died in mysterious circumstances after interviewing Ruby iin November 1965.

[Image: 35kk6me.jpg]

Following the assassination, Rose Cheramie was interviewed by the police. She claimed that Lee
Harvey Oswald had visited Ruby's night club. In fact, she believed the two men were having a
homosexual relationship. Cheramie, the victim of a hit and run driver, was found dead on 4th
September, 1965.

In 1968, Joachim reported things differently than they have since been reported...we have heard,
ever since Joachim came out with the message below, that Ruby had at one time or another been ill.
But looking closely, we find that Ruby bashed his head against a wall, trying to kill himself, and tried
to electrocute himself--according to the police. His sister Eva said he was very ill a few weeks before
he was taken to Parkland Hospital. But that still means he was healthy until at least the end of October,
when all reports and records are examined.

[Image: 34q2rex.jpg]

Joachim's words have been challenged decades later. But Joachim, in fact, is reporting from 1968, and
has a closer view of everything than the cover-up artists who come along later. He wrote:

"Jack Ruby, on December 9, 1966, - exactly one day after he had learned that his new trial was going
to be held in February or March 1967 at Wichita Falls, about 140 miles from Dallas - was stricken with a
mysterious disease first diagnosed as a common cold, then as pneumonia and finally as generalized cancer.

For more than three years, with a death sentence hanging over his dead for most of the time, Ruby had
been as fit as a fiddle in the custody of Dallas Sheriff Bill Decker. At no time before December 9, had the
prison doctor who visited him regularly, detected any flaw in Ruby's splendid health. But now, with a new
trial in prospect in a different place, death quickly overtook the man who knew perhaps more than any
other living person (with the possible exception of David Ferrie, then still totally unknown to the public at
large) about the real background to the assassination. He passed away in the morning of January 3, 1967
- and another inconvenient trial was happily averted.

[Image: fljyhl.jpg]

As always, my critics are likely to counter at this point with the challenge: 'Where is your evidence that Ruby was murdered?'

"The evidence is there, plain to see for anyone with an open mind, but it is purely circumstantial, not tangible. (The people who
arranged for Ruby's death, as they had previously arranged for the overt murders of President Kennedy, Patrolman Tippit and
Lee Harvey Oswald, to say nothing of the 20-odd witnesses who have also been disposed of, weren't stupid enough to leave
any palpable traces of what they had done.)" (from Spartacus website)

[Image: 30ctaup.jpg]
Can I ask of anyone Judith or anyone - was, and if so how, was, Dr. Jolyan West involved?! I had a very good friend of mine interview him about this matter in L.A. many years ago. West played 'dumb' and my friend/interviewer died not too long thereafter. At the time Dr. West was the head of the Dept. of Neuropsychiatry at U.C.L.A.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass


By the way, Lee was a great-looking guy. I had dates with plenty of guys and had my pick, and would have picked him for looks that do not show up well when he was beaten and tired, etc. with their selected photos. But take a gander at the Midnight Conference...well, anyway, he had a lot of self-confidence and dominant ways, I love that. Girls like to have self-assurance and intelligence and a sense of humor.

McMillan makes Lee's self-assurance look always like bragging. Gag.....

Yes, it is true. My grandmother spoke 5 languages and knew Latin, as well.

That's not the point. The point is that the Hungarian family was due to marriage of John Pic to a girl born of native Hungarian parents. People then make phone calls and start their rumors. Police get these calls and reports and tips all the time. To accept every one as fact is shaky ground to walk on.

Lee knew not one single word of Hungarian. He knew Spanish better than reported. He knew his English as well as any college graduate, and it was Cajun-tinged. I've taken enough courses in linguistics to have a degree in the field, including plenty of doctoral level and graduate hours. Lee Oswald (Harvey) was a native-born Louisiana resident who effectively wiped out most of his accent. I have linguistic studies on Lee's speech and of his mother's to prove it. I interviewed 400 Cajun speakers in 1997-1998 for research on Cajun speech, as efforts were made by the US government to wipe it out. It was considered low class. Marguerite especially adopted a higher-class way of speaking, obviously sensitive to the idea that she was born into a Cajun-speaking milieu.

The point is to keep an open mind. There are too many other explanations. I am NEVER going to say Lee was not impersonated even when he was in the USSR. But this was to provide him deep cover protection when he returned. If he returned. He was a brave man.

About the Bronx photo: that is not a 'runt' photographed at the Bronx Zoo...He is leaning back against a railing that's three feet high. Also, kids can 'shoot up' in their early teens at a rapid rate...Also, nobody looks into the fact that there are tons of "Oswalds" in New York.

[Image: ifsv15.jpg]

I know what happened at Stripling. Robert Oswald assumed Lee attended there.

I taught college English at U of LA a Lafayette for four years. Every semester--that's ten semesters--I had Oswald look-a-likes in my classes. Want to make a movie about Lee?

Go to Lafayette and all Cajun areas heading east from there, and you'll find 'Lee' all over the place.

There was a lot of inbreeding going on before they connected all the islands.

The Cajuns were rather despised and inbred.

Therefore, you have remarkably strong genetic resemblances among all three boys in their picture together when quite young. That’s inbreeding.

It also means, besides the commonality of the name 'Oswald" that you are going to have that same cute-looking boy all over the place, at various heights.

We must approach this scientifically rather than rely only on reports of people...I know I have been misreported as peeing in my pants in my English class due to fear, when it was mouse urine on the coat that I had tried to wash off, making the coat 'wet' (a raincoat, though) and a strong odour in the room when I had to go to class.

This 'pee in pants' was reported by a jock who hated my guts for taking science fair prizes away from him (he went on to West Point) got into an article in 2007. Nothing was said about the many, many friends I had who would have come against that statement.

I suppose in an alternative biography of me, they will say, SHE PEED IN HER PANTS, SHE WAS SUCH A COWARD. Yet that same guy added that I was seeking attention!

When we take every statement as fact, many errors can occur.

I knew Lee and he was aware and even wanted impersonations. We covered up our tracks very well and after Lee left Reily, I could never dare meet him outside there anymore.

Just trying to say, when you know the man, you know some things simply aren’t true.

Then it's easy to find what is true and present it.

Lee told me he even had a relative there. In New Orleans, two of his relatives were working for Reily when he was, and one worker describes a relative as smoking who was actually Lee, as Lee mentioned his male relative smoked.

People should notice that the boy is leaning back...the photo itself has been altered slightly around the nose many other photos, as well...also, though this is supposed to be the Bronx Zoo, Robert Oswald has a fuzzy memory on a lot of stuff, and remember, Lee was visiting Johnn Pic's home, not Robert's, in New York.

Robert has committed various errors and told lies as well, do to his affair with Marina shortly after Lee's death.

He 'found' the damning Imperial Reflex camera in the PAINE garage that had been so thoroughly searched...

Right after being caught with Marina....

Robert then moved into a nice new brick house that he could not have afforded before then.

Records get messed up, too.

One researcher, citing Armstrong (I have nothing against Armstrong except wonder that he did not interview me)--the researcher said Robert Oswald said Marguerite moved into a lower-class house which, however, at the time was a new house and was middle class, and nice middle-class, as well....There are other problems...

[Image: 16bxzkz.jpg]

The way Armstrong describes things, ROBERT Oswald has to know about 'both' Oswalds, as he has photos of 'both' of them....


There were other Oswalds in New York. Lee met a relative there. These people are interviewed more than ten years later. Police often get plenty of reports when a murder happens and I was a newspaper reporter. The descriptions of people that come in vary wildly.

Choosing what you want can create a whole different person, indeed.

The key is here: on The Education Forum, they have showed how Lee Oswald had three files. They all belonged to the Lee Oswald I knew...Lee Harvey Oswald.

But one file had a 'card'--when clandestine matters were ongoing about Lee, in this file he was called Lee 'Henry' Oswald. In a second file, another card showed Lee Harvey Oswald was called 'Harvey' Oswald. All three were the same person.

We now believe that Armstrong did not understand or the new testimony was not available when he saw these separate files.

It seems that the same man was referred to this way to show what operations he was being used for.

[Image: 28hmqhk.jpg]

In addition, many false reports were created to give Lee deep cover all the way back to childhood. He told me such steps were taken so that when he returned from the Soviet Union, he would be able to take up a 'normal life' due to the deep cover fables created about him.

These have now been tuned into different people, but the new files show that the distinct possibility exists that Armstrong may have interpreted these files as not belonging to the same man, but to two individuals who were distinct.

The fact is, that was the intention, so Lee could hide his past after his return from the Soviet Union, and indeed could enter any new project and return to a dual identity--covered in the states or elsewhere, while actually on assignment, say, back in Russia or in Cuba, etc.

Lee attempted to extricate himself from this by asking for a permanent transfer to Mexico. This is why he and Marina wept when they parted in New Orleans and she went to Irving and he went to Mexico City.

Originally, he was supposed to be allowed to stay there.

But I had angered Ochsner and Ochsner wanted us separated.

Lee was ordered to return to Dallas.

He did not object very much because he wanted to see his new baby.

They got him back to Dallas, of course to use him as a patsy.

They promised him that he could be assigned permanently in Mexico City and the Yucatan, etc. At Christmas.

By then, of course, they would have him accused as JFK's assassin and be rid of him.

As early as July, Lee realized that he was 'better off dead to both sides' as he out it (US and USSR).

Now you will keep finding these files, but they were covers laid in, and some of these testimonies, besides, are based on memories of people who may or may not have ever met the real Lee Oswald. They are decades-old memories and we are talking about a quiet boy not easy to remember, when these people saw hundreds of boys go through their system constantly.

[Image: 2iuz1c2.jpg] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[Image: 51wmxu.jpg] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[Image: 2eqb5fn.jpg]

This TI case is truly disgusting. I personally have come to the conclusion that without question, intel stole what would have been a very productive medical research career from Judyth and this in a sense robbed us all.

And my conclusions are based only on the basic facts of her story which have already been proven to me substantially. I don't really care about whether the rest of her story is accurate or not, and I don't have the background and knowledge to make any judgements about it anyway. To me it doesn't matter. I know it is important to her but my interest in her case is related to my conclusions.

There can be no doubt that Judyth is a genius level individual and extremely gifted. Her IQ is off the map as is her creativity and academic aptitude. Consider all she was able to do before she even graduated from High School. Her initial cancer related discoveries were so outstanding and ground breaking that word moved up the grape vine and some very powerful people took an immediate interest in bringing her into their fold.

Jim, this is never done unless extreme talent is judged to exist, we are talking here about extraordinary giftedness only. These folks are not looking for just good or very good, or even excellent, they are always only recruiting the truly rare, the supergifted, the exceptional superstar, someone like Judyth. We are not talking about a nice little recommendation from a HS teacher or counselor. We are talking about the top folks in American cancer research who were connected to the super-elites running our country who got wind of her work and potential to use for their own purposes.

The key to note here is that when she tried to re-pursue her medical education a few years after the JFK Murder, her Professor ordered her firmly to stay out of medical research forever with no explanation. This professor knew that she probably unknowlingly discovered the cure for certain cancers in her earlier research and this was the last thing his cronies in high places ever wanted her to realize and capitalize on in a medical research career since it would run counter to their objectives, whatever they were.

Eustace Mullins who just died used to say that the cancer society was more about keeping the causes of cancer covered up and supporting an ideology for selling expensive chemotherapy and treatment, and supporting big pharma than it was about discovering a cure. And there is substantial evidence supporting this if one looks at all the physicians over many years that have been harassed, discredited and arrested for alternative care, some of which actually works, such as that famous doctor in Texas, Dr. Burzynski.

Now Jim, what I am asserting here has nothing to do with the rest of Judyth's personal story about Oswald. My conclusions are based on what jumps out at me from her story, what screams out.

How disgusting that a bright, young, motivated superstar student and researcher like Judyth could be robbed of so promising a career in medical research that would have undoubtedly catapulted her to world fame and yield many life saving discoveries. It would have been a cake walk for someone like her to have completed her MD degree and any specialty she wanted. This had been her dream, to be a top medical researcher and she could have done it. So Judyth has been terribly robbed and so have all of us.

These folks that keep nitpicking her personal story deserve no attention. She should give them no venue to criticize her story before it is out in book form, published by agreement with her by a publisher of her choice. It is Judyth's PERSONAL RIGHT to tell her story any way she wants as long as she satisfies her publisher and that is between her and her publisher and no one else.

If folks buy and read her book and don't like it or believe it, then so what? If they want they can write their own book and try to get it published. But these particular folks should be willing to subject themselves to heavy duty pre-publication scrutiny like they have gone after Judyth and they better have 100% hard facts to support their stories. I doubt many would do so well exposed to the standards they have tried to impose on Judyth. The only one that probably could do it would be Jack White, but he is a whole other type than most of these Judyth detractors (he is a real, hardcore researcher and his work appears to be almost exclusively related to photo and video evidence--his arguments are almost impossible to refute in his research for that reason--his work is bullet proof and I think it is probably unfair for him to expect others to meet those extreme standards because that would require video and photo evidence--research can be good, or even very good without being bulletproof like Jack's).

So I suggest that Judyth stop trying to please her doubters and detractors and put all her energy into getting her book finished and published ASAP.

I for one will not be fooled by the psyops and attempts to discredit, smear and stalk Judyth Vary. I've seen it too many times. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, then no matter what anyone claims, it is still a duck. As far as I am concerned (and I really don't care what anyone else says or thinks about her, or even if her story isn't 100% correct in every way--I have seen enough basic proof to convince me what has been going on for many years), she is a superstar that had a very bright medical career stolen from her by intel. And the reasons will eventually come out as the little strings get pulled (be sure of that---too much of her story is already available to keep these strings covered up or sidetracked anymore--and some very bright perceptive folks are just now starting to sniff at the threads--just wait until her book is out and more threads are available to pull--things she probably doesn't realize what the will lead to).

This long term intel psyops has robbed Judyth of an exciting, fruitful career in medical research and also robbed every one of us of medical research that would have provided some great and wonderful discoveries related to cancer treatment. I am now well convinced of that.

So I say God Bless You Judyth. Get your book out ASAP. I expect your book to be a great success.
Quote:The key to note here is that when she tried to re-pursue her medical education a few years after the JFK Murder, her Professor ordered her firmly to stay out of medical research forever with no explanation. This professor knew that she probably unknowlingly discovered the cure for certain cancers in her earlier research and this was the last thing his cronies in high places ever wanted her to realize and capitalize on in a medical research career since it would run counter to their objectives, whatever they were.

This makes perfect, lucid commercial sense to me.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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  Nicholson Baker - Dallas Killer's Club R.K. Locke 5 4,330 23-07-2014, 10:18 PM
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