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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
I love the Stuart Reed story. I tried to get Bill Brown over at Bob Harris' forum to explain this amazing coincidence (photographing Oswald's bus on Elm St. and then being miles away over an hour later to photograph him at the Texas Theater), but he didn't even attempt to.
I see in his zeal to dismiss the H&L theory Greg Parker is now promoting the Asperger's theory to explain Oswald's quick learning of Russian.

He ignores Jensen's Atsugi Assassins. Jensen saw Oswald at an MKULTRA training camp.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:
John Kowalski Wrote:I have read Armstrong's book and found it to be very compelling. Comparing the pictures of Oswald in the Soviet Union to the New Orleans Oswald reveals that the two are not the same man. Has any additional research been done on Harvey since the publication of the book? I wish there had been more evidence regarding Harvey and his parents, and what happened to Lee (Norton?) after 1963.


John...Armstrong spent 12 years on the LHO project, and used
every important thing he discovered (though he had to omit lots
that he had written (his first draft was twice as long) and he had
to put all the visuals on a disk. He did not pursue Norton because
he had no independent verification. However, he did prove to my
satisfaction that Norton is the original Lee.

After the book was published, Armstrong went back to "civilian life"
as a builder of custom homes. He is still interested, but he no longer


Attached: a photo of me with John at a hamburger place.

Tosh (Plumlee) called me yesterday and one of the things we discussed were the Rambler pics he posted here and he asked me if I could find them for him as he is no longer a member. So I put that into a search and this is the only thread that came up. Miss Jack White (RIP ) but John IS now actively researching this again. We talk at least once a week, often more, and he bounces new research off me. JVB DID read H and L and still contends it is not true. I no longer believe a word she has to say.

Sorry Dawn,

IIRC,I had two more,but they are gone.
Jim Hargrove Wrote:When they appeared together recently, both Oliver Stone and James Douglass indicated that two Oswalds was the only scenario that made sense, at least on assassination day and the weeks leading up to it. Last year, David Mantik sent John a photo of Harvey and Lee sitting on his nightstand, indicating it was his favorite book about the assassination.

Nevertheless, some competent researchers remain skeptical about the central premise of H&L, though they often praise JA for his work on the rifle and revolver, Mexico City, and Jack Ruby, for example. It is not an easy interpretation to accept. I started concentrating on John's work more than 15 years ago, and I wasn't totally convinced he was right until a year or more into it. Now it seems completely obvious to me. To my mind, there's just no other way to understand the legend of "Lee Harvey Oswald."

After pretty much ignoring my website for a decade and a half or so, last year John suddenly began paying attention to it, and now it has become his primary channel to release new material, which is sure a kick for me! I've been campaigning for a year to do a major new write-up on the site, the web's main missing ingredient from the LHO saga, and work on it should be starting soon.


Good to know. That more serious researchers are taking this seriously. Indeed John has become very active, sad for me at a time when I am just burned out on all things JFK assassination. We talk often and he bounces things off me which hold my interest but after spending most of my adult life reading almost nothing but JFK assassination books, I am at least taking a break to enjoy some fiction. Of course one could easily spend days on these sites, DPF and or
David Josephs Wrote:During the summer of 1963 we are treated to what is probably the most obvious example of the existence of the two men named Lee Oswald.

While Harvey is on New Orleans working with Bannister, Shaw, Ferrie and the Cubans... Lee is running around Dallas with Ruby and not hiding the fact.

The men are both physically and dispositionally different enough that I am at a loss for whether that summer in Dallas had anything to do with the impending assassination
or was simply part of Ruby's gun-running life and at some point later in the summer Lee is repurposed to lay breadcrums to Harvey's guilt.



David, I think there is no doubt that all the "efforts" on behalf of Lee during the summer of 63 we designed to help set up Harvey. And I agree that one in NO and one in Dallas summer of 63 is a great piece of evidence of two Oswalds. No other scenario makes any sense at all.
Albert Doyle Wrote:I see in his zeal to dismiss the H&L theory Greg Parker is now promoting the Asperger's theory to explain Oswald's quick learning of Russian.

He ignores Jensen's Atsugi Assassins. Jensen saw Oswald at an MKULTRA training camp.

I question ANYONE's zeal to dismiss JA's work. Be it Parker, Judyth, and now most recently Robert Morrow, (he called me the other day).

The plot to kill President Kennedy and blame it on Castro is clearly underway by Aug 9, '63, when, under the watchful eyes and recording devices of a host of government agents and informants, Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald begins his Viva Castro/Fair Play for Cuba charade in front of Clay Shaw's Trade Mart in New Orleans. As DJ points out, American-born Lee Oswald is in Dallas during this period and is probably the guy who, just a few weeks later, shows up at the Texas home of Robert McKeown, big-time gunrunner and close personal friend of Fidel Castro. Had Lee Oswald been able to purchase a gun from McKeown, does anyone doubt it would have been "found" on the Sixth Floor of the TSBD? Had that happened and become public knowledge, it probably would have been impossible for LBJ and Hoover to shut down the investigation and prevent an invasion of Cuba.

The rest of the plot comes along now in pretty quick succession. In September, former Army intel agent Richard Case Nagell knows something is up and gets himself arrested so he'll have an iron-clad alibi. The whole-Oswald-in-Mexico-City-setting-up-an-assassination-via-Castro paper file extravaganza allegedly begins at about the same time. Then there is a final bit of hocus-pocus just to make sure historians are forever confused. From Armstrong's November in Dallas 1997 speech:

From September 25 thru October 5th Oswalds can be found in New Orleans,
Mexico City, Dallas, Houston, and a number of small towns near Alice,
Texas at the same time. These multiple sightings have confused
researchers for years and continue to confuse us today. The available
evidence simply does not allow us to accurately pinpoint which Oswald was
at a particular location at a given time. What is obvious from the
multiple, concurrent, Oswald sightings is the unseen hand of a covert
intelligence operation.

With the Terrible Twosome now intractably intertwined and the public record forever confused, the final, familiar to all of us set-up occurs in Dallas, almost certainly conducted by Lee Oswald, the proud owner of a Texas driver's license. The numerous appearances at the Sports Drome Rifle Range, the Statler Hilton, Morgan's gun shop, Dial Ryder gun shop, Downtown Lincoln Mercury (despite the Big Money Lee claimed he would soon receive, do you think the dealership would let Harvey Oswald drive without seeing a license?), the Southland Hotel's Allright Parking (where Lee conspicuously asked if there was a good view of downtown from the roof), the hitch-hiking Oswald with the four-foot long package picked up by the unfortunate Mr. Yates, and on and on. If it wasn't American-born Lee Oswald who did all this, who else could it be? One person who can surely be excluded from the list is Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald, who was working at the TSBD.

When you look at it this way, it really isn't all that complicated. Had J. Edgar Hoover run an honest investigation, it would have all been sorted out in a matter of weeks.

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996
There are some extremely ignorant people who should learn more about the eugenics programs of the 20's & 30's that were not constrained by any modern ethics or government laws. These programs would easily be involved in sperm experiments to make identical twins from two different mothers for purposes of anti-soviet espionage. The Soviets managed something similar with their penetration of the British government. To mock this is to display vast ignorance of intel capabilities. It makes sense that intel would turn their deepest program towards the assassination of a president.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:I see in his zeal to dismiss the H&L theory Greg Parker is now promoting the Asperger's theory to explain Oswald's quick learning of Russian.

He ignores Jensen's Atsugi Assassins. Jensen saw Oswald at an MKULTRA training camp.

I question ANYONE's zeal to dismiss JA's work. Be it Parker, Judyth, and now most recently Robert Morrow, (he called me the other day).


I think Douglas Horne and David Lifton are also opposed to Armstrong's theory. I don't know why. It has nothing to do with the body alteration theory.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:I think Douglas Horne and David Lifton are also opposed to Armstrong's theory. I don't know why. It has nothing to do with the body alteration theory.

That's correct on both counts.

From memory, and this was a long time ago, during his service at the ARRB, Doug Horne examined John Armstrong's evidence that there were three W-2 forms for Oswald that were faked, apparently by the FBI. There is a large amount of evidence here, and I will summarize just part of it. Let's look at one of the three pre-Marine Corps employers of "Lee Harvey Oswald," Dolly Shoe.

Here is one of the three W-2 forms John believes was forged.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6794&stc=1]

Dolly Shoe Co. discontinued business in November 1957. The owner of the company was Maury Goodman. In 1995, Mr. Goodman was still alive and at John Armstrong's suggestion Goodman wrote to the IRS inquiring about its tax number creation date. Here is the response he received:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6795&stc=1]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6796&stc=1]

So, in a written response to Mr. Goodman on IRS letterhead, IRS official Della Sanford indicated that the tax ID numbers in questions were apparently issued in January 1964 (seven years after Dolly Shoe was dissolved and even longer since "Oswald" allegedly worked for the company). There were a number of other issues related to this, but I don't remember them all.

A ten or fifteen year old version of my web page describing all this can all be found here:

Now let's move ahead a year or so....

During the ARRB investigation, Mr. Horne wrote to the IRS asking if the tax records for Lee Harvey Oswald now in the National Archives were fakes. An IRS official named, from memory, Aileen Summerlin (sp?), provided the predictable response. Doug wrote a 200 page memo, based on this type of research, concluding that John Armstrong was wrong.

A quick reality check: John has advised me, again and again, that whenever you submit documents about "Lee Harvey Oswald" to any government agency for analysis, to be sure to black out the Oswald name, otherwise, according to John, "everything gets weird." With this in mind, I blacked out Oswald's name on the best copies I could get of the three W-2 forms in question and sent them to the leading type font specialist for IBM, a lady named Dawn Stanford. During our phone talk, Ms. Stanford advised me that, in her opinion, the three W-2 forms in question, from three different companies, were typed on the same machine, one with an odd font that she couldn't locate in her extensive files.

There is a very simple proof that the three W-2 forms John believes are fakes are indeed fakes, and that is that if you check the Social Security Administration "Lifetime Earnings Report" for "Lee Harvey Oswald," NONE of "Oswald's" pre-Marine Corps earnings are included. The HSCA was actually perplexed by this, and wrote a letter to the SSA asking about it. In it's response, Robert Bynum from the SSA wrote that he was including "Copies of three pages of the Warren Commission Report re employment of Lee Harvey Oswald prior to service in the Marine Corps." I'm not making this stuff up. Copies of all these document are reproduced here:

During his November in Dallas 1998 conference, John was scheduled to talk immediately after either Mr. Lifton or Mr. Horne (I can't remember which). But as the start time for John's speech came and passed, David Lifton and Doug Horne began an endless colloquy that delayed John's talk into the late hours of the evening. John's presentation at NID 97 had created a sensation, and many in the audience were looking forward to his speech. John had also brought along Palmer McBride and several other "Oswald" eyewitnesses to the conference. These were, even by then, elderly men, and the late hour when John finally was allowed by Debra Conway to speak made their presentations less powerful than they could have been.

Please pay attention to John Armstrong's work. If and when the truth of this case was finally exposed, who here thinks there would be anything but an unearthly roar of criticism!

Attached Files
.gif   Dolly1.gif (Size: 8.02 KB / Downloads: 104)
.gif   Dolly2.gif (Size: 11.67 KB / Downloads: 103)
.gif   Dolly3.gif (Size: 4.31 KB / Downloads: 103)

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996

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