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Jimi Hendrix Murder - 40 years ago - The 'Experience'!
I’d like to add that denial of the screaming evidence for murder in Hendrix’s case is a typical example of people wanting to believe their government doesn’t operate like an evil machiavellian cult and that all the obvious evidence like Monika Dannemann being caught in outrageous lies about that morning, or Michael Jeffery’s visible-in-plain-daylight MI-5/mafia background and motives, or the forensic evidence, all don’t point towards murder. It’s pretty ridiculous to think classic government slandering of people as conspiracy theorists would cover all the normally obvious intrigue involved in Hendrix’s death. That intrigue is easily shown and available in deep detail if one makes even the most simple effort to look into it - which the murder deniers grant themselves the privilege of not doing.

When Jimi died a forensic clock started ticking. That clock froze a 3.9mg blood level of barbiturate in Jimi’s blood. It also froze a 5mg/100ml blood alcohol content into place for the autopsy to register. The autopsist, Dr Teare, also found undigested rice remnants in Jimi’s stomach. These three items create a forensic “triangulation” that can’t be fudged or distorted.

We know Jimi got back to the Samarkand Hotel with Monika shortly after 3am. We also know Eric Burdon admitted Monika Dannemann called him at around 5:30am. If we apply the forensic graph containing this triangulation to the time period between 3am and 5:30am we can show conclusive forensic proof of murder. This is something the British Inquest into Hendrix’s death never bothered to do.

Doctor Bannister, the attending St Mary Abott’s Resuscitation Room physician, came forward in 1992 to say he had witnessed lungs and stomach full of wine in Hendrix like he had never seen in his medical career and that instead of choking on vomit Jimi Hendrix had died from being drowned in red wine. He estimated the amount of wine he witnessed in Jimi to be “bottles worth”. This is forensically incompatible with the 5mg/100ml blood alcohol content recorded at the autopsy. So much so as to be proof of murder in and of itself. Murder doubters deal with this by attacking Bannister, however the murder scene had spilled pure wine on the bed and clothes, as well as soaking a scarf around Jimi’s neck, and what Bannister estimated to be “a half bottle of wine saturating his hair alone”. Since you can’t vomit out pure wine this wine is criminal forensic evidence of wine spilled during the act of waterboarding murder .

A 3.9mg percent of blood barbiturate content is a knock-out dose, therefore Jimi was unconscious when he died. A forensic clock starting ticking backwards when Jimi died. This was the maximum time period for him to die with only a 5mg/100ml blood alcohol content. That time period is very short, especially when a doctor witnessed “bottles worth” of wine inside Jimi and his lungs. In fact, the period needed is so short that it isn’t long enough to allow Jimi to be conscious while the wine was introduced into him. And that is conclusive scientific forensic evidence of murder. It can’t be any other way. You are battling the clock ticking on the barbiturate dose absorption vs the alcohol absorption. It will show that Jimi would have been passed-out at the point of time on the forensic graph that would have allowed a 5mg/100ml blood alcohol content. And people who are passed-out can’t drink “bottles worth” of wine nor can “bottles worth” of wine only register a 5mg/100ml blood alcohol content. The forensics clearly lock-in the fingerprint of a fast death after being drowned in wine.

Stomach contents usually pass through the stomach in 4-5 hours. Since Jimi was witnessed eating that rice at a party at around midnight that means he died somewhere around 4-4:30am. The forensic evidence locks-in that time. If you look at the circumstantial evidence, confession, forensic evidence, and lies used by Monika Dannemann to cover the real time of death you can’t escape the fact all evidence points towards Jimi being waterboarded with wine in combination with barbiturates, a classic intel method of covert murder.

In my opinion it is rather preposterous to try to deny this with evasions that don’t even bother to examine the otherwise screamingly-obvious evidence. The British Government is guilty of incompetence and failure to investigate evidence for murder.

This is stuff that any first year criminology student or detective would have seen right away. The reason it wasn’t investigated at the time is because Jimi Hendrix’s death was a political assassination. British tabloids did CIA’s COINTELPRO dirty work by announcing Jimi had died from a heroin overdose even though the coroner said there was ZERO trace of heroin in his system or any traces of heroin use on his body. To this day, even with this screaming evidence of Jimi’s murder being so obvious and so brazenly denied by the authorities, Jimi’s death is still announced by those fascist Nazi murderers as being a drug overdose moral lesson.

Some people need this interpreted to them. Jimi’s UPI reporter friend Sharon Lawrence heard about the mess at Jimi’s death scene and spoke to Monika at the hotel Eric Burdon had her hiding out in the day after Jimi’s death. Monika was mainly interested in discussing her new career as a Hendrix painter, an opportunity Jimi’s death now provided. And this was 24 hours after Jimi died in her flat. Sharon Lawrence said this strange detachment was creepy. She then asked Monika about the wine that was spilled around Jimi at the death scene. Monika’s reaction was to moan, whine, and whimper in response to the question. For those who are slow on the uptake the reason Monika reacted to the question that way is because she was aware Jeffery had waterboarded Jimi to death with wine and was cornered by something she hadn’t expected to be asked.

Again, for those who need this explained to them slowly, Monika’s response to Lawrence that she “washed ‘sick’ off Jimi’s face with wine” was the quick off-the-cuff excuse she thought-up at the moment and nothing else. Let me frame what is happening in this discussion between Sharon Lawrence and Monika Dannemann on September 19th 1970 in London. Sharon is curious about how exactly Jimi died? Monika is aware Michael Jeffery murdered Hendrix but is trying to lay low and play it off as an accident. Sharon sees all the clues but she doesn’t come to the correct conclusion and ultimately writes in her book ‘Jimi Hendrix Betrayed’ that Jimi may have committed suicide. Sharon wrote the book prior to all this Tappy Wright confession business. She, or anyone else, could have pursued this by asking: “Why then did you say Jimi only had a trickle of vomit on his chin? And that if he only had a small drool of vomit running down his chin then why would you need to wash 'sick’ off Jimi's face with wine of all things? Especially when the small flat had warm water and a towel nearby and just as close as any wine would have been?” Nobody ever asked these basic questions until now.

Again, for those who need this interpreted slowly Monika either committed suicide or was “suicided” right before being forced into court by Etchingham to answer these questions. It’s very obvious to anyone with any common sense why that happened. No one bothered to point-out to Monika that the ambulance men witnessed a Hendrix with a face full of vomit that hadn’t been “washed off”. Besides what person who isn’t retarded reacts to a choking dying person by washing their face with wine instead of trying to revive them by slapping the vomit out of their throat and getting them to breathe? Face it, everything we know tells us Monika and everyone else knew Jimi was dead and that he had been murdered by Jeffery. Devon knew this which is why she was found under the 8th floor window of the Chelsea Hotel 5 months later.

The so-called “Hendrix Community” has taken a pass on this evidence. They have no credibility. They are basically spineless jellyfish who see it as easier to let Jimi flap in the wind murdered than disrupt their hedonistic sucking-off his music and talent. This is something that hasn’t changed since the day Jimi was murdered. I condemn them.

What needs to be done here is either a mock trial needs to be filmed and presented showing the real evidence and how it was criminally-avoided by the British Government -or- a movie needs to be made showing the real story. As sinful as Jimi personally was himself, his story is very Christ-like. Christ’s story being the “Story of you and me”. Jimi knew he would be murdered by Jeffery for firing him.
[Image: progress.gif]
"If you don't see him no more in this world,he'll meet you in the next one.And don't be late............."

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Hi Keith!
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Somebody needs to contact the Education Forum and get them to update their Hendrix entry. I was scanning Google for traffic on the murder and found the Education Forum's entry on Hendrix. Although it is from 2005 and well before Tappy Wright came out with his admission that Michael Jeffery confessed murdering Hendrix to him, it is still laughably behind.

I find it amusing that I might not qualify for Education Forum membership while their information on Hendrix is so lacking:
They've probably deleted it anyway.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:They've probably deleted it anyway.

No, it's still there. Somebody should clue them. They promote themselves as an academic forum but their ignorance of what really happened to Hendrix is embarrassing.
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:They've probably deleted it anyway.

No, it's still there. Somebody should clue them. They promote themselves as an academic forum but their ignorance of what really happened to Hendrix is embarrassing.

You are new here. Many of us here walked out in anger/disgust or were thrown out via dirty tricks from 'that place'......they have approved 'conspiracies' and those that are not 'approved'..... there are also many members and a few staff that are either private or professional 'debunkers' of ALL things 'conspiratorial'. Though I was once a moderator [and thrown out via dirty tricks by the then #2; and those unspeakable acts then backed up by the still #1] I don't know if Jimmy's murder is on the 'approved' list. My guess would be no. JFK and related are the ones mostly given the 'nod'. 9-11 Truth is certainly looked down their long noses at; as are MANY others.

Their ignorance and cupidity on many issues should be embarrassing, but they delete posts that would embarrass them - even threads and in my case every one of the 5350 posts I ever made...and anyone who asks about me or speaks about or for me is threatened with removal, as well. And you want to join? :damnmate: Have fun...and if you do, be sure to point to this url or mention me and you'll be banned as quickly as you were admitted. :pcguru:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:You are new here. Many of us here walked out in anger/disgust or were thrown out via dirty tricks from 'that place'......they have approved 'conspiracies' and those that are not 'approved'..... there are also many members and a few staff that are either private or professional 'debunkers' of ALL things 'conspiratorial'. Though I was once a moderator [and thrown out via dirty tricks by the then #2; and those unspeakable acts then backed up by the still #1] I don't know if Jimmy's murder is on the 'approved' list. My guess would be no. JFK and related are the ones mostly given the 'nod'. 9-11 Truth is certainly looked down their long noses at; as are MANY others.

Their ignorance and cupidity on many issues should be embarrassing, but they delete posts that would embarrass them - even threads and in my case every one of the 5350 posts I ever made...and anyone who asks about me or speaks about or for me is threatened with removal, as well. And you want to join? :damnmate: Have fun...and if you do, be sure to point to this url or mention me and you'll be banned as quickly as you were admitted. :pcguru:

Not knowing anything about that site I would make a safe guess that anything that has the label "Education" Forum is connected to academics and therefore academic institutions. What the monster has done in America is followed the route of paychecks in order to exert its control. When Clinton made the statement "It's the economy stupid" he probably didn't realize the nefarious declaration he was making philosophically. There are those out there who are all too willing to welcome a sensibility that that which pays is right and anything else is wrong. Truth, especially hard check and balance proof and facts, don't necessarily "pay" in the short term. So what has happened in America is the sensibility of democracy has been successfully displaced and made subject to the expedient interests of those who practice this corrupted sensibility. In short there's academic cowards who migrate to positions of power in moderator or other positions where they can enforce this ignominious rule on others with the sense they are acting rightly. This, unfortunately is the present status-quo in America - and not the claimed democracy it displaces. Those oppressors rise to that level because they are rewarded by powerful people for practicing and enforcing this corrupted ethic. What they are really doing is making sure the easy reward they get from that deal isn't interrupted - as it will surely be - once they admit the truth. The internet has created some of the worst tyrants of the modern day-era in the form of internet moderators and content controllers. And the media has proven that corruption of free press and democracy for your own self-interest is much more lucrative than the straight difficult direct practice of it. After all why have this wonderful thing called free democracy if you can't make it "pay"? After all, "It's the economy stupid".

You don't need to explain this to me, it is something I have personal flogging scars on my back over regarding the Hendrix murder. And you can be sure that the people on that forum are well aware of the visible Hendrix murder claims that have been in the press of late. If their Education Forum entry on Hendrix is woefully lacking it is so because it will be seriously punished for anyone who dare approach it. The reasons for that punishment being obvious.

You can tell a real conspiracy by the way people don't show interest in it when it comes to the difficult part.

America really has reached a modern-day low.

Albert Doyle Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:You are new here. Many of us here walked out in anger/disgust or were thrown out via dirty tricks from 'that place'......they have approved 'conspiracies' and those that are not 'approved'..... there are also many members and a few staff that are either private or professional 'debunkers' of ALL things 'conspiratorial'. Though I was once a moderator [and thrown out via dirty tricks by the then #2; and those unspeakable acts then backed up by the still #1] I don't know if Jimmy's murder is on the 'approved' list. My guess would be no. JFK and related are the ones mostly given the 'nod'. 9-11 Truth is certainly looked down their long noses at; as are MANY others.

Their ignorance and cupidity on many issues should be embarrassing, but they delete posts that would embarrass them - even threads and in my case every one of the 5350 posts I ever made...and anyone who asks about me or speaks about or for me is threatened with removal, as well. And you want to join? :damnmate: Have fun...and if you do, be sure to point to this url or mention me and you'll be banned as quickly as you were admitted. :pcguru:

Not knowing anything about that site I would make a safe guess that anything that has the label "Education" Forum is connected to academics and therefore academic institutions. What the monster has done in America is followed the route of paychecks in order to exert its control. When Clinton made the statement "It's the economy stupid" he probably didn't realize the nefarious declaration he was making philosophically. There are those out there who are all too willing to welcome a sensibility that that which pays is right and anything else is wrong. Truth, especially hard check and balance proof and facts, don't necessarily "pay" in the short term. So what has happened in America is the sensibility of democracy has been successfully displaced and made subject to the expedient interests of those who practice this corrupted sensibility. In short there's academic cowards who migrate to positions of power in moderator or other positions where they can enforce this ignominious rule on others with the sense they are acting rightly. This, unfortunately is the present status-quo in America - and not the claimed democracy it displaces. Those oppressors rise to that level because they are rewarded by powerful people for practicing and enforcing this corrupted ethic. What they are really doing is making sure the easy reward they get from that deal isn't interrupted - as it will surely be - once they admit the truth. The internet has created some of the worst tyrants of the modern day-era in the form of internet moderators and content controllers. And the media has proven that corruption of free press and democracy for your own self-interest is much more lucrative than the straight difficult direct practice of it. After all why have this wonderful thing called free democracy if you can't make it "pay"? After all, "It's the economy stupid".

You don't need to explain this to me, it is something I have personal flogging scars on my back over regarding the Hendrix murder. And you can be sure that the people on that forum are well aware of the visible Hendrix murder claims that have been in the press of late. If their Education Forum entry on Hendrix is woefully lacking it is so because it will be seriously punished for anyone who dare approach it. The reasons for that punishment being obvious.

You can tell a real conspiracy by the way people don't show interest in it when it comes to the difficult part.

America really has reached a modern-day low.


#1 on that site, one John Simkin, is British and the website is UK based and hosted. But, yes, America has really reached a modern-day low [in close competition with the last days of Roman Empire!], with the UK Poodle sniffing its butt, just one step behind.....we [the mighty Lords of McDonalds, Walmart, Enron, Exxon, Halliburton, Disney, General Electric, Montsanto, Goldman-Sucks, et al.] having inherited the 'white, rich man's burden'...............
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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