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Head Shot new book
Has anyone else read the new book "Head Shot: the science behind the JFK assassination " by G Paul Chambers? would like to see others reactions. I think it's the most accessible book I've read regarding the ballistics and acoustic evidence I've read.
I haven't read it. Where does he say the head shot came from??
Grassy Knoll. Front and to the right, using a frangible bullet. I think all his shot scenarios make good sense, at least they answered some nagging questions of mine...
He give VB a good serve, too. Which is nice.Smile
Jerry Yallow Wrote:Grassy Knoll. Front and to the right, using a frangible bullet. I think all his shot scenarios make good sense, at least they answered some nagging questions of mine...
He give VB a good serve, too. Which is nice.Smile

I had never even heard of it. There are so many books right now...After the first of the year I will make a list and get them all. Beginning with Paris Flamonde's latest..which is three books I believe. He has 22 sets left. $125.000 Way more than I pay for books but I am sure he put a lot of effort into them.

Jerry: Welcome to DPF.

I have found no discussion on-line yet, but Jefferson Morley gives a positive blurb:

As a career physicist in the national security sector, G. Paul Chambers is a uniquely qualified guide to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Instead of theorizing or demonizing, he offers a fascinating defense of the scientific method through history and applies that method to the oft-distorted JFK forensic evidence. He dismantles the bad science at the core of Vincent Bugliosi's flabby Reclaiming History and politely punts the fantasy that the Zapruder film was altered. What remains, he reveals, is a body of scientific evidence about JFK's murder that is increasingly consistent, self-authenticating, verifiable, and definitive." --Jefferson Morley, author of Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA

What strikes you as the most salient point, Jerry?
Phil Dragoo Wrote:I have found no discussion on-line yet, but Jefferson Morley gives a positive blurb:

As a career physicist in the national security sector, G. Paul Chambers is a uniquely qualified guide to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Instead of theorizing or demonizing, he offers a fascinating defense of the scientific method through history and applies that method to the oft-distorted JFK forensic evidence. He dismantles the bad science at the core of Vincent Bugliosi's flabby Reclaiming History and politely punts the fantasy that the Zapruder film was altered. What remains, he reveals, is a body of scientific evidence about JFK's murder that is increasingly consistent, self-authenticating, verifiable, and definitive." --Jefferson Morley, author of Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA

What strikes you as the most salient point, Jerry?

If he punts the fantasy that the Zapruder film is altered, he is a fraud.


"The Dallas doctors consistently reported a large blasted hole in the right rear portion of Kennedy's head." (page 93)

"The doctors at Parkland Hospital noted no wounds of any kind on ... the rear of [JFK's] head." (page 205)

"The lack of any exit wound is consistent with the conclusion that the round that killed Kennedy entered above and in front of his right ear but never left his head." (page 205)

Dallas, we have problem.
"The lack of any exit wound. . . ."

Except for. . .that garage door in the back.

Each time I see Zapruder, I see spectators not spectating the spectacle, but rather some phantom following the ghostly limousine.

Headshot is a head fake.

I propose the Castle quit sending out these terra-cotta warriors to be shattered.

The Star Chamber's latest Sham-Wow guy in shards.

Among the pieces of Posner, bits of Bugliosi, clinging to limping Leventhalians and telescreen Sunsteinians.

Let us have the then-sitting president present himself in Dealey Plaza November 22, 2013, and show cause.

No seconds or surrogates; stand and deliver.

Why have you done this?
Thanks for everyone's replies. I'm glad to see everyone's take on new books. I'm here to learn, more than anything. Any way I can do that is a benefit to me. You guys have pointed out some serious flaws in this work, and as I'm still a fresh face to this forum, I hope my eagerness isn't mistaken for Naivete. I respect this forum so much.
This book is designed to extend uncertainty.

Another shot fired at the "I'm OK, You're OK Corral."

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