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The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall?
Speculative hypothesis: Savile was part of a paedophile ring that procured vulnerable children for abuse by politicians, the wealthy and the influential. Knowledge and evidence of the abuse was used to blackmail the influential, probably with British intelligence oversight.

Now, we have some new and disturbing revelations about how Jim Fixed It.

Adult men have come forward and testified to repeated child abuse by Savile, so the fact that Jim preyed on boys as well as girls - as claimed in this thread - is now being reported by MSM.

Savile's decades long involvment at the high security Broadmoor prison hospital, originally known as Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum, is most provocative.

Broadmoor is where Britain's most violent criminals, including murderers and serial killers, are sent if declared insane.

Here is wiki's list of some notable inmates/patients:

Quote:Antony Baekeland, grandson of Leo Baekeland, after his trial for stabbing his mother to death.[14]
Ian Ball, who attempted to kidnap Princess Anne in 1974
William Rutherford Benn, father of Margaret Rutherford
Ian Brady
Charles Bronson
Sharon Carr, who stabbed her first victim Katie Rackliff when she was just 12
David Copeland
Richard Dadd
Gregory Davis
Ibrahim Eidarous, alleged member of al-Jihad[15]
Kenneth Erskine
June and Jennifer Gibbons
Daniel Gonzalez
James Kelly, convicted of killing his wife, suspected of being Jack the Ripper, his memoirs place his whereabouts around other unsolved murders in the UK and the United States.
Ronald Kray
Thomas John Ley
Robert Maudsley
Roderick McLean
Dr. William Chester Minor, known as The Surgeon of Crowthorne
Daniel M'Naghten
Robert Napper
Edward Oxford
Nicky Reilly[16]
John Straffen
Peter Sutcliffe, known as Yorkshire Ripper
Roy Shaw
Ronald True
Graham Young, released by hospital as "fully recovered", and who later poisoned dozens of people, two fatally. Jailed aged 14 (youngest prisoner detained there since 1885).

The Kray twins were notorious London gangsters, whose criminal network was protected by high-placed police officers. The Krays were homosexuals, and allegedly procured boys, mainly runaways and orphans, for the rich and influential, including politicians and judges.

The Yorkshire Ripper, serial killer Peter Sutcliffe, told a very strange story about one of his murders:

Quote:"Mr Sutcliffe told police he left the murder scene after he heard voices, but couldn't tell where they came from.

"He also heard a car being driven away from the entrance to a house.

"Later he found out that the house was where disc jockey Jimmy Savile lived"

Now we learn that Savile had a room with a bed at Broadmoor.

Astonishingly, we also learn that for several years Savile was allowed to run this psychiatric prison hospital for the crimiinally dangerous and insane.

Whilst buggering and raping the patients.

Quote:Jimmy Savile police investigate Broadmoor rape claims

As sexual abuse claims grow, Met studies claims that late DJ assaulted patients at psychiatric hospital where he volunteered

Esther Addley, Monday 15 October 2012 13.09 BST

Police investigating the growing number of abuse allegations against Jimmy Savile are reportedly visiting Broadmoor secure psychiatric hospital to examine claims that he raped and sexually assaulted patients while working there as a volunteer for more than four decades.

The late DJ, who had living quarters at the hospital and a set of keys to the wards, has been accused of assaulting a number of former patients. The claims are part of 340 separate lines of inquiry dating back to the 1950s being investigated by the Metropolitan police, based on evidence from 14 separate police forces across the UK.

The Department of Health has launched an internal investigation into Savile's role at the Berkshire hospital for which it had direct managerial responsibility until 2001, when it was transferred to the control of West London Mental Health NHS Trust. It will examine why the TV presenter was appointed in 1988 to lead a taskforce overseeing the hospital after the management board was dismissed by the then health secretary, Kenneth Clarke. A spokesman for Clarke told the BBC he had no recollection of the appointment.

A DoH spokesman said: "Although the framework for child protection and safeguarding for Broadmoor and other Special Hospital patients changed radically in 1999, we of course want to establish the circumstances and see if any lessons can be learned.

"At present we are trying to find out what happened and we will obviously need to consider all the circumstances."

A lawyer acting for people who are planning to sue Stoke Mandeville hospital and the BBC over claims Savile abused them there said the government could also be sued directly given its responsibility for Broadmoor.

Steven George, a former patient at the hospital who has since undergone a sex change operation, has claimed that Savile groped him while he was watching TV at Broadmoor in the early 1970s, when he was a 17-year-old girl called Alison Pink.

A psychiatric nurse has also claimed that a former Broadmoor patient told her she had been repeatedly raped by Savile under the stage at the hospital in the early 1980s. The West London trust confirmed the hospital did have a stage area, although it had been renovated since that time.

Savile called himself the "voluntary assistant entertainments officer" at Broadmoor, although it is understood he was never given the role formally.

Scotland Yard said on Friday it was looking into 40 potential victims of Savile, and had formally recorded 12 allegations of sexual abuse, "but expect that number to grow".

A 45-year-old man has made fresh allegations that Savile, whom police have described as a "predatory sex offender", abused him on the set of Jim'll Fix It when he was nine. Kevin Cook told the Sun Savile had separated him from his friends and taken him to a private dressing room, where he molested him.

A spokesman for the Metropolitan police declined to comment.

Context for Broadmoor: during the decades post-WW2, murderers and serial killers were an object of intense study by "MK-ULTRA" (in the broad sense) psychiatrists, who were charged with identifying the secret of violent impulses with the aim of being able to control and trigger violence on cue.

Questions: was British "MK-ULTRA" research taking place at Broadmoor? If so, was Savile wittingly or unwittingly involved in this?

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"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Great post Jan and I completely share your hypothesis.

I remember reading a post on this forum a while back but I can't remember from what thread. It was about Justin Fashanu and about how he received death threats because he allegedly had knowledge of a pedo ring involving very important people, including MP's. Who knows if that could be of any relevance to the ongoing revelations here...
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:The Yorkshire Ripper, serial killer Peter Sutcliffe, told a very strange story about one of his murders:

Quote:"Mr Sutcliffe told police he left the murder scene after he heard voices, but couldn't tell where they came from.

"He also heard a car being driven away from the entrance to a house.

"Later he found out that the house was where disc jockey Jimmy Savile lived"
Very intriguing....

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Now we learn that Savile had a room with a bed at Broadmoor.

Quote: Astonishingly, we also learn that for several years Savile was allowed to run this psychiatric prison hospital for the criminally dangerous and insane.

Whilst buggering and raping the patients.

:jawdrop: Now, how many people have ever in the history of prison and hospital administration have been placed in such a position? This is very telling. It would be entirely possible to establish who entrusted Savile with this position.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Now we learn that Savile had a room with a bed at Broadmoor.

Quote: Astonishingly, we also learn that for several years Savile was allowed to run this psychiatric prison hospital for the criminally dangerous and insane.

Whilst buggering and raping the patients.

:jawdrop: Now, how many people have ever in the history of prison and hospital administration have been placed in such a position? This is very telling. It would be entirely possible to establish who entrusted Savile with this position.

Cue a chorus of NOT ME GUV and non-denial denials......

Quote:The Department of Health (DoH) is to investigate the decision to appoint Sir Jimmy Savile as head of a taskforce overseeing Broadmoor hospital in 1988.

BBC News

The DoH had responsibility for running the high-security hospital when Savile was appointed, but West London Mental Health NHS Trust has been in charge since 2001.

A DoH spokesman said: "We will investigate the Department of Health's conduct in apparently appointing Savile to this role.

"Although the framework for child protection and safeguarding for Broadmoor and other special hospital patients changed radically in 1999, we of course want to establish the circumstances and see if any lessons can be learned.

"In hindsight he should very obviously not have been appointed. Had anyone involved in the appointment been aware of allegations of abuse against Savile, we would not have expected him to have been appointed."

Broadmoor Hospital taskforce member

He added: "These are extremely disturbing allegations and we would expect any part of the NHS that is involved to cooperate fully with any investigation."

The Guardian reported that Savile's appointment came in 1988, after the hospital's management board was dismissed by the then health secretary Ken Clarke.

However, Mr Clarke's special adviser said the Conservative MP, who was made health secretary in July 1988, had no recollection of this, and the appointment may not have been made when he was in his post.

Alan Franey, who was on the taskforce with Savile, said it was set up by the DoH following a critical report which said patients were too institutionalised and not offered enough care at Broadmoor.

The hospital now houses only male adult patients, but in the 80s accompanied children were allowed to visit relatives at the hospital.

Mr Franey said that as a member of the taskforce, Savile would have been able to "come and go at the hospital as he pleased".

"I am shocked at what I've heard and read. This is not my experience of Jimmy Savile who I met informally," he said.


When the BBC asked the DoH to explain what Savile's role involved, how much access he had to patients, how he came to be appointed to the role and whether he had keys to the hospital, a spokeswoman said: "We have to wait for the police investigation to uncover the facts.

"This issue dates back to the late 80s and will take time to gather all the facts."

The Metropolitan Police said it was now in contact with 40 potential victims of Savile and continued to liaise with 14 police forces. The Met has officially recorded 12 allegations of sexual offences but expects this number to grow.

The BBC said it would not be able to comment on the claims while the police investigation was ongoing.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
It's doubtless hard for non-Brits to grasp the scale of this.

Jimmy Savile was a national icon, the wacky but saintly shellsuit wearing, cigar puffing, Rolls Royce driving charity worker cum Top of the Pops DJ who made the fantasies of children come true.

Jim'll Fix It , which ran from 1975 to 1994, was a primetime BBC1 show in which children would write letters expressing their most heartfelt wish to Savile. He would read them out on air, and then make the fantasy come true.

I am probably one of a small number of those Brits who were children during those times who did not ask Jim to Fix It for me.

Meanwhile, we now learn that Savile was the compere of girls only discos in the Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum:

Quote:Sir Jimmy Savile organised all-girl 'therapeutic' parties at Broadmoor

Sir Jimmy Savile organised all-girl discos at the psychiatric hospital Broadmoor in which he was the "therapeutic entertainment", it has been claimed.

By Richard Alleyne8:17AM BST 16 Oct 2012

The late television presenter used his access to the wards to recruit the young women for his private parties where he would be the DJ.

Describing himself as "therapeutic entertainment", his discos in the 70s, which he insisted on making, "lasses only", allowed him access to the young girls away from the staff.

They are likely to be a part of the Department of Health's investigation into how and why Savile was given a leading role at the high security psychiatric hospital.

A source told the Daily Mirror: "Savile did whatever he wanted at Broadmoor and nobody could stop him."

A former employee at Broadmoor, who knew Savile but asked not to be named, said: "He had access to all areas.

"He went where he wanted and spoke to whoever he wanted to. He spoke to all the patients. He would just walk up and have a chat. He was always there."

The Jim'll Fix It star, who had a flat in the grounds, volunteered at the hospital for 20 years before he was made head of a task force to plug a £20 million deficit in 1988.

The DJ was considered by the Department of Health as the ideal person to fix the hospital's finances and advise on welfare.

The National Association for People Abused in Childhood has received a staggering 2,000 calls offering information since details of Savile's decades preying on youngsters began to emerge.

The BBC presenter Jeremy Vine branded Savile "one of the most serious predatory paedophiles in criminal history".

Ex-Newsnight anchor Jeremy, 47, who hosts a Radio 2 lunchtime show, told the Sun: "This is a complete and utter nightmare.

"The fact that a person was using his BBC prestige and maybe even BBC dressing rooms to attack young children I find completely disgusting as a father of two young daughters.

"I cannot believe it happened for such a sustained period and on our doorstep."

Meanwhile another woman claimed he abused her while she was living at a Salvation Army women's home in Salford because she was unmarried and her family were ashamed of her.

Savile had a bedsit a few hundred yards away and was a regular visitor.

One said: "We were vulnerable, the lowest of the low. We were clearly pregnant and very young.

"We went to see him. He kissed us and tried to grope our breasts. I think we had asked for an autograph and he said we had to give him a kiss.

"He preyed on our vulnerability. Everyone needs to know how many people he has affected."

She reported the incident to Greater Manchester Police on Friday. They are probing complaints about Savile from at least two other women.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
My bolding. Interestingly mentions....Ken Clarke.....just in passing...Ken Clarke being the Minister for health during the time Jimmy Savile was having full access to his prey and running Broadmoor

Jimmy Savile wasn't the only one at the BBC', says investigative journalist and former child actor Ben Fellows

[Image: ben_f.jpg?w=122&h=144]By Ben Fellows
21st Century Wire
Guest Columnist
Jimmy Savile may be the villain of the moment concerning revelations about child sexual abuse at the BBC, but the truth is there are pedophiles everywhere in the entertainment industry. Many of them are in positions of power and influence within their respective organisations, including adult stars, directors, producers and executives.The following accounts are just some of my own personal experiences and brushes with pedophilia out in the entertainment and big media spheres, as a child star who attended the Sylvia Young Theatre School in London…
[Image: n666620924_1835917_98221.jpg?w=231&h=300]Ben playing "Fleance" in Adrian Nobles RSC production of Macbeth.
At the age of ten years old I was asked by my drama teacher to go and audition at the Royal Shakespeare Company. They were looking for a mixed race boy to play alongside Hugh Quarshi who was playing Banquo, in Adrian Nobles' production of MacBeth starring Jonathan Price and Sinead Cusack. Having gone to the audition, taken by my parents, I was lucky enough to get the part ofFleance. However, after the high of getting offered a part in the production, my chaperones who looked after me like secret service agents (I'm not kidding) told me that there were certain actors that I was not allowed to be alone with. As a child at the RSC, I was just having a blast and didn't realise that sexual predators were a part of my production, however, there were certain actors who were famous and who I was warned about.I was told in no uncertain terms never to go into certain actor's dressing rooms. On one occasion I actually did go into an actor's dressing room who closed the door behind me. I was offered alcohol… and before I knew it, the dressing room door burst open and my chaperone invited me to go back to my own dressing room. Of course nothing happened to me whilst at the RSC. My point is that the RSC were quite aware of pedophiles in their midst. It was an open secret that children were vulnerable, even this highly rated, professional environment.TV's Casting Couch'However, once I'd entered the entertainment industry proper, I was not so lucky and ran a gauntlet of pedophiles both at the BBC and at other television production companies, and also in theatres, as well as on commercial photo shoots. In fact, almost every production I was involved with, I was targeted in some way or another. Looking back, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the problem is both institutional and systemic in the entertainment industry.The casting couch may seem like a funny, perhaps even mythical old Hollywood style, approach to casting. As pre-teen and as a young teenager, I attended many auditions as a child where I was asked to take my top off and pose for photographs, and I was propositioned by male and female casting directors all the time.
[Image: 21-08-2005-12-22-03_00241.jpg?w=300&h=219]Ben at the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), having just met Queen Elizabeth II.
After one audition for a Coca-Cola commercial, the Police came to my parent's home. They advised my mother that I had inadvertently become a potential target of a known pedophile ring. It turned out that the well-known' casting director had taken pictures of me topless, and those pictures then appeared in what was described as a catalogue and was passed to other pedophiles within the company and to external pedophiles. These were professionals within the industry', operating under the cover of an entire production company working with blue chip clients.On another, more frightening occasion, I was chased around the dressing room by a naked actor who had invited me into their dressing room at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane and this actor was extremely famous. I was advised by the director of the musical that I was not to complain, or tell anyone of this incident. I was thirteen years old… so I didn't.It was not uncommon, and on multiple occasions, that I was propositioned and called into "fake" castings. One fake casting of note was with one of the world's most successful theatre producers(West End, Broadway), where I was systematically harassed over a twelve month period whilst having a leading role in the musical dangled like the proverbial carrot in front of my face.The BBC experienceAt the BBC I did many series and episodes of television programmes. A a young actor on East Enders, I was propositioned by another adult actor, but by this time I had become quite a plucky kid so I didn't tolerate it. But it wasn't the last time, and I was hounded by that actor for the duration of my tenure on the show.When I was on tour with a well-known musical, most of the actors stayed in the same hotel. One night I was taken out by a male adult actor. I was brought alcohol and that actor took me back to my room and attempted to rape me. If it wasn't for my friend - drunkenly bursting into my room, I believe that I might well have been raped. Mind you, I was only fourteen years old.When I was fifteen years old, I was introduced to politicians via working from 1990-1994 on the investigative TV show, "The Cook Report", which became a nightmare. To explain, The Cook Reportwas an investigative journalism programme run out of Central Television in Birmingham. When I joined the team, I was a confident child actor. I had a powerful agent and I was working on a regular basis across the entertainment industry. The Cook Report needed a child,specifically one who was mixed race to place in front of prominent politicians to lure them into a sting operation a dangerous honey trap if there ever was one.Firstly, it was illegal for The Cook Report to exploit me in this way. I was a child for God's sake! Yet, if I was eighteen but looked fifteen and I fully understood what I was getting into then fair enough. But I was only fifteen at the time, so not being able to say no to a job I joined the team and began my role in the sting.During the show's Cash for Questions' investigation, the first politician who I met was then DTI Chairman, Sir Michael Grylls, who invited me to tea in the House of Commons "tea room" and spent the meeting attempting make untoward body contact with me under the table. After that, I was sent to a political lobbyist named Ian Greer who tried to rub his genitalia against me while he hugged me. On one separate occasion, I was summoned Ian Greer's offices where Ken Clarke was also present. Greer gave me a two glasses of whiskey and was acting a little, lets say, "over-familiar". Ken Clarke and Ian Greer were well aware of my age because I told them. Now, I'm not suggesting that either Sir Michael Grylls, Ian Greer or Ken Clarke are pedophiles, however, it's not over-the-top to describe what transpired as very questionable behaviourtowards a minor by anyone's standards let alone the standards expected from our public officials and government inner circle members.So, if Prime Minister David Cameron is calling for an inquiry into the BBC over the recent pedophile revelations of Jimmy Savile, then his government should also be including members of parliament, as well as the entire entertainment industry.Of course, The Cook Report producers are just as culpable for putting me in that position in the first place. Certainly, it wouldn't be the last time that show put my life in danger. As an undercover journalist on several stories, I was constantly put in danger.
[Image: 21-08-2005-12-14-03_0016.jpg?w=300&h=234]Ben aged 15 with his mom Stephanie Fellows.
It wasn't just the celebrities who were at it. A BBC producer, after filming one day on a television programme, took me to a party and introduced me to other BBC staff. I also met a male Guardian journalist who tried to come on to me. I am straight, and as I was a child and even though I probably thought I was cool, I was most certainly naive to the ways of adult behaviour in the industry! The producers took me back to their house in Ealing, a suburb of London, frequented by BBC staff. I was drunk, and a female BBC staff member tried to sleep with me. On another occasion I was given cocaine by famous personalities and crew with the full knowledge of the executive producers, producer and directors. They even had the cokedelivered via a BBC courier to the party we were having in a BBC rehearsal room in Acton.I could go on with many stories of being exploited sexually in the entertainment industry. My point is that it's not just the BBC where pedophiles are operating. It's the entire entertainment industry.When I was between the ages of ten and the age of consent, on every television programme and theatre job I did, I was either sexually harassed, coerced into drinking too much, felt up in some way, or simply followed home by a crazy male fans. I've had actors expose themselves to me and I mean really famous actors, including world-famous movie stars many who are touted by the sycophantic celebrity-worshiping media as role models. So you can see how recent revelations of Jimmy Saville are of little surprise for me.Sickness That Infects the Whole of Show BusinessThe entertainment industry can be a rough ride for a child, and an industry that seems to have little or no internal governance regarding the regulation of sexual predators within its borders. I've been attacked on a few occasions and saved by sheer luck, ended up at serious sex parties with male and female prostitutes, bucket loads of drugs, alcohol and all with some of the world's most famous industry professionals. I don't know about now, but when I was growing up in the industry it was rampant and everywhere and everyone knew about it. It is the industry's big, dirty secret.For children in the entertainment industry what I've described is real, and it's appropriate to note here that there were even child actors I personally knew who committed suicide because of their abusive experiences. One can only guess at the number of survivors who later fell into self-abuse, narcotics and depression as a result of this institutional disease.Male or female, it didn't matter. I was a child and I was under the age of consent.We can't just look at the BBC without looking everywhere else including the music industry. I was exposed to many famous men who tried to abuse their positions of power as industry King Makers'.Little or No ReformAs for the disgusting excuse for a public servant Harriet Harman MP, who in the past has advocated for less stricter legislation on pedophile photographs, films and videos and wants the age of consent lowered to 14 years old I say, only a pedophile would want to call for less legislation and therefore make being a pedophile much, much easier and more legal.Now, more than ever, children need to be protected in society, and that includes the entertainment industry. If pedophiles were rampant in my day as a child actor, one could assume that it's rather unlikely that this situation would have improved over time all by itself.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
And why did none of The Sun and News of the World phone hacks find any stuff on Savile and friends and victims? They publish what Sienna Miller had for breakfast instead.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:And why did none of The Sun and News of the World phone hacks find any stuff on Savile and friends and victims? They publish what Sienna Miller had for breakfast instead.

Officially, cash and lawyers.

Quote:Jimmy Savile turns to Fox Hayes for action against The Sun

17 March 2008

Nina Goswami

Leeds-based firm Fox Hayes has commenced legal action against The Sun newspaper on behalf of TV personality Jimmy Savile.

Savile, the star of children's television favourite Jim'll Fix It, decided to start proceedings against the Rupert Murdoch paper after a series of articles linked the former Radio One DJ with Jersey children's home Haut de la Garenne.

The police are currently investigating the care home after human remains were found at the residence where children were allegedly tortured and sexually abused.

On 1 March, Savile's solicitors said, The Sun carried a photograph of the former Top of the Pops presenter allegedly visiting the Jersey home.

This was followed with a series of articles. One asserted that Savile was unwilling to assist with the police investigation and another that he admitted having visited the home. The Sun also criticised Savile for being unprepared to "go some way to fixing it for the victims".

Last week (14 March), Savile said the entire coverage linking him with the events at the children's home was repugnant.

"I feel as though I have been subjected to a long and drawn out mugging by The Sun newspaper. The only difference is that its journalists do not wear hoodies," said Savile.

Fox Hayes, which has instructed barrister Jonathan Crystal of Cloisters, added that Savile has no connection to the events that have taken place at the Jersey children's home and has no information that might assist the authorities.

A spokesman for the firm said: "He has no recollection of visiting the home over 30 years ago and any such visit would have been unexceptional. Connecting Sir James to events at the home has caused him severe embarrassment and upset.

"The reported events are the antithesis of everything Sir James has worked tirelessly to prevent."


We can speculate intelligently.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Ha ha Jan, no, you weren't alone. I too was a kid from the Seventies who didn't get a 'Jim Fixed it for Me' badge. I did watch with keen envy, though, the antics of the kids who got on the show. Maybe their fate wasn't so enviable after all.
More bizarre shit...

Quote:As accusations against the shamed star last night continued to mount, the Daily Mirror can also reveal Savile arranged for 60 patients, including convicted murderers, to be granted early release.

But for the patients who remained, Savile used his trusted status at the hospital in Crowthorne, Berks, to organise day trips for patients to the Queen's back garden at Windsor Great Park and aboard a luxury boat on the Thames.

He also invited bands into the hospital grounds, then home to patients including Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe and gangland boss Ronnie Kray, to stage exclusive concerts.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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