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Phil Ochs:"There But For Fortune"
Quote:This is weird.

Yeah,that is freaky!Confusedhock:

Thank you very much for the real story.I wasn't totally sure about it,and wondered if I should post it up.Did you watch the DemocracyNow piece?I think it clears up his death by suicide.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
I still, deep down, feel someone killed him, using "suicide" as cause of death. Especially since he always talked about it. Someone must have told him to come to Dealey Plaza that day -- Why? And the photos Bernice provided are accurate. That's him.

Kathy C
Quote:Someone must have told him to come to Dealey Plaza that day -- Why?

That's a great question.Jim Glover only gives us a hint in the thread over at the EF.

Quote: And the photos Bernice provided are accurate. That's him.
Yeah,I think so also.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Someone speculated that the powers that be wanted certain people in Dealey Plaza, so photos could be taken of them. If they ever tell who was behind it, they're open for blackmail.

Kathy C
I remember hearing the news of his death and how deeply it effected me. He and a few other anti-War singers were constantly on my record player [remember those?]. His songs were angry at the injustice, but so full of hope too....and if he did commit suicide, which I believed at hearing that he died, he had lost his hope - and it affected me deeply. There are many right wing manic depressives, but they don't seem to commit suicide as often......that is not a conspiracy, IMO, but because they find the quite horrible world we live in more welcoming and nurturing of their political pathology than do those of us depressed on the Left.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Kathleen Collins Wrote:I don't believe Ochs killed himself. Too many suicides happened. Mary Meyers' (unsolved murder) husband, Cord, who worked in the CIA. Phil Graham, owner of the newspaper, killed himself when Katherine Graham was home. And these other fellows: Abbie Hoffman - dies of overdose of phenobarbital; supposedly suicide. Jerry Rubin - jaywalking. Hunter S. Thompson - bullet to the head; son home, heard nothing. Thompson was on the phone to his wife when she heard a weird noise. She rushed home to find him dead. (He was at his typewriter on the porch. Didn't he type something before he got hit?) Don't forget: John Lennon, shot to death by a lone nut -- MkUltra? Even George DeMorenshildt shot himself on the day he was supposed to testify re Kennedy Assassination. The stripper who hung herself with her capri pants in a jail cell. Her too.

Kathleen: I think many on this list were murdered as well. Abbie, Jerry, George DM.
Hunter, from what I read was on the phone with his wife and told her he was going to do it and if memory serves, did it with her on the phone.
Lennon: MKULtra, or something akin.

Phil ....I need to learn more about him being in DP. That is hard to believe. I too love his music. I still have his records. Small Circle of Friends...Miranda...

Too sad.
ps opps I typed too soon and cut off the end of her post so now this won't format correctly...time to call it a day, computer-wise.
I am certain that those photos are of Phil Ochs. It looks like he is standing in front of the garage of the Dal-Tex building. There's a guy with him with sunglasses on and another man behind him. It looks like after the shooting.

About Hunter S. Thompson. He might have been depressed and said so. But when she called him from the store, she heard a weird sound and he didn't answer her anymore. She came home and found him dead. His son was in the house. He heard nothing.

What if someone came to his screen door who he knew and trusted. And he let that person in. His phone rang. It was his wife and the evil person shot him with a silencer, as he sat talking to his wife. And then the guy disappeared.

Supposedly Hunter took some footage of a sacrifice of a human being. He was allowed in to Bohemian Grove and he had watched allegedly a kid get killed. What could he do with this footage? Just lay low. Possibly he felt bad that he allowed a murder to be committed in front of him. And then became scared for his life.

Kathy C
Keith Millea Wrote:Thanks Bernice,you never fail to deliver for people.I'm really sorry to hear about your hack,and hope that your life is back to normal now.Those pictures do show a good likeness to Phil,but I'm not even close to being a photo expert.I'm hoping Jack White will chime in with his take on the story and picture.

your welcome keith, i did go through all my motorcade photos but, i could not come up with the shot on houston it is taken from,of course not, Viking close but no cigar does not do the job, i think i know who did the blow up and crop, i have been meaning to ask him, so we may find out yet, no real problem with the hack other than my email addresses were gone, so i had to begin again, years of ads in there, some rare, but here today gone tomorrow as the saying goes,all is as normal now as it can be here, at ''madhatter manor''..:damncomputer: all was put in the hands of the server, and mine was secured, and some emails that were sent out captured at their end, from whomever,by all, my sister in law called and said to my husband, yeah she's running around in spain, as if and the two of them had a great chuckle, that is what was so stupid with whomever did the job, they know nothing,but when he is about to leave now, says things like, no running around spain nor anywhere else till i come home, it has created some good laughs, i regretted that my friends family and associates were pestered especially for money, but that is apparently what they were after it is the rule apparently, it seems, i have not heard anything further since thurs, hopefully more news soon, it happens with some regularity, and the technicians tell me, no matter what security for your email you have, if someone really wants to get in they can and will, so someone for some reason, wanted my emails, i lost some research for further studies on the ss and some other subjects, but the only i really regretted were some family very personal emails that are of no interest to anyone else,and some from a friend who has been very ill, but the mail is gone,no crying over spilt milk,thank goodness no one fell for their scam, so another live and learn, they got through 3 fire walls on this thing and 3 protection programs, so nothing further will surprise me, thank you for your kind words, i am thinking that the other man in those crops is jim, i hope you can get in touch with him.for now, thank you and ..take care..b:curtain:

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