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Amazon poster S.V. Anderson might be Vincent Bugliosi
Over at, there is a rude, annoying, disrespectful poster S.V. Anderson spreading a lot of lies, misinformation and disinformation about the JFK assassination. His disinfo style is the same as Vincent Bugliosi's - that is, forget the facts, just call people "kooks," "nuts," "loons," "idiots," etc.

I have caught this guy making up fake profiles and actually carrying on conversations with himself on the Amazon boards, in crude attempts to propagandize. He has admitted that his real name is not S.V. Anderson and he claims to be historian and teacher. It is obvious that this joker is NOT a historian or teacher.

I encourage you guys to engage with this joker over there and help to educate the other readers at Amazon. Just look up "S.V. Anderson" at Amazon and check out his "non-reviews" of JFK assassination books and his inane commentary on the discussion boards - he posts the same things over and over again, looks like a Vincent Bugliosi check list to me. (S.V. Anderson's profile)

Discussion board at Amazon for JFK assassination:
Not Bugliosi's style to descend to such levels of discourse as lowly Amazon reviews.

Unless ... Vincent Bugliosi is the ... wait for it ... mastermind of JFK assassination cover-up propaganda!

A safer bet: LBJ is conducting this campaign from the grave.
I do think that Lyndon Johnson was the Mastermind of the JFK Assassination; along with the CIA who carried the murder out. That photo of Major General Edward Lansdale speaks VOLUMES.

As for Bugliosi, he is just a tick on an elephant's butt. His ego and Napolean complex have rendered him unable to think rationally about the JFK assassination.

The insulting writing style of S.V. Anderson, coupled with his lone nut fantasies, leads me to believe it is Mr. Bugliosi with some spare time on his hands, failing at anonymity while trying to engage in the JFK debate (or his version of debate: you are a nut, a kook, a looney, crazy! etc.)

It has Figureovfun's MO all over it. As did the jiffy bag.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Are you sure it is not MacAdams?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
or it could be a Bugliosi copycat.

Here is what Pat Speer says:

"Vincent Bugliosi is open about his fear of computers, so I strongly doubt he would spend any time online defending Reclaiming History, particularly under a fake name. No, I feel fairly certain Anderson is yet another one of those claiming to have been swayed by Bugliosi's "logic", while secretly being attracted to his nastiness, which gives them an excuse to be rude and insulting to those with different viewpoints than themselves.

It's like those claiming to be attracted to Rush Limbaugh for his "honesty" or "integrity." The man's nastiness pushes a button with them, and allows them to be the nasty little pigs they've always wanted to be. It's quite empowering. Literally. The "Tea Party" movement in the U.S. perhaps still on the rise is made of men of this stripe.

Now, that said, I've had a few run-ins with Anderson, and have found him no better or worse than some of those on aaj or over on the IMDB Forum.
How did you find out he was faking his identity?"
I caught S.V. Anderson posting fake reviews of books he has never read such as Harry Yardum's excellent The Grassy Knoll Witnesses. He says that he got it used at a yard sale for one cent, when in reality the book was just out and the minimum price was $40. The he (S.V. Anderson) makes up multiple personalities on the board and carries on conversations with himself, a la some one in a strait jacket in the funny farm. He is so insecure, I am sure he would make up a whole stadium of imaginery friends to converse with and "support" his contentions.

Here is my response to this joker:

Well, Mr. S.V. Anderson - the "unrestrained propagandist" and Mr. T. Folsom (his special little friend sitting on his shoulder), I may be detached from YOUR reality (thank God!) but at least I don't go posting on Amazon with fake profiles and make up imaginery little friends to "support" my positions like YOU do or you should I say like y'all do - however many Multiple Personalities you have. I did not know that padded cells in mental asylums had internet access so the patients - "lone nuts" shall we say - could post all their multiple and entertaining personalities on Amazon.

Here are the 2 posts (one from S.V. Anderson and an IDENTICAL one from your little friend T. Folsom) that you (y'all) put in my mailbox :

S. V. Anderson says:

Clearly you are detached from reality. You left the real world of evidence, history, and logic some time ago. I was glad to read that another scholar (T. Folsem) agrees with my assessment of your sanity. I don't think ANY educated scholar will EVER take your anti-Johnson rants seriously. You don't have ANY credibility. You come across as some guy standing on an upturned peach crate standing on a street corner yelling at passersby.
From an historical viewpoint I teach my students each semester that Lyndon Johnson was perhaps the best and most accomplished president in between FDR and Ronald Reagan. If it weren't for the Vietnam War and the time and attention it took from Johnson I would rank Johnson as one of the four most important presidents of the 20th Century. Your rants...

(the next Amazon email I got):
T. Folsom says:

Robert, Clearly you are detached from reality. You left the real world of evidence, history, and logic some time ago. I was glad to read that another scholar (T. Folsem) agrees with my assessment of your sanity. I don't think ANY educated scholar will EVER take your anti-Johnson rants seriously. You don't have ANY credibility. You come across as some guy standing on an upturned peach crate standing on a street corner yelling at passersby.
From an historical viewpoint I teach my students each semester that Lyndon Johnson was perhaps the best and most accomplished president in between FDR and Ronald Reagan. If it weren't for the Vietnam War and the time and attention it took from Johnson I would rank Johnson as one of the four most important presidents of the 20th Century. Your rants...

S.V. Anderson: it looks like you know a great deal about being "detached from reality," perhaps you have done some FIELD STUDY on this condition for decades.

Hey, I have a book for S.V. Anderson and all his imaginary little friends in his padded cell; it's called Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder by Frank Putnam. It is a FABULOUS read and I can't wait to see the MULTIPLE reviews from S.V. Anderson and Team Padded Cell!

Maybe if you and your friends purchased it in volume you could get discounts: Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder
Robert Morrow Wrote:I caught S.V. Anderson posting fake reviews of books he has never read such as Harry Yardum's excellent The Grassy Knoll Witnesses. He says that he got it used at a yard sale for one cent, when in reality the book was just out and the minimum price was $40. The he (S.V. Anderson) makes up multiple personalities on the board and carries on conversations with himself, a la some one in a strait jacket in the funny farm. He is so insecure, I am sure he would make up a whole stadium of imaginery friends to converse with and "support" his contentions.

The technique is known in the trade as "Colbying," Rob. It's a sinister practice, uncommonly popular in South America, where its advent has given a whole new meaning to the phrase "a full Brazilian." This is not true of London, where it continues to mean shooting electricians, preferably on the underground, at random.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
I thought "Colbying" was what happens when you are on the wrong side of your former friends in the intelligence agencies by helping John De Camp with his Franklin Cover Up investigation of elite pedophilia or being friends with CIA Pegasus turncoat Chip Tatum.

Is "Colbying" what happened to William Colby in the spring of 1996? A mysterious death under very questionable circumstances?
Laugh :rofl: :hahaha:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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