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The strange tale of eugene dinkin..PRE KNOWLEDGE
CTRL] The Strange Tale of Eugene Dinkins
Sat, 19 Dec 1998 22:33:20 -0500
-Caveat Lector-In this story is one of the raison d' etre of this list. What I call 'readingthe river.' Eugene Dinkins called it "exercise[s] in 'psychological sets.'"OmK-----The Strange Tale of Eugene Dinkinsby Robert Mitchell The amazing facts contained in the follow-ing F.B.l. document, which we are reprintingin full, are true. Dinkin's story has beenverified through the existence of cablegramsbetween the C.l.A.'s Geneva andWashington offices. both before and afterthe Kennedy assassination. Careful examina-tion of those cablegrams, as well as otherdocuments. reveal that the C.I.A. activelytried to coverup the fact that prior toNovember 22, 1963 PFC Dinkin was at-tempting to reveal the existence of a plot toassassinate Kennedy. The cablegrams also,reveal that efforts were made to silenceDinkin and suppress the story. Following the assassination, publishedreports revealed that someone had advanceinformation of the assassination. and theWarren Commission requested to be fur-nished documents relative to the allegation.In a secret memo to J. Lee Rankin, ChiefCouncil of the Warren Commission, C.I.A.Deputy Director Richard Helms states "Im-mediately AFTER the assassination (oursource in) Geneva, Switzerland reportedallegations concerning a plot to assassinatePresident Kennedy were made by PFCEugene Dinkin, U.S. Army, on 6 and 7November. 1963." But Helms appeared tobe withholding the fact that the Agency hadknowledge of Dinkin's allegations prior tothe assassination.One of the cablegrams, titled "IN CABLENo. 56631," dated November 7 1963.reported on Dinkin's background and allega-tions of a plot. At the end of the cable,Geneva asked: "DIRECTOR: Advise any ac-tion desired. will continue to monitordevelopments via army attache, F.B.l,Geneva contacts, but will not become involv-ed visavis Swiss unless so directed." Thus. theC.I. A.. and others in the intelligence communi-ty had full knowledge of Dinkin's assertions.prior to the assassination. Evidence abounds that the cables wereweighted with subliminal suggestions, design-ed to give a predisposition to the notion thatPFC Dinkin was mentally unstable. For exam-ple, cablegrams tend to be written in short.choppy sentences. often including abbrevia-tions. omitting articles, and avoiding adjec-tives. However. when Dinkin is referred to,adjectives are freely added, intending to imp-ly that Dinkin was a crackpot. "IN CABLE56631" dated November 16. 1963 refers toDinkin's "Wild but amazing coincidence. . . "and states that Dinkin ". . . had given his wildstory in Souisee"(Switzerland). Later, itstates that a Time-Life stringer". . . RECOLLECTED. OR THOUGHTSHE RECOLLECTED TALE TOLD BYSUBJ." This wording subtly-throws a shadowof doubt on the corroborating reporter.Dinkin is further referred to as "unbalanced"on two separate occasions in this one, short cable. Evidence that the C.I.A. tried to suppressthe story and keep it from coming to the at-tention of the Secret Service, also, emerges.In early cable communications, pertinentfacts are conspicuously absent, thus carefullysuppressed. Coupled with evidence that thecables were weighted in an obvious attemptto discredit Dinkin indicates that the C. I. A.was trying to cover up the matter prior tothe Kennedy assassination in an effort tosilence the many who were attempting toexpose the plot But for the two journalistsin Geneva. the story might never have sur-faced. The shocking tale of what happened toEugene Dinkin following his revelations hasfinally come to light It includes frame up.false arrest and imprisonment. unlawfulmedical treatment. and medical malpractice.Dinkin has also suffered libel andmisrepresentation at the hands of theGovernment. Mr. Eugene B. Dinkin, 534 West Oakdale,Chicago. Illinois, advised that he had beenrecently discharged from the United StatesArmy after having been in detention for fourmonths while undergoing psychiatric tests. Dinkin advised that while stationed inEurope with the U.S. Army in 1963. he hadbegun a review of several newspapers in-cluding the Stars and Stripes as an exercisein "psychological sets." He explained that hehad taken courses in psychology at collegeand was extremely interested in this subjectmatter. He advised that "psychological sets''was a term referring to a series of events, ar-ticles, etcetera which, when coupledtogether, set up or induce a certain frame ofmind on the part of a person being exposedto the series. He stated that this method ofimplanting an idea was much in use by the"Madison Avenue" advertising people whoattempted to influence one who was expos-ed to these "psychological sets" to "buy"the product being advertised, whether thisproduce was physical or an idea. Dinkin stated that while so reviewing thenewspapers for "psychological sets" hediscovered that Stars and Stripes, as wellas certain unidentified Hearst newspapers,were carrying a series of "psychologicalsets" which he believed were deliberatelymaneuvered to set up a subconscious beliefon the part of one reading these papers tothe effect that President John F. Kennedywas "soft on communism" or "perhaps acommunist sympathizer." Further study ofthese newspapers and the "psychologicalsets" contained therein made it evident toMr. Dinkin that a conspiracy was in the mak-ing by the "military" of the United States.perhaps combined with an "ultra-righteconomic group," to make the people ofthe United States believe that President Ken-nedy was, in fact. a communist sympathizerand further, that this same group planned toassassinate the President and thus was prepar-ing these "psychological sets" to pave theway for this assassination to the point wherethe average citizen might well feel that"President Kennedy was sympathetic tocommunism and should have been killed. " Inaddition. Dinkin believed the "psychologicalsets" were adjusted to present a subliminalpredisposition to the effect that a "com-munist" would assassinate President Ken-nedy. Dinkin advised that he discussed histheories with certain individuals stationedwith him in the Army, but had declined tofurnish this information to persons ofauthority in the United States Army since hebelieved that the plot against President Ken-nedy was being set in motion by high rankingmembers of the military. He said that in Oc-tober, 1963. his research had not, in fact,reflected a certain date. but that he believedthe assassination would take place on orabout a religious or semi religious occasionwhich he felt would be picked by the groupbehind this plot in order that the murderitself would become even more reprehensi-ble to the average citizen because of thereligious connotations, since he believed thatthe plot consisted in part of throwing blamefor the assassination onto "radical left-wing"or "communist" suspects, he stated that thereligious tie-in would lead the average citizento accept more readily the theory that a"communist" committed the crime since"they were an atheistic group anyway." Dinkins advised that he had been in troublewith the officers of his military group, the599th Ordinance Group stationed in Ger-many, due to his refusal to purchase UnitedStates savings bonds. He stated that he wasagainst the enforced purchase of these bondsbecause of his political convictions whichmade him believe that the United Statesshould not spend 52 per cent of its incomefor material of war, part of which would befinanced by any enforced purchases made byhim. He stated that he had been outspoken inhis views concerning these bond purchases,and that he and others who felt thatcompulsory purchase of bonds was aninfringement on their civil rights, had beendenied "passes" as a result of their stand. As a result of his opposition to the bondpurchases. according to Dinkin, he wasremoved from his position in the code sec-tion and transferred to an Army Depot atMetz. France. On October 25, 1963. Dinkinwent to the United States Embassy at Lux-embourg where, he stated, he attempted forseveral hours so see a Mr. Cunningham, theCharge D'Affaires at the Embassy. He statedthat he sent word to Mr. Cunningham thathe had information concerning a plot toassassinate President Kennedy, and at onepoint spoke to Mr. Cunningham by phone.He said that Cunningham refused to see himin person or to review the newspapers andresearch papers which Dinkin said wereevidence proving his theory of the impendingassassination. Dinkin advised that he spent ap-proximately two hours with the UnitedStates Marine Corps guard at the Luxem-bourg Embassy and had generally set forth histheories to this individual, whose name he didnot know. Following this incident, Dinkin was notifiedby his superiors that he was to undergopsychiatric evaluation on November 5, 1963.Due to this pending development, Dinkin saidhe went absent without leave to GenevaSwitzerland, where he attempted to presenthis theory to the editor of the "GenevaDiplomat," a newspaper published inGeneva. Switzerland. In addition to thiseditor, Dinkin spoke to a Mr. Dewhirst(phonetic). a Newsweek reporter based atGeneva. Dewhirst would not listen toDinkin's theories. While in Switzerland,Dinkin attempted to contact officials ofTime-Life publications and succeeded inspeaking to the secretary, name unknown, ofthis organization in Zurich. According toDinkin, all of his efforts in Luxembourg andSwitzerland were made to present to ap-propriate officials his warning of the impen-ding assassination of President Kennedy. Hestated that he did not attempt to see thesepeople in connection with his personaldissatisfaction with the program of theUnited States Army in regards to bond pur-chases. When he was unable to accomplish his pur-pose in Switzerland. Dinkin advised that hethen returned to Germany where he gavehimself up to the custody of the militaryauthorities. Dinkin advised that he first became awareof this "plot" to assassinate President Ken-nedy in September. 1963. At first, he did nothave enough facts, as taken from thenewspapers, to support his theory, but as ofOctober 16. 1963, he felt that his researchinto the "psychological sets" had substan-tiated his theory. As of October 16. 1963.he wrote a registered letter to AttorneyGeneral Robert F. Kennedy in which letterhe set forth his theory that President Ken-nedy would be assassinated, adding that hebelieved that this assassination would occuron or about November 28. 1963. He statedthat he signed this letter with his own nameand requested he be interviewed by arepresentative of the Justice Department.He said that on the envelope, he placed thereturn address name of PFC Dennis DeWitt an Army friend. He said he did this topreclude anyone from intercepting this lettersince he felt that Army authorities might wellbe censoring his mail. He stated that he neverreceived any answer to this letter, nor washe ever contacted by any representative ofthe Justice Department prior to his interviewwith agents of the Federal Bureau of In-vestigation. Dinkin advised that on his return to thecustody of the United Sates Army inNovember 1963, he was held in detention.While in detention. he stated he was con-tacted by a white male who identified himselfverbally as a representative of the DefenseDepartment. This individual asked Dinkin forthe location of the newspapers which Dinkinhad compiled as his proof of the theory ofthe assassination of President Kennedy. Thisindividual stated that he desired to obtainthese proofs and would furnish Dinkin areceipt for the papers. Dinkin advised that heinstructed this individual as to where thepapers were located at the base, at whichpoint this man left. Dinkin advised that on hisrelease from detention, he discovered that allof his papers and notes were missing andpresumed that the individual mentionedabove had taken them. He never receivedany receipt for his papers. Mr. Dinkin advised that he had undergonenumerous psychiatric tests at Walter ReedArmy Hospital in Washington. D.C. Hestated that he was aware that the Armypsychiatrist had declared him to be"psychotic" and a "paranotic." He said thatseveral of the tests given him were familiar tohim from his studies in psychology at theUniversity of Chicago. Because of hisfamiliarity with these tests, and hisbackground knowledge as to what the testanswers should be, he believed it impossiblethat the results of these tests could haveshown him to be "psychotic" and' 'paranotic.'' He stated that: if he had desired.he could have "faked" the answers to provehe was sane even if he were, in fact. mentallydisturbed. Mr. Dinkin stated he believed thatthe psychiatric evaluation given him by theArmy psychiatrist was, in fact. and attempton their part to cover up the military plotwhich he had attempted to expose. Dinkin advised that during his detention atWalter Reed Army Hospital, arrangementshad been made through his family for him tobe given a psychiatric test by a privatepsychiatrist chosen by his family. He statedwhen these arrangements were finally made,he had declined the services at this privatephysician. Dinkin explained that he had reach-ed a point where his only desire was to bereleased from custody and discharged fromthe Army. He stated that in order to do this,he had felt it necessary to "go along" withthe examining Army psychiatrist and pretendthat he had. in fact been suffering from delu-sions but was now cured. He was afraid thatif an outside psychiatrist should examine himand be told by Dinkin the facts as set forthherein, that this psychiatrist would probablybelieve Dinkin to be mentally disturbed. andthis would result in further detention. Mr.Dinkin stated that he was well aware that histheory and the facts surrounding his attemptsto bring the theory to the proper authoritieswas extremely "wild" and could be con-strued by a person untrained in psychology tobe "crazy." Despite this, Mr. Dinkin advisedhe was still of the belief that there had been,in fact. a plot plot perpetrated by a "militarygroup" in the United States and aided andabetted by newspaper personnel workingwith this military group, which plot had to dowith the assassination of President John F.Kennedy. -YIPster Times, Jan/Feb. 1977-----Aloha, He'Ping,Om, Shalom, Salaam.Em Hotep, Peace Be,Omnia Bona Bonis,All My Relations.Adieu, Adios, Aloha.Amen.Roads EndKrisDECLARATION & DISCLAIMER==========CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandicscreeds are not allowed. Substancenot soapboxing! These are sordid mattersand 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outrightfrauds is used politically by different groups with major and minor effectsspread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial andnazi's need not apply.Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Lisa Pease in alt.conspiracy.jfk Jan.8th..1997

2 messages .......
Lisa Pease Jan 8 1997, 12:00 am show options
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk

Date: 1997/01/08
Subject: Pre-assassination Evidence

I went through the FBI's reels released in 1977 and found some interesting stuff on Dinkin. It would not surprise me if he'd "mad as a hatter" NOW, because he claimed to have been mentally tortured by the Army. Those of you who order our Nagell file (available by March from CTKA) will see that that's exactly what was done to Nagell, in spades. Anyway - this is from a 9 page FBI doc on the guy, dated 4/9/64. It's in report form and looks like this was what they gave the Warren Commission. Quote on: EUGENE B. DINKIN In December, 1963, it was reported that Beth Cox, who was residing in France with an American schoolmate, had a boyfriend named Howard C. Cowen stationed in Metz, France, with the United States Army.

Betch Cox was informed one of Howard C. Cowen's acquaintances "translated or decoded the G.I. paper's headlines to read 'Kennedy will be assassinated Thanksgiving Day,' and later changed it to read the very day he died.' On March 4, 1964, Lieutenant Colonel W. L. Adams, Jr., Assistand Chief of Staff, G-2, furnished the following...: Captain Howard C. Cowen, assigned to the United States Army Depot at Metz, France, advised on February 18, 1964, that during the evening of November 22, 1963, he conversed with an acquaintance named Dennis De Witt. During the conversation, De Witt said that a friend of his, Eugene Dinkin, had predicted President Kennedy's assassination for November 22, 1963. According to De Witt, Dinkin had first predicted that the assassination would take place on November 28, 1963, but later reportedly changed the date to November 22, 1963.

According to Colonel Adams, Captain Cowen reported the above conversation to officials of the 766th Army Intelligence Corps Detachment at Metz. A short time later, Captain Cowen also related his conversation to a girl friend named Beth Cox. ... Colonel Adams stated that Eugene B. Dinkin was the subject of a closed investigation by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, United States Army Communications Zone, Europe. [lisa's note: I've also read allegations that he was NSA, detailed to Army in Europe.] He advised further that according to local Army records at Metz, France, on February 18, 1964, PFC Eugene B. Dinkin, RA 16710292, was reassigned to Walter Reed Hospital, Washington D.C., as a patient on December 3, 1963 and was ordered to proceed to that destination on or about December 4, 1963. [skipping typical diagnosis that the guy was schizophrenic, pyschotic, history of depression, delusions of persecution - the typical stuff when someone badly wants to discredit everything you say.]

On April 1, 1964, Mr. Eugen B. Dinkin, ... advised Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he had been recently discharged from the United States Army after having been in detention for four months while undergoing psychiatric tests. Dinkin advised that while stationed in Europe with the United States Army in 1963, he had begun a review of several newspapers including the "Stars and Stripes" as an exercise in "pyschological sets". He explained that he had taken courses in psychology at college and was extremely interested in this subject matter. He advised that "psychological sets" was a term referring to a series of events, articles, et cetera which, when coupled together, set up or induce a certain frame of mind on the part of a person being exposed to this series.

He stated that this method of implanting an idea was much in use by the "Madison Avenue" advertising people who attempted to influence one who was exposed to these "psychological sets" to "buy" the product being advertised, whether this product was physical or an idea. [Subliminal seduction is another term for it. Such was in use here in early TV, then banned. But who checks, right?] Dinkin stated that while so reviewing the newspapers for "psychological sets", he discovered that "Stars and Stripes", as well as certain unidentified Hearst newspapers, were carrying a series of "psychological sets" which he believed were deliberately maneuvered to set up a subconscious belief on the part of one reading these papers to the effect that President John F. Kennedy was "soft on communism" or "perhaps a communist sympathizer". [Contrast that with today's line that he was a hardline Cold Warrior, ala Chris Matthews et al.]

Further study of these newspapers and the "psychological sets" contained therein made it evident to Mr. Dinkin that a conspiracy was in the making by the "military" of the United Stated, perhaps combined with an "ultra-right economic group", to make the people of the United States believe that President Kennedy was, in fact, a communist sympathizer and further, that this same group planned to assassinate the President and thus was preparing these "pyschological sets" to pave the way for this assassination to the point where the average citizen might well feel that "President Kennedy was sympathetic to communism and should have been killed."

In addition, Dinkin believed the "pyschological sets" were adjusted to present a subliminal predisposition to the effect that a "communist" would assassinate President Kennedy. Dinkin advised that he discussed his theories with certain individuals stationed with him in the Army, but had declined to furnish this information to persons of authority in the United States Army since he believed that the plot against President Kennedy was being set in motion by high ranking members of the military. He said that in October, 1963, his research into the "pyschological sets" appearing in "Stars and Stripes" had led him to the conclusion that the assassination of President Kennedy would occur on or about November 28, 1963.

He stated that his research had not, in fact, reflected a certain date, but that he believed the assassination would take place on or about a religious or semi-religious occasion which he felt would be picked by the group behind this plot in order that the murder itself would become even more reprehensible to the average citizen because of the religious connotations. Since he believed that the plot consisted in part of throwing blame for the assassination onto "radical left-wing" or "communist" suspects, he stated that the religious tie-in would lead the average citizen to accept more readily the theory that a "communist" committed the crime since "they were an aetheist group anyway." Dinkin advised that he had been in trouble with the officers of his military group, the 599th Ordnance Group stationed in Germany, due to his refusal to purchase United States savings bonds.

He stated that he was against the enforced purchase of these bonds because of his political convictions which made him believe that the United States should not spend 52 per cent of its income for materials of war, part of which would be financed by any enforced purchases made by him. He stated that he had been outspoken in his views concerning these bond purchases, and that he and others who felt that the compulsory purchase of bonds was an infringement on their civil rights, had been denied "passes" as a result of their stand. [He sounds totally sane to me!!]

As a result of his opposition to the bond purchases, according to Dinkin, he was removed from his position in the code section and transferred to an Army Depot at Metz, France. On October 25, 1963, Dinkin went to the United States Embassy at Luxembourg where, he stated, he attempted for several hours to see a Mr. Cunningham, the Charge d'Affaires at the Embassy. He stated that he sent word to Mr. Cunningham by phone. He said that Cunningham refused to see him in person or to review the newspapers and research papers which Dinkin said were evidence proving his theory of the impending assassination. Dinkin advised that he spent approximately two hours with the United States Marine Corps guard at the Luxembourg Embassy and had generally set forth his theories to this individual, whose name he did not know.

Following this incident, Dinkin was notified by his superiors that he was to undergo psychiatric evaluation on November 5, 1963. Due to this pending development, Dinkin said he went absent without leave to Geneva, Switzerland where he attempted to present his theory to the editor of the "Geneva Diplomat", a newspaper published in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition to this editor, Dinkin spoke to a Mr. Dewhirst, a "Newsweek" reporter based at Geneva. Dewhirst would not listen to Dinkin's theories.

While in Switzerland, Dinking attempted to contact officials of "Time-Life" publication and succeeded in speaking to the secretary, name unknown, of this organization in Zurich. According to Dinkin, all of his efforts in Luxembourg and Switzerland were made to present to appropriate officials his warning of the impending assassintion of President Kennedy. He stated that he did not attempt to see these people in connection with his personal dissatisfaction with the program of the United States Army as regards to bond purchases. When he was unable to accomplish his purpose in Switzerland, Dinkin advised that he then returned to Germany where he gave himself up to the custody of the military authorities. Dinkin advised that he first became aware of this "plot" to assassinated President Kennedy in September, 1963.

At first, he did not have enough facts, as taken from the newspapers, to support his theory, but as of October 16, 1963, he felt that his research into the "psychological sets" had substantiated his theory. As of October 16, 1963, he wrote a registered letter to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy [let's get the review board to look for THAT] in which letter he set forth his theory that President Kennedy would be assassinated, adding that he believed that this assassination would occur on or about November 28, 1963. He stated that he signed this letter with his own name and requested that he be interviewed by a representative of the Justice Department. He said that on the envelope, he placed the return address name of PFC Deniis De Witt, an Army friend. He said he did this to preclude anyone from intercepting this letter since he felt that Army authorities might well be censoring his mail [again, sounds very logical, very sane.] He stated that he never received any answer to this letter, nor was he ever contacted by any representative of the Justice Deparetment prior to this interview with Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Dinkin advised that the following individuals would have knowledge of his theory and predictions, having been informed of these predictions by Dinkin prior to November 22, 1963:
PFC Dennis De Witt
United States ARmy
PFC Larry Pullen
United States Army Headquarters Company
Seargeant Walter Reynolds
Headquarters Company, WSAGD
Dr. Afar (phonetic), a civilian psychology teacher employed by the
United States Army at Metz, France;
R. THomas
...Switzerland. Thomas is an Indian student attending the University at
Fribourg with whom Dinkins discussed his theories immediately prior to
his return from Switzerland to France.

Dinkin advised that on his return to the custody of the United States
Army in November 1963, he was held in detention. While in detention, he
stated he was contacted by a white male who identified himself verbally
as a representative of the Defense Department. This individual asked
Dinkin for the location of the newspapers which Dinkin had compiled as
proof of the theory of the assassination of President Kennedy. This
individual stated that he desired to obtain these proofs and would
furnish Dinkin a receipt for the papers. Dinkin advised that he
instructed this individual as to where the papers were located at the
base, at which point this man left. Dinkin advised that on his release
from detention, he discovered that all of his papers and notes were
missing and presumed that the individual mentioned above had taken them.
He never received any receipt for his papers.

Mr. Dinkin advised that he had undergone numerous psychiatric tests at
Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C. He stated that he was aware
that the Army psychiatrist had declared him to be "psychotic" and a
"paranotic". He said that several of the tests given him were familiar to
him from his studies in psychology at the University of Chicago. Because
of his familiarity with these tests, and his background knowledge as to
what the test answers should be, he believed it impossible that the
results of these tests could have shown him to be "psychotic" and
"paranotic". He stated that if he had desired, he could have "faked" the
answer to prove he was sane even if he were, in fact, mentally disturbed.

Mr. Dinkin stated he believed that the psychiatric evaluation given him
by the Army psychiatrist was, in fact, an attempt on their part to cover
up the military plot which he had attempted to expose.
Dinkin advised that during his detention at Walter Reed Army Hospital,
arrangements had been made through his family for him to be given a
psychiatric test by a private psychiatrist chosen by his family.

He stated when these arrangements were finally made, he had declined the
services of this private physician. Dinkin explained that he had reached
a point where his only desire was to be released from custody and
discharged from the Army. He sated that in order to do this, he had felt
it necessary to "go along" with the examining Army psychiatrist and
pretend that he had, in fact, been suffering from delusions but was now
cured. He was afraid that should an outside psychiatrist examine him and
be told by Dinkin the facts as set forth herein, that this psychiatrist
would probably believe Dinkin to be mentally disturbed, and this would
result in further detention for Dinkin.

Mr. Dinkin stated that he was well aware that his theory and the facts surrounding his attempts to
bring this theory to the proper authorities was extremely "wild" and could be construed by a person untrained in psychology to be "crazy". Despite this, Mr. Dinkin advised he was still of the belief that there
had been, in fact, a plot perpetrated by a "military group" in the United States and aided and abetted by newspaper personnel working with this military group, which plot had to do with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

See Dick Russell's - "The Man Who Knew Too Much" and : Noel Twyman's book "Bloody Treason" also.
Here is information re: Dinkin in the Mary Ferrell archives:

And from Noel Twyman's Bloody Treason:


Attached Files
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i have all the documents but am not posting them, as they can be found at the first link to mfs site...thanks, there are simply too many...i believe..thanks..b
This is a really incredible story. I think Dick Russell wrote about in The man Who Knew Too Much.

it is terribly overlooked.
Yes it was in Dick Russell's "The Man Who Knew Too Much".

Back in 2001, I brought the "Dinkin Dossier" up in the newsgroup alt. conspiracy.jfk. John McAdams tried to make a big deal about how the guy ended up in a mental hospital.

I asked him to name the type of mental illness that would allow its victim to predict with any degree of accuracy a future event.

That was in 2001.

I'm still waiting for an answer.
hi gil happy new year;

that sounds like mcadams, all mouth and no substance, you might say, could be he is still thinking...:banghead::loco:..take care best b
Thanks Bernice. And my most heartfelt wishes for a safe, happy, healthy and prosperous new year to you and your family.
It's also good to see that the original post was made by RoadsEnd in his CTRL forum.

Have a great and prosperous publishing new year Kris.

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Another victim of the Appian Way paved by the fascist steamroller of president Kennedy's Assassination.

What's amazing about this is the detective genius Dinkin showed in correctly interpreting the CIA propaganda being done in advance of the Assassination.
DOB: 6/10/38. POB: Chicago, IL. US Army personnel in Metz said Dinkin first predicted JFK to be assassinated 11/28/63 and then changed it to 11/22/63. U.S. Army PFC, Serial # RA 76710292. Received discharge from US Army after 4 months detention for psychological testing. (See DINKINS)
# RA 76710292, left his unit in Metz on 4 Nov 1963, day he was scheduled for psychiatric exam. Turned up in Geneva Nov 6-7 in Press Room of United Nations office. Told reporters he was being persecuted. (See DINKIN)
CD 321-b,p.5, CIA 227-648, CD 788; CD 943; CD 1107, pp. 354-362; CIA 19-530; CIA 22-531; CIA 121-53; CIA 227-648 (re-released as JFK 104-10015-10231 , Lifton's pp. 134-137); CIA 699-305; JFK Collection List, pg. 41 (AMKW 79); Kennedy Conspiracy, Flammonde, p. 162; The Man Who Knew Too Much, Russell, pp. 553-557; 104-10400-10041 ; 104-10400-10042 ; 104-10400-10043
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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