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Our friend the colonel related how his “killers” had obtained the name of the Vietnamese who put the colonel's photo on a Wanted poster in the area.
They took their subject “backwards over a log and poured helmetsful of water down his nose.”
And the wind cried, “Mary.”
In 1972, Dorothy Hunt attracted fifty (50) FBI agents to her press conference at Chicago Midway. The following year Jeffrey's red tail lights would go out over Spain.
Paranoids have enemies. Friends related visiting a Washington, DC, church prior to demonstrating at the then-president's attendance Sunday next.
“Would you have the time?” asked the man in the dark suit, as he snapped our friend's photo with his wristwatch camera.
The climate of Easy Rider morphs into Cass Sunstein's cognitive dissonance coneheads.
The blissful counterstroke evokes Blake's Eternity:
He who binds himself a Joy
doth the wing-ed life destroy,
but he who kisseth it as it flies
lives in Eternity's sunrise.
Five-para excerpt follows:
As the music of youth and resistance fell under the cross-hairs of the CIA's CHAOS war, it was probable that Jimi Hendrix—the tripping, peacenik "Black Elvis" of the '60s—should find himself a target.
Agents of the pathologically nationalistic FBI opened a file on Hendrix in 1969 after his appearance at several benefits for "subversive" causes. His most cutting insult to the state was participation in a concert for Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Tom Hayden, Bobby Seale and the other defendants of the Chicago Seven conspiracy trial,(2) "Get [the] Black Panthers," he told a reporter for a teen magazine, "not to kill anybody, but to scare [federal officials]....I know it sounds like war, but that's what's gonna have to happen. It has to be a war....You come back to reality and there are some evil folks around and they want you to be passive and weak and peaceful so that they can just overtake you like jelly on bread....You have to fight fire with fire."(3)
On tour in Liesburg, Sweden, Hendrix was interviewed by Tommy Rander, a reporter for the Gotesborgs-Tidningen. " In the USA, you have to decide which side you're on," Hendrix explained. "You are either a rebel or like Frank Sinatra."(4)
In 1979, college students at the campus newspaper of Santa Barbara University (USB) filed for release of FBI files on Hendrix. Six heavily inked-out pages were released to the student reporters. (The deletions nixed information "currently and properly classified pursuant to Executive Order 11652, in the interest of national defense of foreign policy.") On appeal, seven more pages were reluctantly turned over to the UCSB students. The file revealed that Hendrix had been placed on the federal "Security Index," a list of "subversives" to be rounded up and placed in detainment camps in the event of a national emergency.
If the intelligence agencies had their reasons to keep tabs on Hendrix, they couldn't have picked a better man for the job than Hendrix's manager, Mike Jeffrey. Jeffrey, by his own admission an intelligence agent,(5) was born in South London in 1933, the sole child of postal workers. He completed his education in 1949, took a job as a clerk for Mobil Oil, was drafted to the National Service two years later. Jeffrey's scores in science took him to the Educational Corps. He signed on as a professional soldier, joined the Intelligence Corps and at this point his career enters an obscure phase.
Phil's footnote: Jeffrey born in . . .1933? Cue Ira Levin, Gregory Peck, The Boys From Langley, and advise, “Some people never learn.”
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Quote:The file revealed that Hendrix had been placed on the federal "Security Index," a list of "subversives" to be rounded up and placed in detainment camps in the event of a national emergency.
Well, Victor Jara was among the first to be rounded up, wasn't he? Got his fingers broken as well...
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Besides eliminating persons and groups 'they' considered dangerous to their plans and vision of society (sic); I believe there was also a concerted and very successful effort to kill all of our heroes and role-models, and to demoralize us through these deaths and they political, alternative political movements, musicians, whatever......they do it still.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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Wow. I have heard that Hendrix was murdered for years now but until reading through this thread I had never really looked into it. His music was not music that engaged me and many people were using hard drugs during that era.
But this thread has me now convinced that he was murdered. And that his murderer was then killed along with 59 others.
Not a pleasant way to begin the day. Glad I am off to trial.
What a fucking evil countrty we inhabit. The CIA runs the damn world it would seem. Killed our leaders for peace, our rock stars for peace...(Lennon, Hendrix), one of their kids- John Jr.
When someone refers to the USA as a "great nation" on tv I change the channel. The sad thing is that it had the potential to BE a great nation.
Then came 1963.
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Those articles Peter references are partly responsible for exposing Jimi's murder, however they are somewhat limited in the information that really exposes the murder. I suspect they are written by people who don't want to be sued.
Michael Jeffery's confession to Tappy Wright says he and some "old London colleagues" went to Monika's flat and shoved pills down Jimi's throat followed by wine. The problem with that is Jimi's barbiturate blood level from the autopsy shows a 3.9mg level. If Jeffery had killed Jimi the way he confessed the pills wouldn't have had time to be ingested to the level they were and they would have been vomited right back up when Jimi vomited. There's something wrong with Jeffery's confession. Also, Jeffery's personal secretary Trixie Sullivan said Jeffery was in Majorca that night. However, in my reading I have yet to see anyone say exactly where Jeffery was or what he was doing in Majorca that proved the alibi. Jeffery was MI-5, he was quite capable of setting-up an alibi. (Since Jeffery was MI-5 in the 1950's were the "old London colleagues" MI-5 buddies who would be willing and adept at waterboarding Hendrix to death - a strictly intel method of covert murder?)
I suspect Jeffery said he shoved pills down Hendrix's throat followed by wine because Hendrix's murder was a very sophisticated intelligence assassination operation that involved other people - possibly including Monika Dannemann. Hendrix died because he took as many as nine German Vesparax sleeping tablets that were 3 times stronger than normal sleeping pills. The company that made them discontinued them 2 years after Jimi's death. I believe these extra-strong sleeping pill barbiturates were subtly placed in Jimi's environment as part of an intel assassination operation. This method of "accidental death" has the subtle fingerprint of intel on it because of this. Jimi was meant to take those pills and pass-out on them. On further research, there is every reason to believe Jimi took those pills himself thinking they were weaker Tuinols. Jimi's New York doctor said Jimi called him from the Samarkand Hotel to consult him on his insomnia. The doctor offered to arrange a London prescription for sleeping pills but Jimi advised "No, I have some 'Tuinols' here". So there's good reason to believe Jimi took the pills on his own that night. So if Jeffery confessed he "shoved pills down Jimi's throat" I believe he did so in order to hide the fact Jimi was set-up as part of a black operation that involved others. As a matter of fact Jeffery might have known serious players were getting cooler towards him and confessed in order to take the heat off them and save himself.
Monika Dannemann was on a Dutch radio show in 1975 where she said the mafia killed Hendrix. 1975 was the same year Crawdaddy Magazine came out with an article claiming Hendrix was targeted by some kind of death squad. Dannemann told Hendrix Fan Club figure Ceasar Glebbeek that "there was evidence that could not be brought to the police but proved the mafia killed Hendrix." Nobody took Dannemann seriously and some thought she was making-up a story to distance her own involvement or negligence, so it was never pursued. From then on Dannemann realized no one was going to act on her lead so she reverted back to the original accidental death story for the rest of her life - even when it was pointless to do so. This conflict led to her years-long libel case with Etchingham where she was eventually forced into court. In truth, Dannemann was a 26 years-delayed victim of her lies from that morning and a direct collateral damage death from Jimi's murder.
Just last night I was reading Dannemann's words from that radio show and it dawned on me she was indirectly confessing in her own way. She said the ambulance man kept tilting Jimi's head back while he sat in a chair. However, since Monika was proven to never have been in the ambulance, and there was no chair in the ambulance either, we have to assume Monika is telling us something she witnessed in her flat. She also made up a bizarre story of doctors telling her Jimi was OK and not to worry. In the 1990's some friends of Hendrix under Hendrix girlfriend Kathy Etchingham finally interviewed the doctors at St Mary Abott's Hospital and they said they never saw or talked to Monika Dannemann as she claimed. So, once again, I believe Monika is speaking of Jimi's murderers who assured her their "talk with Jimi" was all right and not to worry. If you read Dannemann's statements they are rife with these double entendre "parallels" where she speaks of certain things indirectly but with spooky relativeness.
Let's be smart here. Monika Dannemann was found dead from fumes in her Mercedes shortly before being forced into a legal venue where she would be forced to answer to her lies. If she killed herself that is usually taken as a confession in this kind of situation. However, because this is Jimi Hendrix and a COINTELPRO target it is just left out there unquestioned by our Mockingbird media. And if Monika was killed herself by the same players and same methods as those who killed Jimi then that's all you need to know. Either way.
Curious how Jimi Hendrix's assassination is practically a horizon-wide fireworks show of incriminating evidence yet the governments involved, along with the public and media, seem to take no interest. Constantine should be credited as being the breakthrough source on this, but the truth is he barely scratched the surface of the real evidence and players involved along with their evil interests.
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Dawn Meredith Wrote:Not a pleasant way to begin the day. Glad I am off to trial.
What a fucking evil country we inhabit. The CIA runs the damn world it would seem. Killed our leaders for peace, our rock stars for peace...(Lennon, Hendrix), one of their kids- John Jr.
Yeah, I've wanted to say that too. The jingo fodder you see offered as examples on the state media they call our 'cable TV news' have no idea of the evil machiavellian methods our secret agencies employ. And then there is that certain segment that are aware and get a vicarious thrill in seeing people violated in this brute fascist way. CIA really is a Gestapo-like, unaccountable, Constitution-neutralizing institution. They presently have means and methods that, if spoken of by their victims directly, would immediately draw accusations of mental illness on them because they really are that bizarre. That is part of their effectiveness and why these black organizations use them to that intended effect. Most Americans are cowards who would rather not know and exist at a level of approval from government that is no different from any other pathetic authoritarian state. We didn't become a torture nation for no reason and didn't become a torture nation where the public did nothing about it for no reason either. I personally think America is the best scam ever created. America is just another front in CIA's permanent war.
Oh, and I'm glad to see others openly admit Lennon was killed by an MK-ULTRA hypnosis Manchurian Candidate.
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30-09-2010, 09:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 30-09-2010, 09:28 PM by Peter Lemkin.)
Albert Doyle Wrote:Dawn Meredith Wrote:Not a pleasant way to begin the day. Glad I am off to trial.
What a fucking evil country we inhabit. The CIA runs the damn world it would seem. Killed our leaders for peace, our rock stars for peace...(Lennon, Hendrix), one of their kids- John Jr.
Yeah, I've wanted to say that too. The jingo fodder you see offered as examples on the state media they call our 'cable TV news' have no idea of the evil machiavellian methods our secret agencies employ. And then there is that certain segment that are aware and get a vicarious thrill in seeing people violated in this brute fascist way. CIA really is a Gestapo-like, unaccountable, Constitution-neutralizing institution. They presently have means and methods that, if spoken of by their victims directly, would immediately draw accusations of mental illness on them because they really are that bizarre. That is part of their effectiveness and why these black organizations use them to that intended effect. Most Americans are cowards who would rather not know and exist at a level of approval from government that is no different from any other pathetic authoritarian state. We didn't become a torture nation for no reason and didn't become a torture nation where the public did nothing about it for no reason either. I personally think America is the best scam ever created. America is just another front in CIA's permanent war.
Oh, and I'm glad to see others openly admit Lennon was killed by an MK-ULTRA hypnosis Manchurian Candidate.
Just to have a musical coda:
Mae: Absolutely! The federal government has maintained active programs to eliminate rock musicians and disrupt rock concerts. Senator Frank Church's Committee hearings in 1975 and the FBI Cointel-Programs clearly document the intent to break up any gatherings of the "new left". Nothing brought anti-war demonstrators together with political messages more effectively than music festivals.
There is hard evidence the CIA assigned agents to "investigate the music industry." After the murders of Tim Buckley, Jim Croce, and Mama Cass Elliot, more information surfaced about earlier mysterious deaths of Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, and Janis Joplin. Listed below, but not updated this past year, are some of the rock musicians who have died since the Huston Plan and the FBI Cointel-Program were activated. If these people had been taking any kinds of drugs, there is the distinct possibility that specific poisons were added to their drugs, enough to be fatal, to make it appear that they had died from a simple "overdose".
John Lennon Paul Kossoff John Bonham
Elvis Presley Jim Reeves Steve Parson
Buddy Holly Berry Oakley Bob Marley
Otis Redding Tim Buckley Sal Mineo
Brian Jones Jim Croce Harry Chapin
Jimi Hendrix Richard Earina Brian Epstein, Beatles manager
Janis Joplin Lenny Bruce
Jim Morrison Larry Williams Michael Jeffery, Jimi Hendrix manager
Duane Allman Bon Scott, AC/DC
Mama Cass Elliot Richie Valens Rod McKernan, "Pig Pen" of the Grateful Dead
Gram Parsons J. P. Richardson
Phil Oakes Ronnie Van Zandt
Marc Bolan Steve Gains Donald Rex Jackson, Grateful Dead mgr.
Keith Moon Sid Viscious
...and many others
The murder of John Lennon is the tragic finale to an entire era, the reminder that once an artist becomes as popular and as political as he was, his enemies will be waiting to make sure his messages never appear again to awaken the slumbering youth. [and yes, by a mind-controlled/programmed assassin - with some help from 'friends'.....]
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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We saw Tim Buckley at Rafael's Silver Cloud Lounge outside Albuquerque in 1973.
He appeared white as a sheet, thin as his mike stand, sweating and jumpy as a live wire.
Dancing on the floor before him in the crowd was a woman in a black dress, black floppy hat, barefoot and transfixed.
She would deliver a karate blow to a point within an inch of my nose and hiss, “I want to be alone.”
He would die in 1975, reputedly from snorting a Sangre de Cristo of smack, possibly in the tender care of Greta Garbo.
I hadn't been at all surprised at news of his death—he might have dropped between sets from what we could see.
But Lennon—having read his 23,000-word Playboy interview shortly before his murder, and seen the video of Yoko and him doing Imagine, oh, he was much too dangerous.
Yet if one wanted to vacuum up the trail of minstrels leading away from militancy, of course you've got a wide swath, and they're just loki, you send your morlocks.
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01-10-2010, 09:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2010, 09:40 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Peter
We saw Tim Buckley at Rafael's Silver Cloud Lounge outside Albuquerque in 1973.
He appeared white as a sheet, thin as his mike stand, sweating and jumpy as a live wire.
Dancing on the floor before him in the crowd was a woman in a black dress, black floppy hat, barefoot and transfixed.
She would deliver a karate blow to a point within an inch of my nose and hiss, “I want to be alone.”
He would die in 1975, reputedly from snorting a Sangre de Cristo of smack, possibly in the tender care of Greta Garbo.
I hadn't been at all surprised at news of his death—he might have dropped between sets from what we could see.
But Lennon—having read his 23,000-word Playboy interview shortly before his murder, and seen the video of Yoko and him doing Imagine, oh, he was much too dangerous.
Yet if one wanted to vacuum up the trail of minstrels leading away from militancy, of course you've got a wide swath, and they're just loki, you send your morlocks.
Perhaps not everyone on that list [or the few others of suspicious deaths of singers/folk musicians and writers/rock stars] were done-in by the 'Borg', but I fear many to most were and Lennon for sure. If there as any one thing he wrote that angered them, it was 'Imagine'!.... He had also just gotten off of drugs [they had worked hard to get him ON!] and had plans for a comeback and political tour [they knew as his flat was bugged] AND he was talking of giving big money again to progressive causes....the fix was in...
If there was any ONE thing that JHx did to put him on the LIST, it was his rendition of the Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock...IMO.
The strange things are always the patterns...the patterns....
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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Phil Dragoo Wrote:Peter
We saw Tim Buckley at Rafael's Silver Cloud Lounge outside Albuquerque in 1973.
He appeared white as a sheet, thin as his mike stand, sweating and jumpy as a live wire.
Dancing on the floor before him in the crowd was a woman in a black dress, black floppy hat, barefoot and transfixed.
She would deliver a karate blow to a point within an inch of my nose and hiss, “I want to be alone.”
He would die in 1975, reputedly from snorting a Sangre de Cristo of smack, possibly in the tender care of Greta Garbo.
I hadn't been at all surprised at news of his death—he might have dropped between sets from what we could see.
But Lennon—having read his 23,000-word Playboy interview shortly before his murder, and seen the video of Yoko and him doing Imagine, oh, he was much too dangerous.
Yet if one wanted to vacuum up the trail of minstrels leading away from militancy, of course you've got a wide swath, and they're just loki, you send your morlocks.
Phil: I was reading that interview in bed on 12/8, that day for me was filled with Lennon. Heard Instant Karma as I was parking for law school. Later played and sang some Beatles songs. Listened to Beatles records with my daughter over dinner. Fell asleep reading the interview only to be awakened by an ex boyfirend telling me there had been another political assassination, John Lennon. Devestated was an understatement.
I have always been suspisious about Phil Oachs death too. His alleged suicide by hanging, I don't buy it. Did not then and never have.
Yes MDC was definately a Manchurian candidate. The evidence is overwhelming.