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Jan Klimkowski Wrote:I was immediately struck by the reports of "India's anti-terrorism chief" being one of the first victims of Mumbai. If his background was as reported above - namely, as someone prepared to go after right-wing Hindu terror cells with military links - then that is a smoking gun.
My reaction, too. In the midst of artfully contrived chaos, a targeted hit. The CIA has lost none of its old "talents"!
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A different context, but here's spooky, very high-level, American finger-pointing at Pakistan as the new Terrorist bogey man:
The report says the potential nexus of terrorism, nuclear and biological weapons is especially acute in Pakistan.
"Were one to map terrorism and weapons of mass destruction today, all roads would intersect in Pakistan," the report states.
Quote:Panel warns biological attack likely by 2013
By PAMELA HESS – 12 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States can expect a terrorist attack using nuclear or more likely biological weapons before 2013, reports a bipartisan commission in a study being briefed Tuesday to Vice President-elect Joe Biden. It suggests the Obama administration bolster efforts to counter and prepare for germ warfare by terrorists.
"Our margin of safety is shrinking, not growing," states the report, obtained by The Associated Press. It is scheduled to be publicly released Wednesday.
The commission is also encouraging the new White House to appoint one official on the National Security Council to exclusively coordinate U.S. intelligence and foreign policy on combating the spread of nuclear and biological weapons.
The report of the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism, led by former Sens. Bob Graham of Florida and Jim Talent of Missouri, acknowledges that terrorist groups still lack the needed scientific and technical ability to make weapons out of pathogens or nuclear bombs. But it warns that gap can be easily overcome, if terrorists find scientists willing to share or sell their know-how.
"The United States should be less concerned that terrorists will become biologists and far more concerned that biologists will become terrorists," the report states.
The commission believes biological weapons are more likely to be obtained and used before nuclear or radioactive weapons because nuclear facilities are more carefully guarded. Civilian laboratories with potentially dangerous pathogens abound, however, and could easily be compromised.
"The biological threat is greater than the nuclear; the acquisition of deadly pathogens, and their weaponization and dissemination in aerosol form, would entail fewer technical hurdles than the theft or production of weapons-grade uranium or plutonium and its assembly into an improvised nuclear device," states the report.
It notes that the U.S. government's counterproliferation activities have been geared toward preventing nuclear terrorism. The commission recommends the prevention of biological terrorism be made a higher priority.
Study chairman Graham said anthrax remains the most likely biological weapon. However, he told the AP that contagious diseases — like the flu strain that killed 40 million at the beginning of the 20th century — are looming threats. That virus has been recreated in scientific labs, and there remains no inoculation to protect against it if is stolen and released.
Graham said the threat of a terrorist attack using nuclear or biological weapons is growing "not because we have not done positive things but because adversaries are moving at an even faster pace to increase their access" to those materials.
He noted last week's rampage by a small group of gunmen in Mumbai.
"If those people had had access to a biological or nuclear weapon they would have multiplied by orders of magnitude the deaths they could have inflicted," he said.
Al-Qaida remains the only terrorist group judged to be actively intent on conducting a nuclear attack against the United States, the report notes. It is not yet capable of building such a weapon and has yet to obtain one. But that could change if a nuclear weapons engineer or scientist were recruited to al-Qaida's cause, the report warns.
The report says the potential nexus of terrorism, nuclear and biological weapons is especially acute in Pakistan.
"Were one to map terrorism and weapons of mass destruction today, all roads would intersect in Pakistan," the report states.
In fact, commission members were forced to cancel their trip to Pakistan this fall. The Islamabad Marriott Hotel that commission members were to stay in was blown up by terrorist bombs just hours before they were to check in.
"We think time is not our ally. The (United States) needs to move with a sense of urgency," Graham said.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."
Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
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Jan Klimkowski Wrote:A different context, but here's spooky, very high-level, American finger-pointing at Pakistan as the new Terrorist bogey man:
The report says the potential nexus of terrorism, nuclear and biological weapons is especially acute in Pakistan.
"Were one to map terrorism and weapons of mass destruction today, all roads would intersect in Pakistan," the report states.
"The United States should be less concerned that terrorists will become biologists and far more concerned that biologists will become terrorists," the report states.
From a war on an abstract noun - "terr-oar" - to a war on biologists. Now that's what I call change we can believe in. Yes, we can.
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Peter Lemkin Wrote:Again I repeat and emphasize that the report is of security at several of the venues of the attacks having been lessened in the last few echo of 9/11 and London bombings.....and leads me to think that while definitely terrorism, this might be 'our' terrorism. False flag - unknown is if it was MIHOP or LIHOP.
Glad you brought that 'false flag operation' idea up - similar to our 9/11 maybe? The attackers could have been solicited and paid by anyone.
Who would be the ones benefiting, do you think? Maybe even an entity far away????
A bit scary is that both India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons......
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Paul Rigby Wrote:
CIA Foreknowledge of the Mumbai Attacks
Submitted by Reprehensor on Sun, 11/30/2008 - 10:12pm.
(911blogger users: please use this post as a continuation of the first Mumbai News Thread. -rep.)
By Peter Chamberlin
Quote:The twin tragedies of hotel terrorism in Islamabad and Mumbai are clearly the empire’s new plans for world war III unfolding before us. Human history is a record of all the successfully unfolded conspiracies, our time is no different.
The war on terror has revealed the true nature of the combatants and what they represent. On one side, the American side, the secret agencies of all involved nations plot to expand the secret war that drives the real war, while on the other side the secret soldiers (criminals, radicals and mercenaries) who have been on America’s payroll for decades fight against and for their former bosses, providing the violence that justifies the real war. Their resistance to the secret plans becomes “terrorism” when it is twisted by corporate media distortion.
In the Marriott bombing in Islamabad, the media blames the Baitullah Mehsud/Abdullah Mehsud/Guantanamo link, referred to as “Pakistani Taliban” (TTP), even though evidence suggests an aerial bunker-buster attack. <!--[if gte vml 1]> <![endif]--><!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
In the assault on Mumbai, the media blames the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LET)/Kashmiri insurgency/Pakistani secret service (ISI), even though gathering evidence suggests
that the attack may have been the work of Hindu extremists.
Mumbai cop, left for dead, rides with gunmen
“The young gunmen said little during the harrowing drive, but spoke Hindi with a strong Punjabi, north-Indian accent.”
Maharashtra Times, Mumbai attack: Terrorists spoke Marathi? said, “the terrorists who targeted ATS chief Hemant Karkare, police commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar were speaking Marathi fluently.”
Evidence being deliberately ignored? Points out that at least two of the attackers were wearing red/orange Hindi bracelets on their right wrists.
Writer/researcher Wayne Madsen gives a wealth of information on the developing alternative version of events, focusing on Mumbai underworld figure Ibrahim Dawood, particularly his past links with the CIA and drug-running. Mumbai attacks part of ‘blowback’ for CIA double-cross More evidence of CIA-backed syndicate involvement in Mumbai attacks Mumbai attacks more complicated than corporate press reports.
The Times of India report ISI reach will expand with D-Company merger’ sheds light on a recent union created between Dawood’s D-Company mobsters and the accused militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LET). This would tie Dawood to both the official version of the attack and Madsen’s unfolding story of CIA subversion. Indian officials, who should be aware of all the incoming evidence are embarrassing themselves by playing into the West’s hands. Government spokesmen should be restrained from making public pronouncements incriminating Pakistan as the perpetrator of the attacks, knowing that the only evidence of that subversion comes from the lips of an overweight terrorist or from the imagination of blood-thirsty war-mongers.
It is long past time to reevaluate this whole mess on the Indian subcontinent. Both India and Pakistan find themselves under regular assault from intelligence agency related violence, aimed at inflaming local tensions (strategy of tension). In a web of deceit that stretches over the entire region, from the mountains of Lebanon, to the mountains of Pakistan, to the Ural mountains far to the north, the CIA utilizes national intelligence agencies to recruit local criminals and radicals to do its dirty work. Their secret task is to embroil governments and their citizens in manufactured conflicts, to facilitate American advances into the resource rich region.
Acting as the palace guard of the corporate aristocracy (See: Origins of the Overclass- Steve Kangas), the CIA and friends have expanded the secret war into India and Pakistan, just as they had already done with democratic-revolutions throughout the oil, gas and uranium rich Caucasus belt. In India/Pakistans case the agency has applied their scientifically created program of psychological warfare to gather together the pieces needed to compel the former enemies to return to the battlefield with a renewed spirit of outrage and nuclear vengeance.
The new American overlords conspired with the former British overlords (and their Israeli counterparts) to recreate the old “British Raj” on the Indian subcontinent, under American domination. The idea was to exacerbate tensions to the boiling point in the two democratic nations, two nations that had won their freedom by joining together, to fight the former empire as one oppressed people. The biggest threat to the latest evil plans would be for the two great peoples to once again come together as free human beings, to drive the empire from their lands.
Instead of allowing themselves to be manipulated by the reassembling empire, Pakistan and India must find ways to remember the great revolutionary past they once shared together and to overcome the hatreds and prejudices that make them easy playthings for the evil thing that seeks to overcome all the earth. Free citizens of independent thought here in the United States long for the day when other peoples begin to awaken from the technological spell that has been cast over our planet. We look to our compatriots in this struggle to break through the walls at the periphery of the dictatorship where they are still assailable, unlike here in the comfortable heart of the empire, where none dare rise-up and endanger their succor.
The Great Indian Rebellion of 1857 “brought together Hindus and Muslims, united by a common hatred of the British, and a determination to drive them out.”- A great British tradition, John Newsinger. They stood together as one people in 1947 to demand the final eviction of the invading aristocracy. It is high time that they stood together again, to lead us into the new world that is beyond America and Britain’s reach.
We must learn to renew hope in the words of modern patriots like Abdul Basit, as he expressed below in his essay, AWAKE INDIA AWAKE!!! THE WORLD NEEDS YOU:
“We have to restore confidence among the Hindus, Muslims and Christians and strengthen the cohesiveness and trust between all the sections in the Indian society. For this we have to rebuild the lives of families affected by communal violence and bomb blasts so that their future generation overcomes the trauma and revenge mentality that sustain this hatred and instead unite to build a bright India.”
“We as humanity have a common destiny.
In this hour of global crisis, to face the challenges to the humanity, the world must unite as one human community on the basis of peace, tolerance and mutual understanding and the Indian nation has a major role in this regard.
Awake India [of 1947]!! The World needs you…”
Recall these words, oh India:
“At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance….We end today a period of ill fortune, and India discovers herself again.”- Tryst with destiny, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
Let this be the India that arises from the blood and ash of Mumbai!
November 29, 2008...11:07 am
Mumbai Terror: Evidence being deliberately ignored!
Quote:Strange that none of the media (TV or Print) have picked this up at all. Or have they been deliberately ignoring it?
Have a look at the above picture of one of the terrorists. [Another angle]
Notice the orange thread / band on his right hand.
Tying a red thread or cord around the wrist is a Hindu practice and it is unlikely a Muslim, especially one politicized enough to carry out an attack such as this, would observe it. I think this provides more evidence that this was a false flag operation or at least an attack by a non-Muslim group. For more information about the significance of the red thread see wikipedia and this blog post. [Thanks to Uruk]
Additionally, the terrorists inside the Nariman House Building were reported to have stocked up on supplies on Wednesday evening, buying not just food items but liquor, among other things, from a local store [Source]. Again, it is highly unlikely that a Muslim, let alone a ‘Mujahid’, and especially one politicized enough to carry out such an attack, would consume liquor in normal life, let alone hours before his inevitable ‘martyrdom’.
Don’t let them ignore it. Circulate this to as many people as you can as we strongly believe it wouldn’t have been ignored if the terrorists were carrying a copy of the Qur’an, or a taveez.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kalava (Sanskrit: कलावा) is the sacred Hindu thread. It is worn while performing Hindu rituals like Yajna or Puja. It is tied by a priest on the wrists of all the people attending the prayer ceremony. Kalava is tied on right hand of males and unmarried females, and on left hand of married females. Sometimes it has small yellow parts in between the mostly red string. It sometimes has knots which are tied up while reciting Sanskrit mantras to invoke God and is worn to ward off evil from the person who wears this red thread
Divining the News (DTN)Not Mainstream News
Cover-up in Mumbai - Indian View: By Sandhya Jain
with one comment
Our Indian friend Sandhya Jain alleges cover-up and questions key-points of the official story: “Contemporary jihad is a mercenary tool of Western colonialism, serving a colonial intent with devout slavishness”
Cover-up in Mumbai - Indian View:
By Sandhya Jain
1 December 2008
Quote:While stock-taking has only just begun, it already appears as if some things are being covered up. Some things deserve an immediate answer – how many terrorists were there actually; how did they reach their respective destinations inland; and is it possible that “super-terrorists” simply walked out with the real survivors after having utilised the “mercenaries” to the hilt, just as they had murdered the navigators of the boats that brought them to Mumbai?
Current media reports and government sources say that the terrorists came by sea, landing near the Gateway of India or Colaba. This certainly explains the attacks on the sea front hotels like Taj, Oberoi and the Nariman House. But the question remains – how did they get to the CST station, Cama Hospital, and other places inland? Someone must have provided transport and back-up.
By no logic can anyone believe that nine separate sites in a city could be held to ransom by just 10 men. It is particularly difficult to believe that gigantic hotels like the Taj could be ruined and scores of guests killed or injured by just two men (sometimes the figure goes to six). Even two men per floor could not have caused the kind of death and destruction that did happen. A small place like Nariman House, yes, but Taj and Oberoi – I don’t believe it. And if there were six persons at Taj and at least two at Nariman House, that means only two persons destroyed the Oberoi? has interviewed the doctors who conducted the post-mortems on the dead hostages and terrorists, and it is their expert opinion that a battle of attrition took place over three days at the Oberoi and Taj hotels. The mutilation of the bodies was unlike anything they had seen in their careers in forensics.
For one, the bodies of the victims bore horrible signs of torture. Now this is understandable if the victims are being tormented by half-human beasts, but it seems strange that two terrorists could simultaneously fight and keep Indian commandos at bay for 62 hours, and also have the time to torture their victims. Yet the doctors were emphatic that:
“It was apparent that most of the dead were tortured. What shocked me were the telltale signs showing clearly how the hostages were executed in cold blood.”
To my mind, it seems apparent that the terrorists who kept the NSG commandos engaged and those who tortured and killed the hotel staff and guests were two separate groups.
This suspicion is intensified by the startling revelation that the terrorists also did not meet a clean death. Doctors who conducted the post-mortem said the bodies of the terrorists – especially their faces - were beyond recognition. The security forces identified the bodies as those of terrorists [on TV they said it was because of the presence of weaponry near the bodies].
One terrorist was shot through either eye (i.e., both eyes!!!). As the NSG commandos never got to such close range with the terrorists, and nobody commits suicide by shooting both his own eyes, it follows that the killers were somebody else. Since none of the hotel guests could have the kind of weaponry used in the conflict, this suggests the presence of a mysterious third party, making the terrorists the victims of a classic double-cross – the stuff of spy thrillers. Actually, it reminds one of the convenient murder of the alleged killer of President John F. Kennedy.
Hence it would be entirely in order to closely interrogate each and every guest, especially the foreign guests, before allowing them to leave the country. Without false emotionalism, we should also fingerprint them for the future; who knows what Interpol cooperation may throw up.
Top Russian counter-terrorism expert, Vladimir Klyukin, an Afghan war veteran, opines that the Mumbai attackers were not “ordinary terrorists” and were probably trained by the special operations forces set up in Pakistan by US intelligence prior to the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. In his view, the nature of the Mumbai events suggests the signature of the ‘Green Flag’ special operations forces created by the Americans in Pakistan, just a year before the Soviet withdrawal.
Guerrilla operations of the Mumbai kind require at least two-three years of preparatory work with experienced instructors. Raw trainees cannot hold four huge complexes in a city to ransom for so long. The Russian Interfax news agency reported the former KGB veteran as surmising the involvement of at least 50 terrorists, given the geography and sheer scale of the attacks. This seems like a legitimate estimation.
What is more, the only way 9 coordinated attacks can occur simultaneously is by using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) or live maps for communication and control. These are not normally owned by private parties. Initial investigations also suggested that as many as seven terrorists included mostly British-born Pakistanis, and one does hope that these leads are not covered up. The reports also suggested some gunmen were captured, but later media reports highlighted that only one terrorists was caught alive at the railway station. So there is a lot of confusion here that needs to be cleared up.
Certainly the hints about British involvement, openly asserted by the outspoken Lyndon LaRouche, need investigation.
Media has been heavily criticized in some quarters for airing visuals of NSG commandos dropping on the hotel roofs from helicopters, and thus giving operational secrets away to the militants watching TV inside. If the criticism is to be valid, however, we will have to accept that the terrorists had more men inside who could be deployed to watch TV and give information which would enable them to react and rebuff the aerial assault. There is no way 2 to 6 terrorists could torture victims sadistically and kill them brutally, watch TV, fight and keep the security forces at bay for 62 hours, and then kill themselves or each other in impossible ways.
The death of terrorists points to a clear double-cross and also the possibility of the involvement of more than one religious denomination. That the terrorists did not prepare for death by carrying potassium cyanide is well known; nor did they simply intend to blow themselves up like the usual suicide bombers. The surviving terrorist has revealed that they were told of an escape plan – and no doubt that plan was used by those who killed their fellow terrorists and walked out free!
This writer has consistently stated that modern, late 20th-21st century jihad is qualitatively different from the medieval jihad in which Muslim armies led by generals or kings ran over much of the world in Europe, North Africa, and Asia. Contemporary jihad is a mercenary tool of Western colonialism, serving a colonial intent with devout slavishness, and this seems borne out by the events of Mumbai.
What remains to be seen, however, is whether or not the Islamic world wakes up to the reality of its own self-enslavement. India on its part has demonstrated that no matter how long it takes to get operational, no matter the cost in terms of live and property, the territory of Bharat Mata will be protected.
It is more than likely that Pakistan was rebuked by its British and American ‘friends’ (read Masters) for agreeing to send the ISI chief to assist in the investigations, and forced to backtrack on a solemn assurance. The teams from Scotland Yard and America, ostensibly coming to assist India in the probe, are more likely trying to ascertain the extent of evidence with India.
It is pertinent that the recovery of a satellite phone from the trawler abandoned with the body of the Gujarati captain revealed that the trawler had been hijacked to Karachi Port, and while there, calls were made even to Australia (where the CIA has a famous outpost!)
Interestingly, General Leonid Ivashov, who was Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces when the Twin Towers tragedy happened on 11 September 2001, insists that there is no such thing as international terrorism and that “the September 11 attacks were the result of a set-up. What we are seeing is a manipulation by the big powers; this terrorism would not exist without them.” Instead of faking a “world war on terror”, the best way to reduce such attacks is through respect for international law and peaceful cooperation among countries and their citizens []
Globalization creates the conditions for the emergence of this terror. It seeks to design a new world geo-strategic map; appropriate the resources of the planet; erase cultural identities; and subjugate States before a global oligarchy. Thus, terrorism, according to Gen. Ivashov, is an instrument of world politics, “a means to install a unipolar world with a sole world headquarters, a pretext to erase national borders and to establish the rule of a new world elite. It is precisely this elite that constitutes the key element of world terrorism, its ideologist and its “godfather”.
Contemporary international terrorism combines the use of terror by State and non-State political structures to attain political objectives through intimidation of people, psychological and social destabilization, elimination of resistance inside power organizations, and the creation of appropriate conditions for the manipulation of the countries’ policies and the behaviour of people. Media complicity helps. But terrorism is not possible without the support of political and business circles that wield the funds to finance it – and Pakistan is notoriously bankrupt.
More pertinently, only secret services and their current or retired chiefs have the ability to plan and execute an operation of such complexity and scale. It is secret services that create, finance and control extremist organizations.
We deserve an answer; we demand to know.
The author is Editor,
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Perhaps this is why so many biologists have met with suspicious demises.
Just google "dead biologists" or "murdered scientists". I have not looked at these reports in sometime but an article here brought it to mind.
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Dawn Meredith Wrote:Perhaps this is why so many biologists have met with suspicious demises.
Just google "dead biologists" or "murdered scientists". I have not looked at these reports in sometime but an article here brought it to mind.
The mysterious deaths of top microbiologists
It all began with Don Wiley.
On November 15th, Harvard Professor Don Wiley left a gathering of friends and colleagues some time after 10:30 PM. The next morning, Memphis police found his rental car stopped on a bridge, with a full tank of gas and keys still in the ignition. There was no financial or family trouble. Indeed Wiley was supposed to meet his family at the Memphis airport to continue on to an Icelandic vacation. Neither was there any history of depression or mental illness.
In the report printed in the New York Times on November 27th, the FBI's Memphis office distanced itself from the case saying that the available facts did not add up to a suspicion of foul play. I guess at the FBI it's a perfectly everyday occurrence for a Harvard Professor to stop his rental car on a bridge in the middle of the night before he is supposed to leave for Iceland and just walk away into the Tennessee dark.
The NYT report of November 27th also downplayed Professor Wiley's expertise in virology, quoting Gregory Verdine, a professor of chemical biology at Harvard, said, "If bioterrorists were to abduct Don Wiley, they'd be very disappointed," because his research was in studying the component parts of viruses, and "that doesn't really help you make a more dangerous version of the virus."
But this statement is not consistent with the facts of Professor Wiley's full range of knowledge. Wiley has, in conjunction with another Harvard Professor, Dr. Jack Strominger, won several academic prizes for their work in immunology, including a Lasker prize. Don Wiley is a Harvard professor, but he is also a researcher at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and the National Institute of Health. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute is located in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and performs biological research, sometimes jointly funded by the Department of Defense and the NIH. Don Wiley's peers at Harvard include professors such as John Collier performing research on Anthrax.
So, contrary to the dismissive tone of the New York Times report, Professor Wiley would be of great value to anyone developing biological weapons. This makes the FBI's obvious disinterest in the case highly questionable, indeed reminiscent of the FBI's obvious disinterest in the numerous witnesses in Oklahoma City who had seen Tim McVeigh in the company of additional perpetrators not to mention the witnesses who had seen additional bombs.
Especially in light of the events of 9/11, the vanishing of a scientist with Professor Wiley's expertise in virology and immunology should have been expected to be an issue of critical national importance, yet the official tone of the government was that this is nothing to worry about. Move along citizen, nothing to see.
In the context of the Anthrax letters being sent through the mail, any disappearance of any microbiologist under questionable circumstances should have set off alarm bells across the nation. but it didn't. Professor Wiley was assumed to have committed suicide, end of story.
The professor's colleagues expressed doubts about the official "suicide" explanation for his disappearance.
Then, more biologists started to die under suspicious circumstances.
The Very Mysterious Deaths of Five Microbiologists.
The body count of infections disease experts continued to climb. Connections to weapons research began to surface.
As many as 14 world-class microbiologists died between 9/11/1 and 3/2/2, and on 6/24/2 yet another microbiologist was added to the list.
Still the US Government acted as if nothing was amiss, as silent on the question of dead microbiologists as they are on the question of the Israeli spies and their connection to 9-11.
In fact, the official silence on the question of how so many top experts in infectious diseases could die in such a short time span is deafening.
Now, statistically, it's possible, even likely, that one or two of these microbiologists legitimately were killed in random accidents. But for so many to die in such a short while exceeds all reasonable bounds of statistics. Prudence would demand an investigation, not the "ho hum" attitude of the government which even today continues to issue dire warnings to the general population of how much we are all in danger from "bioterrorism".
So, let's take a moment and step away from the perpetual fear-mongering of the media (and Rumsfeld) as they assure us another attack IS coming (with a certainty which suggests inside information on the subject) and assume for a moment that some party has indeed decided to "liquidate" weapons research infectious disease experts.
There is really only one reason to kill off a bunch of scientists. To keep them from doing something they are able to do.
What were these scientists able to do? Maybe blow the whistle if an artificially created disease was about to be used in a manner those who created it did not approve of.
Regardless of the exact reason, there does seem to be a clear pattern of targeted microbiologists, and paired with it, an obvious government disinterest in the matter.
I leave it to you to figure out why.
See also:
Dead Scientists And Microbiologists - Master List
Anthrax and 9/11 - Index of What Really Happened
What Really Happened
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04-12-2008, 06:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-12-2008, 06:31 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
Paul Rigby Wrote:
By Peter Chamberlin
November 29, 2008...11:07 am
Mumbai Terror: Evidence being deliberately ignored!
Cover-up in Mumbai - Indian View:
By Sandhya Jain
1 December 2008
Paul, Some very good articles there!...and while each different, there runs a common theme we have seen in most of the other 'terrorist' attacks. The official story just doesn't seem possible and the authorities are hiding things. I note that originally the story was of 15 locations attacked by a very large group of terrorists and then that shrank down to ten men - clearly almost impossible. Add to this now that the USA has 'admitted' giving India advance warning of just such an attack by sea in just Mumbai at just about this time and I smell a very big dead fish.... Whowever the terrorists were, someone had to really 'do a number on them', psychologically, as they were unlikely to walk away alive - so I wonder what they were told or thinking was the plan? We've heard very little of the [once several - now one] captured 'terrorist'. I wonder if there will be a full investigation. Why do I think not?!.... Angry crowds in India are now calling for war with Pakistan and the area is being destabilized. Bush and Obama have both talked of the likelihood of action in the area [usually in Pakistan], despite the ISI being 'our' intelligence team in
the region.... It is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle with the wrong pieces....but you can learn a lot from finding out just who mixed-up the puzzles - and how!...then determine why.
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Peter Lemkin Wrote:Angry crowds in India are now calling for war with Pakistan and the area is being destabilized. Bush and Obama have both talked of the likelihood of action in the area [usually in Pakistan], despite the ISI being 'our' intelligence team in the region.... It is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle with the wrong pieces....but you can learn a lot from finding out just who mixed-up the puzzles - and how!...then determine why.
December 5, 2008 at 09:53:22
Mumbai False Flag Attack: Gathering Evidence
by Allen Heart
Quote:India's worst terrorist assault in Mumbai killed 183 people and injured at least 325. The psychological effect is almost incalculable. As Mumbai mourners bury their dead, ineffective politicians resign, intemperate politicians snap and snarl, and peace groups march, the blame game picks up steamily from the fresh media massage:
Muslims are blamed for the terror attack on Mumbai ... from Pakistan especially.
India has been hammered by horrific terrorist attacks over the past two decades. Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) was expressed politically in 1992 as hundreds of religious terrorists invaded a northern Indian city, and climbed on top of a majestic, 500-year-old mosque built by the same Muslim rulers who built the famous Taj Mahal. Filled with religious hatred, the Hindu mobs tore the building to the ground and government authorities did nothing.
In 1999, a saffron-clad Hindu mob surrounded the Jeep stationwagon of Graham Staines, an Australian Anglican missionary, and his two sons, 7 and 11 years old, and burned them alive. In 2002, almost 2,500 Indian Muslim men, women and children were burned alive in the murderous attacks in Gujarat. In many cases, nationalist Hindi have attacked Sikhs, Christians, and Muslims, often with the help of the police and the Indian Army. More than 600 Christians, nuns and priests and 200 of their churches, were targeted by Hindu mobs in eastern India in August 2008. The Dalits have converted to Christianity and Hindutvas wanted to keep the Dalits as "untouchables" within the caste system. In the past two years a series of attacks have occurred in which most of the victims have been Muslim but, nevertheless, Muslims were blamed.
This summer, two members of a Hindutva group were killed while assembling a bomb. Two years earlier, two other suspected members of the same group died in a similar accident.
Shortly before the Mumbai Attack, India was surprised by news from the head of the Maharastrian Anti-Terrorist Squad (MATS): terrorist bombings on trains and at the Malegaon Muslim cemetery, and several other attacks had been carried out as false flag attacks by Hindutva with the support of officers in the Indian Army. In recent weeks, police have rounded up ten suspects of what they call a Hindu terror cell. Andrew Buncombe of The Independent, has reported that the Mumbai police:
Quote:...believe the cell may also have carried out a number of previous attacks, including last year's notorious bombing of a cross-border train en route to Pakistan, which killed 68 people. Among the alleged members of the cell are a serving army officer and a Hindu monk.
The near-daily drip of revelations from police has also caused red faces for India's main political opposition, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), ahead of state polls and a general election scheduled for early next year. The BJP and its prime ministerial candidate, Lal Krishna Advani, have long accused the Congress Party-led government of being soft on terrorism that involved Muslims. However, the BJP has refused to call for a clampdown on Hindu groups, and last week Mr Advani even criticised the police over the way they questioned one of the alleged cell members, a woman called Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur.
At a press conference one week before the Mumbai Assault, the MATS chief, Hemant Karkare, denied Advani's charge of political pressure on his department's investigation of the Malegaon bombing, and he said that there was no substance to the charge that accused army officer, Purohit, was tortured in custody. Karkare then invoked the tough Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act against the ten accused who have been arrested so far and said that another suspect would be arrested soon.
On the first day of the Mumbai Attack, Hemant Karare was killed as he led his team into the Hotel Taj Kahal. The assault, designed to set up a gunfight ambush with anti-terror police, disguised his assassination as a terrorist rampage. Killed in the line of duty, Hemant Karare was targeted as the man who was an immense problem for the BJP because his forthright investigation revealed Hindutva terrorism and he was not about to stop. Clearly this invalidated the BJP campaign rhetoric against Muslim terrorism, but the BJP will still use the emotional fervor of Hindutva to win against the Congress party.
Bal Thackeray of another group called the Shiv Sena, the Army of Shiva, which is also responsible for communal and regional violence in Mumbai, wrote recently in his party's magazine:
Quote:"The threat of Islamic terror in India is rising. It is time to counter the same with Hindu terror. Hindu suicide squads should be readied to ensure the existence of Hindu society and to protect the nation."
Unlike MATS, the police and army who had been called in to end the terrorist rampage hid and refused to use their weapons, even when the terrorists were "sitting ducks" as an angry photographer had described them. The carnage went on for 60 hours, putting still more people at risk. Could it be that they knew that the terrorists were Hindutva like them and they refused to fight? Or were they ordered to stand down?
Gunfire began from terrorists at Nariman House, said to be the only building in Mumbai inhabited by Jews. Local Gujarati reported that for two years suspicious activities were going on at this house, but no one in authority took notice. Neighbors of the Nariman House had thought it strange that several men were staying at the Chabad Lubavitcher center for the past two weeks. They observed men hauling in huge quantities of food, liquor and boxes that later were found to contain arms and ammunition. Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife, Rivka, the couple who ran the center, surely had to know about this large weapons cache. After all, 100 kg of meat and enough food for an army was ordered delivered to the Chabad Centre and shortly thereafter the ten terrorists showed up. Just coincidence?
The province in which Mumbai is located is home to 3,000 Indian Jews, who call themselves, "Bene Israel". They are the remnant of a community that once was 90,000 strong. The Chabad Centre serves that community. Rabbi Holtzberg and his wife were among six Jews who died in the Mumbai Attack. Their role in the terrorism is not clear, yet. Israeli and Corporate News Media have assumed that they were victims. One or more of the Jews, however, were anti-zionist Satmar Hassidic Orthodox. The family of Rabbi Aryeh Leibush Teitelbaum rejected Israeli plans to fly his body to Israel for a state funeral. Israel took his body to Israel anyway and draped his coffin with the Flag that to him represented blasphemy and apostasy. Was this an attack on Jewish anti-Zionists, too?
Can Jews be killed or terrorized by Israeli agencies? Naeim Giladi has testified to that fact from his experience in Iraq in 1950. So has Barry Chamish and former IDF arms dealer Ari Ben-Menashe in his 1992 book, Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network. The answer is "yes."
The probability of a Mossad/Israeli hand in the Mumbai assault cannot be ignored. Israeli agents have played a significant role in destabilizing many countries in the Middle East. Increasing evidence suggests that Israeli agents are probably operating within Islamist movements. Such a group in Yemen styling itself 'Islamic Jihad' is said to have close links with Israeli intel agencies. They are reportedly responsible for the bombing of the American Embassy in Sanaa. India's leading weekly magazine, "The Week," reported in January 2000 that Indian intelligence detained eleven 'Muslim preachers' on a charge of hijacking conspiracy, but they turned out to be Israeli nationals sent with false passports to infiltrate Muslim groups in India... and they were released. An al-Qaeda cell in Palestine was found to be all Israelis.
Lal Krishna Advani, former Deputy Prime Minister of India (2002-2004), former President of the nationalist BJP, strong advocate of Hindutva and current Leader of the Opposition, met the heads of MOSSAD when he visited Israel in June 2000 and advocated "closer India-Israeli cooperation on all security matters". Israelis were responsible for security during both the 9/11 and 7/7 terrorist attacks.
In the same year, The Times of India reported on the Israeli presence in India:
Quote:Israeli counter-terrorism experts are now touring Jammu and Kashmir and several other states in India at the invitation of Home Minister Lal Krishna Advani to make an assessment of New Delhi's security needs. The Israeli team, headed by Eli Katzir of the Israel Counter-Terrorism Combat Unit, includes Israeli military intelligence officials and a senior police official.
India has forged a strategic alliance with Israel to perfect India's occupation of Kashmir where all Indian atrocities, mass graves of Kashmiris, shootings of civilians, rape and human rights abuses are swept under the carpet much like the crimes against humanity Israel has perpetrated against Palestinians.
Narendra Modi, the chief minister of Gujarat, the Mumbai region, hopes his party, BJP, will increase its power throughout India. Modi is a fan of Israel. He has used acts of terror against Moslems in order to increase his power. The methods of Narendra Modi might appear to be similar to the methods of Israel's Mossad.
In October 2007, the investigative newsmagazine "Tehelka" reported on the Tehelka Gujarat riots sting in which several Hindutva (Sangh) leaders explained on camera how they planned the massacre of more than a thousand Gujarati Moslems in 2002. The involvement of the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi, complicity of the police, and connivance of the judiciary was revealed to the public on television.
Frontline India commented:
Quote:"Yet, no action has followed one of the most explosive news investigations in India. None of those caught on tape boasting about raping, burning and hacking Muslims have been arrested or even interrogated. Modi's authority has not been questioned. Instead, there is an eerie silence. Far more eerie than the cold-blooded murders of more than 1,000 innocent people during the communal massacres of March 2002. The role of the Modi government in the State-sponsored terrorism of 2002 is well documented. Even the Supreme Court had censured Modi for being 'a modern day Nero who watched while Gujarat burned'. Now, the Tehelka tapes offer irrefutable proof of how the Sangh (Hindutva) organised a 'Hindu jihad' across Gujarat and protected the murderers."
"India has recently allowed its new strategic relationship with the US and Israel to prevail over its traditional friendship with Iran," says Achin Vanaik, professor of international relations and global politics at Delhi University. "Shamefully," says Vanaik, "India has not uttered a word against Israel's recent blockade and collective punishment of the people of Gaza." India and Israel have so much in common. Indian intelligence has an extremely close working relationship with Israel's Mossad because both governments hate the Muslim nation of Pakistan.
According to an article in Asia Times, 7 February 2008, Israel now sells more weapons to India than to any other nation. Mossad has been training parts of India's security services. In January 2008, an Indian rocket launched an Israeli satellite from a pad in southern Andhra Pradesh. This satellite can be used to spy on Iran. At the same time, India is refusing to attend talks to complete a deal on a proposed Iran-India-Pakistan gas pipeline.
Control of the drug trade is also involved. On 10 July police in Rajouri district. arrested Sumeet Singh an Indian army trooper and recovered heroin worth Rs. 10,000,000. Singh is serving with an infantry regiment in Kashmir and was on leave when arrested for possession of narcotics...
Summarizing all of the intrigue and atrocities, Yoginder Sikand at CrossCurrent observes:
Quote:...the fact remains that it appears to be entirely in the interest of the Israeli establishment and powerful forces in America to create instability in India, fan Hindu-Muslim strife, even to the point of driving India and Pakistan to war with each other, and thereby drag India further into the deadly embrace of Zionists and American imperialists.
In other words, irrespective of who is behind the deadly attacks on Mumbai, it appears to suit the political interests and agendas of multiple and equally pernicious political forces-Islamist and Hindu radicals, fired by a hate-driven Manichaean vision of the world, but also global imperialist powers that seem to be using the attacks as a means to push India even deeper into their suicidal axis.
Ben Gurion wrote about his thoughts regarding Pakistan in the Jewish Chronicle, 1967:
Quote:"The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs.
"This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.
"Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work therefrom against Pakistan.
"It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans."
Sometimes it takes a little history and digging into current events to get a larger picture of what really happened. Now that you have had a peek at some of the issues driving the news in Mumbai over Thanksgiving Weekend, you can reflect on who is not telling you all of the news. It's the Official Ministry of "Truth" of Orwell's 1984.
ABCBSNBCNNPBSFoxNYTWaPo is guiding your emotional body to create a visceral reaction that will help form a program in your mind. It's called propaganda or mind control. When you watch the television news, read your newspaper, read your "news analysis" magazine you are being scientifically guided to form an opinion...THEIR opinion. You can still check it out for yourself....
Now the simple forensic rule: who benefits?
Got any clues?
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06-12-2008, 10:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-12-2008, 10:30 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
Paul Rigby Wrote:From a war on an abstract noun - "terr-oar" - to a war on biologists. Now that's what I call change we can believe in. Yes, we can.
Oh, degrees are all in Biology!...I guess I could potentially be labeled as a waiting. I think these scanarios are being cooked-up to make it impossible to get rid of the unPatriot Act and all of its orphan follow-after 'Enabling Acts'. The only change we gonna see is very little spare change....hey brother can you spare a dime?
....and there is the interesting little detail of disappearing 'terrorists'/patsies/whatever-they-were
...and this Pakistani expert on security issues